If God is


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
If God is really as against science and the attempting to understand his creation as you "assholes" say he is I don't want any part of it.

There's a 99% chance that there's no god anyways and I believe humanity must help its self and seek self betterment.

Teaching our children idiocy as the islamic schools of hamas teach their children is pure idiocy.
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I suspect that any god would agree with the need for humans to take care of themselves and would be proud of our mission to understand his creation.

So I aint taking it out on god so much as his dumb followers that think stupidity is the answer.
If God is really as against science and the attempting to understand his creation as you "assholes" say he is I don't want any part of it.

There's a 99% chance that there's no god anyways and I believe humanity must help its self and seek self betterment.

Teaching our children idiocy as the islamic schools of hamas teach their children is pure idiocy.
Great Doublespeak! Orwell would be proud of you!
There is proof that GOD is a fact. Christians don't hate science, they hate theories that are unobservable and not able to be duplicated yet are held as TRUTH while GOD cannot be discussed openly because that is a "belief." Secular beliefs are in no way superior to spiritual ones.
If God is really as against science and the attempting to understand his creation as you "assholes" say he is I don't want any part of it.

There's a 99% chance that there's no god anyways and I believe humanity must help its self and seek self betterment.

Teaching our children idiocy as the islamic schools of hamas teach their children is pure idiocy.

God IS science. Why would you think for a minute that He is against it? He uses it to create. Scientists aren't creating science, they find it. Newton didn't create gravity, he understood it.
How we know that is true, is the Bible described dimensions long ago. Long before we even knew they were there. One scientist concluded there are 4 known and 6 unseen dimensions according to Genesis. In the 12th. Century.
Secular scientists, like Einstein for instance, just couldn't get his figures to pan out. Including space time helped. Had he included one more dimension, his calculations would have been perfect. Now your guys are telling you the same thing Genesis told Maimonides, centuries before. God used physics to create dimensions. 4 seen. 6 unseen. Science said the others may be rolled up or something that keeps them from being seen. God said the exact same thing, only thousands of years ago. Science and God go together like hand and glove.

Science is telling you that what God has done, works. Energy, mass, space time, gravity. His laws work. For Him there are no theories. He knew how to create DNA. We stumbled on it recently. Now one of our best scientist thinks He has stumbled on God, scientifically. Our Father is the Nobel Prize.

And He loves you.
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If God is really as against science and the attempting to understand his creation as you "assholes" say he is I don't want any part of it.

There's a 99% chance that there's no god anyways and I believe humanity must help its self and seek self betterment.

Teaching our children idiocy as the islamic schools of hamas teach their children is pure idiocy.
Christians don't have a problem with real science. It's this unproven theretical BS that's the problem. Like evolution.
Christians don't have a problem with real science. It's this unproven theretical BS that's the problem. Like evolution.

Libtards like to believe all their bigotries are hard science.
That's the truth. They claim that the universe just popped into existence all by itself. They claim that life came from nonliving chemicals. And in spite of all the scientific evidence against it, they claim that all life evolved from a single cell creature. Then they call Christians idiots for believing in a "Sky Fairy." The Bible spoke about people like this. "Believing themselves wise, they became fools."
Christians don't have a problem with real science. It's this unproven theretical BS that's the problem. Like evolution.

Libtards like to believe all their bigotries are hard science.
That's the truth. They claim that the universe just popped into existence all by itself. They claim that life came from nonliving chemicals. And in spite of all the scientific evidence against it, they claim that all life evolved from a single cell creature. Then they call Christians idiots for believing in a "Sky Fairy." The Bible spoke about people like this. "Believing themselves wise, they became fools."

Christian: The eternal God created the universe.
Atheist: Who created God?
Christian: Atheists are too stupid to know what "eternal" means.

Atheist: Nothingness created the universe.
Christian: How did you reach that conclusion?
Atheist: Science!
Christian: You've created things in the lab using nothingness?
Christians don't have a problem with real science. It's this unproven theretical BS that's the problem. Like evolution.

Libtards like to believe all their bigotries are hard science.
That's the truth. They claim that the universe just popped into existence all by itself. They claim that life came from nonliving chemicals. And in spite of all the scientific evidence against it, they claim that all life evolved from a single cell creature. Then they call Christians idiots for believing in a "Sky Fairy." The Bible spoke about people like this. "Believing themselves wise, they became fools."

Christian: The eternal God created the universe.
Atheist: Who created God?
Christian: Atheists are too stupid to know what "eternal" means.

Atheist: Nothingness created the universe.
Christian: How did you reach that conclusion?
Atheist: Science!
Christian: You've created things in the lab using nothingness?
They really are that stupid. And they breed. God help us!
If God is really as against science and the attempting to understand his creation as you "assholes" say he is I don't want any part of it.

There's a 99% chance that there's no god anyways and I believe humanity must help its self and seek self betterment.

Teaching our children idiocy as the islamic schools of hamas teach their children is pure idiocy.

I have read several books from several religions and not one of them has ever said that God was against science. What you been smokin' dude?
If God is really as against science and the attempting to understand his creation as you "assholes" say he is I don't want any part of it.

There's a 99% chance that there's no god anyways and I believe humanity must help its self and seek self betterment.

Teaching our children idiocy as the islamic schools of hamas teach their children is pure idiocy.

I've always thought that science was the study of nature and nature was the way God does things; therefore, science is simply the study of the way God does things.

The Bible affirms that the Creator is known and understood by the results of His creative powers. The following versus are from the KJV (verse numbers eliminated for easier reading):

“The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard (Psalms 19:1-3).

“For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse” (Romans 1:20).

There is no conflict between science and God, nor could there be. Things cannot operate contrary to the design of their Creator. Pure solid lead will always sink in pure liquid water and all of creation will act and interact in strict accordance with the laws of God. This nature is constant and predictable for the world could not function otherwise. All advances in science and technology are merely the exploitation of newly discovered laws of nature. These principles are eternal and immutable but were not capable of being understand until man's knowledge had increased.

We have sent satellites into the far reaches of space and one day we may even colonize other planets. Using stem cells, we have grown an entire finger complete with a perfectly formed nail and there is no doubt that we will soon be able to regenerate human organs and limbs. We have even created entire new life forms using recombinant DNA. Sadly, we have also unleashed the devastating destructive forces hidden in the tiny atom. In the future we will continue to exploit the laws of God for both noble and evil purposes. That which does not conform to the unchanging laws of God can never be. Perhaps that is the hidden message in John 1:3 (KJV): “All things were made by him, and without him was not any thing made.”
If God is really as against science and the attempting to understand his creation as you "assholes" say he is I don't want any part of it.

There's a 99% chance that there's no god anyways and I believe humanity must help its self and seek self betterment.

Teaching our children idiocy as the islamic schools of hamas teach their children is pure idiocy.
yeah like humans are teaching it - how many ages have we been here and hunger is still around and hate is more prevalent. do the math

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