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If GOP is upset about Michele Obama's anti-obesity campaign...

um yes she does, she just would need a sponsor inside the house.


Does she have the right to use tax payer money to gain public support for it?
well every first lady has a budget approved by congress.
Bush had her reading cause. I dont think she should have billions, but a couple million? Eh i cant get to upset over that.

Its really a non issue for me. Didnt bother me when the Bushes did it with reading.

Pushing a cause with tax payer money is one thing.
Pushing legislatioin with tax payer money is another.

I think it is a valid cause for her to use taxpayer money to discuss the obesity issue. Educate the people, if you will.

I do not believe it appropriate for her to use tax payer money to push her idea of GOVERNMENT regulating what our children eat.
Its really a non issue for me. Didnt bother me when the Bushes did it with reading.

What legislation did Laura Bush propose, again?

She didnt.
She used tax payer money to educate parents in regard to the importance of reading to and with their children.

Something Michelle should be doing in regard to eating habits

Michelle, however, is pushing her idea that Givernment should regulate what children eat.

They are two different situations.

Plasma just doesnt see that.
Jarhead, I already addressed your bullshit comment about use of public money.

1. There's nothing new about it with Michelle that wasn't true for other (READ AS : REPUBLICAN) first ladies

2. Congress approves the funding for the First Lady so go yell at them

3. You can propose legislation yourself. AS CAN SHE. Don't change your comment now that you've been caught. You said she couldn't ...and we all can. Get your head out of your ass and be intellectually honest.

First Ladies use the money of the government for philanthropic reasons. That's NEVER going to change unless Congress goes and guts it out of the executive branch's budget.

It's fair, has been done forever, so stop being a whiny baby.
Jarhead, I already addressed your bullshit comment about use of public money.

1. There's nothing new about it with Michelle that wasn't true for other (READ AS : REPUBLICAN) first ladies

2. Congress approves the funding for the First Lady so go yell at them

3. You can propose legislation yourself. AS CAN SHE. Don't change your comment now that you've been caught. You said she couldn't ...and we all can. Get your head out of your ass and be intellectually honest.

First Ladies use the money of the government for philanthropic reasons. That's NEVER going to change unless Congress goes and guts it out of the executive branch's budget.

It's fair, has been done forever, so stop being a whiny baby.

please offer me an example of any other first lady that used tax payer money to gain support through TV ads and billboards for her own idea for legislation.

Show me one.
You DO know how the Office of the First Lady works, right? Apparently not.

1. They ALL get public funds. Republican/Democrat/Independent/Whig/Tory/Labour Party :)

2. They ALL have philanthropic campaigns. Kind of like Ms. America winners - they each choose an issue to address with the FUNDS they are given for their office.

A Brief History of First Ladies and Their Causes
You cant be a hypocrit for saying healthy eating is good for you. Thats a fact. I remember when Laura Bush had the literacy campaign and all the rpublicans telling her to stay out of their homes. good times...

No one is stupid enough to think healthy eating is bad for you. The issue is her trying to force people to do it when she doesn't do it.

Hence, hypocrite.

The first lady isn't an elected position. Why are we then ceding power to her to influence our lives?

How is she forcing anyone into healthy eating habits? Do you mean the Child Nutrition Reauthorization bill passed last year?
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what did Michelle propose?

Federal controll of what foods children have access to in schools and federal control over what vending machines are to be used in schools.


nvm found it....

yeah this really doesnt bother me in the least.

Thats fine.
A lot doesnt bother me too.
Doesnt mean things that dont bother me may bother other people.
You DO know how the Office of the First Lady works, right? Apparently not.

1. They ALL get public funds. Republican/Democrat/Independent/Whig/Tory/Labour Party :)

2. They ALL have philanthropic campaigns. Kind of like Ms. America winners - they each choose an issue to address with the FUNDS they are given for their office.

A Brief History of First Ladies and Their Causes

No0 one questioned that Vanquish.

Get with the program.
Jarhead, I already addressed your bullshit comment about use of public money.

1. There's nothing new about it with Michelle that wasn't true for other (READ AS : REPUBLICAN) first ladies

2. Congress approves the funding for the First Lady so go yell at them

3. You can propose legislation yourself. AS CAN SHE. Don't change your comment now that you've been caught. You said she couldn't ...and we all can. Get your head out of your ass and be intellectually honest.

First Ladies use the money of the government for philanthropic reasons. That's NEVER going to change unless Congress goes and guts it out of the executive branch's budget.

It's fair, has been done forever, so stop being a whiny baby.

please offer me an example of any other first lady that used tax payer money to gain support through TV ads and billboards for her own idea for legislation.

Show me one.

DUDE! Read the shit you write. It wasn't that long ago actually.

What drugs are you taking or concussions have you suffered that your attention span isn't that long.

THEY ALL get funds. And they ALL use them in public campaigns for causes.

Stop being a fuckwit.
you really are stupid huh?

Unintentional Irony is just the best!

Kelly's law-a law that would regulate certain foods for something. I forget the overall reason.
Being put forth by the mother of the dead child and she needed a sponsor in the house in order for it to even hit the commitee.

The mother isn't putting for anything, shitferbrains. She has led a movement to petition CONGRESS to take action on an issue that is important to her and other parents.

I actually can't find anything on a "Kelly's Law," but let's use "Megan's Law" as an example. The parents led a grassroots campaign to pressure the LEGISLATURE to take action, as they alone have the authority to propose, amend or pass legislation.

Stupid fuck.

California Megan's Law - California Department of Justice - Office of the Attorney General
You DO know how the Office of the First Lady works, right? Apparently not.

1. They ALL get public funds. Republican/Democrat/Independent/Whig/Tory/Labour Party :)

2. They ALL have philanthropic campaigns. Kind of like Ms. America winners - they each choose an issue to address with the FUNDS they are given for their office.

A Brief History of First Ladies and Their Causes

Nancy Reagan, 1981-1989
1981 was not Nancy Reagan's best year. She spent much of her husband's first months in office being dismissed and mocked as "Fancy Nancy," little more than an extravagant party-goer. Partly to negate this perception, she embarked on a campaign against drugs: "Just Say No." During the following years, the slogan inspired thousands to start "Just Say No" clubs and millions to participate in "Just Say No" marches. Her popularity saw a boost, and student drug and alcohol addiction — though by no means eradicated — decreased from one-third to one-fourth in the mid-80s.

Read more: A Brief History of First Ladies and Their Causes - Photo Essays - TIME

I bet these slogans came from Public funds.....Uh oh....

Laura Bush, 2001-2009
Soon after taking up in the White House, former librarian Laura Bush launched "Ready to Read, Ready to Learn" in an effort to prime young children for the world of literature. Laura followed in the footsteps of mother-in-law Barbara Bush, who helped pass the National Literacy Act in 1991. The Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy was christened in 1989 and has since helped fund more than 750 reading programs.

Read more: A Brief History of First Ladies and Their Causes - Photo Essays - TIME

How dare she help with legislation! thats not her job! As per Uncensored retarded thinking.

:clap2: but..but...thats different they were Republicans, see? :cuckoo:
You DO know how the Office of the First Lady works, right? Apparently not.

1. They ALL get public funds. Republican/Democrat/Independent/Whig/Tory/Labour Party :)

2. They ALL have philanthropic campaigns. Kind of like Ms. America winners - they each choose an issue to address with the FUNDS they are given for their office.

A Brief History of First Ladies and Their Causes

No0 one questioned that Vanquish.

Get with the program.

but you did.....Barbara passed an act. Well she had people do it for her. Then laura pushing even more.
Nancy used public funds to promote her no drugs shit...

when put into perspective of 30 years, what michelle is doing is really nothing.

where are the righties when Laura and Barb starting pushing their belief on reading?

Pushing no drugs was not pushing legislation it was pushing a cause.
Pushing reading was not pushing legislation, it was psuhing a cause
Pushing good eating habits is not pushing legislation, it is pushing a cause.

All are appropaite for first ladies to do with the use of tax payer money.

Pushing government control over what a child eats is not pushing a cause. It is pushing government control. Obesity is the cause. She is using tax payer money to push her solution of legislation.

That, to me, is crossing the line.
This is the difference between the left and the right. The Left take away rather than choice.
Example - must take away the salt in restaurants by law because people use too much salt. Instead of educating the public to the dangers of salt intake and doing it by yourself.
You DO know how the Office of the First Lady works, right? Apparently not.

1. They ALL get public funds. Republican/Democrat/Independent/Whig/Tory/Labour Party :)

2. They ALL have philanthropic campaigns. Kind of like Ms. America winners - they each choose an issue to address with the FUNDS they are given for their office.

A Brief History of First Ladies and Their Causes

I bet these slogans came from Public funds.....Uh oh....

Laura Bush, 2001-2009
Soon after taking up in the White House, former librarian Laura Bush launched "Ready to Read, Ready to Learn" in an effort to prime young children for the world of literature. Laura followed in the footsteps of mother-in-law Barbara Bush, who helped pass the National Literacy Act in 1991. The Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy was christened in 1989 and has since helped fund more than 750 reading programs.

Read more: A Brief History of First Ladies and Their Causes - Photo Essays - TIME

How dare she help with legislation! thats not her job! As per Uncensored retarded thinking.

:clap2: but..but...thats different they were Republicans, see? :cuckoo:

No one is critcizing her pushing the need for parents to ensure better eating habits for their children.

We are disagreeing with her solution of having government do the job for the parents.

Are we no longer allowed to ciriticize legislation becuase it is an Obama who is suggesting it?
You can't afford paper and a first class stamp, Jarhead?

Writing your congresscritter isn't "proposing legislation," stupidfuck.

{Article I - The Legislative Branch Note

Section 1 - The Legislature

All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.}

Standard Disclaimer: Expect to hear cries of "IT BURNS - It burns" from bodecea, as the preceding is from the US Constitution. The Constitution has the same effect on leftists as salt does on slugs. (No offense to slugs intended by the comparison!)

Um...yes it does. Anyone can propose....doesn't mean that Congress has to listen. But again, when it comes to the current President and First Lady, many of you get quite silly with your faux fears...suspending reality and expecting the rest of us to suspend reality along with you....then you get all pissy when we call you on your silliness.

I suspect your name calling is a defense mechanism because you already know your argument has no merit.
I’m waiting to hear the GOP base explain why Michelle Obama is a bad First Lady for advocating against childhood obesity, but Callista Gingrich would be a good First Lady even though she had an affair with a married man and broke up his marriage.

Anyone want to take a 'spin'? :lol:

why are you upset about a woman having an affair? you were fine with bubba getting a blowjob in the oval.. hypocrite much?

Hey!! Finally, a wingnut has the balls to address the OP.

Congrats on your big balls, WillowTree!

Would it be hypocritical for the Republicans to nominate a man who was carrying on an affair with his secretary, while married to the woman he had an affair with while married to his first wife?

The GOP is the one who attached such importance to presidential infidelity.

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