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If GOP is upset about Michele Obama's anti-obesity campaign...

These kinds of unwarrented personal attacks advance your arguments AGAINST the First Lady advocating we do something about Childhood Obesity......how?



Do you know what that word means?

To me..and likely to any intelligent person....intentionally spinning what someone says to discredit that person makes it a warranted action when that person points out what a pathetic tactic it is in a debate.

So I would not use the word unwarranted....because, once again, you are wrong.

So, you think that it is totally warranted to deflect from the topic of the First Lady being against Childhood Obesity by making this about me personally?

Hmmmm, that's how you think you win arguments? By going off topic and making it about name-calling the person are are arguing with?

We call that losing....going personal is for those who cannot forward a decent argument. It's the equivalent of saying "Oh yeah? Well, you're ugly and your momma's ugly too" on an Elementary school yard.

So...again, either a) show us what is so horrible about the First Lady advocating AGAINST Childhood obesity, or b) show us that we do not have a problem with Childhood obesity, or c) show us where the First Lady is FORCING us to make nutritional decisions for our children and will be charged with child abuse/neglect if we don't follow her forced plan.

Good luck. (and try not to make it about me again.....that's a loser's tact)

He thinks he wins arguments?
Um...yes it does. Anyone can propose....doesn't mean that Congress has to listen.

Words have meanings, shitferbrains.

To "propose legislation" means to present to a legislative body a proposal for law.

No one save a legislator may do that on the federal level.

California and a few other states have an initiative process whereby citizens may propose legislation, but on the federal level this is reserved to the legislature per the Constitution.


Do you know what that word means?

To me..and likely to any intelligent person....intentionally spinning what someone says to discredit that person makes it a warranted action when that person points out what a pathetic tactic it is in a debate.

So I would not use the word unwarranted....because, once again, you are wrong.

So, you think that it is totally warranted to deflect from the topic of the First Lady being against Childhood Obesity by making this about me personally?

Hmmmm, that's how you think you win arguments? By going off topic and making it about name-calling the person are are arguing with?

We call that losing....going personal is for those who cannot forward a decent argument. It's the equivalent of saying "Oh yeah? Well, you're ugly and your momma's ugly too" on an Elementary school yard.

So...again, either a) show us what is so horrible about the First Lady advocating AGAINST Childhood obesity, or b) show us that we do not have a problem with Childhood obesity, or c) show us where the First Lady is FORCING us to make nutritional decisions for our children and will be charged with child abuse/neglect if we don't follow her forced plan.

Good luck. (and try not to make it about me again.....that's a loser's tact)

I have done nothing but debate this intelligently with a multitude of posts and you continued to chime in and ruin the debate by taking my posts and intentionally spinning what I was saying.

So I did not divert from the debate. You tried to ruin a good debate and I simply called you out on it.

Now go away. You have added nothing to this debate but sarcasm and spin.

Go play somewhere else where such chilish actions are acceptable.

This is your definition of "I have done nothing but debate this intelligently"???

You are a pathetic poster on this board.

and this???

You truly are a pathetic addition to this board....and completely out of your league when it comes to an intelligent debate.

If your answer is "Yes", then I think I can see where your problem is.
This is the difference between the left and the right. The Left take away rather than choice.
Example - must take away the salt in restaurants by law because people use too much salt. Instead of educating the public to the dangers of salt intake and doing it by yourself.

The left views themselves as more qualified to make the decisions affecting your life than you are. They believe they have not only the right, but the duty to micro-manage your life.
I’m waiting to hear the GOP base explain why Michelle Obama is a bad First Lady for advocating against childhood obesity, but Callista Gingrich would be a good First Lady even though she had an affair with a married man and broke up his marriage.

Anyone want to take a 'spin'? :lol:

why are you upset about a woman having an affair? you were fine with bubba getting a blowjob in the oval.. hypocrite much?

Just wanted to point out for those who may not have figured it out on their own already that there is a huge difference between being "fine with" something and not thinking it's worth millions to investigate and more money and time to impeach over.
So, you think that it is totally warranted to deflect from the topic of the First Lady being against Childhood Obesity by making this about me personally?

Hmmmm, that's how you think you win arguments? By going off topic and making it about name-calling the person are are arguing with?

We call that losing....going personal is for those who cannot forward a decent argument. It's the equivalent of saying "Oh yeah? Well, you're ugly and your momma's ugly too" on an Elementary school yard.

So...again, either a) show us what is so horrible about the First Lady advocating AGAINST Childhood obesity, or b) show us that we do not have a problem with Childhood obesity, or c) show us where the First Lady is FORCING us to make nutritional decisions for our children and will be charged with child abuse/neglect if we don't follow her forced plan.

Good luck. (and try not to make it about me again.....that's a loser's tact)

I have done nothing but debate this intelligently with a multitude of posts and you continued to chime in and ruin the debate by taking my posts and intentionally spinning what I was saying.

So I did not divert from the debate. You tried to ruin a good debate and I simply called you out on it.

Now go away. You have added nothing to this debate but sarcasm and spin.

Go play somewhere else where such chilish actions are acceptable.

This is your definition of "I have done nothing but debate this intelligently"???

You are a pathetic poster on this board.

and this???

You truly are a pathetic addition to this board....and completely out of your league when it comes to an intelligent debate.

If your answer is "Yes", then I think I can see where your problem is.


there you go again. We were having a great, intelligent debate...and you chime in again.

And what do you do?

You ignore my dozen plus posts in this thread and instead cherry pick two lines where I responded to your continued intentional spinning of what IO said to ridicule me and ruin a good debate.

Plasma and Vanquish....we dont see eye to eye on this topic and that is fine...but I believe we had a great debate.

Not quite sure why Bodecea was unable to see this.
Jarhead, I already addressed your bullshit comment about use of public money.

1. There's nothing new about it with Michelle that wasn't true for other (READ AS : REPUBLICAN) first ladies

2. Congress approves the funding for the First Lady so go yell at them

3. You can propose legislation yourself. AS CAN SHE. Don't change your comment now that you've been caught. You said she couldn't ...and we all can. Get your head out of your ass and be intellectually honest.

First Ladies use the money of the government for philanthropic reasons. That's NEVER going to change unless Congress goes and guts it out of the executive branch's budget.

It's fair, has been done forever, so stop being a whiny baby.

please offer me an example of any other first lady that used tax payer money to gain support through TV ads and billboards for her own idea for legislation.

Show me one.

JUST SAY NO to ridiculous faux outrage.
Its really a non issue for me. Didnt bother me when the Bushes did it with reading.

What legislation did Laura Bush propose, again?

She didnt.
She used tax payer money to educate parents in regard to the importance of reading to and with their children.

Something Michelle should be doing in regard to eating habits

Michelle, however, is pushing her idea that Givernment should regulate what children eat.

They are two different situations.

Plasma just doesnt see that.

It's bigger than that it goes to what schools should now serve, moitoring what parents send kids to school with, higher taxation of certain foods etc....

It's nanny state crap. If it was simply sound advice this wouldn't be an issue.
Jarhead, I already addressed your bullshit comment about use of public money.

1. There's nothing new about it with Michelle that wasn't true for other (READ AS : REPUBLICAN) first ladies

2. Congress approves the funding for the First Lady so go yell at them

3. You can propose legislation yourself. AS CAN SHE. Don't change your comment now that you've been caught. You said she couldn't ...and we all can. Get your head out of your ass and be intellectually honest.

First Ladies use the money of the government for philanthropic reasons. That's NEVER going to change unless Congress goes and guts it out of the executive branch's budget.

It's fair, has been done forever, so stop being a whiny baby.

please offer me an example of any other first lady that used tax payer money to gain support through TV ads and billboards for her own idea for legislation.

Show me one.

JUST SAY NO to ridiculous faux outrage.

"Just say no" was legislation?


Shoo....go away.
no if i was a thug, i would break your fucking knees caps with a baseball bat and take your fucking money.

If you thought you could pull it off and get away with it, there is little doubt you would do that.

and no i feel you should be able to eat and do what you like, but kids dont get all the rights we do. Schools are not 100% all right areas.

And you view yourself, rather than the parents as the appropriate arbiter of how they should raise their children.

I understand.

Hey, here's a word reserved just for you "Stupidfuck."

It defines you like no other word can.
Jarhead, I already addressed your bullshit comment about use of public money.

1. There's nothing new about it with Michelle that wasn't true for other (READ AS : REPUBLICAN) first ladies

2. Congress approves the funding for the First Lady so go yell at them

3. You can propose legislation yourself. AS CAN SHE. Don't change your comment now that you've been caught. You said she couldn't ...and we all can. Get your head out of your ass and be intellectually honest.

First Ladies use the money of the government for philanthropic reasons. That's NEVER going to change unless Congress goes and guts it out of the executive branch's budget.

It's fair, has been done forever, so stop being a whiny baby.

please offer me an example of any other first lady that used tax payer money to gain support through TV ads and billboards for her own idea for legislation.

Show me one.

DUDE! Read the shit you write. It wasn't that long ago actually.

What drugs are you taking or concussions have you suffered that your attention span isn't that long.

THEY ALL get funds. And they ALL use them in public campaigns for causes.

Stop being a fuckwit.

It is a problem because it is THIS President and THIS First Lady.
This is the difference between the left and the right. The Left take away rather than choice.
Example - must take away the salt in restaurants by law because people use too much salt. Instead of educating the public to the dangers of salt intake and doing it by yourself.

The Left is taking away salt in restaurants? Really? Where can I read up on that? Because if we are, we're not doing a good job...I still see salt at restaurants I go to.
Jarhead, I already addressed your bullshit comment about use of public money.

1. There's nothing new about it with Michelle that wasn't true for other (READ AS : REPUBLICAN) first ladies

2. Congress approves the funding for the First Lady so go yell at them

3. You can propose legislation yourself. AS CAN SHE. Don't change your comment now that you've been caught. You said she couldn't ...and we all can. Get your head out of your ass and be intellectually honest.

First Ladies use the money of the government for philanthropic reasons. That's NEVER going to change unless Congress goes and guts it out of the executive branch's budget.

It's fair, has been done forever, so stop being a whiny baby.

please offer me an example of any other first lady that used tax payer money to gain support through TV ads and billboards for her own idea for legislation.

Show me one.

DUDE! Read the shit you write. It wasn't that long ago actually.

What drugs are you taking or concussions have you suffered that your attention span isn't that long.

THEY ALL get funds. And they ALL use them in public campaigns for causes.

Stop being a fuckwit.


Why dont YOU read what I write.

My question was what first lady used tax payer money to push LEGISLATION.

Why do you keep ignoring that part of my question?

I have done nothing but agree that it is appropriate for her to have obesity as a cause and spend money educating the public as it pertains to proper eating habits.

But I also keep saying it crosses the line when she uses tax payer money to push legislation that GOVERNMENT should control the eating habits of the people.


STOP ignoring that word!


Do you know what that word means?

To me..and likely to any intelligent person....intentionally spinning what someone says to discredit that person makes it a warranted action when that person points out what a pathetic tactic it is in a debate.

So I would not use the word unwarranted....because, once again, you are wrong.

So, you think that it is totally warranted to deflect from the topic of the First Lady being against Childhood Obesity by making this about me personally?

Hmmmm, that's how you think you win arguments? By going off topic and making it about name-calling the person are are arguing with?

We call that losing....going personal is for those who cannot forward a decent argument. It's the equivalent of saying "Oh yeah? Well, you're ugly and your momma's ugly too" on an Elementary school yard.

So...again, either a) show us what is so horrible about the First Lady advocating AGAINST Childhood obesity, or b) show us that we do not have a problem with Childhood obesity, or c) show us where the First Lady is FORCING us to make nutritional decisions for our children and will be charged with child abuse/neglect if we don't follow her forced plan.

Good luck. (and try not to make it about me again.....that's a loser's tact)

He thinks he wins arguments?

Well....I was trying to be nice enough for the two of us....


Do you know what that word means?

To me..and likely to any intelligent person....intentionally spinning what someone says to discredit that person makes it a warranted action when that person points out what a pathetic tactic it is in a debate.

So I would not use the word unwarranted....because, once again, you are wrong.

So, you think that it is totally warranted to deflect from the topic of the First Lady being against Childhood Obesity by making this about me personally?

Hmmmm, that's how you think you win arguments? By going off topic and making it about name-calling the person are are arguing with?

We call that losing....going personal is for those who cannot forward a decent argument. It's the equivalent of saying "Oh yeah? Well, you're ugly and your momma's ugly too" on an Elementary school yard.

So...again, either a) show us what is so horrible about the First Lady advocating AGAINST Childhood obesity, or b) show us that we do not have a problem with Childhood obesity, or c) show us where the First Lady is FORCING us to make nutritional decisions for our children and will be charged with child abuse/neglect if we don't follow her forced plan.

Good luck. (and try not to make it about me again.....that's a loser's tact)

He thinks he wins arguments?

I debate.
Some I win, some I lose.
Been many times on here where I admitted defeat in a debate...and learned from it.
But if you wish to make a judgement call on me based n the little we have interacted on here....go for it.
This is the difference between the left and the right. The Left take away rather than choice.
Example - must take away the salt in restaurants by law because people use too much salt. Instead of educating the public to the dangers of salt intake and doing it by yourself.

The Left is taking away salt in restaurants? Really? Where can I read up on that? Because if we are, we're not doing a good job...I still see salt at restaurants I go to.
I ate at Bonefish last night (I had the Mahi-Mahi, thank you very much) and there were SALT SHAKERS ON EVERY TABLE!!!! I thought Michele was going to burst in at any moment with guns blazing! :lol:

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