If guns are the problem…why did Spike Lee agree with me and not the gun grabbers....

No….I have been constantly making that point….especially when you anti gun extremists try to use Europe and Australia to call for gun banning…check my posts…

Don't sit here and lie on the internet, you revisionist prick. The internet has a memory. YOU check MY posts, retard --- I have never called for any such "gun banning", not from the first day I got here, on exactly this issue (I signed up here directly between Bob Costas and Sandy Hook). I have spelled that out over and over that it's gun culture.

You're not getting away with that you fucking LIAR. We did this only a week ago where I laid out the same thing and you went :lalala: --- and now you want to pretend you had it all along? FUCK you. :fu:

To repeat…we have a criminal thug culture that uses guns to murder people…

We also have a normal gun culture of normal people who use guns for sport, hunting, self defense, collecting, tinkering and don't use them to murder people..and by far this is the largest group of gun owners in the United States……

We have a culture that fetishizes firearms, PERIOD. In television, books, movies, video games, comics, even everyday language and sports. Sound familiar? It should. IT'S WHAT I'VE BEEN SAYING HERE FOR THREE YEARS you ignornant hack.

Democrats, who make up the thug gun culture do almost all of the shooting….and get murdered the majority of the time….

Horse fucking shit. You don't get a voter ID with a shooter, and you damn well know it.

Fucking retard.

Hey asshole…read my posts……I even answered a direct question from you……about wether we have a gun culture and I answered we have two…do you remember that you ignorant moron…..?

And any time you fools bring up Europe or Japan or Australia and why they have fewer gun murders…I always point out it is culture, not access to guns since Europe and Australia have easy access to guns for their criminals and Japan has always had a low crime rate and you could give every Japanese citizen a gun and let them carry it everywhere and they would still have a low gun murder rate…..

Try reading what I post moron……

You obviously have me mistaken for someone else or you wouldn't have made this post moron……

Can someone else explain to this idiot what I have continuously posted over and over and over again…?

Here you go, you lying asshole fuck. Check the date on this post:

Let's once again define terms: "gun culture" doesn't mean "the population of gun owners". It means the idea of idolizing guns, worshiping them to the point that it becomes the codpiece of our time and the go-to tool for any occasion where some asshole so much as cuts you off in traffic. That's what "attitude" means. And that's why I prefer my own term, "gun fetishism" so there's no confusion.

Again, watch the O'Reilly video. Bob Costas spells all this out. The gun culture is about the mentality of genuflecting before Lord Gun Almighty -- not just owning one. That's what "culture" means; mentality and values. This is about what kind of values we place on Almighty Gun. If this concept is not abundantly obvious, just check your own avatar.

.... No one but you and the bubble you're in said anything about "taking away people's anything".

Look it up: I've never said word one about gun control or gun laws. Not in this thread, not on this website, not on any website anywhere, at any time. It's not my issue. I am no more talking legal/constitutional issues here than Bob Costas and Jason Whitlock were. What all three of us are talking about is a social issue. That's my field and that's what I actually do write about.

Now check my "join" date. Less than 48 hours in, and it didn't start there.

Your turn --- YOU quote where I *ever* called for "banning" anything.

Fucking lying HACK.

Dipshit….there is no date on those posts….

You're actually going to try to lie about that too?
Want me to screenshot it and show the whole world what a liar you are, graphically?

post 14 screenshot.jpg

-- what's that say in the upper left?

Fucking LIAR.
We can't ban the people but we can ban the guns. Low hanging fruit first...
You really don't think much past the end of your nose do you?
The root of the problem is people. We can't get rid of them but we can their deadly toys.
why can't we get rid of people? If someone kills someone with a gun execute their sorry asses. What is wrong with that? You don't think that would start to deter the use? Yeppers man.
No….I have been constantly making that point….especially when you anti gun extremists try to use Europe and Australia to call for gun banning…check my posts…

Don't sit here and lie on the internet, you revisionist prick. The internet has a memory. YOU check MY posts, retard --- I have never called for any such "gun banning", not from the first day I got here, on exactly this issue (I signed up here directly between Bob Costas and Sandy Hook). I have spelled that out over and over that it's gun culture.

You're not getting away with that you fucking LIAR. We did this only a week ago where I laid out the same thing and you went :lalala: --- and now you want to pretend you had it all along? FUCK you. :fu:

To repeat…we have a criminal thug culture that uses guns to murder people…

We also have a normal gun culture of normal people who use guns for sport, hunting, self defense, collecting, tinkering and don't use them to murder people..and by far this is the largest group of gun owners in the United States……

We have a culture that fetishizes firearms, PERIOD. In television, books, movies, video games, comics, even everyday language and sports. Sound familiar? It should. IT'S WHAT I'VE BEEN SAYING HERE FOR THREE YEARS you ignornant hack.

Democrats, who make up the thug gun culture do almost all of the shooting….and get murdered the majority of the time….

Horse fucking shit. You don't get a voter ID with a shooter, and you damn well know it.

Fucking retard.

Hey asshole…read my posts……I even answered a direct question from you……about wether we have a gun culture and I answered we have two…do you remember that you ignorant moron…..?

And any time you fools bring up Europe or Japan or Australia and why they have fewer gun murders…I always point out it is culture, not access to guns since Europe and Australia have easy access to guns for their criminals and Japan has always had a low crime rate and you could give every Japanese citizen a gun and let them carry it everywhere and they would still have a low gun murder rate…..

Try reading what I post moron……

You obviously have me mistaken for someone else or you wouldn't have made this post moron……

Can someone else explain to this idiot what I have continuously posted over and over and over again…?

Here you go, you lying asshole fuck. Check the date on this post:

Let's once again define terms: "gun culture" doesn't mean "the population of gun owners". It means the idea of idolizing guns, worshiping them to the point that it becomes the codpiece of our time and the go-to tool for any occasion where some asshole so much as cuts you off in traffic. That's what "attitude" means. And that's why I prefer my own term, "gun fetishism" so there's no confusion.

Again, watch the O'Reilly video. Bob Costas spells all this out. The gun culture is about the mentality of genuflecting before Lord Gun Almighty -- not just owning one. That's what "culture" means; mentality and values. This is about what kind of values we place on Almighty Gun. If this concept is not abundantly obvious, just check your own avatar.

.... No one but you and the bubble you're in said anything about "taking away people's anything".

Look it up: I've never said word one about gun control or gun laws. Not in this thread, not on this website, not on any website anywhere, at any time. It's not my issue. I am no more talking legal/constitutional issues here than Bob Costas and Jason Whitlock were. What all three of us are talking about is a social issue. That's my field and that's what I actually do write about.

Now check my "join" date. Less than 48 hours in, and it didn't start there.

Your turn --- YOU quote where I *ever* called for "banning" anything.

Fucking lying HACK.

Dipshit….there is no date on those posts….

You're actually going to try to lie about that too?
Want me to screenshot it and show the whole world what a liar you are, graphically?

View attachment 54558

-- what's that say in the upper left?

Fucking LIAR.

Oh look LIARBOY -- here we are less than a week ago -- this is you, whining about me saying exactly what I said I've been saying:

What is the best way to reduce mass shootings?

The only one proven to do that, is to let all law-abiding adults own and carry guns.

If you're so bereft of creative thought that you think there's an "only way" and you're not willing to listen to alternatives that may challenge that only-ness --- then what the fuck was the purpose of starting this thread?

You are more than free to share your wisdom on the matter……..we are waiting…..


I did that when this thread first started. It was ignored as inconvenient. I revived it again periodically. It's still ignored. Now you're "waiting?!?

After a thousand posts the OP sees no alternative to his preconception, yet he started a thread asking that very question.

That's kinda fucked up.

You offered up things that would not do anything…..that isn't offering anything useful.

Well imagine that. Me talking about how it's culture, you going :lalala: and talking about "waiting" to hear an idea.

Meanwhile this is me in the same thread over a THOUSAND POSTS PRIOR:

What we do about that has little to nothing to do with gun laws. We go to the root causes, which are a cultural value system that glorifies firearms, violence and death, coupled with individual crises of masculinity -- which means power. Virtually without exception every mass shooter is on some kind of power crisis trip, snaps, and takes this avenue to address it as a final act of desperation.

Address those, and we take away the fire's fuel. Ignore the fuel, and prepare to fight more fires forever.

Wellllll doggies. There's me saying the same thing a month ago I was saying three years ago, exactly what I said I've been saying all along, and there's you going it "isn't offering anything useful".

And now today you're suddenly all in on what I've been saying as something "useful"?

Yer a fucking hypocrite.
We can't ban the people but we can ban the guns. Low hanging fruit first...
You really don't think much past the end of your nose do you?
The root of the problem is people. We can't get rid of them but we can their deadly toys.
why can't we get rid of people? If someone kills someone with a gun execute their sorry asses. What is wrong with that? You don't think that would start to deter the use? Yeppers man.
We already do that, it doesn't change a thing. In my version of gun control however if you have one, and you aren't in uniform, you are as good as dead.
We can't ban the people but we can ban the guns. Low hanging fruit first...
You really don't think much past the end of your nose do you?
The root of the problem is people. We can't get rid of them but we can their deadly toys.
why can't we get rid of people? If someone kills someone with a gun execute their sorry asses. What is wrong with that? You don't think that would start to deter the use? Yeppers man.
We already do that, it doesn't change a thing. In my version of gun control however if you have one, and you aren't in uniform, you are as good as dead.
no we don't, we take fifteen years to put someone down for an obvious violent gun act. Fifteen years. Hell even put it on hold in many states. Nope you're wrong again.
We can't ban the people but we can ban the guns. Low hanging fruit first...
You really don't think much past the end of your nose do you?
The root of the problem is people. We can't get rid of them but we can their deadly toys.
why can't we get rid of people? If someone kills someone with a gun execute their sorry asses. What is wrong with that? You don't think that would start to deter the use? Yeppers man.
We already do that, it doesn't change a thing. In my version of gun control however if you have one, and you aren't in uniform, you are as good as dead.
no we don't, we take fifteen years to put someone down for an obvious violent gun act. Fifteen years. Hell even put it on hold in many states. Nope you're wrong again.
It doesn't matter how long it takes, or that it isn't done in all states, we still do it and it changes nothing. It never has.
You really don't think much past the end of your nose do you?
The root of the problem is people. We can't get rid of them but we can their deadly toys.
why can't we get rid of people? If someone kills someone with a gun execute their sorry asses. What is wrong with that? You don't think that would start to deter the use? Yeppers man.
We already do that, it doesn't change a thing. In my version of gun control however if you have one, and you aren't in uniform, you are as good as dead.
no we don't, we take fifteen years to put someone down for an obvious violent gun act. Fifteen years. Hell even put it on hold in many states. Nope you're wrong again.
It doesn't matter how long it takes, or that it isn't done in all states, we still do it and it changes nothing. It never has.
no, no we don't friend. No we don't. Again, to be a deterrent you have to have the process immediate while the gun is hot otherwise, it doesn't have any value at all. To say someone is mentally ill will also keep them out of death row. oh my you have no clue.
The root of the problem is people. We can't get rid of them but we can their deadly toys.
why can't we get rid of people? If someone kills someone with a gun execute their sorry asses. What is wrong with that? You don't think that would start to deter the use? Yeppers man.
We already do that, it doesn't change a thing. In my version of gun control however if you have one, and you aren't in uniform, you are as good as dead.
no we don't, we take fifteen years to put someone down for an obvious violent gun act. Fifteen years. Hell even put it on hold in many states. Nope you're wrong again.
It doesn't matter how long it takes, or that it isn't done in all states, we still do it and it changes nothing. It never has.
no, no we don't friend. No we don't. Again, to be a deterrent you have to have the process immediate while the gun is hot otherwise, it doesn't have any value at all. To say someone is mentally ill will also keep them out of death row. oh my you have no clue.
Not what you said. You said execute people who kill others with guns, which we do here, and it matters not a damn either way. Just a waste of time and money,
why can't we get rid of people? If someone kills someone with a gun execute their sorry asses. What is wrong with that? You don't think that would start to deter the use? Yeppers man.
We already do that, it doesn't change a thing. In my version of gun control however if you have one, and you aren't in uniform, you are as good as dead.
no we don't, we take fifteen years to put someone down for an obvious violent gun act. Fifteen years. Hell even put it on hold in many states. Nope you're wrong again.
It doesn't matter how long it takes, or that it isn't done in all states, we still do it and it changes nothing. It never has.
no, no we don't friend. No we don't. Again, to be a deterrent you have to have the process immediate while the gun is hot otherwise, it doesn't have any value at all. To say someone is mentally ill will also keep them out of death row. oh my you have no clue.
Not what you said. You said execute people who kill others with guns, which we do here, and it matters not a damn either way. Just a waste of time and money,
no it isn't. sorry, state of illinois death penalty on hold or haven't you heard that. So, in the most gun fun city, there is no death penalty so don't go away mad, just go away.
No….I have been constantly making that point….especially when you anti gun extremists try to use Europe and Australia to call for gun banning…check my posts…

Don't sit here and lie on the internet, you revisionist prick. The internet has a memory. YOU check MY posts, retard --- I have never called for any such "gun banning", not from the first day I got here, on exactly this issue (I signed up here directly between Bob Costas and Sandy Hook). I have spelled that out over and over that it's gun culture.

You're not getting away with that you fucking LIAR. We did this only a week ago where I laid out the same thing and you went :lalala: --- and now you want to pretend you had it all along? FUCK you. :fu:

To repeat…we have a criminal thug culture that uses guns to murder people…

We also have a normal gun culture of normal people who use guns for sport, hunting, self defense, collecting, tinkering and don't use them to murder people..and by far this is the largest group of gun owners in the United States……

We have a culture that fetishizes firearms, PERIOD. In television, books, movies, video games, comics, even everyday language and sports. Sound familiar? It should. IT'S WHAT I'VE BEEN SAYING HERE FOR THREE YEARS you ignornant hack.

Democrats, who make up the thug gun culture do almost all of the shooting….and get murdered the majority of the time….

Horse fucking shit. You don't get a voter ID with a shooter, and you damn well know it.

Fucking retard.

Hey asshole…read my posts……I even answered a direct question from you……about wether we have a gun culture and I answered we have two…do you remember that you ignorant moron…..?

And any time you fools bring up Europe or Japan or Australia and why they have fewer gun murders…I always point out it is culture, not access to guns since Europe and Australia have easy access to guns for their criminals and Japan has always had a low crime rate and you could give every Japanese citizen a gun and let them carry it everywhere and they would still have a low gun murder rate…..

Try reading what I post moron……

You obviously have me mistaken for someone else or you wouldn't have made this post moron……

Can someone else explain to this idiot what I have continuously posted over and over and over again…?

Here you go, you lying asshole fuck. Check the date on this post:

Let's once again define terms: "gun culture" doesn't mean "the population of gun owners". It means the idea of idolizing guns, worshiping them to the point that it becomes the codpiece of our time and the go-to tool for any occasion where some asshole so much as cuts you off in traffic. That's what "attitude" means. And that's why I prefer my own term, "gun fetishism" so there's no confusion.

Again, watch the O'Reilly video. Bob Costas spells all this out. The gun culture is about the mentality of genuflecting before Lord Gun Almighty -- not just owning one. That's what "culture" means; mentality and values. This is about what kind of values we place on Almighty Gun. If this concept is not abundantly obvious, just check your own avatar.

.... No one but you and the bubble you're in said anything about "taking away people's anything".

Look it up: I've never said word one about gun control or gun laws. Not in this thread, not on this website, not on any website anywhere, at any time. It's not my issue. I am no more talking legal/constitutional issues here than Bob Costas and Jason Whitlock were. What all three of us are talking about is a social issue. That's my field and that's what I actually do write about.

So…….you said it was your issue and it isn't…I have been posting about culture since I came here…thanks for coming on board.

Go FUCK YOURSELF you dishonest fucking weasel. The onus is still on you to quote me about "banning", fucking liar.
You can't do it -- because you PULLED IT OUT OF YOUR ASS. It does not exist.

Fucking LIAR.

Do you kiss your prostitutes with that mouth?
why can't we get rid of people? If someone kills someone with a gun execute their sorry asses. What is wrong with that? You don't think that would start to deter the use? Yeppers man.
We already do that, it doesn't change a thing. In my version of gun control however if you have one, and you aren't in uniform, you are as good as dead.
no we don't, we take fifteen years to put someone down for an obvious violent gun act. Fifteen years. Hell even put it on hold in many states. Nope you're wrong again.
It doesn't matter how long it takes, or that it isn't done in all states, we still do it and it changes nothing. It never has.
no, no we don't friend. No we don't. Again, to be a deterrent you have to have the process immediate while the gun is hot otherwise, it doesn't have any value at all. To say someone is mentally ill will also keep them out of death row. oh my you have no clue.
Not what you said. You said execute people who kill others with guns, which we do here, and it matters not a damn either way. Just a waste of time and money,

If we did it…it would keep that guy from ever killing again.
No….I have been constantly making that point….especially when you anti gun extremists try to use Europe and Australia to call for gun banning…check my posts…

Don't sit here and lie on the internet, you revisionist prick. The internet has a memory. YOU check MY posts, retard --- I have never called for any such "gun banning", not from the first day I got here, on exactly this issue (I signed up here directly between Bob Costas and Sandy Hook). I have spelled that out over and over that it's gun culture.

You're not getting away with that you fucking LIAR. We did this only a week ago where I laid out the same thing and you went :lalala: --- and now you want to pretend you had it all along? FUCK you. :fu:

To repeat…we have a criminal thug culture that uses guns to murder people…

We also have a normal gun culture of normal people who use guns for sport, hunting, self defense, collecting, tinkering and don't use them to murder people..and by far this is the largest group of gun owners in the United States……

We have a culture that fetishizes firearms, PERIOD. In television, books, movies, video games, comics, even everyday language and sports. Sound familiar? It should. IT'S WHAT I'VE BEEN SAYING HERE FOR THREE YEARS you ignornant hack.

Democrats, who make up the thug gun culture do almost all of the shooting….and get murdered the majority of the time….

Horse fucking shit. You don't get a voter ID with a shooter, and you damn well know it.

Fucking retard.

Hey asshole…read my posts……I even answered a direct question from you……about wether we have a gun culture and I answered we have two…do you remember that you ignorant moron…..?

And any time you fools bring up Europe or Japan or Australia and why they have fewer gun murders…I always point out it is culture, not access to guns since Europe and Australia have easy access to guns for their criminals and Japan has always had a low crime rate and you could give every Japanese citizen a gun and let them carry it everywhere and they would still have a low gun murder rate…..

Try reading what I post moron……

You obviously have me mistaken for someone else or you wouldn't have made this post moron……

Can someone else explain to this idiot what I have continuously posted over and over and over again…?

Here you go, you lying asshole fuck. Check the date on this post:

Let's once again define terms: "gun culture" doesn't mean "the population of gun owners". It means the idea of idolizing guns, worshiping them to the point that it becomes the codpiece of our time and the go-to tool for any occasion where some asshole so much as cuts you off in traffic. That's what "attitude" means. And that's why I prefer my own term, "gun fetishism" so there's no confusion.

Again, watch the O'Reilly video. Bob Costas spells all this out. The gun culture is about the mentality of genuflecting before Lord Gun Almighty -- not just owning one. That's what "culture" means; mentality and values. This is about what kind of values we place on Almighty Gun. If this concept is not abundantly obvious, just check your own avatar.

.... No one but you and the bubble you're in said anything about "taking away people's anything".

Look it up: I've never said word one about gun control or gun laws. Not in this thread, not on this website, not on any website anywhere, at any time. It's not my issue. I am no more talking legal/constitutional issues here than Bob Costas and Jason Whitlock were. What all three of us are talking about is a social issue. That's my field and that's what I actually do write about.

Now check my "join" date. Less than 48 hours in, and it didn't start there.

Your turn --- YOU quote where I *ever* called for "banning" anything.

Fucking lying HACK.

Dipshit….there is no date on those posts….

You're actually going to try to lie about that too?
Want me to screenshot it and show the whole world what a liar you are, graphically?

View attachment 54558

-- what's that say in the upper left?

Fucking LIAR.

I don't lie asswipe..you said look at the date on those posts….there is no date on those posts…..moron.
Moderation Message:

Can we not rehash stuff said in 2012 on this thread? PLEASE?
Take it to the FZone and hash it out..

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