If Hillary Clinton Had Been Forced Out Of The Presidential Election AS SHE SHOULD HAVE BEEN...

They were not her documents to keep or destroy. She had a legal obligation to turn them all over to the FBI.

Well, that would be fine if the FBI had asked for them when she left and not three years later.

Do you keep documents for three years after leaving a job? I don't.
I keep asking you guys this. How is it that you've spent hundreds of millions of dollars over 25 years investigating this woman and her husband, and you never get anywhere close to an indictment, a conviction or even an impeachment that wasn't laughed out of Congress?

Really? Cute try!

In addition to the Impeachment of President Clinton for felony perjury.

These are the results and convictions of the various investigations into President Clinton.


Arkansas Gov. Jim Guy Tucker - fraud felony convictions - 3 counts (Tucker resigned facing impeachment)

Jim McDougal - fraud and conspiracy felony convictions - 18 counts

Susan McDougal - felony - 4 counts (pardoned during Clinton's last minute pardongate payoffs)

William J. Marks Sr - conspiracy Stephen Smith - conspiracy

Larry Kuca - Fraud Neal Ainley - 2 misdemeanors for embezzlement

David Hale - guilty plea - conspiracy

Chris Wade - felony - Whitewater real-estate investor

John Haley - felony 1998 on fraud

Robert Palmer - felony for conspiracy

Charles Matthews - guilty plea for bribery

Eugene Fitzhugh - Whitewater - bribery

Webster Hubbell - #2 ranking Justice Dept. Official - felony for embezzlement and fraud

John Latham - CEO of Madison Bank - bank fraud Campaign Finance:

Johnny Chung - Clinton cronie - felony guilty plea - funneling money from China

Gene Lum - convicted - felony for money laundering for the DNC

Nora Lum - convicted - felony for money laundering for the DNC

Howard Glicken - guilty plea - 2 midemeanors - funneling foreign donations

Yah Lin "Charlie" Trie - guilty plea - illegal Clinton campaign donations

John Huang - Clinton cronie - felony guilty plea - funneling money from China

Paula Jonesgate:

William Jefferson Clinton - found guilty - civil contempt of court - lying under oath about material facts. The Office of the Independent Council further presented Clinton with an agreement that had him disbarred from practicing law for 5 years and made him signed statement admitting to his deception

Post Administration
Sandy Bergergate

Sandy Berger – Clinton National Security Adviser -- found guilty of stealing highly class documents from the National Archive and destroying them.
There was no innuendo.

See below. Then click on link.

Yeah, here's the problem. They classify news stories in the public domain.

If there's a NYT story about drone strikes in Pakistan, and someone sends an email about it, it's considered classified because officially, we aren't doing drone strike in Pakistan.

Of course, Comey could imply that there was something sinister going on in a public hearing, but in a trial (in front of a jury of DC residents who vote 96% Democratic) they'd be like "please!"
Well, that would be fine if the FBI had asked for them when she left and not three years later.

Do you keep documents for three years after leaving a job? I don't.

I never kept any documents that belonged to a company for whom I worked.

She was asked to turn them over and she did not.

Amazing how Comey came out saying she was too ignorant to know what was classified only days after her husband, former President Bill Clinton secretly met with the Attorney General Loretta Lynch. Yep, nothing "nefarious" here!

WOW, did she ever beat around the bush answering nothing and just talking for minutes on end when asked "THE" question.

Loretta Lynch addresses Bill Clinton meeting - CNN Video
If she had an email account at State.gov like you all wanted, instead of her own server, all of those so called classified emails would have still been on an UNCLASSIFIED email system... State.gov is an UNCLASSIFIED email system....

btw, all of those 27 so called top secret email chains that they found have all been declassified, but the original 4 email chains that triggered the investigation in the first place by the FBI to look for more....
They were not her documents to keep or destroy. She had a legal obligation to turn them all over to the FBI.

Well, that would be fine if the FBI had asked for them when she left and not three years later.

Do you keep documents for three years after leaving a job? I don't.

Good gosh you're fucking stupid. Can you wipe your own ass or do you need help with that too?

Federal Records Act

"The Federal Records Act of 1950 is a United States federal law enacted in 1950. It provides the legal framework for federal records management, including record creation, maintenance, and disposition.[1]

The Federal Records Act came following the recommendations of the Hoover Commission (1947-49).[1] The act, and its related regulations, require each federal agency to establish an ongoing program for records management and to cooperate with the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).[1] A 1985 NARA pamphlet describes the Federal Records Act as the "basis for the Federal Government's policies and procedures for creating, maintaining, and disposing of Federal records. The act and its related regulations define Federal records, mandate the creation and preservation of those records necessary to document Federal activities, establish Government ownership of records, and provide the exclusive legal procedures for the disposition of records."[1] The Second Hoover Commission (1953-55) addressed paperwork management and recommended the adoption of program relating to "directives management, reports management, paperwork quality control, and clerical work measurement." As a result, the first Guide to Record Retention Requirements was published in 1955; the guide is updated annually and is used by archivists and other record managers both in and out of government.[1]"

Federal Records Act - Wikipedia
I never kept any documents that belonged to a company for whom I worked.

She was asked to turn them over and she did not.

Why would she? Most of them were archived in the state department's server.

You see, this is where you guys are all over the map. YOu claim she kept documents, you claim she deleted documents.

Good gosh you're fucking stupid. Can you wipe your own ass or do you need help with that too?

Federal Records Act

"The Federal Records Act of 1950

I'm sure the guys who wrote those laws in 1950 knew Email was going to be a thing.
I never kept any documents that belonged to a company for whom I worked.

She was asked to turn them over and she did not.

Why would she? Most of them were archived in the state department's server.

You see, this is where you guys are all over the map. YOu claim she kept documents, you claim she deleted documents.

Good gosh you're fucking stupid. Can you wipe your own ass or do you need help with that too?

Federal Records Act

"The Federal Records Act of 1950

I'm sure the guys who wrote those laws in 1950 knew Email was going to be a thing.

It doesn't matter stoopid. She is REQUIRED by law to maintain EVERY email she sent or received.
It doesn't matter stoopid. She is REQUIRED by law to maintain EVERY email she sent or received.

Okay. She is required by law not to tear those tags off the cushions.

Why should retain them on her personal computer when they were all archived on the state department server?

Reality, most of us delete emails after about three months. Otherwise our systems would get clogged up.
Well, that would be fine if the FBI had asked for them when she left and not three years later.

Do you keep documents for three years after leaving a job? I don't.

I never kept any documents that belonged to a company for whom I worked.

She was asked to turn them over and she did not.

Amazing how Comey came out saying she was too ignorant to know what was classified only days after her husband, former President Bill Clinton secretly met with the Attorney General Loretta Lynch. Yep, nothing "nefarious" here!

WOW, did she ever beat around the bush answering nothing and just talking for minutes on end when asked "THE" question.

Loretta Lynch addresses Bill Clinton meeting - CNN Video
you need to keep up.....Comey wrote those notes on the outcome of Hillary's investigation, a month BEFORE he made the announcement to us....it was in the news in May that she would be exonerated....there would be no charges....the meeting with Lynch and Bill meant naught....the investigation was all over but the shouting, a month earlier ...
Do you keep documents for three years after leaving a job? I don't.

Good gosh you're fucking stupid. Can you wipe your own ass or do you need help with that too?

Federal Records Act

"The Federal Records Act of 1950 is a United States federal law enacted in 1950. It provides the legal framework for federal records management, including record creation, maintenance, and disposition.[1]

Federal Records Act - Wikipedia

Email Retention Laws Overview: Federal, State and Industry

  • All federal, state and local agencies: FOIA (federal and state) – 3 Years
Do you keep documents for three years after leaving a job? I don't.

Good gosh you're fucking stupid. Can you wipe your own ass or do you need help with that too?

Federal Records Act

"The Federal Records Act of 1950 is a United States federal law enacted in 1950. It provides the legal framework for federal records management, including record creation, maintenance, and disposition.[1]

Federal Records Act - Wikipedia

Email Retention Laws Overview: Federal, State and Industry

  • All federal, state and local agencies: FOIA (federal and state) – 3 Years

And that's for the agencies, not the people who left the job four years ago.

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