If Hillary Clinton Had Been Forced Out Of The Presidential Election AS SHE SHOULD HAVE BEEN...

Clinton Aides' BlackBerrys Were Reset In Accordance With Standard Procedure, But Fox News Won't Tell You That

also, it's not that she would not have turned over the 15k of them if she had them to turn over..... comey said when the IT guy upgraded servers they were lost in never never land on the upgrade server or out dated server and the FBI originally found them jumbled in those transfer files....

Comey said there was nothing nefarious done by Clinton to hide them or destroy them.... and there was nothing in them that she was hiding.
...would Bernie Sanders definitely have been the DNC's Nominee?

Hillary Clinton was the 1st Presidential Candidate to be allowed to run while under multiple FBI investigations, for crimes that included espionage, some crimes she DID commit.

Had Hillary Clinton been the Republican Party nominee OR if the GOP candidate instead of Hillary had been in the same situation, the Democratic Party, its liberal media surrogates, and snowflakes would have forced them out of the race.

THEY would never have let a Conservative get away with the same thing.

So, had Hillary Clinton been forced from the race, AS SHE SHOULD HAVE BEEN, who would have been the DNC candidate?


Would Joe have come out and run at that point?

Likely elizabeth "the fake indian" warren. Could be a few others, maybe socialist de blazio, or moron cuomo....they were all afraid of hilary and her crime family....
LMAO Joe. You equate cheating on taxes to destruction of evidence?

Hillary broke laws which have some in prison that you're always so concerned about


joe's positions, and declarations, are so retarded that the only reasonable explanation for them are he is a paid dnc poster, or he's a mental invalid. That being said, had the shrilary not been the anointed one, bernie would have won the general election hands down. I find it amazing that these shills for the dnc can make the statements they make when she outspent trump three to one, and five to one on TV. The MSM was in her back pocket. The political elite wanted her to be the POTUS, and she had the support of most of the upper levels of the repub Party.

She quite simply was rejected by the American people because they figured out what a corrupt, unprincipled, unethical person she truly is. The MSM tried like hell to hide what sort of creature she is, but ultimately they failed thanks to the internet. Had this election been run twenty years ago she would have won easily because the MSM would have been able to suppress all of the illegal shit she has done throughout her life.
Clinton Aides' BlackBerrys Were Reset In Accordance With Standard Procedure, But Fox News Won't Tell You That

also, it's not that she would not have turned over the 15k of them if she had them to turn over..... comey said when the IT guy upgraded servers they were lost in never never land on the upgrade server or out dated server and the FBI originally found them jumbled in those transfer files....

Comey said there was nothing nefarious done by Clinton to hide them or destroy them.... and there was nothing in them that she was hiding.

How about her thirteen blackberries that were smashed to bits? Where does that fall on the "reset" spectrum?
Clinton Aides' BlackBerrys Were Reset In Accordance With Standard Procedure, But Fox News Won't Tell You That

also, it's not that she would not have turned over the 15k of them if she had them to turn over..... comey said when the IT guy upgraded servers they were lost in never never land on the upgrade server or out dated server and the FBI originally found them jumbled in those transfer files....

Comey said there was nothing nefarious done by Clinton to hide them or destroy them.... and there was nothing in them that she was hiding.

Comey has no credibility. And he is very, very wrong. When I worked for Uncle if I had done, at a minimum, things she did, I would be posting from Levenworrh

my guess is they'd get joe in there. what i'm not sure of was the internal push for hillary *only* cause it was hillary or did they just not want bernie?

i think bernie would have beaten trump.

Had Bernie Sanders won the nomination the landslide victory by Donald Trump would have been even greater.
Isn't it obvious that all the democrat party had left (pardon the pun) was Sanders if Hillary called in sick or was indicted? There is no doubt that Sanders had some hard core supporters (James Hodgkinson) and democrats might have gotten what they wished for for half a century which was total anarchy when Sanders lost.
my guess is they'd get joe in there. what i'm not sure of was the internal push for hillary *only* cause it was hillary or did they just not want bernie?

i think bernie would have beaten trump.
He would have gotten the moron youth give me free shit vote that's for sure.
Clinton Aides' BlackBerrys Were Reset In Accordance With Standard Procedure, But Fox News Won't Tell You That

also, it's not that she would not have turned over the 15k of them if she had them to turn over..... comey said when the IT guy upgraded servers they were lost in never never land on the upgrade server or out dated server and the FBI originally found them jumbled in those transfer files....

Comey said there was nothing nefarious done by Clinton to hide them or destroy them.... and there was nothing in them that she was hiding.

How about her thirteen blackberries that were smashed to bits? Where does that fall on the "reset" spectrum?
those too were destroyed so they could not be used by someone outside of the gvt, as they should have been, when she chose to upgrade....

she was not hiding something nefarious, if that is what you are trying to imply.

Comey said the FBI found no signs that she or anyone on her team was trying to hide anything from the gvt, they were careless and sloppy, but not criminals.
Clinton Aides' BlackBerrys Were Reset In Accordance With Standard Procedure, But Fox News Won't Tell You That

also, it's not that she would not have turned over the 15k of them if she had them to turn over..... comey said when the IT guy upgraded servers they were lost in never never land on the upgrade server or out dated server and the FBI originally found them jumbled in those transfer files....

Comey said there was nothing nefarious done by Clinton to hide them or destroy them.... and there was nothing in them that she was hiding.

Comey has no credibility. And he is very, very wrong. When I worked for Uncle if I had done, at a minimum, things she did, I would be posting from Levenworrh

you were not secretary of State, the head of the largest department and biggest job in our govt outside of President, with more than 50,000 employees and staff, and you did not work 24/7 as a dedicated public servant....

just like all the CEO's I've ever worked with, they tend to cut people with those type of jobs a break, if they mess up....because of their huge huge workloads....
I saw Wasserman's IT guy's wifey cut a deal with the feds...what or who could she possibly be giving up?
joe's positions, and declarations, are so retarded that the only reasonable explanation for them are he is a paid dnc poster, or he's a mental invalid.

Yet oddly, you can never refute them beyond repeating whatever you heard on Hate Radio...

That being said, had the shrilary not been the anointed one, bernie would have won the general election hands down.

Would he have? First, he wouldn't have been able to raise anywhere near the money Hillary did. Those wall street guys, they aren't too keen on socialism.

I find it amazing that these shills for the dnc can make the statements they make when she outspent trump three to one, and five to one on TV. The MSM was in her back pocket. The political elite wanted her to be the POTUS, and she had the support of most of the upper levels of the repub Party.

Well, theres' a whole lot of logically problems with this statement. The first is that it doesn't take into account all the free publicity Trump got because the MSM - including MSNBC- gave him free airtime because he was good for ratings.

And yes, the upper levels of the Republican Party did want her to win because they know Trump is a crazy person.

She quite simply was rejected by the American people because they figured out what a corrupt, unprincipled, unethical person she truly is.

Right...so she got more votes than any WHITE MAN every got. But she was rejected.... Um, how does that work, exactly. YOu see, usually when you get the MOST VOTES, it means you've been accepted.

The voters got this one right. The system failed.

Had this election been run twenty years ago she would have won easily because the MSM would have been able to suppress all of the illegal shit she has done throughout her life.

I keep asking you guys this. How is it that you've spent hundreds of millions of dollars over 25 years investigating this woman and her husband, and you never get anywhere close to an indictment, a conviction or even an impeachment that wasn't laughed out of Congress?

I mean, the woman must be a fucking criminal mastermind. Professor Moriarty would be a piker compared to Mrs. Clinton in your Right Wing Fever Swamps.
joe's positions, and declarations, are so retarded that the only reasonable explanation for them are he is a paid dnc poster, or he's a mental invalid.

Yet oddly, you can never refute them beyond repeating whatever you heard on Hate Radio...

That being said, had the shrilary not been the anointed one, bernie would have won the general election hands down.

Would he have? First, he wouldn't have been able to raise anywhere near the money Hillary did. Those wall street guys, they aren't too keen on socialism.

I find it amazing that these shills for the dnc can make the statements they make when she outspent trump three to one, and five to one on TV. The MSM was in her back pocket. The political elite wanted her to be the POTUS, and she had the support of most of the upper levels of the repub Party.

Well, theres' a whole lot of logically problems with this statement. The first is that it doesn't take into account all the free publicity Trump got because the MSM - including MSNBC- gave him free airtime because he was good for ratings.

And yes, the upper levels of the Republican Party did want her to win because they know Trump is a crazy person.

She quite simply was rejected by the American people because they figured out what a corrupt, unprincipled, unethical person she truly is.

Right...so she got more votes than any WHITE MAN every got. But she was rejected.... Um, how does that work, exactly. YOu see, usually when you get the MOST VOTES, it means you've been accepted.

The voters got this one right. The system failed.

Had this election been run twenty years ago she would have won easily because the MSM would have been able to suppress all of the illegal shit she has done throughout her life.

I keep asking you guys this. How is it that you've spent hundreds of millions of dollars over 25 years investigating this woman and her husband, and you never get anywhere close to an indictment, a conviction or even an impeachment that wasn't laughed out of Congress?

I mean, the woman must be a fucking criminal mastermind. Professor Moriarty would be a piker compared to Mrs. Clinton in your Right Wing Fever Swamps.

Your positions are refuted every time I bother to expend the time silly boy.
Clinton Aides' BlackBerrys Were Reset In Accordance With Standard Procedure, But Fox News Won't Tell You That

also, it's not that she would not have turned over the 15k of them if she had them to turn over..... comey said when the IT guy upgraded servers they were lost in never never land on the upgrade server or out dated server and the FBI originally found them jumbled in those transfer files....

Comey said there was nothing nefarious done by Clinton to hide them or destroy them.... and there was nothing in them that she was hiding.

Comey has no credibility. And he is very, very wrong. When I worked for Uncle if I had done, at a minimum, things she did, I would be posting from Levenworrh

you were not secretary of State, the head of the largest department and biggest job in our govt outside of President, with more than 50,000 employees and staff, and you did not work 24/7 as a dedicated public servant....

just like all the CEO's I've ever worked with, they tend to cut people with those type of jobs a break, if they mess up....because of their huge huge workloads....
Except there was no evidence that she lied to investigators. At least not any that would stand up in court.

So let's be honest about what Comey did here. He couldn't find a case, not one that a grand jury would return an indictment on. So he cleared Mrs. Clinton and slimed her with a lot of innuendo. and when that didn't' work, he slimed her again with another implied innuendo about additional emails.

There was no innuendo.

See below. Then click on link.
Except that's actually how you dispose of documents when you are no longer using them...

So she was wrong for keeping the documents, and she was also wrong for destroying them... I guess there was no way she could win with you guys.

They were not her documents to keep or destroy. She had a legal obligation to turn them all over to the FBI.

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