If Hillary runs she may win 45 states

Having 4 Republican Governors to 1 Democratic Governor does not negate the Republicans horrendous record in electing women

Cherry pick? I am talking about all higher level Government and you are cherry picking women Governors

but according to you having one black governor to none is a major issue. therfore your double standard or spin. so what you are realling saying is your original statement was nothing but fluff. totally meaningless. it does not really indicate a horrible record on the part of the republicans. but thats the problem with your cherry picked data. it can't stand up to a comparison.

but lets look at it this way. what percent of the african american population is black vs republican? probably 90% is democrat. maybe even more. so it stands to reason you are not going to have an equal amount of african american republican candidates as democratic. you'd expect to see a 9:1 ratio. come on dude, you have one token governor. Why don't you have more? they are totally under represented in your party. WTF is up with that? They're good enough for their votes but not good enough to hold an office. well except for the token for show of course
The republican party with nearly 90% white members have no black republican governors, only one black republican US Congressman, a senator appointed by the governor, and no black republican mayors in any major city. It is basically a white party that represents white voters. The facts support no other conclusion than the Republican Party is a racist party.

and from that statement no other conclusion can be drawn than you are an idiot. 22% of the democratic party is black. democrats come no where close to having 22% representation of elected officials to higher office.
What I am seeing is from the far right is despair, name calling, and denial, the which will not result in a GOP victory for the presidency.


if the Right would actually put up a cogent argument about issues instead of only demonizing people, I could maybe even be inclined to want to listen.

But if a great many Righties here within USMB are even remotely indicative of what is going on on the outside with Righties, then I would say it is definitely "lights out" for the GOP in 2016, in spite of expected gains in 2014.


You really think USMB is a good representation of a cross section of the voting population?


I wouldn't trust 90% of USMB posters to think their way out of a wet paper bag.
Try to keep up...I know you can do it

We are talking about higher level government. That means President, Governor, Senator and Congressmen.
Republicans have elected just 6 blacks to higher office in 100 years. Currently they have no blacks that they elected to higher office
With women, they have elected about one third of the women to higher office than Democrats have

The fact that Republicans have done such a poor job in attracting blacks to their party is nothing to brag about

but the fact that democrats do not represent blacks proportionately to the percent that vote for you, and not even close, is no issue to you at all? interesting.

Here's another little interesting tidbit. allen west, tim scott, black republicans are regularly ripped to shreds by you alleged african american loving liberals. you must be racist. why else would you trash these black congresman? heck you don't even acknowledge that tim scott exists. you must be a real racist. or are you just clueless?

BTW, a lot of racist white republicans had to vote for the black president for him to get the vote totals he did. Think about that. republicans crossing party lines to vote for a black man. how racist of them

Do you have any data on Republicans who crossed party lines to vote for Obama? Did you account for independents?

According to Roper (who did the exit polling), Obama got 6% of the Republican vote in 2012 and he got 9% of the Republican vote in 2008.

Mitt Romney got 7% of the Democratic vote in 2012, and John McCain got 10% of the Democratic vote in 2008. So, there were more crossover votes in 2008 than in 2012.

This is pretty much in the expected range. The most common number we have seen for a candidate getting votes from the other party is 8% - a pretty solid average.

Demographics of How Groups Voted in the 2008 Presidential Election

Demographics of How Groups Voted in the 2012 Presidential Election

The networks all use the same exit poll results.

How Roper functions:

National Election Day Exit Polls
What I am seeing is from the far right is despair, name calling, and denial, the which will not result in a GOP victory for the presidency.


if the Right would actually put up a cogent argument about issues instead of only demonizing people, I could maybe even be inclined to want to listen.

But if a great many Righties here within USMB are even remotely indicative of what is going on on the outside with Righties, then I would say it is definitely "lights out" for the GOP in 2016, in spite of expected gains in 2014.


You really think USMB is a good representation of a cross section of the voting population?


I wouldn't trust 90% of USMB posters to think their way out of a wet paper bag.

Posters here are definitely not a good representation of the voting population. Most of the right leaning posters are of the bat shit wing of the right which is a small portion of righties in this country.
and just how clueless are you? are you so obtuse you need a link for everything? or are you completely blind to anything beyond what you want to believe?

I am just unaware of any sizeable number of Republicans who crossed over to vote for Obama

more racist republicans voted for obama then kerry or gore. More white male racists voted for obama then kerry or gore.

How many women loving democrats voted for the republican ticket containing a woman?

Uh, how do you come up with this statistic?
Do you understand what ....in the past 100 years means?

lets look at today. the democrats have what? one? how many latinos? How many women ?

Republicans lead in both those categories. of course you claim rebublicans hate women and dems love them? why don't you elect them then?

You really want to go there?

Today, Democrats have a black President, a black Governor, a black Senator and 41 black Congressmen

Republicans have a black Senator who was appointed and not elected by Republicans

Want to go into the number of Republican women?
Republicans have about a third of the women that Democrats do in Government

Can you expect more from the white male party?

According to John Dickerson (Slate/CBS Political Correspondent), there are 109 congressional districts that are minority-majority meaning that whites do not make up over 50% of the registered voters in that district. Of those 109, Democrats are the elected official in 99 of them.
Non-college Grad Scott Walker has zero chance of winning the Presidency.

His biggest problem is that he has no charisma
I don't believe Walker would run. He can connect with voters, as we've seen with his win in the recall election for governor. For sure he can help whoever will run for the GOP.

Oh, I think Scott Walker could even get the GOP nomination. I don't know if he could win, but he would likely put the Midwest heavily into contention. Despite some of the nasty things that people say about Scott Walker, and I am certainly not fond of his Union busting crap, he has proved himself to be very, very tenacious, and tenacity is a trait of a really good presidential candidate.

The fact that Scott Walker could survive a recall election and then, one year later, Obama still wins Wisconsin by 7 points tells us that Wisconsinites are not straight-ticket voters.
What I am seeing is from the far right is despair, name calling, and denial, the which will not result in a GOP victory for the presidency.


if the Right would actually put up a cogent argument about issues instead of only demonizing people, I could maybe even be inclined to want to listen.

But if a great many Righties here within USMB are even remotely indicative of what is going on on the outside with Righties, then I would say it is definitely "lights out" for the GOP in 2016, in spite of expected gains in 2014.


You really think USMB is a good representation of a cross section of the voting population?


I wouldn't trust 90% of USMB posters to think their way out of a wet paper bag.

Samson, I'm just trying to give em all a fair shake.
I am just unaware of any sizeable number of Republicans who crossed over to vote for Obama

more racist republicans voted for obama then kerry or gore. More white male racists voted for obama then kerry or gore.

How many women loving democrats voted for the republican ticket containing a woman?

Uh, how do you come up with this statistic?


Spoon stood outside voting booths and asked anyone wearing a white hood which party they were in and who they voted for.

if the Right would actually put up a cogent argument about issues instead of only demonizing people, I could maybe even be inclined to want to listen.

But if a great many Righties here within USMB are even remotely indicative of what is going on on the outside with Righties, then I would say it is definitely "lights out" for the GOP in 2016, in spite of expected gains in 2014.


You really think USMB is a good representation of a cross section of the voting population?


I wouldn't trust 90% of USMB posters to think their way out of a wet paper bag.

Samson, I'm just trying to give em all a fair shake.

Yeah, wait 'til you've been here more than a year.

Then you just hope that stupid = amusing
So, back to the OP, which is:

If Hillary runs, she wins 45 states.

Again, I think that is very overoptimistic. But the current trend in polling, actually over the last 16 months, indicates a very, very solid Clinton win against all comers.

Wait and see.

This has the look of 1950-1951-1952 to it.
His biggest problem is that he has no charisma
I don't believe Walker would run. He can connect with voters, as we've seen with his win in the recall election for governor. For sure he can help whoever will run for the GOP.

Oh, I think Scott Walker could even get the GOP nomination. I don't know if he could win, but he would likely put the Midwest heavily into contention. Despite some of the nasty things that people say about Scott Walker, and I am certainly not fond of his Union busting crap, he has proved himself to be very, very tenacious, and tenacity is a trait of a really good presidential candidate.

The fact that Scott Walker could survive a recall election and then, one year later, Obama still wins Wisconsin by 7 points tells us that Wisconsinites are not straight-ticket voters.

Walker's problem outside of WI is that for every vote he gets you in WI, you lose one in OH and PA.

You really think USMB is a good representation of a cross section of the voting population?


I wouldn't trust 90% of USMB posters to think their way out of a wet paper bag.

Samson, I'm just trying to give em all a fair shake.

Yeah, wait 'til you've been here more than a year.

Then you just hope that stupid = amusing

Oh, I'm already very, very amused.

But sometimes it's good to watch discussions play out...
According to John Dickerson (Slate/CBS Political Correspondent), there are 109 congressional districts that are minority-majority meaning that whites do not make up over 50% of the registered voters in that district. Of those 109, Democrats are the elected official in 99 of them.[/QUOTE]

so what you are tellling us is only vote party line and not necessisarily for the best candidate.
or you could be telling us minorities are racist and refuse to vote for the white guys
I don't believe Walker would run. He can connect with voters, as we've seen with his win in the recall election for governor. For sure he can help whoever will run for the GOP.

Oh, I think Scott Walker could even get the GOP nomination. I don't know if he could win, but he would likely put the Midwest heavily into contention. Despite some of the nasty things that people say about Scott Walker, and I am certainly not fond of his Union busting crap, he has proved himself to be very, very tenacious, and tenacity is a trait of a really good presidential candidate.

The fact that Scott Walker could survive a recall election and then, one year later, Obama still wins Wisconsin by 7 points tells us that Wisconsinites are not straight-ticket voters.

Walker's problem outside of WI is that for every vote he gets you in WI, you lose one in OH and PA.

Quite possibly. At this point, however, it is moot.

I still contend that the most likely heavy hitter for the GOP is not even being mentioned. Actually, I see two names that people are not even talking about.
According to John Dickerson (Slate/CBS Political Correspondent), there are 109 congressional districts that are minority-majority meaning that whites do not make up over 50% of the registered voters in that district. Of those 109, Democrats are the elected official in 99 of them.

so what you are tellling us is only vote party line and not necessisarily for the best candidate.
or you could be telling us minorities are racist and refuse to vote for the white guys[/QUOTE]

In Tennessee, that is definitely not the case. Cohen, a Jew, has been elected a number of times in an über-black-majority district, black voters there absolutely love the man and he has won primaries against some black candidates who have thrown the entire kitchen sink at the man, and still he wins.

So, this proves that black voters are not monolithic and they consider candidates just as carefully as other voters.

Food for thought.
According to John Dickerson (Slate/CBS Political Correspondent), there are 109 congressional districts that are minority-majority meaning that whites do not make up over 50% of the registered voters in that district. Of those 109, Democrats are the elected official in 99 of them.

so what you are tellling us is only vote party line and not necessisarily for the best candidate.
or you could be telling us minorities are racist and refuse to vote for the white guys

In Tennessee, that is definitely not the case. Cohen, a Jew, has been elected a number of times in an über-black-majority district, black voters there absolutely love the man and he has won primaries against some black candidates who have thrown the entire kitchen sink at the man, and still he wins.

So, this proves that black voters are not monolithic and they consider candidates just as carefully as other voters.

Food for thought.[/QUOTE]

well there you have one example. but if you look at the big picture, 99 out of 109 it tells a very different story.
According to John Dickerson (Slate/CBS Political Correspondent), there are 109 congressional districts that are minority-majority meaning that whites do not make up over 50% of the registered voters in that district. Of those 109, Democrats are the elected official in 99 of them.

so what you are tellling us is only vote party line and not necessisarily for the best candidate.
or you could be telling us minorities are racist and refuse to vote for the white guys

In Tennessee, that is definitely not the case. Cohen, a Jew, has been elected a number of times in an über-black-majority district, black voters there absolutely love the man and he has won primaries against some black candidates who have thrown the entire kitchen sink at the man, and still he wins.

So, this proves that black voters are not monolithic and they consider candidates just as carefully as other voters.

Food for thought.

well there you have one example. but if you look at the big picture, 99 out of 109 it tells a very different story.

Possible. I will look into it.
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OH BOY!!! Maybe I can keep this thread rolling... Have a few dozen NEW Her Thighness posters that I'm dying to try out...and I KNOW it will simply PISS OFF that little .Commie bastard! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:


I wonder if you really think that that kind of crap makes you look like a serious member here.

It may be fun snark for you, but does nothing to advance any kind of meaningful debate.

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