If Hillary runs she may win 45 states

If Hillary runs she may win 45 states
Impossible, unless she runs for the GOP. I cannot envision her winning Oklahoma, Kentucky, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, South Carolina, Utah, Wyoming, Idaho, North Dakota or Texas. No matter who the democrats run, these are safe GOP states.

Depends if white married women bolt the GOP in big numbers.
"you could modify his rant slightly and make the claim [but not the argument that] Hillary could lose 45 states or even 57 if she were to run."

If the GOP does not pass immigration legislation acceptable to the center and if HRC is the candidate, our GOP will lose, huge.

I don't see immigration legislation being passed at all anything out of the House will have strong border security as part of it which Reid would likely kill in the Senate anything from the Democrats is likely to have some form of amnesty in it which Republicans wont go for. This is one issue both parties love to talk about but they will never address it in a serious way.

The GOP can force the Dems hand with a tri-part (security, business reform, immigration reform) bill.

Such a bill is reasonable and the GOP could hold the Senate's feet to the fire.

Enough Dem senators would bolt to the join the GOP for a 60 vote cloture.

Yes if the GOP voted to enact every Democratic agenda item it would really fix the Dems.
You're a moron, Jake.
When the whole truth comes out on Benghazi, and it is delivered in the proper light, the only votes Hillary will get is from the un Americans; the ones who don't give a fuck that she lied to the families of the fallen heroes in front of their corpses - for political purposes.

She does not appreciate the USA - she is a new world order bitch.

Biden has a medical condition that defeats his aspirations; his brain loses connection with his mouth at the most inopportune moments - he is a embarrassment!

After the midterms, the dems will have to distance themselves from Obama/Hillary, or embrace that big lump of shit! :eusa_whistle:
Brent Budowsky: Clinton can win 45 states | TheHill

While the GOP looks downward and backward in its negative politics of derision, aiming its appeal to an extremist faction, Clinton reaches outward and forward in her positive politics of opportunity, aiming her appeal to the nation at large. If she runs in 2016, she could well carry 45 states and sweep into office many Democrats running for the House, Senate and governorships.
I see a few extra sleeping pills for you RWers tonight....:badgrin:

Whatever y'all are smoking...
Tommy Chong is looking to make contact.

Just sayin'
You gotta credit the liberal media for it's power over low information lifties. How in the world can the liberal media hide the fact that Hillary was a freaking general in the war against women? What else do you call "the bimbo eruption squad" aka "nuts and sluts" that was dedicated to ruining the lives of women who were molested by her husband except a battle in the liberal war against women? Is the world so upside down in the minds of low information babes that they think a vote for Hillary is a vote for abortion and that's all they care about? It must be the end times.
The world according to Huffington's Brent Bowdowski? Hold that thought lefties and don't bother to vote.

Don't say that, since liberals will accuse you of suppressing the vote. After all they're still dumb enough to fall for the old vote on the next wed gag.....
"you could modify his rant slightly and make the claim [but not the argument that] Hillary could lose 45 states or even 57 if she were to run."

If the GOP does not pass immigration legislation acceptable to the center and if HRC is the candidate, our GOP will lose, huge.

I don't see immigration legislation being passed at all anything out of the House will have strong border security as part of it which Reid would likely kill in the Senate anything from the Democrats is likely to have some form of amnesty in it which Republicans wont go for. This is one issue both parties love to talk about but they will never address it in a serious way.

The GOP can force the Dems hand with a tri-part (security, business reform, immigration reform) bill.

Such a bill is reasonable and the GOP could hold the Senate's feet to the fire.

Enough Dem senators would bolt to the join the GOP for a 60 vote cloture.

Jake, if it is reasonable, it will not come from the present bunch in the GOP. Sad, but true.
"you could modify his rant slightly and make the claim [but not the argument that] Hillary could lose 45 states or even 57 if she were to run."

If the GOP does not pass immigration legislation acceptable to the center and if HRC is the candidate, our GOP will lose, huge.

I don't see immigration legislation being passed at all anything out of the House will have strong border security as part of it which Reid would likely kill in the Senate anything from the Democrats is likely to have some form of amnesty in it which Republicans wont go for. This is one issue both parties love to talk about but they will never address it in a serious way.

The GOP can force the Dems hand with a tri-part (security, business reform, immigration reform) bill.

Such a bill is reasonable and the GOP could hold the Senate's feet to the fire.

Enough Dem senators would bolt to the join the GOP for a 60 vote cloture.
Sounds reasonable the problem is the current President has a habit of only enforcing the parts of bills he likes and ignoring the rest and doesn't seem to have a problem doing this we have seen that a lot with Obamacare. So the question is would it be any different with the security part of what you suggested?
Brent Budowsky: Clinton can win 45 states | TheHill

While the GOP looks downward and backward in its negative politics of derision, aiming its appeal to an extremist faction, Clinton reaches outward and forward in her positive politics of opportunity, aiming her appeal to the nation at large. If she runs in 2016, she could well carry 45 states and sweep into office many Democrats running for the House, Senate and governorships.
I see a few extra sleeping pills for you RWers tonight....:badgrin:

In all of Hillary's years in public disservice she really hasn't done anything noteworthy. Nothing to speak of. So why does she deserve a promotion? Because she'd be the first hag -- I mean woman -- President? Not a good reason to vote for the old shoe.

Plus, there's a good chance she has brain damage.
Brent Budowsky: Clinton can win 45 states | TheHill

While the GOP looks downward and backward in its negative politics of derision, aiming its appeal to an extremist faction, Clinton reaches outward and forward in her positive politics of opportunity, aiming her appeal to the nation at large. If she runs in 2016, she could well carry 45 states and sweep into office many Democrats running for the House, Senate and governorships.
I see a few extra sleeping pills for you RWers tonight....:badgrin:

In all of Hillary's years in public disservice she really hasn't done anything noteworthy. Nothing to speak of. So why does she deserve a promotion? Because she'd be the first hag -- I mean woman -- President? Not a good reason to vote for the old shoe.

Plus, there's a good chance she has brain damage.

Because she would be the first hag -- I mean woman -- President?

With that you have just disqualified anything you have to say. You have demonstrated your opinion is worthless. Though there are many voters in America who sink to your intellectual level, most are better than that, fortunately. Calling women hags? You defeat yourself.
someone having a wet dream evidently

she couldn't even win against Obama with you Democrat voters who voted against her for some no name Community Agistator, so now she is more popular than ever...

She is not Ronald Regan, in fact I'd say a majority of the people can't stand her...You all didn't care about her enough to make her President once, like she is more popular now is a real hoot hoot hoot

why didn't you just make her winning, all 57 states...lol

good grief
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I fully expect Hillary will be the next president. We are pretty much at that point now that whoever the Dims throw up, they'll win.
As long as they continue their promises of more government entitlement programs, legalized pot, amnesty, this current crop of government nipple sucking Americans, the majority will vote the Dim every time.

If you're correct...how will the nightmare be over?

To be blunt. When you die.

We'll still have regional power for a while, we'll be able to win some governorships, some Congressional seats, some Senate seats, but even the ones we send won't be for stopping the illegals from pouring in, won't seriously try to kill Obamacare, won't be for the things we once held dear.
What it comes down to, is in another 20-30 this country is completely over.

Now there's that GOP "can do" spirit we have all come to cherish!
Of all the candidates out there I think to date she would serve us best. I want you to focus on something. "serve us best".

I want to cry when I look at the field. But I do believe in one thing. Hilary is a died in the wool American dedicated to America and she is not without her screw ups but she is first and foremost a daughter of the country and a sister to the soul of this nation.

This is hard for me. But I'm trying to be honest. Clinton vs Warren? I mean hells bells here I'm changing the grandkids diapers and smiling!!!!!

You had a chance conservatives a few years ago to really run for the roses. You didn't. So now you have to choose between your losers.

And you only have yourself to blame.

Very honest and well stated. And a great Hiatt song in your signature.
I can't stand Hillary but in a way you have to feel sorry for her

they kicked her hard to curb when she ran the first time and now they are pleading, no BEGGING her to come back and save them, pweety preety please

I wish she'd tell you all to go to hell, but she want power...
Brent Budowsky: Clinton can win 45 states | TheHill

While the GOP looks downward and backward in its negative politics of derision, aiming its appeal to an extremist faction, Clinton reaches outward and forward in her positive politics of opportunity, aiming her appeal to the nation at large. If she runs in 2016, she could well carry 45 states and sweep into office many Democrats running for the House, Senate and governorships.

I see a few extra sleeping pills for you RWers tonight....:badgrin:

She could win all 50 states and Obama still isn't leaving. Hillary will never be president.

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