If Hobby Lobby wins...

By the way, the fact that they are covered does not prove they are not abortifacient drugs, it just proves they are covered.

Unless, that is, you can prove that Obama has never in his life told a lie.

If they're abortion drugs, under the law, the Hyde amendment would prohibit them from being offered in the exchanges.

Apparently you missed the part of the debate where the Hyde amendment doesn't apply to Obamacare because it only prohibits direct spending on abortions.

Either that, or you are a lying sack of shit.

More than likely: BOTH!
Why can Medicaid pay for IUDs?

Because it can?

It also pays for abortions, so you can't argue that the fact that it pays for IUDs proves it doesn't cause abortions.

State Funding of Abortions Under Medicaid | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

Federally funded Medicaid cannot be used for abortions except for rape, incest, and life of the mother.

Do IUDs, if as you claim are abortions, fall into that category?

Medicaid is dual funded by states and the federal government, which means it can pay for abortions of convenience, just like my link pointed out.

Want to try again?
this is not about what catholics believe or any other branch of Christianity. Its about what the owners of HL believe and their right to live by their beliefs.
Its called freedom, dingleberry.

You say that now, but yesterday you said that they wouldn't have the right to refuse employment to someone because they were gay, even if that was contrary to their beliefs.

So which is it? Do they have the RIGHT to live by their beliefs, or can they be lawfully prevented from doing so,

in the interests to others' rights?

Hiring a gay person does not result in a death. your attempt at an analogy fails-------again.

So Hobby Lobby has a case because you think IUDs commit murder, but the Little Sisters do not have case because birth control pills don't?

Is that your position? That religious freedom in the business world is extremely limited? That 1st amendment religious rights only apply to abortion?
Because it can?

It also pays for abortions, so you can't argue that the fact that it pays for IUDs proves it doesn't cause abortions.

State Funding of Abortions Under Medicaid | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

Federally funded Medicaid cannot be used for abortions except for rape, incest, and life of the mother.

Do IUDs, if as you claim are abortions, fall into that category?

Medicaid is dual funded by states and the federal government, which means it can pay for abortions of convenience, just like my link pointed out.

Want to try again?

I don't have to. The Hyde Amendment applies to federal funds, the exchange subsidies are federal funds.

Once you lose an argument, you really ought to just shut up.
If they're abortion drugs, under the law, the Hyde amendment would prohibit them from being offered in the exchanges.

Apparently you missed the part of the debate where the Hyde amendment doesn't apply to Obamacare because it only prohibits direct spending on abortions.

Either that, or you are a lying sack of shit.

More than likely: BOTH!

Can you show us where the federal funds that go into the Obamacare subsidies can be used for abortions that are otherwise prohibited by the Hyde Amendment?
  1. Are you too stupid to know that they are nuns? I assure you, everyone that works for them knows. Even Obama knows it, which is why he pretended to give them an exemption.
  2. The case is irrelevant because Obama already admitted that them providing birth control is a burden on their religion and that they don't have to do so.
Maybe you should learn the facts before you start pretending you know the facts.

You're talking in incoherent circles.

Maybe this is a good time to remind everyone that you don't believe there should be any laws regulating business.

That might help people understand why what you post about this is so irrational.

Because not pointing that out would mean that you would actually have to prove I am wrong? Tough shit, I can prove I am right.

The U.S. government said Friday that a Colorado congregation of Catholic nuns had no reason to seek and obtain an 11th-hour Supreme Court reprieve from an Obamacare rule that requires employers to insure contraception.
Justice Department attorneys filed court papers in the case, the Little Sisters of the Poor Home for the Aged v. Sebelius, that say the plaintiffs get their insurance services from the Christian Brothers Employee Benefit Trust, a religiously affiliated administrator that is not required to facilitate contraceptive coverage.
“With the stroke of their own pen, applicants can secure for themselves the relief they seek from this Court — an exemption from the requirements of the contraceptive-coverage provision — and the employer-applicants’ employees (and their family members) will not receive contraceptive coverage through the plan’s third-party administrator either,” Solicitor General Donald Verrilli wrote. “The application should be denied.”

White House urges Supreme Court to reject nuns' appeal for birth control exemption - Washington Times

Look at that, the government actually argued that they don't need an exemption because they already qualify for it. In other words, you were wrong.

No. They refused to accept that 'exemption' because the employees still get the coverage.
Look at that, the government actually argued that they don't need an exemption because they already qualify for it. In other words, you were wrong.

why do they care if there is prescription coverage of every type in their insurance policies if they aren't going to use it anyway?

answer: so they can erode the law.

interesting try.
When Hobby Lobby wins muslim owned companies will not be required to pay for pork products at company provided lunches.

No one is being denied anything. Nor are people being fired for using contraception. The company will still pay for 16 different kinds of contraception. If someone wants one of the four kinds that's not paid for they can buy their own.
That might be the case here but it's not the issue. Hobby Lobby or some other religious business owners could be objecting to all sorts of medical procedures on religious grounds.
I have a nice list going if it happens, starting with pregnancy. There are too many kids in the world already. Let the games begin.

I'll donate a set of rusty bolt cutters to your castration!

Rusty tweezers, more like.
Look at that, the government actually argued that they don't need an exemption because they already qualify for it. In other words, you were wrong.

why do they care if there is prescription coverage of every type in their insurance policies if they aren't going to use it anyway?

answer: so they can erode the law.

interesting try.

Maybe they don't want to pay for something they aren't going to use? Answer: I'm too big a dumbshit to think about that, since the state makes everyone else pay for MY stuff, anyway.

NOTHING about you is interesting.
When Hobby Lobby wins muslim owned companies will not be required to pay for pork products at company provided lunches.

No one is being denied anything. Nor are people being fired for using contraception. The company will still pay for 16 different kinds of contraception. If someone wants one of the four kinds that's not paid for they can buy their own.

You have no idea how shocked and outraged people are when they're expected to pay for ANYTHING regarding their own healthcare. I field multiple calls a day from our patients that go along the lines of, "What do you mean, I have to pay X amount for my medicine? You don't understand. I NEED this medication!" Yeah, we know, dumbass. That's why we're selling it. We wouldn't bother selling a product no one needed or wanted. "Well, I guess I'll just stop taking my meds and DIE!" Okay. We have millions of patients, so we won't miss one, and I certainly won't miss taking your stupid calls. Whatever, drama queen.
Question.............if you're a healthy, well fed and in shape 30 year old, should you be forced to pay for the heart medication of a 60 something year old?

I mean...............if you're against birth control because you may have some of your premiums fund it, shouldn't you be against heart medication for the elderly as well?

After all, you're not old...........
Question.............if you're a healthy, well fed and in shape 30 year old, should you be forced to pay for the heart medication of a 60 something year old?


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