"If I wanted America to fail"

I saw this video on Glenn Beck's show today. Excellent and right to the point.

IMO. It's no different than Al Gores Incovienent movie, and lectures on how the polar bears need ice or something like that. @@/

Ah, Obama perhaps just wants America to fail so other countries can "catch up"

Dude, other countries passed us years ago when we decided to hate-on each other instead of dreaming big and then investing in that.

Who has passed us up?

Just curious.

The shorter list would be who did not pass us up?
Big Oil has a tall order.

They have to convince America that petroleum is the future, and it's abundant.

Otherwise America will slowly divest in their honey pot and move resources to conservation and alternative sources - both of which would hurt their bottom line.

Their first challenge was in 1956 when Hubbert predicted Peak Oil. They spent millions to silence the theory.

Their second challenge was when Carter tried to warn the nation about dependency on middle eastern terror states. He wanted to slowly move toward conservation and alternative sources, both of which would have helped us to avoid the current energy crisis and the $4 gallon.

Big Oil answered the second challenge by funding Reagan's ascendancy and destroying Carter, particularly his notion of energy independence which they called a "Chicken Little" response.

Big oil has won. It's too late now to make a smooth transition to a post-petroleum world. Their propaganda about oil abundance seemed odd even in the 70s - given the predictions made about the growth of China and India. When they killed the first electric car movement, it was a tragedy. The game ended when they bought Reagan. That was when we passed the point of no return.
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yeah who woulda thunk it? A third Bush term.
However I figured it out quick it did not take me 6 or 7 years like it did most Bush supporters.

By May 2009 I had given up on Obama.

Ah man, really? That's crazy.

How can you give up on your President after not even 4 months?

This is part of my problem with us in recent years; we're so quick to hate the guy from the other side without actually trying to help make the guy work for us.

I've never cared who the fucker is that's in charge, I just want them to exceed expectations and do good.

My Bush-fatigue didn't really kick in until after Katrina. I kept hoping for him to course-correct on some things, but he never did. But at least I gave the guy 5 years before I gave up on him!

How can you give up after 3 months? I mean, the guy was walking into a shit storm. If that was you, wouldn't you hope your country would let you try to work things out awhile before the dust starts to settle on how bad the economy actually was?

How he did not close Gitmo, made no moves to get out of Iraq, Supported the big money too big to fail concept, Did not have any balls to stand up to congress.
You name it he was a dissapointment.
His stimuls spending sucked. How and what he spent it on.
He just continued the Bush style and never had the balls to make a stand.

I'm not happy about Gitmo, but we learned real quick that he needs the Congress to back him up on that one, and there just isn't any appetite to bring those detainees onto U.S. soil. I blame us for Gitmo being open because the minute the idea got floated around and he signed off on closing it within a year, the Congress heard an earful from their constituents that there would be no way in hell that we would move those people here.

On his second big bailout, he initially wanted to spend about a trillion almost entirely on job creation, research and development, infrastructure, job re-training and other education programs. In the end he ended up spending almost $800 billion, almost half of which was the single largest middle class tax cut in American history.

I think that the stimulus might have been used better on direct job creation rather than all those tax cuts, but the guy needed Republican votes and many conservative Democrat votes in the Senate at the time.

It put us in the fragile recovery we're in. He's mostly been a tax-cutting President who has paid for some things by closing loopholes for folks at the higher end on things like his health care law.

I'm mixed about Obamacare.

It's on foreign policy that I think he gets the most credit from me, which is strange, since I thought that would be the area he'd have weakness in. He didn't end Iraq fast enough for me, but now that it's over, I have to tip my cap to him for getting it done in an orderly fashion.

Anybody can start a war, but it does require some good managing skills to get yourself out of one and he and Bush finally did the right thing by setting the deadlines they did and then adhering to them.
Big Oil has a tall order.

They have to convince America that petroleum is the future, and it's abundant.

Otherwise America will slowly divest in their honey pot and move resources to conservation and alternative sources - both of which would hurt their bottom line.

Their first challenge was in 1956 when Hubbert predicted Peak Oil. They spent millions to silence the theory.

Their second challenge was when Carter tried to warn the nation about dependency on middle eastern terror states. He wanted to slowly move toward conservation and alternative sources, both of which would have helped us to avoid the current energy crisis and the $4 gallon.

Big Oil answered the second challenge by funding Reagan's ascendancy and destroying Carter, particularly his notion of energy independence which they called "Chicken Little".

Big oil has won. It's too late now to make a smooth transition to a post-petroleum world. Their propaganda about oil abundance seemed odd in the 70s - given the predictions made about the growth of China and India. Now it's just silly.

Wow... I guess the video was all about energy
what a misinformed video. they use an article about Madonna as an example. it's really pathetic. republicans seem to only care about humans. you don't care about the earth or animals, that is you're problem, and is highly fallacious considering we were created by this system around us, not god. but, when you believe in God, you don't believe in the earth, and this is what you get... a self-fulffilling prophecy. we are creating our own doomsday because we are not respecting the earth, and consider industry and profit-motives in the short-term as more important than any kind of sustainability. it is immature and deifies an idea over a reality: that of a free-market over sustainable living for future generations. when you deny the effects of our own arrogance, global warming, again based on god, you are then denying your own culpability due to our own 'progress.' bottom line, we are a destructive species, and we don't need god to save us, we need to save us from ourselves.


what, you want to jerk me off now? Isn't that a sin? Go read your holy book, repent, and feel okay about destroying this earth some more in the name of free-market capitalism. the bible is joke. we do not have dominion over anything. we are going to kill ourselves, but none of you christians even care because you're going to heaven anyway, or so you think. You're actually not, because there is no heaven, and there is no hell. we have this one life. this one earth, and we are destroying it because we think it was made for us and therefore can not be destroyed. its ridiculous. all of this, based on a book, for which none of the supernatural claims can be demonstrated or proven, and yet you attack science? It's laughable. Science has evidence, religion has faith. Faith is nothing belief in something without evidence because it feels good. This does not demonstrate it to be true. The irony in this, is that religious thought, designed to save the believer, is going to destroy humanity with its hubris.
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what a misinformed video. they use an article about Madonna as an example. it's really pathetic. republicans seem to only care about humans. you don't care about the earth or animals, that is you're problem, and is highly fallacious considering we were created by this system around us, not god. but, when you believe in God, you don't believe in the earth, and this is what you get... a self-fulffilling prophecy. we are creating our own doomsday because we are not respecting the earth, and consider industry and profit-motives in the short-term as more important than any kind of sustainability. it is immature and deifies an idea over a reality: that of a free-market over sustainable living for future generations. when you deny the effects of our own arrogance, global warming, again based on god, you are then denying your own culpability due to our own 'progress.' bottom line, we are a destructive species, and we don't need god to save us, we need to save us from ourselves.


what, you want to jerk me off now? Isn't that a sin? Go read your holy book, repent, and feel okay about destroying this earth some more in the name of free-market capitalism. the bible is joke. we do not have dominion over anything. we are going to kill ourselves, but none of you christians even care because you're going to heaven anyway, or so you think. You're actually not, because there is no heaven, and there is no hell. we have this one life. this one earth, and we are destroying it because we think it was made for us and therefore can not be destroyed. its ridiculous. all of this, based on a book, for which none of the supernatural claims can be demonstrated or proven.


Shut the fuck up ya douche... go hug a tree or something.

Better yet, gargle gasoline and smoke a cigarette. :fu:
Ah man, really? That's crazy.

How can you give up on your President after not even 4 months?

This is part of my problem with us in recent years; we're so quick to hate the guy from the other side without actually trying to help make the guy work for us.

I've never cared who the fucker is that's in charge, I just want them to exceed expectations and do good.

My Bush-fatigue didn't really kick in until after Katrina. I kept hoping for him to course-correct on some things, but he never did. But at least I gave the guy 5 years before I gave up on him!

How can you give up after 3 months? I mean, the guy was walking into a shit storm. If that was you, wouldn't you hope your country would let you try to work things out awhile before the dust starts to settle on how bad the economy actually was?

How he did not close Gitmo, made no moves to get out of Iraq, Supported the big money too big to fail concept, Did not have any balls to stand up to congress.
You name it he was a dissapointment.
His stimuls spending sucked. How and what he spent it on.
He just continued the Bush style and never had the balls to make a stand.

I'm not happy about Gitmo, but we learned real quick that he needs the Congress to back him up on that one, and there just isn't any appetite to bring those detainees onto U.S. soil. I blame us for Gitmo being open because the minute the idea got floated around and he signed off on closing it within a year, the Congress heard an earful from their constituents that there would be no way in hell that we would move those people here.

On his second big bailout, he initially wanted to spend about a trillion almost entirely on job creation, research and development, infrastructure, job re-training and other education programs. In the end he ended up spending almost $800 billion, almost half of which was the single largest middle class tax cut in American history.

I think that the stimulus might have been used better on direct job creation rather than all those tax cuts, but the guy needed Republican votes and many conservative Democrat votes in the Senate at the time.

It put us in the fragile recovery we're in. He's mostly been a tax-cutting President who has paid for some things by closing loopholes for folks at the higher end on things like his health care law.

I'm mixed about Obamacare.

It's on foreign policy that I think he gets the most credit from me, which is strange, since I thought that would be the area he'd have weakness in. He didn't end Iraq fast enough for me, but now that it's over, I have to tip my cap to him for getting it done in an orderly fashion.

Anybody can start a war, but it does require some good managing skills to get yourself out of one and he and Bush finally did the right thing by setting the deadlines they did and then adhering to them.

An honest and fair assessment! Kudos!
Your wish and want came true with Obama.

yeah who woulda thunk it? A third Bush term.
However I figured it out quick it did not take me 6 or 7 years like it did most Bush supporters.

By May 2009 I had given up on Obama.

Ah man, really? That's crazy.

How can you give up on your President after not even 4 months?

This is part of my problem with us in recent years; we're so quick to hate the guy from the other side without actually trying to help make the guy work for us.

I've never cared who the fucker is that's in charge, I just want them to exceed expectations and do good.

My Bush-fatigue didn't really kick in until after Katrina. I kept hoping for him to course-correct on some things, but he never did. But at least I gave the guy 5 years before I gave up on him!

How can you give up after 3 months? I mean, the guy was walking into a shit storm. If that was you, wouldn't you hope your country would let you try to work things out awhile before the dust starts to settle on how bad the economy actually was?

I hear you on this one too.

I didn't like Bush from the campaign on, I supported McCain in 2000...Gore has the personality on a biege brick in my opinion, but once 9/11 happened, I was ready for Bush to lead. I supported invading Aphganistan, because that's where "they" attacked us from. I did not support the invasion of Iraq once the CIE report tat He said told us we needed to became public and it was obvious he lied through his teeth.

After that, to be honest, I never trusted the man to tell the truth on anything after that.
If I wanted America to fail"

I would have voted for Bush.
Well, after he was elected and 9/11 struck, he and the Congress made sure America would not fail by jointly bringing a Homeland Security into being to assure communications between the information-gathering units of the nation, and they consolidated to being a force to reckon with by terrorists.

He did what needed to be done.
This is happening now...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ManeYcVSrw&context=C4b16b0fADvjVQa1PpcFN91vH7IjFcCzJcnsav0RcIxgxiD4ZStYk=]"If I wanted America to fail" - TV - YouTube[/ame]

In January, Hovensa entered into a consent decree with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Justice Department in which the company agreed to invest $700 million on pollution controls after a series of chemical releases affected people living downwind from the refinery.
Hovensa also agreed to pay a $5.4 million penalty for violating the Clean Air Act.

With the additional modification costs and fines, it was no longer economical to operate the refinery and the decision was made to close it.

Hovensa Refinery Closing on St. Croix

This St. Croix refinery could NO LONGER AFFORD primarily due to $700 million more in pollution controls needed to meet EPA!!!
This is happening now...

"If I wanted America to fail" - TV - YouTube

In January, Hovensa entered into a consent decree with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Justice Department in which the company agreed to invest $700 million on pollution controls after a series of chemical releases affected people living downwind from the refinery.
Hovensa also agreed to pay a $5.4 million penalty for violating the Clean Air Act.

With the additional modification costs and fines, it was no longer economical to operate the refinery and the decision was made to close it.

Hovensa Refinery Closing on St. Croix

This St. Croix refinery could NO LONGER AFFORD primarily due to $700 million more in pollution controls needed to meet EPA!!!

What happened to the people downwind?
Just hit #1 link on Drudge, and it's only been out a matter of hours.


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