If I Were Catholic.....

It's a pervasive sickness in societies, picking exclusively on the Catholic Church seems a tad myopic and suspect, don't you think?

I'm thinking the Catholic Church should have a no tolerance policy and the sooner the better..

Granted they are known for forgiveness and redemption etc.

9 Myths about Priestly Pedophilia

1. Catholic priests are more likely to be pedophiles than other groups of men.

This is just plain false. There's absolutely no evidence that priests are more likely to abuse children than are other groups of men. The use and abuse of children as objects for the sexual gratification of adults is epidemic in all classes, professions, religions, and ethnic communities across the globe, as figures on child pornography, incest, and child prostitution make abundantly clear. Pedophilia (the sexual abuse of a prepubescent child) among priests is extremely rare, affecting only 0.3% of the entire population of clergy.

Okay first, I think you're parsing a bit here by limiting the abuse to "pedophilia". Abusing 12, 13 and 14 year olds is equally heinous, don't you think? And why wouldn't you expect the priest abuse rate to be substantially LOWER than the general population, not keeping pace with it--especially after years and years and years--with cover ups??

Your welcome to backup your assertions with facts, no problem from me..

If it was up to me, all pedoplilles would be dead.but hideously tortured first for all to see.

It's definitely higher than the general population--the Catholic church is covering this up. It's covered here:

Are Catholic Clergy more Likely to Be Paedophiles than the General Public?

If your really interested in high percentages of child molestation and such check the figures for K-12 public schooling.

I'll read your link later SweetSue92 .. I'm tired.... :sleep:

So from two Catholics we have: public schools, Protestants, Hasidic Jews.

Deflections. It's just a terrible look.

Deflections from undermining the Catholic Church without reasonable comparisons and perspective?.

You on a mission there SweetSue?
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Okay first, I think you're parsing a bit here by limiting the abuse to "pedophilia". Abusing 12, 13 and 14 year olds is equally heinous, don't you think? And why wouldn't you expect the priest abuse rate to be substantially LOWER than the general population, not keeping pace with it--especially after years and years and years--with cover ups??

Your welcome to backup your assertions with facts, no problem from me..

If it was up to me, all pedoplilles would be dead.but hideously tortured first for all to see.

It's definitely higher than the general population--the Catholic church is covering this up. It's covered here:

Are Catholic Clergy more Likely to Be Paedophiles than the General Public?

If your really interested in high percentages of child molestation and such check the figures for K-12 public schooling.

I'll read your link later SweetSue92 .. I'm tired.... :sleep:

So from two Catholics we have: public schools, Protestants, Hasidic Jews.

Deflections. It's just a terrible look.

Deflections from undermining the Catholic Church without reasonable comparisons and perspective?.

Those aren't even reasonable comparisons, just for starters. The public schools are not a religious organization, where you might expect a better standard of moral conduct. And the "Protestant churches" have not engaged of a long history of not only sexual abuse but the COVERUP that has been going on in the Catholic Church right up to its highest levels for years and years now.
Your welcome to backup your assertions with facts, no problem from me..

If it was up to me, all pedoplilles would be dead.but hideously tortured first for all to see.

It's definitely higher than the general population--the Catholic church is covering this up. It's covered here:

Are Catholic Clergy more Likely to Be Paedophiles than the General Public?

If your really interested in high percentages of child molestation and such check the figures for K-12 public schooling.

I'll read your link later SweetSue92 .. I'm tired.... :sleep:

So from two Catholics we have: public schools, Protestants, Hasidic Jews.

Deflections. It's just a terrible look.

Deflections from undermining the Catholic Church without reasonable comparisons and perspective?.

Those aren't even reasonable comparisons, just for starters. The public schools are not a religious organization, where you might expect a better standard of moral conduct. And the "Protestant churches" have not engaged of a long history of not only sexual abuse but the COVERUP that has been going on in the Catholic Church right up to its highest levels for years and years now.

I'm guess you planned all along to save your one thin dime then... :huh1:
Okay first, I think you're parsing a bit here by limiting the abuse to "pedophilia". Abusing 12, 13 and 14 year olds is equally heinous, don't you think? And why wouldn't you expect the priest abuse rate to be substantially LOWER than the general population, not keeping pace with it--especially after years and years and years--with cover ups??

Your welcome to backup your assertions with facts, no problem from me..

If it was up to me, all pedoplilles would be dead.but hideously tortured first for all to see.

It's definitely higher than the general population--the Catholic church is covering this up. It's covered here:

Are Catholic Clergy more Likely to Be Paedophiles than the General Public?

If your really interested in high percentages of child molestation and such check the figures for K-12 public schooling.

I'll read your link later SweetSue92 .. I'm tired.... :sleep:

So from two Catholics we have: public schools, Protestants, Hasidic Jews.

Deflections. It's just a terrible look.

Deflections from undermining the Catholic Church without reasonable comparisons and perspective?.

You on a mission there SweetSue?

Yes, of a sort. And I'll tell you what kind of mission. It discredits all of Christendom when Catholics circle the wagons and do what is seen right on this thread--point fingers, shift blame, and say yeah but what about, what about, what about.

It doesn't matter what about, there is no excuse and it's intolerable. I would not tolerate it in my denomination nor in my church and you should not tolerate it in yours.
The Catholic Church has always had its detractors, mainly because it claims to be the One True Church, and because you "can't" be a half-assed Catholic; you have to go to Church weekly (+) in order to be a member in good standing.

Modern Liberalism/Progressivism ABHORS the Catholic Church because one of the most tenets of faith in Progressivism is that No one culture or religion is better than any other (even if you are so primitive as to believe in God). So of course, a religion that claims to be the One True Religion is a constant object of attacks.

These recent revelations about criminals among the clergy have prompted a virtual Orgasm of High Dudgeon among Progressives, as exhibited by the O.P.


95% of priests have been true to their vows, and have given their lives in service to God and the Church. The Bishops - targets of most of today's vitriol - did nothing more than their counterparts in other organizations of all types (down to and including FAMILIES) did at the same time and under the same circumstances. Not many people knew how persistent this evil behavior was, or how harmful to the victims? Not many, in fact.

Leave the Church. We don't need wobbly self-important jackasses.
First, if I were Catholic with all this sex abuse and cover up going on, I probably wouldn't remain a Catholic to be honest. But if I were convinced to my soul that Catholicism were the way to go (for whatever reason), I would not give one thin dime to the organization until it had convinced me it had cleaned up its act.

Not one thin dime, Catholics. Being an advocate for children of many years' duration, I urge you to STOP ALL GIVING until they have cleaned up this massive stench of corruption.

This report has been rehashed, I am a RC and I will remain. How about all the scout leaders and their pedophilia, how about Moore, how about all the Protestants. I come from a long line of RC and a large family and married into a large RC family, never has anyone been sexually molested, and I have known a lot of altar boys.

and here's another How about the Hasidic in NY. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why doesn't the jewish DA write an article about the Hasidic Jews in NY. It about time they pay.

I also think the non denominations like the Evans and fundies have a lot of pedophilia preachers.

I'd definitely agree, Jews are way more sexually deviant than Roman Catholic's.

Roman Catholic's number simply about 100 to 1 Jew in this World, so it might seem that Jews are more innocent, but clearly not on a per capita (Proportionate) basis.

Not only do they have numerous pedophiles in their clergy like Avroham Mondrowitz, in their Hollywood like Harvey Weinstein, or coaches like Beno Rheinhorn, but they also have pedophile prostitute smuggling rings like that lead by Assi-Ben-Mosh, but they also have Metzitzah B'peh a oral Jewish tradition of pedophilia.
The Catholic abuse, seems to be largely "Ethnicity" related too.

It's probably mostly an Irish / British thing, considering most of the Catholic clergy abuse, has come from the U.S.A, U.K, Ireland, Australia etc. etc.

Countries in Eastern Europe, Southern Europe, Latin America, ect. etc. tend to have pretty modest numbers of Catholic clergy abuse in comparison.
First, if I were Catholic with all this sex abuse and cover up going on, I probably wouldn't remain a Catholic to be honest. But if I were convinced to my soul that Catholicism were the way to go (for whatever reason), I would not give one thin dime to the organization until it had convinced me it had cleaned up its act.

Not one thin dime, Catholics. Being an advocate for children of many years' duration, I urge you to STOP ALL GIVING until they have cleaned up this massive stench of corruption.

It's a pervasive sickness in societies, picking exclusively on the Catholic Church seems a tad myopic and suspect, don't you think?

I'm thinking the Catholic Church should have a no tolerance policy and the sooner the better..

Granted they are known for forgiveness and redemption etc.

9 Myths about Priestly Pedophilia

1. Catholic priests are more likely to be pedophiles than other groups of men.

This is just plain false. There's absolutely no evidence that priests are more likely to abuse children than are other groups of men. The use and abuse of children as objects for the sexual gratification of adults is epidemic in all classes, professions, religions, and ethnic communities across the globe, as figures on child pornography, incest, and child prostitution make abundantly clear. Pedophilia (the sexual abuse of a prepubescent child) among priests is extremely rare, affecting only 0.3% of the entire population of clergy.

Okay first, I think you're parsing a bit here by limiting the abuse to "pedophilia". Abusing 12, 13 and 14 year olds is equally heinous, don't you think? And why wouldn't you expect the priest abuse rate to be substantially LOWER than the general population, not keeping pace with it--especially after years and years and years--with cover ups??

Your welcome to backup your assertions with facts, no problem from me..

If it was up to me, all pedoplilles would be dead.but hideously tortured first for all to see.

It's definitely higher than the general population--the Catholic church is covering this up. It's covered here:

Are Catholic Clergy more Likely to Be Paedophiles than the General Public?

Unfortunately, because Catholics are so organized by a central power of the Vatican, they tend to scapegoat the leadership as "Covering up"
Meanwhile, when Rabbi Weberman a Hasidim Jewish Pedophile in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NYC had a fundraiser dinner, something no Catholic has done apparently, it's swept under as "Too small to matter"

Simply because Jewish organization is fractured, and disorganized, in comparison to the Catholic Vatican.
First, if I were Catholic with all this sex abuse and cover up going on, I probably wouldn't remain a Catholic to be honest. But if I were convinced to my soul that Catholicism were the way to go (for whatever reason), I would not give one thin dime to the organization until it had convinced me it had cleaned up its act.

Not one thin dime, Catholics. Being an advocate for children of many years' duration, I urge you to STOP ALL GIVING until they have cleaned up this massive stench of corruption.

This report has been rehashed, I am a RC and I will remain. How about all the scout leaders and their pedophilia, how about Moore, how about all the Protestants. I come from a long line of RC and a large family and married into a large RC family, never has anyone been sexually molested, and I have known a lot of altar boys.

and here's another How about the Hasidic in NY. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why doesn't the jewish DA write an article about the Hasidic Jews in NY. It about time they pay.

I also think the non denominations like the Evans and fundies have a lot of pedophilia preachers.

I'd definitely agree, Jews are way more sexually deviant than Roman Catholic's.

Roman Catholic's number simply about 100 to 1 Jew in this World, so it might seem that Jews are more innocent, but clearly not on a per capita (Proportionate) basis.

Not only do they have numerous pedophiles in their clergy like Avroham Mondrowitz, in their Hollywood like Harvey Weinstein, or coaches like Beno Rheinhorn, but they also have pedophile prostitute smuggling rings like that lead by Assi-Ben-Mosh, but they also have Metzitzah B'peh a oral Jewish tradition of pedophilia.

Yeah a rant on the Joooooos

So, dismissed
First, if I were Catholic with all this sex abuse and cover up going on, I probably wouldn't remain a Catholic to be honest. But if I were convinced to my soul that Catholicism were the way to go (for whatever reason), I would not give one thin dime to the organization until it had convinced me it had cleaned up its act.

Not one thin dime, Catholics. Being an advocate for children of many years' duration, I urge you to STOP ALL GIVING until they have cleaned up this massive stench of corruption.

This report has been rehashed, I am a RC and I will remain. How about all the scout leaders and their pedophilia, how about Moore, how about all the Protestants. I come from a long line of RC and a large family and married into a large RC family, never has anyone been sexually molested, and I have known a lot of altar boys.

and here's another How about the Hasidic in NY. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why doesn't the jewish DA write an article about the Hasidic Jews in NY. It about time they pay.

I also think the non denominations like the Evans and fundies have a lot of pedophilia preachers.

I'd definitely agree, Jews are way more sexually deviant than Roman Catholic's.

Roman Catholic's number simply about 100 to 1 Jew in this World, so it might seem that Jews are more innocent, but clearly not on a per capita (Proportionate) basis.

Not only do they have numerous pedophiles in their clergy like Avroham Mondrowitz, in their Hollywood like Harvey Weinstein, or coaches like Beno Rheinhorn, but they also have pedophile prostitute smuggling rings like that lead by Assi-Ben-Mosh, but they also have Metzitzah B'peh a oral Jewish tradition of pedophilia.

Yeah a rant on the Joooooos

So, dismissed

Rants against Catholics are "Kosher" but rants against Jews are "Not Kosher"

First, if I were Catholic with all this sex abuse and cover up going on, I probably wouldn't remain a Catholic to be honest. But if I were convinced to my soul that Catholicism were the way to go (for whatever reason), I would not give one thin dime to the organization until it had convinced me it had cleaned up its act.

Not one thin dime, Catholics. Being an advocate for children of many years' duration, I urge you to STOP ALL GIVING until they have cleaned up this massive stench of corruption.

This report has been rehashed, I am a RC and I will remain. How about all the scout leaders and their pedophilia, how about Moore, how about all the Protestants. I come from a long line of RC and a large family and married into a large RC family, never has anyone been sexually molested, and I have known a lot of altar boys.

and here's another How about the Hasidic in NY. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why doesn't the jewish DA write an article about the Hasidic Jews in NY. It about time they pay.

I also think the non denominations like the Evans and fundies have a lot of pedophilia preachers.

I'd definitely agree, Jews are way more sexually deviant than Roman Catholic's.

Roman Catholic's number simply about 100 to 1 Jew in this World, so it might seem that Jews are more innocent, but clearly not on a per capita (Proportionate) basis.

Not only do they have numerous pedophiles in their clergy like Avroham Mondrowitz, in their Hollywood like Harvey Weinstein, or coaches like Beno Rheinhorn, but they also have pedophile prostitute smuggling rings like that lead by Assi-Ben-Mosh, but they also have Metzitzah B'peh a oral Jewish tradition of pedophilia.

Yeah a rant on the Joooooos

So, dismissed

LOL, you must be a jew!!
First, if I were Catholic with all this sex abuse and cover up going on, I probably wouldn't remain a Catholic to be honest. But if I were convinced to my soul that Catholicism were the way to go (for whatever reason), I would not give one thin dime to the organization until it had convinced me it had cleaned up its act.

Not one thin dime, Catholics. Being an advocate for children of many years' duration, I urge you to STOP ALL GIVING until they have cleaned up this massive stench of corruption.
Since I am a Catholic...When this story broke in the early 1980s or so, we went to work. First, we discovered the instances of pedophilia among Catholic priests is actually lower than other groups. Lower was still not good enough for us. There should be NONE.

1. By the late 1980s, the greater majority of Catholic diocese had implemented changes where priests and altar servers who used to put robes on over their clothes in the same area, now do so in separate areas of the church. Altar servers/children are never alone with a priest.

2. Should any incident occur, the priest is immediately turned over to local authorities and an announcement is made at all Masses in the diocese that the incident took place.

3. Catholic Church policy is now the model used by other organizations.

The USCCB (US Catholic Bishops Conference) has been relentless in getting all diocese to conform to these policies/procedures. One diocese that was slow to comply was Boston in 2002. They were caught, and are now in compliance.

4. The Pennsylvania Grand Jury was convened because people now in their forties and fifties want to sue, but the statute of limitations had passed. So this Grand Jury went back to 1947 with their research. They noted, that "finally" in the late 1980s, the Church policies/procedures had changed.

People need to keep in mind that prior to the 1980s, even school districts used the same procedure the Church had used. Psychiatrists recommended rehabilitation training and reassignment. The Catholic Church had informed the Psychiatric community "rehabilitation" does not work, does not work, does not work. The Psychiatric community ultimately agreed that pedophilia could not be cured.

Leave the Church? Not on your life. WE (not just the clergy) are the Church. (We are taught UR the Church. If you think Catholics are going to let the smallest percentage prevent us from following Christ, think again. WE will--and we have--made changes which include an even stricter code of who can enter seminaries.

The Holy Spirit is stronger than you give credit to. The news media could have made equally sensational stories about schools, doctors, clubs and sports, Protestant denominations as well as other faiths. They selected the Catholic Church, and then rehash old news periodically. And that's okay. The Church is supposed to be beyond reproach, but it takes all the ChURch to keep it so. Running away solves nothing.
So what denomination are you?

taking issue against catholics and not identifying your own persuasion is in the least disingenuous and referring only to their immediate surface turmoil and not the the underlying religion of christianity as the issue leaves you no better than they are.
The Catholic Church has always had its detractors, mainly because it claims to be the One True Church, and because you "can't" be a half-assed Catholic; you have to go to Church weekly (+) in order to be a member in good standing.

Actually, the Catholic Church makes no such claim. The Catholic Catechism states that the Church only has the authority to promise its teachings are the way of Redemption. It has no authority to promise redemption or heaven via the way of any other faith. All others are left to the mercy of a loving God. In fact, some Protestant denominations do not hesitate to tell those of the Jewish faith they are not going to heaven. The Catholic faith points out that God has an everlasting covenant with Jews, and therefore no one has the authority to say to any Jew they are in danger of hell for not believing in Christ.
First, if I were Catholic with all this sex abuse and cover up going on, I probably wouldn't remain a Catholic to be honest. But if I were convinced to my soul that Catholicism were the way to go (for whatever reason), I would not give one thin dime to the organization until it had convinced me it had cleaned up its act.

Not one thin dime, Catholics. Being an advocate for children of many years' duration, I urge you to STOP ALL GIVING until they have cleaned up this massive stench of corruption.
Since I am a Catholic...When this story broke in the early 1980s or so, we went to work. First, we discovered the instances of pedophilia among Catholic priests is actually lower than other groups. Lower was still not good enough for us. There should be NONE.

1. By the late 1980s, the greater majority of Catholic diocese had implemented changes where priests and altar servers who used to put robes on over their clothes in the same area, now do so in separate areas of the church. Altar servers/children are never alone with a priest.

2. Should any incident occur, the priest is immediately turned over to local authorities and an announcement is made at all Masses in the diocese that the incident took place.

3. Catholic Church policy is now the model used by other organizations.

The USCCB (US Catholic Bishops Conference) has been relentless in getting all diocese to conform to these policies/procedures. One diocese that was slow to comply was Boston in 2002. They were caught, and are now in compliance.

4. The Pennsylvania Grand Jury was convened because people now in their forties and fifties want to sue, but the statute of limitations had passed. So this Grand Jury went back to 1947 with their research. They noted, that "finally" in the late 1980s, the Church policies/procedures had changed.

People need to keep in mind that prior to the 1980s, even school districts used the same procedure the Church had used. Psychiatrists recommended rehabilitation training and reassignment. The Catholic Church had informed the Psychiatric community "rehabilitation" does not work, does not work, does not work. The Psychiatric community ultimately agreed that pedophilia could not be cured.

Leave the Church? Not on your life. WE (not just the clergy) are the Church. (We are taught UR the Church. If you think Catholics are going to let the smallest percentage prevent us from following Christ, think again. WE will--and we have--made changes which include an even stricter code of who can enter seminaries.

The Holy Spirit is stronger than you give credit to. The news media could have made equally sensational stories about schools, doctors, clubs and sports, Protestant denominations as well as other faiths. They selected the Catholic Church, and then rehash old news periodically. And that's okay. The Church is supposed to be beyond reproach, but it takes all the ChURch to keep it so. Running away solves nothing.

I actually think some Jews and some Protestants would love to see the Catholic church go bankrupt, the worlds largest charity and health care system.
First, if I were Catholic with all this sex abuse and cover up going on, I probably wouldn't remain a Catholic to be honest. But if I were convinced to my soul that Catholicism were the way to go (for whatever reason), I would not give one thin dime to the organization until it had convinced me it had cleaned up its act.

Not one thin dime, Catholics. Being an advocate for children of many years' duration, I urge you to STOP ALL GIVING until they have cleaned up this massive stench of corruption.
Here's how being a Catholic babe works …

There were these Catholic school girls on their way to summer camp riding in a bus.

The bus driver lost control and the bus plowed off the edge of the road and crashed below at the bottom of the canyon.

All the girls were then lined up in front of St. Peter about getting into Heaven.

He interviewed the first girl in line, and asked her, "Now Theresa have you every done anything that you regret having done?"

She said, "Yes St. Peter, I once touched myself."

St. Peter said, "Oh that's not bad, just hold out your hand and I will sprinkle it with holy water and everything will be fine."

She did so and he did so and she entered into Heaven.

He then interviewed the second girl in line, and asked her, "Now Catherine have you every done anything that you regret having done?"

She said, "Yes St. Peter, I once touched a boy."

St. Peter said, "Oh that's not bad, just hold out your hand and I will sprinkle it with holy water and everything will be fine."

She did so and he did so and she entered into Heaven.

About this time a girl named Sally forced her way to the front of the line and told St. Peter, "Give me that vial of holy water so I can wash my mouth out with it, before Susie has to rinse out her butt with it."

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