Zone1 If I were Satan, I'd tell people that Jesus did all & good works are... dumb/useless


Platinum Member
Nov 17, 2023
Then when people sin, they will remember what I said about how sin is no big deal with the Lord and they will eventually come to believe it. Their egregious sins would tell them something different (bad consequences!) but I have a lot of "pastors" who will re-inforce this Do nothing stuff

and pretty soon all of society will fall
Then when people sin, they will remember what I said about how sin is no big deal with the Lord and they will eventually come to believe it. Their egregious sins would tell them something different (bad consequences!) but I have a lot of "pastors" who will re-inforce this Do nothing stuff

and pretty soon all of society will fall
Even good Christians who do good work will sin again in the future. Apparently that doesn't matter. What matters is they believe the story. If they believe they're in.

How many would quit your religion if they thought they had to be good people too in order to get into heaven? They can't sin if they wish to go to heaven. If Christians believed their sins were going to keep them out of heaven, they'd quit the church and say fuck it it's too hard.

That's why Christian churches tell them

a. We are all sinners
b. All it takes is you have to believe in Jesus as your lord and savior
c. It won't hurt if you give 10% of your $ to the church too btw.

And don't say you are truly sorry. Because you know what a sin is and you're going to commit them in the future. So you won't be sorry when you do it. Given another opportunity, you'd do it again. And God takes people like you to heaven?
Then when people sin, they will remember what I said about how sin is no big deal with the Lord and they will eventually come to believe it. Their egregious sins would tell them something different (bad consequences!) but I have a lot of "pastors" who will re-inforce this Do nothing stuff

and pretty soon all of society will fall

That is one of his biggest and most successful lies; that we can sin with impunity, because no matter what we do, we are “saved” if we just believe in Jesus.

That's not how it works.

We are not capable of perfection, of completely and always avoiding sin. But we are obligated to make a good-faith effort to avoid sin, and to repent when we fail.
That is one of his biggest and most successful lies; that we can sin with impunity, because no matter what we do, we are “saved” if we just believe in Jesus.

That's not how it works.

We are not capable of perfection, of completely and always avoiding sin. But we are obligated to make a good-faith effort to avoid sin, and to repent when we fail.
A good faith effort? And you all cherry pick. I dated a Pentacostal. Religious about everything except one thing. She was a total whore. I wasn't even trying to fuck her on the first date. But apparently I was so charming she had to take me home and fuck me.

Is this not a sin?

I was thinking about all the Republicans who want gays to tone it down in public but then you support that Bobert chick who got caught grabbing her dates cock at a Beatlejuice play. And her date was fondling her titties. She got offended when they asked her to leave. Imagine two gay men acting that way. You see? What's good for the goose is also good for the gander. If you want gays to tone it down then you need to tone it down yourselves.


I was thinking about all the Republicans who want gays to tone it down in public but then you support that Bobert [sic] chick who got caught grabbing her dates cock at a Beatlejuice play. And her date was fondling her titties. She got offended when they asked her to leave. Imagine two gay men acting that way. You see? What's good for the goose is also good for the gander. If you want gays to tone it down then you need to tone it down yourselves.

Are you expecting me to defend her behavior? Assuming what little I have heard and paid attention to, she behaved very inappropriately, and deserves to be condemned for it.

A funny thing about you filth on the left wrong is that you will turn a blind eye, if not outright defend, the most outrageously inappropriate behavior from your own side, but suddenly become prudes when it comes to how any of your opposition may conduct themselves. If that was a pair of faggots behaving that way in public, you'd condemn me for saying that it was inappropriate.
Are you expecting me to defend her behavior? Assuming what little I have heard and paid attention to, she behaved very inappropriately, and deserves to be condemned for it.

A funny thing about you filth on the left wrong is that you will turn a blind eye, if not outright defend, the most outrageously inappropriate behavior from your own side, but suddenly become prudes when it comes to how any of your opposition may conduct themselves. If that was a pair of faggots behaving that way in public, you'd condemn me for saying that it was inappropriate.

That's the point I'm trying to make about you! Don't flip it back to me. No, I don't think two guys should go to a play and act like Boebert did. But here she stays in your party. In the past she would have been asked to resign. But not today. Today they can kill someone on 5th avenue and not lose one vote. Republicans that is.

If it's legal for her to do it, then it's legal for them to do it. Was she charged with a crime? No? Then stop trying to make walking in public as a tranny illegal.
Then when people sin, they will remember what I said about how sin is no big deal with the Lord and they will eventually come to believe it. Their egregious sins would tell them something different (bad consequences!) but I have a lot of "pastors" who will re-inforce this Do nothing stuff

and pretty soon all of society will fall
Even good Christians who do good work will sin again in the future. Apparently that doesn't matter. What matters is they believe the story. If they believe they're in.

How many would quit your religion if they thought they had to be good people too in order to get into heaven? They can't sin if they wish to go to heaven. If Christians believed their sins were going to keep them out of heaven, they'd quit the church and say fuck it it's too hard.

That's why Christian churches tell them

a. We are all sinners
b. All it takes is you have to believe in Jesus as your lord and savior
c. It won't hurt if you give 10% of your $ to the church too btw.

And don't say you are truly sorry. Because you know what a sin is and you're going to commit them in the future. So you won't be sorry when you do it. Given another opportunity, you'd do it again. And God takes people like you to heaven?

another "I don't understand Christianity much less Catholicism but will pretend to anyhow" post

That is one of his biggest and most successful lies; that we can sin with impunity, because no matter what we do, we are “saved” if we just believe in Jesus.

That's not how it works.

We are not capable of perfection, of completely and always avoiding sin. But we are obligated to make a good-faith effort to avoid sin, and to repent when we fail.

wow, someone around here has some logic in his/her brain. What a shock!

Sorry, but I am getting tired of all the heresy that people defend no matter how much SCRIPTURE or logic or (fill in the blanks) you have on your side.

I mean, even THEY don't believe this nonsense. I have never, for example, seen a person who goes to "church" a lot commit adultery right and left and then say "Well, Jesus understands, and it won't affect my salvation one iota."

No, even they do not believe such outrageous nonsense
another "I don't understand Christianity much less Catholicism but will pretend to anyhow" post

If you guys haven't been able to explain it in the 53 years I've been alive, guess what? It's bullshit!

And you had a head start. You brainwashed me as a child with that mumbo jumbo. I give myself credit for waking up.
you [leftists] will turn a blind eye, if not outright defend, the most outrageously inappropriate behavior from your own side, but suddenly become prudes when it comes to how any of your opposition may conduct themselves. If that was a pair of faggots behaving that way in public, you'd condemn me for saying that it was inappropriate.

a big AMEN to this. Well said

If you guys haven't been able to explain it in the 53 years I've been alive, guess what? It's bullshit!

And you had a head start. You brainwashed me as a child with that mumbo jumbo. I give myself credit for waking up.
Hey, I know

How about Jesus's Words

Seek and you will FIND (emphasis mine)

Maybe you are supposed to get off your behind and SEEK God... Jesus... HIs Church

He is beyond worth it

This applies equally- well to the right
you [leftists] will turn a blind eye, if not outright defend, the most outrageously inappropriate behavior from your own side, but suddenly become prudes when it comes to how any of your opposition may conduct themselves
I'd tell people that all they need for salvation is to say a little "I accept you Jesus" prayer

and voila'

nothing else is required, don't even have to give up your sins! I got Luther to teach that one, so proud of myself! :dev3:

Then I'd tell them that if some important Truth is not found in the Bible, it is to be rejected outright without any further investigation

Never mind that the CHURCH existed some 1500 years BEFORE the Bible was mass produced
Then I'd tell them that if some important Truth is not found in the Bible, it is to be rejected outright without any further investigation
Never mind that the CHURCH existed some 1500 years BEFORE the Bible was mass produced

For a very long time, the dominant church forbade the common people from reading scripture. The clergy usurped, for themselves, the sole authority to read scriptures and tell the common people what it said. What they claimed that it said, rather. What could possibly go wrong with that?

It probably has a lot to do with how so many blatantly heretical practices, teachings, and traditions got so deeply rooted into Catholicism, in particular, and remained in the various sects that broke off therefrom, even after people had access to the Bible that should have told them that these things were wrong.

I strongly recommend a video series called Fires of Faith, that covers the conflicts and efforts that led up to the publication of the King James Bible, martyrs who gave their very lives to make it happen.
true Believers know we were already saved WHILE we were STILL sinners.
Romans 5:8-9 King James Version (KJV) But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.
op's mistake as most rc's and cults think good works save you. Our good works will never make us righteous before God, “for if righteousness comes through the Law, then Christ died needlessly” (Gal 2:21)
ome people are deceived in thinking their good works will get them into Heaven. Some will say I’m a good person. I’m not perfect, but I try to do what’s right.

”God tells us there is none good, but the Father which is in Heaven.“

We all sin and never could be perfect, no matter how hard we try. There was only one perfect and that is Jesus Christ.

“As it is written, there is none righteous, no not one.” Romans 3:10.

“Our righteousness are as filthy rags.” Isaiah 63:6

There is no way we could make it to Heaven without Jesus. Our hope is in Jesus and not ourselves.

“For by grace are ye saved through faith: and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast: For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

We should tell others to repent of their sins and trust Jesus alone for salvation. Good works want get us to Heaven.

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