Zone1 If I were Satan, I'd tell people that Jesus did all & good works are... dumb/useless

true Believers know we were already saved WHILE we were STILL sinners.
Romans 5:8-9 King James Version (KJV) But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.
Unless your name got blotted out.
That is one of his biggest and most successful lies; that we can sin with impunity, because no matter what we do, we are “saved” if we just believe in Jesus.

That's not how it works.

We are not capable of perfection, of completely and always avoiding sin. But we are obligated to make a good-faith effort to avoid sin, and to repent when we fail.
Get ready for a big let down .
Fortunately you will have an abundance of incarnations to pick up on the full plot .

BTW Your perfection talk is badly wrong .,
It is all about recognising that just being the right speck of dust, in the right place , makes the whole picture look complete , with all energy in balance .
Not too tricky for you . Learn that bit fast and it will save you a lot of time and worry .:cool:
For a very long time, the dominant church forbade the common people from reading scripture. The clergy usurped, for themselves, the sole authority to read scriptures and tell the common people what it said. What they claimed that it said, rather. What could possibly go wrong with that?
What was right about it? First, most people couldn't read. Second, the scrolls were written in another language for earlier cultures. The tradition is that these accounts were meant, not to be read, but to be studied. Finally, this was customary, not forbidden. The only time "forbidden" was announced was when poor translations and heresies to the original were being circulated. The Church thought the Word of God was that important to get right.

Reading conclusions people jump to in this era of "read and decide for yourself", it wasn't such a bad policy. I wouldn't be surprised if people then understood scripture better than people do now.

Judge not.
For a very long time, the dominant church forbade the common people from reading scripture. The clergy usurped, for themselves, the sole authority to read scriptures and tell the common people what it said. What they claimed that it said, rather. What could possibly go wrong with that?

It probably has a lot to do with how so many blatantly heretical practices, teachings, and traditions got so deeply rooted into Catholicism, in particular, and remained in the various sects that broke off therefrom, even after people had access to the Bible that should have told them that these things were wrong.

I strongly recommend a video series called Fires of Faith, that covers the conflicts and efforts that led up to the publication of the King James Bible, martyrs who gave their very lives to make it happen.
I'm not reading any protestant material

And you forget that JESUS is more powerful than man and He does have ways... I know you don't think He does but he has ways of

PRESERVING the Word of God through His Church

Too bad u don't have much faith in His ability to do that OR His promise that the very gates of Hell would not prevail against HIS Church

Heresy is the gates of Hell if anything is. Protestantism was declared a heresy by the True Church...
What was right about it? First, most people couldn't read. Second, the scrolls were written in another language for earlier cultures. The tradition is that these accounts were meant, not to be read, but to be studied. Finally, this was customary, not forbidden. The only time "forbidden" was announced was when poor translations and heresies to the original were being circulated. The Church thought the Word of God was that important to get right.

Reading conclusions people jump to in this era of "read and decide for yourself", it wasn't such a bad policy. I wouldn't be surprised if people then understood scripture better than people do now.

Judge not.

well said
Unless your name got blotted out.
Rev. 3:5 He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name from the Book of Life, but I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels.
John 10:27-29 I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father's hand.

But you can jump.
Then when people sin, they will remember what I said about how sin is no big deal with the Lord and they will eventually come to believe it. Their egregious sins would tell them something different (bad consequences!) but I have a lot of "pastors" who will re-inforce this Do nothing stuff

and pretty soon all of society will fall
Your god created Satan and you should love him
Rev. 3:5 He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name from the Book of Life, but I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels.
I doubt you know exactly what "overcometh" means...

I recall vaguely some Bible psg about how if we don't love and forgive Satan, we will be damned to eternal punishment


Satan is one of your god's creations and he loves all his creations right? You are trying to be like your god, right?

You are commanded to love others as yourself. Well Satan is just another of your god's creations
You are commanded to forgive

Do you dare disobey your god?
Satan is one of your god's creations and he loves all his creations right? You are trying to be like your god, right?

You are commanded to love others as yourself. Well Satan is just another of your god's creations
You are commanded to forgive

Do you dare disobey your god?
I didn't read past the first few words

You're just a trouble maker IMO

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