If it feels like you're watching more commercials, it isn't your imagination


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Noticing every Zendaya zit cream commercial gets interupted for another commercial I was just looking around to see what's up with that. Did the advertizer's check bounce or something? :)

"Commercial Creep"—I Hate Commercials and You Should Too

While not about Zendaya's commercials, I thought this was interesting on 'commercial creep.'

"For shorter time slots, like Comedy Central’s thirty-minute The Daily Show, the numbers hover around 22 minutes of program, meaning 23% of show is not show. One-hour shows, cable and broadcast, now typically have 43 minutes of actual program compared with 48 minutes in the late 80’s—a 9% commercial creep.

By comparison, one-hour shows on premium cable channels HBO and Showtime are in the 50-55 minute range: only 10% of the show is not show. You either pay a subscription fee so you don’t get what you pay not to get—commercials; or you pay by watching a colon’s worth of commercials. This morning on the Today Show I counted 21 commercials within a 7-minute time span, broken up by a 3-minute piece of news content,"

I think the greatest threat to public airwaves (or, as it happens now, public cables) is too many mf'ing commercial breaks, and too many mf'ing commercials per break. I'm not watching programming to be forced to sit through all the commercials and don't think I'm alone when I say I'm not in fact sitting there watching them but turning the channel to watch whoever's not in a commercial break.

If there's any logic at all to how much channels charge their advertisers, the first commercial during a break is charged full price, and subsequent ones are charged less corresponding to the order in which they appear - no point paying a lot for something no one's actually seeing. ;)

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