If it Turns Out to be Terror, Putin Can't Risk His Reputation for Ruthlessness


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
It will be interesting to see what Putin's next step will be because it looks like a bomb was placed on the plane.

If it Turns Out to be Terror, Putin Can't Risk His Reputation for Ruthlessness
By The Daily Telegraph

Published: 05th November 2015 08:24 AM

Last Updated: 05th November 2015 08:24 AM

  • putin-rumours-AP.jpg

    Russian President Vladimir Putin | File/AP
MOSCOW: An inexcusable act of negligence that raises questions about Russia's aviation industry, or a vicious terrorist attack explicitly designed to punish the country for the Kremlin's intervention in the Syria?

Whatever brought down the Metrojet Airbus, the worst aviation disaster in Russian history, it has massive implications for the government and the public.

By suspending all flights between Britain and Sharm el-Sheikh pending a security review, David Cameron has given the clearest indication yet that governments believe terrorism may be at the root of the disaster.

If so, President Vladimir Putin and his advisers will have to think hard about how to respond.

Pollsters say Russian public support for the Syrian adventure, though high, is fragile. While many Russians are happy with the abstract idea of "bombing terrorists", few are prepared to take casualties by getting involved in a distant civil war.

However, one reason for that ambivalence is that many Russians don't see Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil) as an imminent threat. If Isil's claims of responsibility turn out to be genuine, it may actually boost public support for Mr Putin's war in Syria - at least in the short term.

Either way, he and his government will come under massive pressure to respond, forcefully and visibly, against the perpetrators. Mr Putin cemented his popularity by ruthlessly crushing Chechen separatism following a series of terrorist attacks in the early 2000s. His crude approach to the issue, summed up in his infamous comment that "we'll kill them in the outhouse if we have to", has produced a myriad of documented human rights abuses, but it met widespread approval from a Russian public exhausted by atrocities such as apartment block bombings, exploding airliners and the Beslan School and Dubrovka Theatre sieges

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the answer is easy and OBVIOUS, sally--------something to which the
Russian psyche is always prepared to accept DA JOOOOOOS DONE IT
the answer is easy and OBVIOUS, sally--------something to which the
Russian psyche is always prepared to accept DA JOOOOOOS DONE IT
And who, of sane mind, would believe ISIS could bring down that plane without assistance? And why is it that civilian airlines flying at 30,000' keep falling out of the sky wherever we see Western interventions?
the answer is easy and OBVIOUS, sally--------something to which the
Russian psyche is always prepared to accept DA JOOOOOOS DONE IT
And who, of sane mind, would believe ISIS could bring down that plane without assistance? And why is it that civilian airlines flying at 30,000' keep falling out of the sky wherever we see Western interventions?

even you could bring a plane down---------if you have a chance of getting
a bomb into the plane. Sharm el Shaykh is a strong hold for jihadist scum.
Lots of sunnis -----with the sick caliphate-loving education inflicted on muslim
babies. What does "western" have to do with the situation?
the answer is easy and OBVIOUS, sally--------something to which the
Russian psyche is always prepared to accept DA JOOOOOOS DONE IT
And who, of sane mind, would believe ISIS could bring down that plane without assistance? And why is it that civilian airlines flying at 30,000' keep falling out of the sky wherever we see Western interventions?

even you could bring a plane down---------if you have a chance of getting
a bomb into the plane. Sharm el Shaykh is a strong hold for jihadist scum.
Lots of sunnis -----with the sick caliphate-loving education inflicted on muslim
babies. What does "western" have to do with the situation?

It is not, its the second largest airport in Egypt, lots of tourist and Brits fly in an out, not just Russians.
the answer is easy and OBVIOUS, sally--------something to which the
Russian psyche is always prepared to accept DA JOOOOOOS DONE IT
And who, of sane mind, would believe ISIS could bring down that plane without assistance? And why is it that civilian airlines flying at 30,000' keep falling out of the sky wherever we see Western interventions?

even you could bring a plane down---------if you have a chance of getting
a bomb into the plane. Sharm el Shaykh is a strong hold for jihadist scum.
Lots of sunnis -----with the sick caliphate-loving education inflicted on muslim
babies. What does "western" have to do with the situation?

It is not, its the second largest airport in Egypt, lots of tourist and Brits fly in an out, not just Russians.

Both the UK and Canada are pulling their citizens out of there as we post----
the downing of the plane was not the first terrorist action coming out of that
beach resort, airport nest of vipers
What does "western" have to do with the situation?

clever answer Tehon------what does it mean?
You are being obtuse now. Russia is in Syria to counter Western sponsored terrorists and it is these same Western sponsored terrorists who want to take credit for the downed plane.

"WESTERN SPONSORED" ?? can you provide details? I am not even sure
what "WESTERN" means--------it is a term used by communists and islamicists
that seems to mean anything "not them"
see sally? I told you........

I think she pictures herself as one of the ISIS babes, and to help them she is quick to put the blame on someone else. You can read Ms. Skinhead like a book and know she will come up with something to blame the Israelis or the Jews in general.
If the below article is true........it'll be more interesting to see Putins' response............(especially, if those weapons were already delivered!)

CIA, Saudis To Give "Select" Syrian Militants Weapons Capable Of Downing Commercial Airliners | Zero Hedge

"capable of downing commercial airliners" does not mean anything other than
that they are powerful weapons-----likely capable of downing planes dropping bombs.-----
whoever wrote that sentence is a piece of crap journalist
I would hardly expect Putin to grovel and apologize for having offended any terrorists who might have killed those 200+ innocent people.

Now had it been an American aircraft, yeah, I could easily see Our Kenyan President doing his ever-cute shuck-and-jive suckup. Fortunately it wasn't. Not this time.
It will be interesting to see what Putin's next step will be because it looks like a bomb was placed on the plane.

If it Turns Out to be Terror, Putin Can't Risk His Reputation for Ruthlessness
By The Daily Telegraph

Published: 05th November 2015 08:24 AM

Last Updated: 05th November 2015 08:24 AM

  • putin-rumours-AP.jpg

    Russian President Vladimir Putin | File/AP
MOSCOW: An inexcusable act of negligence that raises questions about Russia's aviation industry, or a vicious terrorist attack explicitly designed to punish the country for the Kremlin's intervention in the Syria?

Whatever brought down the Metrojet Airbus, the worst aviation disaster in Russian history, it has massive implications for the government and the public.

By suspending all flights between Britain and Sharm el-Sheikh pending a security review, David Cameron has given the clearest indication yet that governments believe terrorism may be at the root of the disaster.

If so, President Vladimir Putin and his advisers will have to think hard about how to respond.

Pollsters say Russian public support for the Syrian adventure, though high, is fragile. While many Russians are happy with the abstract idea of "bombing terrorists", few are prepared to take casualties by getting involved in a distant civil war.

However, one reason for that ambivalence is that many Russians don't see Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil) as an imminent threat. If Isil's claims of responsibility turn out to be genuine, it may actually boost public support for Mr Putin's war in Syria - at least in the short term.

Either way, he and his government will come under massive pressure to respond, forcefully and visibly, against the perpetrators. Mr Putin cemented his popularity by ruthlessly crushing Chechen separatism following a series of terrorist attacks in the early 2000s. His crude approach to the issue, summed up in his infamous comment that "we'll kill them in the outhouse if we have to", has produced a myriad of documented human rights abuses, but it met widespread approval from a Russian public exhausted by atrocities such as apartment block bombings, exploding airliners and the Beslan School and Dubrovka Theatre sieges

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never thught I'd say this

but I kinda feel sorry for isis

the russians are fucking ruthless in war with their own people, so the islamist.....
How will the jihad and the response to it change?

If Isis did target Russian plane, what does it mean for 'war on terror'?
Thursday 5 November 2015 - Likely motivation for any Islamic State role would be Moscow’s action in Syria rather than move towards global terror strategy
If Islamic State did bring down a packed passenger jet over the Sinai desert, as many US and UK officials believe is a “significant possibility”, then the act would mark a significant escalation of the group’s capabilities and strategic aims, but also underline its continuing regional – rather than global – focus. One of the key differences between Isis and al-Qaida is that the former has focused its energies almost exclusively on seizing and holding territory. Al-Qaida, the veteran terrorist organisation from which Isis broke away, still, theoretically at least, prioritises spectacular strikes on targets in the west.

Al-Qaida has a long track record of targeting planes. This goes back to 1995 and a plot to bring down half a dozen airliners over the Pacific. Then came the 9/11 attacks, a 2002 attempt to bring down an Israeli airliner with a surface to air missile, a hugely ambitious plot in 2006 targeting transatlantic planes, and several more recent attempts by the Yemen-based affiliate, al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula, to strike at western air traffic. Isis has avoided such operations. One reason is that social media and digital technologies mean it no longer needs a spectacular attack killing large numbers of westerners to gain publicity, as was the case when professional news editors or repressive states decided what was broadcast and what was not.

A video of an execution is easily disseminated and provokes shock, horror – and a political reaction – across the globe with only a fraction of the resources of a bigger, mass-casualty strike in the west. A small team of lightly armed gunmen at a hotel or museum in a city somewhere on the Mediterranean shoreline and patronised by Europeans will also gain major publicity. So far, Isis has limited itself to calling on individuals in the west to strike targets where they live, rather than directly controlling or commissioning complex attacks anywhere outside the Islamic world. The focus of 99% of the group’s attention has been on its key strategic objectives: slowly but steadily expanding its base in Iraq and Syria, with an accompanying interest in building a network of affiliates.


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