if it walks like a duck ...


Platinum Member
May 19, 2014
it's a duck ...

Intercepted phone calls and phone records show that several aides and allies to Donald Trump's presidential campaign were in repeated contact with senior Russian intelligence officials, according to The New York Times.

the events surrounding Flynn have only intensified calls from both sides of the aisle for comprehensive probes of the issue.

Report: Trump campaign aides were in contact with Russian intel officials

"Officials told the publication that they have seen no evidence of collusion in regards to hacking or the election."

More cliches from the left when they know Flynn is not suspected of anything illegal. Hillary Clinton paved the way for the Russians to obtain crucial uranium sites when she was secretary of state. Did she walk like a duck?
So, from the article, they don't know who spoke to whom, or about what and they have no evidence of collusion in regard to hacking or the election.

Christ almighty, do you even read your own citing's?

Hey. You posted the thread. Tell us all.
It would be good to know what they were chatting about.

it's not clear exactly who, both from the U.S. and Russia, were part of the conversations or what they talked about, including if discussions centered on Trump himself."
I'm not making any judgments. There are legit reasons for people in the Trump campaign to be talking with Ruskies, and a sad fact of that country in their intelligence services are often the same folks making financial decisions. It's basically a police state over there. But there could be things discussed that shouldn't have been discussed, including what a President Trump might be disposed to do on issues important to Russian intelligence.
it's a duck ...

Intercepted phone calls and phone records show that several aides and allies to Donald Trump's presidential campaign were in repeated contact with senior Russian intelligence officials, according to The New York Times.

the events surrounding Flynn have only intensified calls from both sides of the aisle for comprehensive probes of the issue.

Report: Trump campaign aides were in contact with Russian intel officials

"Officials told the publication that they have seen no evidence of collusion in regards to hacking or the election."


Yup. The New York Slimes said the same in their article. There was no sign of any wrong doing in any of the conversations.
it's a duck ...

Intercepted phone calls and phone records show that several aides and allies to Donald Trump's presidential campaign were in repeated contact with senior Russian intelligence officials, according to The New York Times.

the events surrounding Flynn have only intensified calls from both sides of the aisle for comprehensive probes of the issue.

Report: Trump campaign aides were in contact with Russian intel officials
Right after the MAJOR investigation on the 3-5 million illegal voters.

Hey. You posted the thread. Tell us all.
It would be good to know what they were chatting about.

it's not clear exactly who, both from the U.S. and Russia, were part of the conversations or what they talked about, including if discussions centered on Trump himself."
I'm not making any judgments. There are legit reasons for people in the Trump campaign to be talking with Ruskies, and a sad fact of that country in their intelligence services are often the same folks making financial decisions. It's basically a police state over there. But there could be things discussed that shouldn't have been discussed, including what a President Trump might be disposed to do on issues important to Russian intelligence.

Hey... fair enough.
So, from the article, they don't know who spoke to whom, or about what and they have no evidence of collusion in regard to hacking or the election.

Christ almighty, do you even read your own citing's?

OK, let's review just the basics ...

Russia used its intelligence services to commit statutory crimes in the United States with the aim and quite possibly the effect of changing the outcome of a national election.

Several of Trump's aides and advisors were in what appears to have been active and ongoing communication with agents of that foreign power while this campaign to manipulate the election was active.

Trump has numerous financial dealings with people in and around Russia, but the majority of the most basic information about his finances, financials dealings and more, he refuses to disclose.

Trump has routinely and consistently made floridly complimentary comments about the leader Russia and in a few specific cases taken specific actions which shift US policy to assist his country.

And, let's just remember; Russia is a hostile foreign actor.

You better get busy, you've got A LOT to ignore.
So, from the article, they don't know who spoke to whom, or about what and they have no evidence of collusion in regard to hacking or the election.

Christ almighty, do you even read your own citing's?

OK, let's review just the basics ...

Russia used its intelligence services to commit statutory crimes in the United States with the aim and quite possibly the effect of changing the outcome of a national election.

Several of Trump's aides and advisors were in what appears to have been active and ongoing communication with agents of that foreign power while this campaign to manipulate the election was active.

Trump has numerous financial dealings with people in and around Russia, but most of the most basic information about his finances, financials dealings and more, he refuses to disclose.

Trump has routinely and consistently made floridly complimentary comments about the leader Russia and in a few specific cases taken specific actions which shift US policy to assist his country.

And, let's just remember; Russia is a hostile foreign actor.

You better get busy, you've got A LOT to ignore.

Nah. But we do have a lot to laugh at.
it's a duck ...

Intercepted phone calls and phone records show that several aides and allies to Donald Trump's presidential campaign were in repeated contact with senior Russian intelligence officials, according to The New York Times.

the events surrounding Flynn have only intensified calls from both sides of the aisle for comprehensive probes of the issue.

Report: Trump campaign aides were in contact with Russian intel officials

1. The FBI has already said there is NOTHING illegal regarding Flynn's phone call / contact.

2. There are no 'Intensified Calls'
EXCLUSIVE: How The Nation’s Spooks Played The Game ‘Kill Mike Flynn’

"Flynn’s sacking was a result of intelligence insiders at the CIA, NSA and National Security Council using a sophisticated “disinformation campaign” to create a crisis atmosphere. The former Intel officers say the tactics hurled against Flynn over the last few months were the type of high profile hard-ball accusations previously reserved for top figures in enemy states, not for White House officials."

If the FBI would have found something illegal on Flynn he would be in handcuffs by now.

More 'Fake News' butt-hurt snowflake propaganda, creating an atmosphere / perception of crisis and / or scandal where there is none.
Russia used its intelligence services to commit statutory crimes in the United States with the aim and quite possibly the effect of changing the outcome of a national election.

Barak Obama, the DHS, Hillary, the DNC, the 'All-In' Media, and Snowflakes did more to affect the outcome of the 2016 Presidential election that the Russians did:

Obama and the DHS attempted - unsuccessfully - to hack the Georgia Voting Process (Machines) 12 times in an attempt to demonstrate why his DOJ needed to take over EVERY STATE'S voting process in the name of 'National Security'/.

Hillary's campaign was proven to have funded groups to engage in intimidation, beating, and bloodying Trump Supporters.

- Rigged their Primary to help Hillary beat Bernie
- Fed Hillary Debate Questions in Advance
- Engaged in voter fraud during the Primaries
- Allowed a candidate who was under MULTIPLE FBI Investigations stay in the race
- Was guilty of piss-poor cyber security, making it easy for Russians to hack their e-mails, exposing they are cheaters, racists, sexists, and homophobic anti-Semites...which everyone already knew anyway
- Firebombed a GOP Hq

The 'All-In Media', like CNN - 'did everything we could to help Hillary win, to include ignoring all of her scandals'...

Snowflakes called for recounts, engaged in intimidation and threat-making in an attempt to 'flip'. Electoral College voters....physically beat and bloodied Trump supporters, firebombed a GOP HQ, rioted, destroyed property, looted....called for Impeachment before Trump was sworn in....called for military coups....called for Trump's assassination.

The only thing Russia did was hack some e-mails that proved Democrats are liars, cheaters, racists, sexists, and homophobic anti-Semites...which, AGAIN, everyone already knew.

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