If it wasn't evolution, then what was it?



Referring to "God did it", Right wingers keep saying, "That's not an accurate view".

OK, then explain it to us.

"The gods did it" is fine as an explanation.

"Zeus did it" (with his formidable union of gods).

Matter settled.
I've explained my view of the moment of creation in another thread. Go find it if u r that interested.

After that, it's all about evolution.
I've explained my view of the moment of creation in another thread. Go find it if u r that interested.

After that, it's all about evolution.

So the occult predates science?
I've explained my view of the moment of creation in another thread. Go find it if u r that interested.

After that, it's all about evolution.

So the occult predates science?

Well, then let's try to keep it all "science".

I can't find my previous post that I mentioned, so I'll try to phrase it here...

The moment that the physical universe came to be (the "big bang"?) was the moment that the building blocks of physical life came into being. After that, came evolution.

That's it in a nutshell, you nut.
There is no evidence that man evolved from an ape like creature. Evolution does not create new species from old species. Not mammals anyway.

My personal belief is God made man then all life and left evolution to work on the species in existence.
There is no evidence that man evolved from an ape like creature. Evolution does not create new species from old species. Not mammals anyway.

My personal belief is God made man then all life and left evolution to work on the species in existence.

The evidence is in every cell of your body. We share over 90% of our DNA with Chimpanzees. From bone structure to blood, we are one of the great apes.

As for your very unsupported opinion of what nature does with mammals, if there is no common ancestors, why can horses and asses interbreed to produce mules?
Humans of European descent, have at least 2% Neanderthal DNA in them, we are all a product of evolutionary mingling and changes.
One doesn't need a deity to cling to.

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