If it's so great to be LGBTQ why are LGBTQ still claiming victim status?

You have to admit the LGBTQ position is inconsistent.
No one talks about LGBTQ more than conservatives. You make excuses to talk about it. A Republican asks the SCOTUS nominee about gender. Then the rightwing acts like it’s all the left talks about despite it being a Republican who brought up the subject. You all harp on this shit because you’re too simple to debate topics like economics.
When people really hated LGBTQ people they had a right to complain.

Now that people have accepted LGBTQ people, they should stop complaining.

That's all I'm saying.
No one talks about LGBTQ more than conservatives. You make excuses to talk about it. A Republican asks the SCOTUS nominee about gender. Then the rightwing acts like it’s all the left talks about despite it being a Republican who brought up the subject. You all harp on this shit because you’re too simple to debate topics like economics.
You're the freaks that keep bringing it up in public schools.
Taking a wrecking ball to women's and girl's sports is going too far.

Suing a baker because he won't bake you a wedding cake for your same-sex wedding is going too far.

Trying to teach kindergarteners about LGBTQ issues is going too far.
Lol uh no that’s you. It’s your side banning books.
Oh yeah...We're the ones bringing in the LGBTQ books just so we can ban them.. See, this is a glaring example of how damn stupid you are.
Same sex couples are more likely to have gender-confused children. It's not just a biology thing. Children can be recruited.
Educators, obviously.
Or they were simply books that got overlooked. Who cares? You idiots wouldn’t even be crying about them if they featured straight couples with sexual content instead. You’re just crybaby bitches who want to whine about the dumbest shit lol
Or they were simply books that got overlooked. Who cares? You idiots wouldn’t even be crying about them if they featured straight couples with sexual content instead. You’re just crybaby bitches who want to whine about the dumbest shit lol
Yes, if the books were about normal people, no problem. You're perverts and groomers. Hardly crying about dumb shit. You freaks are exposed. Your game is over. You're lucky we haven't hung any of you, which is what you deserve.
Yes, if the books were about normal people, no problem. You're perverts and groomers. Hardly crying about dumb shit. You freaks are exposed. Your game is over. You're lucky we haven't hung any of you, which is what you deserve.
Lol it’s so pathetic how you don’t even realize how much of a snowflake you are.

I’m straight. I’m just not a whiny little bitch like you. I focus on political issues that actually matter. You just never matured past the 8th grade.
Lol it’s so pathetic how you don’t even realize how much of a snowflake you are.

I’m straight. I’m just not a whiny little bitch like you. I focus on political issues that actually matter. You just never matured past the 8th grade.
Children matter. Grooming children with this perverted garbage is serious. Fuck you.
And there it is. Nothing left. Run along, bozo.
You know it must bother you that you don’t have an actual platform come 2024. All this whining you do about gay people is not going to resonate with the majority of Americans.

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