If Joaquin Had Flooded New England,Would Lunatic Liberals Blame Global Warming And Conservatives?

:argue::cow: But being it's South Carolina is getting the worst of it now, the Democrats wont show any concern and could care less being it's a red state that has been accused of being racists and still may have slavery going on. {and God probably swerved the storm to South Carolina for the killings in that Church}.
Now what if Joaquin had hit all of New England, flooded Boston, Providence, parts of Maine, New Hampshire, Connecticut? You can just see at least half of New England residents blaming Bush, The GOP, "F****kn Global Warming" caused by Republicans driving SUV's all day long, etc. etc. But not this time, It's a red state, so for the lunatic lefties, no big deal, those "Racist Slave Owners" deserve it !!!:iagree::clap2:

If it struck New England we would be blaming the useless local politicians who would be stuffing federal aid dollars into their privates with both hands.
Bad enough Boston was under 10 feet of snow,,,then again,,,they voted for it.
I would support providing South Carolina with disaster relief just as soon as we find the extra funds in our budget
We are well aware that you support theft from red states because you don't like their politics.

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