If John Kelly Is Good With Releasing The Memo, Good Enough For Me

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
One thing you can count on is if a patriot like John Kelly agrees with revealing this corruption then everyone in America should want it released.

Kelly and Mattis are the two best presidential advisers this country has had in decades. They didn't get where they are by disregarding bullshit when they saw it. And nothing has changed.

Le'ts get on with the unmasking of the real traitors to this country. This bullshit has gone on long enough.
John Kelly is trying to stay out of jail

The Democrats hit job on Trump was total bullshit in the first place just so the Queen could be crowned.

And the arrogance of Obamakov's justice department is being exposed. The reason you poor snowflakes don't want it out is because it opens the entire can of worms for everyone to see.
"Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!" (Sir Walter Scott, 1808).

All the smoke-screens in the world won't distract Mueller, and if the Orange Idiot gets him fired, he'll still expose this sorry mess of corruption.
clumsily, like he does everything else
Be specific, dumbfuck.
Petitioning Russia to invest foreign money campaigning for him and against his opponent. And also promising concessions in case of a win.

You understand that, even if Trump turns out to be guilty of doing this, petitioning foreign investors for campaign help doesn't qualify as treason, yes? Neither does making untrue or dubious political statements on the internet.

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