If Justice Kennedy Had Known A Christian Would Be Jailed Less Than 3 Months Later...

Kennedy would've voted "no" on federal gay marriage if he had a crystal ball & saw Davis in jail.

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If religious beliefs hold sway over the law of the land then Sharia law could not be banned.

Nor could polygamy.

Nor could animal or human sacrifice.
Translation: the title of this thread should be buried very quickly in case a news bot picks it up and runs with it.. :lmao:

I see your translation skills are just a good as your of predictions skills. :lol:

Here is a couple pictures before I leave this stupid thread:



And you can't do shit about it.
That the Bible was written by God is an exercise of faith, or superstition. It is not a fact. All evidence, rationality, and reason points to the Bible being written by men telling stories or in some cases recording various renditions of history.

Have fun arguing that in front of Sotomayor...and Kennedy..

I don't have to. The Court has repeatedly rejected religious arguments that tried to put religion above the law.
Not too many LGBT payroll bloggers responding to this one... mmm hmmm...
We actually work for a living to keep up our FABULOUS lifestyle. Justice Kennedy knows the law (unlike you)...he's probably laughing at your suggestion that he would care one way or another about some stupid clerk who is in contempt of court.
That the Bible was written by God is an exercise of faith, or superstition. It is not a fact. All evidence, rationality, and reason points to the Bible being written by men telling stories or in some cases recording various renditions of history.

Have fun arguing that in front of Sotomayor...and Kennedy..

The same Kennedy and Sotomayor rejected Davis's case?

Your imagination works overtime, Sil. But it still has jack shit to do with the justices, the law or reality.
Give it up, the cross groveler in KY broke the law she got off easy with jail time
And if you had argued that in SCOTUS last Spring, do you suppose their verdict would be the same on "gay marriage"?

Without realizing it, you just underscored my points in the OP.
If you had presented your arguments in Spring, they might still be laughing.
It was the Supreme Courts decision that she openly violated

Of course, Kennedy would support contempt charges
That's not what the OP asked. It asked if Kennedy knew ahead of time where this was going with Christians in less than 3 months, would he have voted the way he did in June?

There, I made it bigger so you wouldn't "forget" next time.

No, check out Kennedy's vote on Employment Division v. Smith for the answer to your question.

There, I made it bigger so you wouldn't "ignore' it next time.

That's where Scalia of all people makes the point that religion isn't above the law.
Here is a couple pictures before I leave this stupid thread:

And you can't do shit about it.

Yes yes I know, or I'll wind up in jail, right?

Like I said, what would Kennedy have voted if he knew that folks passively refusing to participate in fatherless or motherless "marriages" (to the demise of the other implied parties to the marriage contract: children) would wind up in their being jailed?

Answer the question when you get a minute mdk.
So, if Kennedy had a crystal ball and saw Kim Davis sitting in jail less than 3 months after he released the June Opinion, would he have voted differently?

A legal decision is not dependent on emotional logical fallacies.

Try again.
The 1st Amendment of the US Constitution and the 9th that supports it aren't "emotional logical fallacies". And it is my avid belief that had Kennedy known that less than 3 months later the 1st and 9th Amendments were sitting in jail because of his decision, he would walk that back right now in a heartbeat if given the chance..
Nor is the 14th Amendment. And what about the 1st amendment rights of everyone else besides Kim Davis? Do they not count?
why do you think that an arrest for disobeying a court order would change the 14th amendment?

Here's a better question, why do you think non-existent "guarantees to just some deviant sex behaviors for marriage" in the 14th out-trump the 1st Amendment? (Hint: look to the 9th Amendment for who is going to win this little snafu..)
Why do you automatically default to imagining sex between gay couples when discussion on getting a legal marriage license comes up? Do you also default to imagining sex between straight couples when they get legally married? When watching weddings, are you secretly undressing the bride and groom in your mind?
It was not her Christianity that landed her in jail.

It was her 1st amendment right to exercise her Christianity that landed her in jail.

No it was her refusal to do her job that did that. There is nothing in the 1st that gives her the right to defy a Court order to do the job she was elected to do. Your right to practice your religion stops when it starts to infringe on other citizens rights

Where in the Constitution does it say government has the right to make marriage licenses?
It doesn't....but if the government starts giving out marriage licenses to afford government protections for inheritance, divorce, etc.....they better be doing it for all law abiding, tax paying citizens.
It was not her Christianity that landed her in jail.

It was her 1st amendment right to exercise her Christianity that landed her in jail.

No it was her refusal to do her job that did that. There is nothing in the 1st that gives her the right to defy a Court order to do the job she was elected to do. Your right to practice your religion stops when it starts to infringe on other citizens rights

Where in the Constitution does it say government has the right to make marriage licenses?

Read the 10th amendment. As its the States issuing such licenses.
Right...and 14th doesn't allow states to discriminate against SOME law-abiding, tax-paying citizens. in issuing said licenses.
It was not her Christianity that landed her in jail.

It was her 1st amendment right to exercise her Christianity that landed her in jail.

No it was her refusal to do her job that did that. There is nothing in the 1st that gives her the right to defy a Court order to do the job she was elected to do. Your right to practice your religion stops when it starts to infringe on other citizens rights

Where in the Constitution does it say government has the right to make marriage licenses?

Read the 10th amendment. As its the States issuing such licenses.

States yes Feds no.
Supreme Court ruling just over ruled the States rights.
Yep...ever heard of the Supremacy Clause?
I have nothing against same sex marriage. But I do have concern that proponents of SSM believe it legalizes sodomy and homosexual acts. As far as I know, those are still criminal offenses. Can any one cite the law that legalizes that behavior?
On a sidenote, does anyone know what you get when you cross a rooster with a telephone pole?
Wait...you think sodomy is illegal? :rofl: :rofl: How you plan on enforcing this so-called law making it illegal?
I have nothing against same sex marriage. But I do have concern that proponents of SSM believe it legalizes sodomy and homosexual acts. As far as I know, those are still criminal offenses. Can any one cite the law that legalizes that behavior?
On a sidenote, does anyone know what you get when you cross a rooster with a telephone pole?

Lawrence v. Texas
A 30-foot cock that helps you reach out and touch someone.
It was her 1st amendment right to exercise her Christianity that landed her in jail.

No it was her refusal to do her job that did that. There is nothing in the 1st that gives her the right to defy a Court order to do the job she was elected to do. Your right to practice your religion stops when it starts to infringe on other citizens rights

Where in the Constitution does it say government has the right to make marriage licenses?

Read the 10th amendment. As its the States issuing such licenses.

States yes Feds no.
Supreme Court ruling just over ruled the States rights.
Yep...ever heard of the Supremacy Clause?

Yes and the Judge based that on the Necessary and Proper clause.
No it was her refusal to do her job that did that. There is nothing in the 1st that gives her the right to defy a Court order to do the job she was elected to do. Your right to practice your religion stops when it starts to infringe on other citizens rights

Where in the Constitution does it say government has the right to make marriage licenses?

Read the 10th amendment. As its the States issuing such licenses.

States yes Feds no.
Supreme Court ruling just over ruled the States rights.

Now read the 14th amendment. Specifically the part about due process and equal protection.

Under laws yes.
Not marriage.
They were not equal under the laws.
The laws should have changed to help them become equal under the laws, not the Supreme Court that forced States to marry them.
An example would be the inheritance laws where same sex couples would have the same rights under those laws.
The government is giving out a LEGAL marriage license. Why would it not be equal under the law?
Where in the Constitution does it say government has the right to make marriage licenses?

Read the 10th amendment. As its the States issuing such licenses.

States yes Feds no.
Supreme Court ruling just over ruled the States rights.

Now read the 14th amendment. Specifically the part about due process and equal protection.

Under laws yes.
Not marriage.
They were not equal under the laws.
The laws should have changed to help them become equal under the laws, not the Supreme Court that forced States to marry them.
An example would be the inheritance laws where same sex couples would have the same rights under those laws.
The government is giving out a LEGAL marriage license. Why would it not be equal under the law?

That has nothing to do with what I was talking about.

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