If Kari Doesn't Get Her Stolen Election Back, Americans Won't Have a Country Anymore.

Hillary would have won if the machines had been set up as they were for Biden, That is why she is so pissed off at her fellow dems.
Gloating Hillarity

Being told by their NYTwit bible that she had a 92% of winning, why would those lazy spoiled brats make the effort?
Not all that frequently.

The last two times we ignored the popular will we wound up with transgenerational disasters..
The Democrats' Demographic Demolition Derby

If the popular will was worth anything under the ruling class's Constitution, we, the people, would never have given feral minorities and Third Word immigrants the right to vote.

Besides, it was the will of the original majority to give disproportionate electoral votes to the less-populated states. No one wanted to be crammed into the overcrowded states. In fact, when the British tried that, it was the real cause of the Revolutionary War (Royal Proclamation of 1763). As usual, the ruling class's ventriloquist puppets got things wrong on both sides of the aisle.
Don't blame you....but it's unrequited.

Now show me what informs your assertions.
I check out Reuters and AP News everyday and watch YouTube videos that report on various businesses.
I rely on a long term viewing of these reports so I don’t get fooled by temporary market anamolies.
The Democrats' Demographic Demolition Derby

If the popular will was worth anything under the ruling class's Constitution, we, the people, would never have given feral minorities and Third Word immigrants the right to vote.

Besides, it was the will of the original majority to give disproportionate electoral votes to the less-populated states. No one wanted to be crammed into the overcrowded states. In fact, when the British tried that, it was the real cause of the Revolutionary War (Royal Proclamation of 1763). As usual, the ruling class's ventriloquist puppets got things wrong on both sides of the aisle.
Blah, blah, blah...

I check out Reuters and AP News everyday and watch YouTube videos that report on various businesses.
I rely on a long term viewing of these reports so I don’t get fooled by temporary market anamolies.

And by 'long term viewing', you mean apeing youtube gingers?

You're not a thinker, Dependant. You repeat what you're told.
Why not track the phenomena directly, rather than reports of same?
I tried but the CEOs never call me back.
For instance, auto companies are affected by chip availability, but a CEO will not tell me that new cars will have less technology or the number of cars produced will diminish and the price will go up.
I don’t need to see Kellogg’s internal data to know that we have a shortage of grains due to the Ukraine and Russia and Bill Gates buying up farm land in the US and diminishing our food supply.

Its emotionally based argument to avoid any personal responsibility. Rather than assess their garbage judgment in selecting a news caster conspiracy theorist with no relevant experience as their candidate for governor......

......they try to pass the blame to someone else.

In the party of personal responsibility, its always someone else's fault.
I tried but the CEOs never call me back.
For instance, auto companies are affected by chip availability, but a CEO will not tell me that new cars will have less technology or the number of cars produced will diminish and the price will go up.
I don’t need to see Kellogg’s internal data to know that we have a shortage of grains due to the Ukraine and Russia and Bill Gates buying up farm land in the US and diminishing our food supply.
Actually, they sorta do..

They are frequently quizzed on forward guidance, there's also a Management Discussion&Analysis section in 10K filings.
Actually, they sorta do..

They are frequently quizzed on forward guidance, there's also a Management Discussion&Analysis section in 10K filings.
Sort of is correct…
They use “Business Speak”.

Do you know why HSBC is collapsing?
Why would anyone need to prove what is so widely "known"?

That's just silly.
Yah, it's true, Little Kari and Dirty Don were cheated in exactly the same way. The evidence they provided the courts when they challenged the elections proved it beyond any reasonable, unreasonable or ludicrous doubt.

Saul Biden Dude.
Yah, it's true, Little Kari and Dirty Don were cheated in exactly the same way. The evidence they provided the courts when they challenged the elections proved it beyond any reasonable, unreasonable or ludicrous doubt.

Saul Biden Dude.
The courts refused to look at the evidence and you know that quite well.
The courts refused to look at the evidence and you know that quite well.
Granted there was a lot of incompetent lawyer'ing going on for the poor Trumpster. That doesn't mean they had evidence in those cases either. The lawyers complaints never could match the rhetoric the campaign was boasting of in the press.
Granted there was a lot of incompetent lawyer'ing going on for the poor Trumpster. That doesn't mean they had evidence in those cases either. The lawyers complaints never could match the rhetoric the campaign was boasting of in the press.
You voted for Biden so you have lost the right to comment on anyone’s competence not to mention the judges were not going to persue any case that would cause BLM to burn down their house.
You voted for Biden so you have lost the right to comment on anyone’s competence not to mention the judges were not going to persue any case that would cause BLM to burn down their house.
Quick kick on first down?

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