If liberals are genuinly concerned about voter integrity

They're only concerned about staying in power and hiding the illegal immigrant and dead people vote.
Oh, the DimWits do, indeed, hide Illegal Beaners... it's just that they don't vote in any substantive numbers, and Americans don't trust the Feds - and Trump's Feds, to boot - with political choice information as part of a nationwide Big Brother Political Affiliation database.

Got it, now?
There is zero proof of any widespread voter fraud. Its just a right wing excuse to keep people from voting.

There's zero proof if you have an IQ below 100 and get all of your news from CNN and MSNBC.
They're only concerned about staying in power and hiding the illegal immigrant and dead people vote.
Oh, the DimWits do, indeed, hide Illegal Beaners... it's just that they don't vote in any substantive numbers, and Americans don't trust the Feds - and Trump's Feds, to boot - with political choice information as part of a nationwide Big Brother Political Affiliation database.

Got it, now?
There is zero proof of any widespread voter fraud. Its just a right wing excuse to keep people from voting.

There's zero proof if you have an IQ below 100 and get all of your news from CNN and MSNBC.
Any time you want to post proof of widespread voter fraud you are free to do so. Short of that, it doesn't exist, there is no voter fraud.
They're only concerned about staying in power and hiding the illegal immigrant and dead people vote.
Oh, the DimWits do, indeed, hide Illegal Beaners... it's just that they don't vote in any substantive numbers, and Americans don't trust the Feds - and Trump's Feds, to boot - with political choice information as part of a nationwide Big Brother Political Affiliation database.

Got it, now?
There is zero proof of any widespread voter fraud. Its just a right wing excuse to keep people from voting.

There's zero proof if you have an IQ below 100 and get all of your news from CNN and MSNBC.
Any time you want to post proof of widespread voter fraud you are free to do so. Short of that, it doesn't exist, there is no voter fraud.

They're only concerned about staying in power and hiding the illegal immigrant and dead people vote.
Oh, the DimWits do, indeed, hide Illegal Beaners... it's just that they don't vote in any substantive numbers, and Americans don't trust the Feds - and Trump's Feds, to boot - with political choice information as part of a nationwide Big Brother Political Affiliation database.

Got it, now?
There is zero proof of any widespread voter fraud. Its just a right wing excuse to keep people from voting.

There's zero proof if you have an IQ below 100 and get all of your news from CNN and MSNBC.
...or Faux or BriteFart...
Libs are only concerned about pushing their BS. Fair and honest elections isn't on their agenda.
Libs are only concerned about pushing their BS. Fair and honest elections isn't on their agenda.
Proof that elections are not fair and honest???
The "proof" is in the spurious claim of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, that 3,000,000 Illegal Aliens voted in the last election.

After all... der Fuhrer said it, so it must be true, nicht wahr?
members of Trumps family and campaign staff were found to be registered in two states remember ?

thats why he dropped his voter fraud rants like a hot rock ... and so should the rest of his drone collective.
They were asking for too much personal information that had nothing to do with voter fraud...Republican governor states are not sending the info either... STATES are in charge of their own elections and not the Federal gvt....per the constitution.
Why won't they turn voting records over to the feds?

They act as though the election was corrupted because they lost. They blame the Russians for their loss, and blame Trump with not a shred of evidence. But actions speak louder than words. Their words are the result of the pain they've felt since November. Their actions prove it's all talk, they're partisan and have something to hide. It's just another demonstration they're not rational people and intellectually dishonest.
There is very little to hide.

It's far more about not trusting the Federal Government - and a Trump Administration, especially - with such personally-identifiable political information, nationwide.

What's personal about it? Explain what the Admin. will find they don't already have access to?

Name? That's not it.
SSN? That's not it.
Location? That's not it.
Family? That's not it.
Gender, race? That's not it.
Job? That's not it.
Financial & tax info? That's not it.
Interests? That's not it.

Fact is, they already have access to the above. The voting records ID those who have the right to vote & who/what they voted for. So what? More importantly, it will reveal illegal activities, and who/what they voted for. Dollars to donuts they have plenty to hide.
Why won't they turn voting records over to the feds?

They act as though the election was corrupted because they lost. They blame the Russians for their loss, and blame Trump with not a shred of evidence. But actions speak louder than words. Their words are the result of the pain they've felt since November. Their actions prove it's all talk, they're partisan and have something to hide. It's just another demonstration they're not rational people and intellectually dishonest.
There is very little to hide.

It's far more about not trusting the Federal Government - and a Trump Administration, especially - with such personally-identifiable political information, nationwide.

What's personal about it? Explain what the Admin. will find they don't already have access to?

Name? That's not it.
SSN? That's not it.
Location? That's not it.
Family? That's not it.
Gender, race? That's not it.
Job? That's not it.
Financial & tax info? That's not it.
Interests? That's not it.

Fact is, they already have access to the above. The voting records ID those who have the right to vote & who/what they voted for. So what? More importantly, it will reveal illegal activities, and who/what they voted for. Dollars to donuts they have plenty to hide.

Voter fraud. DING DING DING!

The actual reason they are refusing is that the Democrats political survival is based on adding Illegal Immigrants to their voter pool, so giving any information to The Trump Administration would blow the lid off that thing.

LOL, so the Republican run states are refusing to comply why, exactly?

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