If Liberals/Democrats Still Can't See the Need for an ARMED Population, They're Beyond Help

That’s a cool feel good theory for rightwinger and the rest of the freedom haters…but no, our founders fled monarchy and tyranny, they fought wars, they knew that the people of a nation run by the people had to be armed to keep themselves from being controlled by rogue government and the armies of a rogue government.
They were Tyrants themselves you moron.
they knew that the people of a nation run by the people had to be armed to keep themselves from being controlled by rogue government and the armies of a rogue government.

They knew better than that…

Rather than build a government afraid of armed citizens, they armed them with something more powerful.
Freedom of Speech, A Free Press and a VOTE

We have never needed a Second Amendment
There it is again folks…the left hates rights. Stop wondering if they want yours taken.

We love our rights
Our Constitution has provided us with rights so that our citizens have never needed their guns to keep government in check
We love our rights
Our Constitution has provided us with rights so that our citizens have never needed their guns to keep government in check
hahaha…you’ve made it crystal clear bud….Too many rights are a bad thing for leftist Democrats…hahaha…there’s no walking it back. We’ve always known what we’ve always known.
I have my weapons they are called hands.
hahaha…you’ve made it crystal clear bud….Too many rights are a bad thing for leftist Democrats…hahaha…there’s no walking it back. We’ve always known what we’ve always known.
It is Trump trying to terminate our Constitution and steal an election
He is under indictment for it
It is Trump trying to terminate our Constitution and steal an election
He is under indictment for it
hahaha…yet none of you pathetic drama queens can describe the mechanism he planned to employ to take over the world….hahaha
Yeah, yeah…because “Tyrants” always construct documents that forge rights for the people.
What document would that be? Are you talking about the Constitution? Have you ever actually read it? How about the Declaration of Independence? That one refers to unalienable rights endowed by the Creator. They don't mean government. The Constitution constructs the role, responsibilities and limits of Government with respect to protecting and observing rights. Not forging them.

But as far as Tyrants go, yes. Pretty much all of them create situations where they enjoy freedom and prosperity at the expense of others.
They knew better than that…

Rather than build a government afraid of armed citizens, they armed them with something more powerful.
Freedom of Speech, A Free Press and a VOTE

We have never needed a Second Amendment
You sound like Adolf.
We love our rights
Our Constitution has provided us with rights so that our citizens have never needed their guns to keep government in check
And yet you here for the sole purpose to take our rights Adolf.

Tyrannical Mfrs always say we are doing this for your own good. Owning firesrms is s fundamental right by the founders.
What does it take to get the Left/Democrats to realize being ARMED is a critically important fact of life ?
Is 1300 dead Israelis, and 29 dead Americans (15 more missing/unaccounted for) enough ?

Maybe the problem is that leftists are afraid of guns, and too terrified of them to even touch them. My leftwing sister will not even visit me, just from knowing that there are 2 guns in my house. :rolleyes:

Part of the problem is the US education system, which is controlled by liberals, and which offers nothing about firearms or law enforcement. Kids grow up with no gun training at all, unless they receive it at home, which won't happen in liberal households, because the parents are just as gun clueless as the kids.

Generally, neither the liberal kids or their liberal parent ever spent one day in a military boot camp being trained about guns. Never spent a day in a police academy. Making matters worse are all the propaganda from the left that guns are more dangerous to the gun owners, than they are helpful. Whoever concocted that myth, must have been really terrified of guns. I have owned and carried guns for almost 60 years. I have never had an accident or got injured from a gun. Dozens of people I know have handled guns their whole lives, The total amount of accidents from them is > Zero.

Maybe we need to bring back the draft, or somehow get all the looney tune liberals out of our schools. 😐

They are Marxists and authoritarians. They do not WANT an armed populace
And yet you here for the sole purpose to take our rights Adolf.

Tyrannical Mfrs always say we are doing this for your own good. Owning firesrms is s fundamental right by the founders.

Nobody is taking your rights away just because you can’t buy an assault rifle with a large magazine to slaughter young children
hahaha…yet none of you pathetic drama queens can describe the mechanism he planned to employ to take over the world….hahaha
The mechanism was to create a lie that he had won the election
Put out a false slate of electors that would say he won
Send a mob to prevent Congress from certifying the election
Now you are implying I slaughter children. What complete BS.

2nd Amendment gives me the right to tell you to shove your views up your ass.
I am implying that those weapons are the tools of choice for those wishing to shoot up schools, movie theaters, churches, mallls, supermarkets

Why do we make it so easy for them?
What does it take to get the Left/Democrats to realize being ARMED is a critically important fact of life ?
Is 1300 dead Israelis, and 29 dead Americans (15 more missing/unaccounted for) enough ?

Maybe the problem is that leftists are afraid of guns, and too terrified of them to even touch them. My leftwing sister will not even visit me, just from knowing that there are 2 guns in my house. :rolleyes:

Part of the problem is the US education system, which is controlled by liberals, and which offers nothing about firearms or law enforcement. Kids grow up with no gun training at all, unless they receive it at home, which won't happen in liberal households, because the parents are just as gun clueless as the kids.

Generally, neither the liberal kids or their liberal parent ever spent one day in a military boot camp being trained about guns. Never spent a day in a police academy. Making matters worse are all the propaganda from the left that guns are more dangerous to the gun owners, than they are helpful. Whoever concocted that myth, must have been really terrified of guns. I have owned and carried guns for almost 60 years. I have never had an accident or got injured from a gun. Dozens of people I know have handled guns their whole lives, The total amount of accidents from them is > Zero.

Maybe we need to bring back the draft, or somehow get all the looney tune liberals out of our schools. 😐
But we still need to take the guns from the crazy people. The courts take to long so you take the guns first and worry about the courts later.

Then maybe we wouldn't have all these shootings.
Nobody is taking your rights away just because you can’t buy an assault rifle with a large magazine to slaughter young children
Correct. They are taking your rights away because you can't buy an assault rifle with a large magazine, to stop a mob of looney leftist rioters, with Molotov cocktails. Duh!

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