If Libs #BelieveTheSurvivors, Why Didn't They Believe Juanita Broaderick That Clinton Raped Her?


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
And why isn't Bill in jail? Ah the endless disgusting, self-righteous, swamp creature hypocrisy of libtards...


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If liberalfilth gave a fuck about any woman's well-being, they wouldn't have spread their butt-cheeks for the most institutionalized, industrial-scale rape machine on this planet, Pisslam. Whose own Quran toilet paper commands sex slavery of non-believer women over and over and over again. With liberal fungi it's all about maintaining noble, self-righteous appearances.....while being more full of shit than a goose that's been overfed for foie gras.
So please set us straight, since Bill Clinton raped, it is OK that Kavanaugh attempted rape but was too drunk to finish his dirty deed, and this for some bizarre twist of moral reality makes Kavanaugh an OK guy and a fine scotus example? You righties are a joke, do any of you ever think for even a second. Any of you?
So please set us straight, since Bill Clinton raped, it is OK that Kavanaugh attempted rape but was too drunk to finish his dirty deed, and this for some bizarre twist of moral reality makes Kavanaugh an OK guy and a fine scotus example? You righties are a joke, do any of you ever think for even a second. Any of you?
More than you retarded lefties.
So please set us straight, since Bill Clinton raped, it is OK that Kavanaugh attempted rape but was too drunk to finish his dirty deed, and this for some bizarre twist of moral reality makes Kavanaugh an OK guy and a fine scotus example? You righties are a joke, do any of you ever think for even a second. Any of you?
totally missing the point as usual, the dems ALL said NONE of the women that accused Clinton were truthful. Now suddenly 35 year old charghes that are so full of holes as to be meaningless are absolute truth.
And why isn't Bill in jail? Ah the endless disgusting, self-righteous, swamp creature hypocrisy of libtards...


Which statement by Broaderick do we believe? The sworn statement where she said Clinton didn't rape her? Or now when, unsworn, she says he did?
And why isn't Bill in jail? Ah the endless disgusting, self-righteous, swamp creature hypocrisy of libtards...


Which statement by Broaderick do we believe? The sworn statement where she said Clinton didn't rape her? Or now when, unsworn, she says he did?

Who cares!?! Clinton is no longer in office. Dems are hypocrites. Everyone knows this. How about Ellison? You believe his accuser?
So please set us straight, since Bill Clinton raped, it is OK that Kavanaugh attempted rape but was too drunk to finish his dirty deed, and this for some bizarre twist of moral reality makes Kavanaugh an OK guy and a fine scotus example? You righties are a joke, do any of you ever think for even a second. Any of you?

Thanks for the perfect example of twisted libtard logic, will try to address what I think you were trying to say even though you failed miserably. First, not a rightie. Don't want Kavanaugh confirmed because of his political views. Second, Who said if Bill Clinton raped it's ok for Kavanaugh to attempt rape? I am merely pointing out how you libtards (which are a breed apart from honest progressives) erect different standards and views depending on your political agenda. If it involves your darling Bill Clinton, he can do no wrong. If it involves a hapless drunk who is a bad nominee, "We MUST BELIEVE THE SURVIVORS!" Even though calling them survivors already presumes the guilt of the opposing party. See how slimy they are? I just want a fair process for anyone, and I don't believe anyone just because it is a woman or a man. Anyone can lie. Let's sit them down for as long as it takes and get to the bottom of it.
And why isn't Bill in jail? Ah the endless disgusting, self-righteous, swamp creature hypocrisy of libtards...


Which statement by Broaderick do we believe? The sworn statement where she said Clinton didn't rape her? Or now when, unsworn, she says he did?

Who cares!?! Clinton is no longer in office. Dems are hypocrites. Everyone knows this. How about Ellison? You believe his accuser?

I believe she has a valid complaint....and I most certainly do not reject anything she says without a serious, legitimate investigation. And I do NOT say anything negative about her.
So please set us straight, since Bill Clinton raped, it is OK that Kavanaugh attempted rape but was too drunk to finish his dirty deed, and this for some bizarre twist of moral reality makes Kavanaugh an OK guy and a fine scotus example? You righties are a joke, do any of you ever think for even a second. Any of you?
Remember what happened to Clinton? Impeached...disbarred. I think we are hearing from these posters that the same should happen to Kavanaugh.
So please set us straight, since Bill Clinton raped, it is OK that Kavanaugh attempted rape but was too drunk to finish his dirty deed, and this for some bizarre twist of moral reality makes Kavanaugh an OK guy and a fine scotus example? You righties are a joke, do any of you ever think for even a second. Any of you?
Remember what happened to Clinton? Impeached...disbarred. I think we are hearing from these posters that the same should happen to Kavanaugh.
Clinton lied UNDER oath a very serious charge. Kavenaugh has not.
And why isn't Bill in jail? Ah the endless disgusting, self-righteous, swamp creature hypocrisy of libtards...


Which statement by Broaderick do we believe? The sworn statement where she said Clinton didn't rape her? Or now when, unsworn, she says he did?

Who cares!?! Clinton is no longer in office. Dems are hypocrites. Everyone knows this. How about Ellison? You believe his accuser?

Juanita Broaderick has not had her justice, according to her, and now according to the standards and rules supporters of Bill Clinton have put in place. "Believe the women." But it's Bill Clinton. She should keep talking. At some point the rank hypocrisy of the Democratic wing of the Deep State becomes too much to bear and the whole thing comes crashing down.
And why isn't Bill in jail? Ah the endless disgusting, self-righteous, swamp creature hypocrisy of libtards...


Which statement by Broaderick do we believe? The sworn statement where she said Clinton didn't rape her? Or now when, unsworn, she says he did?

Who cares!?! Clinton is no longer in office. Dems are hypocrites. Everyone knows this. How about Ellison? You believe his accuser?

I believe she has a valid complaint....and I most certainly do not reject anything she says without a serious, legitimate investigation. And I do NOT say anything negative about her.

Do the politicians in your party agree?
If they believe survivors why won't they believe Kavanaugh? The survivor of mass false accusation campaign.
So please set us straight, since Bill Clinton raped, it is OK that Kavanaugh attempted rape but was too drunk to finish his dirty deed, and this for some bizarre twist of moral reality makes Kavanaugh an OK guy and a fine scotus example? You righties are a joke, do any of you ever think for even a second. Any of you?
When did that happen?
So please set us straight, since Bill Clinton raped, it is OK that Kavanaugh attempted rape but was too drunk to finish his dirty deed, and this for some bizarre twist of moral reality makes Kavanaugh an OK guy and a fine scotus example? You righties are a joke, do any of you ever think for even a second. Any of you?

THERE IS NO CREDIBLE EVIDENCE THAT KAVANAUGH EVEN TOUCHED FORD, Foolish One! Her story is filled with so many contradictions, memory gaps, conveniences and even anachronisms, there is no court on this planet that would consider this story remotely credible. My god, most of Dr. Ford's OWN WITNESSES have said she's a lying manipulator!

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