If like gasoline, diesel and natural gas prices now, you'll really love them if the Inflation Reduction Act passes.

I never paid above $5, if memory serves the highest it got here was $4.75 to $4.80, and xiden didn't have a damn thing to do with it. With his high inflation people are driving less so demand has fallen. Many are choosing food and utilities over optional trips in their cars.

When the number one vehicle sold in the US is a Ford F-150, you know the price isn’t going to stay very high. There is no way the oil industry will cut its own throat. They have a case. cow in trucks is in the US.
When the number one vehicle sold in the US is a Ford F-150, you know the price isn’t going to stay very high. There is no way the oil industry will cut its own throat. They have a case. cow in trucks is in the US.

What kind of mileage do you think the F-150 gets?

What kind of mileage do you think the F-150 gets?

It’s sucks compared to other vehicle types. Just because the f150 gets the better mileage then other trucks is like saying it’s the best looking pig. It’s still a pig.
What kind of mileage do you think the F-150 gets?
the average truck gets as much as 10 mpg less then the average car. F150s are no diferent.
A Camry, a full size sedan gets 38 mpg highway. Tell us what the f150 gets.
the average truck gets as much as 10 mpg less then the average car. F150s are no diferent.
A Camry, a full size sedan gets 38 mpg highway. Tell us what the f150 gets.

I get 25 in town and that's actual, not an EPA estimate. Haven't made a road trip.

I get 25 in town and that's actual, not an EPA estimate. Haven't made a road trip.

Only the f150 hybrid does that for $50k starting price. Hardly a bargain. Car hybrids like Camry do twice that in their sleep. It doesn't matter matter what you drive for an f150, compared to cars, they are a brick. When gas is $5 per gallon , 25 mpg sucks. That’s why the price IS dropping. It’s now 3.30:for entire USA. It didn’t take a genius to see it coming.
Only the f150 hybrid does that for $50k starting price. Hardly a bargain. Car hybrids like Camry do twice that in their sleep. It doesn't matter matter what you drive for an f150, compared to cars, they are a brick. When gas is $5 per gallon , 25 mpg sucks. That’s why the price IS dropping. It’s now 3.30:for entire USA. It didn’t take a genius to see it coming.

Awh, moving the goalposts again there commie? My F-150 gets 25 mpg actual and is not a hybrid. And will haul, tow more and seats 5 adults comfortably, because the rear floor is flat.

Awh, moving the goalposts again there commie? My F-150 gets 25 mpg actual and is not a hybrid. And will haul, tow more and seats 5 adults comfortably, because the rear floor is flat.

The goal posts are what they are. You totally forget what you’re arguing for. 25/mpg sucks for a car in this day and age anytime, and it sucks for a Truck at $5 per gallon. It’s bogus that you get 25/mpg city in a a non hybrid f150. They don’t exist. Remember what started this…..gas prices will go down just to keep the ICE of a truck alive. Otherwise, the auto industry will be down to the big one, Toyota. Even they are losing money this year.
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Awh, moving the goalposts again there commie? My F-150 gets 25 mpg actual and is not a hybrid. And will haul, tow more and seats 5 adults comfortably, because the rear floor is flat.

The technology required to even get 20 mpg in a non hybrid truck city leaves vehicles wide open for poor long term reliability. Fine for lease vehicles. But you still pay for the depreciation after three years. 25 mpg city in a non hybrid truck is a fallacy. It’s even non existent for combined.
You clearly have no clue what you're talking about, so just run along commie. You're a waste of band width.

25 mpg in the city/town with a full size non hybrid truck…..
They‘re smallest non hybrid motor is 19-24. Anyone who just makes up shit, is a bore.

Amazing, you call people smarter and better informed, a commie.
25 mpg in the city/town with a full size non hybrid truck…..
They‘re smallest non hybrid motor is 19-24. Anyone who just makes up shit, is a bore.

Amazing, you call people smarter and better informed, a commie.

Thanks for the bump liar.

The costs of oil and natural gas products will skyrocket if this monstrosity passes. There are new fees and taxes at every level of domestic production.


The bill’s oil and gas provisions will have companies questioning whether they want to invest in these fuels since President Biden wants to end these fuels in the United States. He even blames fossil fuels for giving him cancer. The bill’s provisions regarding tax policy, regulatory policy, and access to federal lands goes a long way toward having the President’s goal met in the not-too-distant future. It is unlikely that companies will invest in these fuels if the leader of the country is proud to put this bill forward, which will only make gasoline prices higher at the pump and natural gas prices higher for heating homes, for electricity production, and for industrial uses. Inflation will continue to be a scourge for Americans as energy prices necessarily skyrocket.

The bill’s oil and gas provisions will have companies questioning whether they want to invest in these fuels since President Biden wants to end these fuels in the United States.
That’s absolutely ignorant. The two of the biggest users of petroleum products in the world, are the air force and navy. Our appetite for oil will not change for security reasons alone, in your lifetime. Geesus, fear Mongering. Obviously, Biden is smarter then you.
That’s absolutely ignorant. The two of the biggest users of petroleum products in the world, are the air force and navy. Our appetite for oil will not change for security reasons alone, in your lifetime. Geesus, fear Mongering. Obviously, Biden is smarter then you.

Why don't you take your stupid argument to the people that wrote the article. I think they have a far greater knowledge base on the topic than a ignorant little commie like you.

Why don't you take your stupid argument to the people that wrote the article. I think they have a far greater knowledge base on the topic than a ignorant little commie like you.

Commie. Everyone’s a commie who’s smarter and better informed.
Commie. Everyone’s a commie who’s smarter and better informed.

You're not better informed, you're just another commie troll. I highly doubt you even bothered to read the article linked in the OP.

You're not better informed, you're just another commie troll. I highly doubt you even bothered to read the article linked in the OP.

You’re. Cowboy hat is way too tight. Cutting off the blood flow Isn’t it ?

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