If Limbaugh or another conservative

Except of course Nugent never threatened him.

Completely irrelevant though. You dont have a single problem with what Matthews said do you?

Tell it to the Secret Service.

They took Ole Poopy Pants the Pedophile's threats serious enough to pay him a visit or two.

What I have a problem with is the raving hypocrisy from the raving rw's.

Eh, no ... never mind. Its actually what we all have come to expect from the nutters.

I get it. you have a problem with other people's non-existent hypocrisy. Couldn't care less about your own.

Hey, you're the one who is okay with the president being threatened but throw a hissy fit over Matthews.

Piss off. Go thump your bible or do something else completely useless and nonsensical.

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