If mail-in voting becomes the new norm and America is never run by a GOP president again, is it a good outcome or a bad one?

mail in voting has to have strict rules and regulations or it wont work......you have to request a ballet....if they just send them out to every address and everyone gets one, there may be lots of problems like people not registered voting or non citizens voting.... ..
but they mail out ballots to ONLY registered voters, and the signature on file, MUST match, the signature on their registrar for the voter?

Most states can not afford to do such mailing or just don't do that.....

We definitely will need to increase funding for staffing at the post office, to handle the influx of mail with these ballots during this election period, where many many many more mail in absentee ballots will be used more than the norm....imo!
not really the PO has the infrastructure to handle heavy mail volume......machines do much of the clerk jobs today...every time there is an election the mail volume increases quit a bit....ballots would be nothing....
They've, the republican politicians have, dug their own grave.... it didn't have to be that way....

Absentee voting or not.... the R politicians are in trouble... in this upcoming election....

I'm not sure what you mean, but all this means is no more power for smaller states and counties.
I know many American conservatives dislike the current crop of GOP anyways, many of them called RINO's etc whether on here or other forums/twitter. I've heard some suggest that the GOP don't even want to lead, they want to be led, submissively happy to be in the "spoiler role", content to yell and scream "this and that needs to be done", feigning being men of action, until they actually have the power to do it.

So, ultimately, will it be a good outcome for America and the world that libertarianism/conservatism is wiped off the face of the Western world, or is it problematic? There is no way that global socialists and people far more powerful than any single party or candidate is going to let such an easy opportunity to manipulate the outcome of the U.S election, all in the shadows; to pass them by. Look how overt they were in their resistance to Trump in 2016, imagine this could all be done under the hood?

There is little doubt that many want America to be run by Brussels and Beijing.
Has one party rule ever worked out well for anyone other than those in charge? I would remind people of the quote from Oscar Wilde. There are only two tragedies in life one is not getting what one wants and the other is getting it.
Mail in Ballots is how DemonCrats have stolen elections always. This is why they want it expanded.

It's illegal to run an entire election by mail in balloting, but watch them try.

If they succeed, Democracy is over.

If you can freaking stand in line at Home Depot, Walmart and the Damn Grocery Store, you can stand in line to vote.

Ain't no so called "Disenfranchised Protected Status Groups" starving, and all their refrigerators are full.

If you can get groceries and beer, you can go to the polls and get to voting.
I know many American conservatives dislike the current crop of GOP anyways, many of them called RINO's etc whether on here or other forums/twitter. I've heard some suggest that the GOP don't even want to lead, they want to be led, submissively happy to be in the "spoiler role", content to yell and scream "this and that needs to be done", feigning being men of action, until they actually have the power to do it.

So, ultimately, will it be a good outcome for America and the world that libertarianism/conservatism is wiped off the face of the Western world, or is it problematic? There is no way that global socialists and people far more powerful than any single party or candidate is going to let such an easy opportunity to manipulate the outcome of the U.S election, all in the shadows; to pass them by. Look how overt they were in their resistance to Trump in 2016, imagine this could all be done under the hood?

There is little doubt that many want America to be run by Brussels and Beijing.

Well, I'd have to say if Republicans returned to their traditional policy values, find a way to kick the whackos they've given a home to the curb, and show some compassion, understanding, and empathy toward the poor and working class, especially people of color, then I don't see any reason why people wouldn't vote for them again. In other words, come up with some fresh policy ideas. And don't just play the spoiler (as they did with the ACA and the whole healthcare debacle), contribute something. Show people that you're not on the side of corporations and wealthy donors. We've seen four decades of proof that supply side economics doesn't work. And we've seen them use social issues to polarize and divide. Until Republicans abandon the party that Newt Gingrich turned them into, they going to be in big trouble.
I know many American conservatives dislike the current crop of GOP anyways, many of them called RINO's etc whether on here or other forums/twitter. I've heard some suggest that the GOP don't even want to lead, they want to be led, submissively happy to be in the "spoiler role", content to yell and scream "this and that needs to be done", feigning being men of action, until they actually have the power to do it.

So, ultimately, will it be a good outcome for America and the world that libertarianism/conservatism is wiped off the face of the Western world, or is it problematic? There is no way that global socialists and people far more powerful than any single party or candidate is going to let such an easy opportunity to manipulate the outcome of the U.S election, all in the shadows; to pass them by. Look how overt they were in their resistance to Trump in 2016, imagine this could all be done under the hood?

There is little doubt that many want America to be run by Brussels and Beijing.
Shouldn’t you post this crap in a Canadian forum. There are those of us who do not fear for the future or wish to disenfranchise those that wish to vote by mail. This country does not need a foreigner telling us what to do or projecting their insecurities on us. Save your “global socialist” excrement for Canada.
I'm sure you say the same to Dragonlady.

Is it your position that there is not a global socialists movement in the works?

A “global socialist movement”? I don’t buy into q-anon conspiracy theories.

Democrats aren't in favor of globalism just like they aren't in favor of taking your guns or illegal immigration. We have raised an entire generation and half of folks too thick to see that Democrats simply use incrementalism to get what they ultimately want. "We don't want to take your guns", but in the meantime they will incrementally pass laws that slowly eat away at gun rights to give the appearance they are simply trying to protect folks. The last gun law gun law will not seem quite so malicious since it will simply be removing guns from the few that still are allowed to have them. Maybe they will just ban ammo outright. I doubt many of their supporters would be able to put two and two together to see the correlation between an ammo ban and a gun ban. The same goes for illegal immigration. "We don't want illegal immigration, but we don't support a wall, want to give them driver's licenses, healthcare, allow them to vote(don't kids yourself and think otherwise), etc." The Democratic constituency is pretty dim and getting dimmer by the day, just the way the politicians like it.

On that topic, there's already an effort RIGHT NOW to put a 50% tax on guns and ammo as part of the next stimulus.

I really hate when people don't see the big picture and look at history. Incrementalism is really the only hope for Socialism/Marxism/Communism in America because we still have the ability to resist (guns). Once they've grabbed the guns, they can move a full pace to Socialist Shithole/Communist Utopia (aka hell).
I know many American conservatives dislike the current crop of GOP anyways, many of them called RINO's etc whether on here or other forums/twitter. I've heard some suggest that the GOP don't even want to lead, they want to be led, submissively happy to be in the "spoiler role", content to yell and scream "this and that needs to be done", feigning being men of action, until they actually have the power to do it.

So, ultimately, will it be a good outcome for America and the world that libertarianism/conservatism is wiped off the face of the Western world, or is it problematic? There is no way that global socialists and people far more powerful than any single party or candidate is going to let such an easy opportunity to manipulate the outcome of the U.S election, all in the shadows; to pass them by. Look how overt they were in their resistance to Trump in 2016, imagine this could all be done under the hood?

There is little doubt that many want America to be run by Brussels and Beijing.

Many Republicans or in fact former Republicans in some cases, were Republicans with views like that of George W. Bush, John McCain, George H.W. Bush, Ronald Reagan. The Republican party in 2020 in many ways, is the opposite or at least very different from where the Republican party was 12 years ago. Its the TRUMP/Tea Party now, which has very little to do with Reagan's party. I think the only Reagan Republican left in congress is MITT ROMNEY.

Views that are regarded as Conservative/Libertarian, liberal are found in any political party. In addition, U.S. political party's often change over time. I think the Democrats are going to sweep the elections on November 3, 2020. The Democrats will control The U.S. House Of Representatives like they do now, the U.S. Senate, and the White House. It will be a major defeat for the current TRUMP/Tea Party version of the Republican party. It will probably be another 8 years before the Republican Party will be able to effectively compete for control in Congress and The White House and their ability to do so will largely depend on how they repudiate and cast off the last 10 years of the TEA PARTY and Donald Trump.

In the long run, the Republican Party will reform itself and become competitive again whether its in 2028 or years later. But it will be a very different Party from the Trump/Tea Party version, and will likely be somewhat different even from the Reagan/Bush/McCain version. It will be reformed and positioned to be competitive in being able to win whatever the political center of the country is at that time. It will likely be a party that supports some form of Universal Health Care, a higher minimum wage, pro-immigration policies and be very sensitive to Hispanic Americans as the party once was under George W. Bush. In the future demographically, Hispanic voters will make up larger percentage of the voting population. This will impact the entire country, and really impact particular states like Florida and Texas. The Republican Party cannot compete for the White House without Florida and Texas where Hispanics make up a larger percentage of the population year after year.

The Republican Party will change, evolve, and grow into a party that is once again competitive in national elections.
I know many American conservatives dislike the current crop of GOP anyways, many of them called RINO's etc whether on here or other forums/twitter. I've heard some suggest that the GOP don't even want to lead, they want to be led, submissively happy to be in the "spoiler role", content to yell and scream "this and that needs to be done", feigning being men of action, until they actually have the power to do it.

So, ultimately, will it be a good outcome for America and the world that libertarianism/conservatism is wiped off the face of the Western world, or is it problematic? There is no way that global socialists and people far more powerful than any single party or candidate is going to let such an easy opportunity to manipulate the outcome of the U.S election, all in the shadows; to pass them by. Look how overt they were in their resistance to Trump in 2016, imagine this could all be done under the hood?

There is little doubt that many want America to be run by Brussels and Beijing.

We will be in permanent economic decline......our medical system will collapse...... we will have permanent unemployment at double digit numbers.......Russia and China will aggressively start to take territory...

It will be a nightmare.....

Other countries will face economic decline and their health cares systems will collapse once they no longer can rely on the U.S. protecting them and giving them wonder drugs and new medical technologies........
I would like all those who want liberty wiped off the face of the earth to go somewhere and live that life for just 6 months.

If they like it....6 more months. Repeat.
What "liberty"? Is that?
What do you think "liberty" means? This should be VERY informative.
I asked you first, Son. Stop dodging the question. What liberty.
Do you think is being removed?
See post #17 and #28. That's just the start.
I know many American conservatives dislike the current crop of GOP anyways, many of them called RINO's etc whether on here or other forums/twitter. I've heard some suggest that the GOP don't even want to lead, they want to be led, submissively happy to be in the "spoiler role", content to yell and scream "this and that needs to be done", feigning being men of action, until they actually have the power to do it.

So, ultimately, will it be a good outcome for America and the world that libertarianism/conservatism is wiped off the face of the Western world, or is it problematic? There is no way that global socialists and people far more powerful than any single party or candidate is going to let such an easy opportunity to manipulate the outcome of the U.S election, all in the shadows; to pass them by. Look how overt they were in their resistance to Trump in 2016, imagine this could all be done under the hood?

There is little doubt that many want America to be run by Brussels and Beijing.
Shouldn’t you post this crap in a Canadian forum. There are those of us who do not fear for the future or wish to disenfranchise those that wish to vote by mail. This country does not need a foreigner telling us what to do or projecting their insecurities on us. Save your “global socialist” excrement for Canada.
I'm sure you say the same to Dragonlady.

Is it your position that there is not a global socialists movement in the works?

A “global socialist movement”? I don’t buy into q-anon conspiracy theories.

Democrats aren't in favor of globalism just like they aren't in favor of taking your guns or illegal immigration. We have raised an entire generation and half of folks too thick to see that Democrats simply use incrementalism to get what they ultimately want. "We don't want to take your guns", but in the meantime they will incrementally pass laws that slowly eat away at gun rights to give the appearance they are simply trying to protect folks. The last gun law gun law will not seem quite so malicious since it will simply be removing guns from the few that still are allowed to have them. Maybe they will just ban ammo outright. I doubt many of their supporters would be able to put two and two together to see the correlation between an ammo ban and a gun ban. The same goes for illegal immigration. "We don't want illegal immigration, but we don't support a wall, want to give them driver's licenses, healthcare, allow them to vote(don't kids yourself and think otherwise), etc." The Democratic constituency is pretty dim and getting dimmer by the day, just the way the politicians like it.

On that topic, there's already an effort RIGHT NOW to put a 50% tax on guns and ammo as part of the next stimulus.

If that is the case there should be a 50 cent tax per word applied to published "journalism", should there not?
mail in voting has to have strict rules and regulations or it wont work......you have to request a ballet....if they just send them out to every address and everyone gets one, there may be lots of problems like people not registered voting or non citizens voting.... ..
but they mail out ballots to ONLY registered voters, and the signature on file, MUST match, the signature on their registrar for the voter?

Most states can not afford to do such mailing or just don't do that.....

We definitely will need to increase funding for staffing at the post office, to handle the influx of mail with these ballots during this election period, where many many many more mail in absentee ballots will be used more than the norm....imo!

They will never be able to do it....... the system isn't set up for that...

We have actual real time experience with this and no matter how you try to pretend, mail in voting will not work......in any way, shape or form....

New Jersey

About one in every 10 people who mailed in ballots in last month’s special elections had their votes rejected, which could forebode the potential disenfranchisement of tens of thousands of New Jerseyans in next month’s primaries.

An NJ Spotlight analysis of the vote-by-mail ballots cast in 31 municipalities that held nonpartisan municipal, school board or special elections on May 12 — an entirely mail-in election — found that election officials did not count 9.6% of ballots sent in. A database provided by the state Division of Elections shows more than a dozen reasons for rejecting ballots. Most commonly, officials did not count ballots because the signature on the ballot did not match the one on file, the ballot arrived too late or the required certificate was not enclosed.

One in 10 Ballots Rejected in Last Month’s Vote-by-Mail Elections | NJ Spotlight

Vote by mail failure...

America’s Hidden Voting Epidemic? Mail Ballot Failures

In 2018, however, Oregon mailed out over 2.8 million ballots, according to the EAC report. Roughly 60,200 were “undeliverable,” raising serious questions about the accuracy of the state’s voter registration list. Almost 870,000 ballots are listed in the “unknown” category.

That means the failure rate of Oregon’s mail balloting system was more than 32 percent.
I would like all those who want liberty wiped off the face of the earth to go somewhere and live that life for just 6 months.

If they like it....6 more months. Repeat.
What "liberty"? Is that?
What do you think "liberty" means? This should be VERY informative.
I asked you first, Son. Stop dodging the question. What liberty.
Do you think is being removed?
See post #17 and #28. That's just the start.
GOP spread conspiracy theories.
I know many American conservatives dislike the current crop of GOP anyways, many of them called RINO's etc whether on here or other forums/twitter. I've heard some suggest that the GOP don't even want to lead, they want to be led, submissively happy to be in the "spoiler role", content to yell and scream "this and that needs to be done", feigning being men of action, until they actually have the power to do it.

So, ultimately, will it be a good outcome for America and the world that libertarianism/conservatism is wiped off the face of the Western world, or is it problematic? There is no way that global socialists and people far more powerful than any single party or candidate is going to let such an easy opportunity to manipulate the outcome of the U.S election, all in the shadows; to pass them by. Look how overt they were in their resistance to Trump in 2016, imagine this could all be done under the hood?

There is little doubt that many want America to be run by Brussels and Beijing.
Obviously it's bad. If you want to know what the result will be, just watch videos about the riots in Portland and Seattle.
I know many American conservatives dislike the current crop of GOP anyways, many of them called RINO's etc whether on here or other forums/twitter. I've heard some suggest that the GOP don't even want to lead, they want to be led, submissively happy to be in the "spoiler role", content to yell and scream "this and that needs to be done", feigning being men of action, until they actually have the power to do it.

So, ultimately, will it be a good outcome for America and the world that libertarianism/conservatism is wiped off the face of the Western world, or is it problematic? There is no way that global socialists and people far more powerful than any single party or candidate is going to let such an easy opportunity to manipulate the outcome of the U.S election, all in the shadows; to pass them by. Look how overt they were in their resistance to Trump in 2016, imagine this could all be done under the hood?

There is little doubt that many want America to be run by Brussels and Beijing.

Many Republicans or in fact former Republicans in some cases, were Republicans with views like that of George W. Bush, John McCain, George H.W. Bush, Ronald Reagan. The Republican party in 2020 in many ways, is the opposite or at least very different from where the Republican party was 12 years ago. Its the TRUMP/Tea Party now, which has very little to do with Reagan's party. I think the only Reagan Republican left in congress is MITT ROMNEY.

Views that are regarded as Conservative/Libertarian, liberal are found in any political party. In addition, U.S. political party's often change over time. I think the Democrats are going to sweep the elections on November 3, 2020. The Democrats will control The U.S. House Of Representatives like they do now, the U.S. Senate, and the White House. It will be a major defeat for the current TRUMP/Tea Party version of the Republican party. It will probably be another 8 years before the Republican Party will be able to effectively compete for control in Congress and The White House and their ability to do so will largely depend on how they repudiate and cast off the last 10 years of the TEA PARTY and Donald Trump.

In the long run, the Republican Party will reform itself and become competitive again whether its in 2028 or years later. But it will be a very different Party from the Trump/Tea Party version, and will likely be somewhat different even from the Reagan/Bush/McCain version. It will be reformed and positioned to be competitive in being able to win whatever the political center of the country is at that time. It will likely be a party that supports some form of Universal Health Care, a higher minimum wage, pro-immigration policies and be very sensitive to Hispanic Americans as the party once was under George W. Bush. In the future demographically, Hispanic voters will make up larger percentage of the voting population. This will impact the entire country, and really impact particular states like Florida and Texas. The Republican Party cannot compete for the White House without Florida and Texas where Hispanics make up a larger percentage of the population year after year.

The Republican Party will change, evolve, and grow into a party that is once again competitive in national elections.

Yes....you shitstains always believe the last republican in office was the "good" republican.......but while they were actually in office they were the "hitler," of the time........

You guys are blind......you can't see truth, facts or reality, and will turn this country into Hell if you get the power you want.....you will gladly rule over the nightmare rather than live in the Heaven we have had ......you are evil.
I know many American conservatives dislike the current crop of GOP anyways, many of them called RINO's etc whether on here or other forums/twitter. I've heard some suggest that the GOP don't even want to lead, they want to be led, submissively happy to be in the "spoiler role", content to yell and scream "this and that needs to be done", feigning being men of action, until they actually have the power to do it.

So, ultimately, will it be a good outcome for America and the world that libertarianism/conservatism is wiped off the face of the Western world, or is it problematic? There is no way that global socialists and people far more powerful than any single party or candidate is going to let such an easy opportunity to manipulate the outcome of the U.S election, all in the shadows; to pass them by. Look how overt they were in their resistance to Trump in 2016, imagine this could all be done under the hood?

There is little doubt that many want America to be run by Brussels and Beijing.

Many Republicans or in fact former Republicans in some cases, were Republicans with views like that of George W. Bush, John McCain, George H.W. Bush, Ronald Reagan. The Republican party in 2020 in many ways, is the opposite or at least very different from where the Republican party was 12 years ago.

Indeed, The Democratic Party went full Socialist. The Repulican globalists who historically worked for common goals with their Democrat counterparts lost position in the Republican Party and have in a petulant frenzy joined with the Democrats.
I know many American conservatives dislike the current crop of GOP anyways, many of them called RINO's etc whether on here or other forums/twitter. I've heard some suggest that the GOP don't even want to lead, they want to be led, submissively happy to be in the "spoiler role", content to yell and scream "this and that needs to be done", feigning being men of action, until they actually have the power to do it.

So, ultimately, will it be a good outcome for America and the world that libertarianism/conservatism is wiped off the face of the Western world, or is it problematic? There is no way that global socialists and people far more powerful than any single party or candidate is going to let such an easy opportunity to manipulate the outcome of the U.S election, all in the shadows; to pass them by. Look how overt they were in their resistance to Trump in 2016, imagine this could all be done under the hood?

There is little doubt that many want America to be run by Brussels and Beijing.
Shouldn’t you post this crap in a Canadian forum. There are those of us who do not fear for the future or wish to disenfranchise those that wish to vote by mail. This country does not need a foreigner telling us what to do or projecting their insecurities on us. Save your “global socialist” excrement for Canada.
Yes, we already know that your a servile little minion. Why do you imagine everyone would want to follow your example? shockedcanadian can post all he wants. He's more American than you are.
I know many American conservatives dislike the current crop of GOP anyways, many of them called RINO's etc whether on here or other forums/twitter. I've heard some suggest that the GOP don't even want to lead, they want to be led, submissively happy to be in the "spoiler role", content to yell and scream "this and that needs to be done", feigning being men of action, until they actually have the power to do it.

So, ultimately, will it be a good outcome for America and the world that libertarianism/conservatism is wiped off the face of the Western world, or is it problematic? There is no way that global socialists and people far more powerful than any single party or candidate is going to let such an easy opportunity to manipulate the outcome of the U.S election, all in the shadows; to pass them by. Look how overt they were in their resistance to Trump in 2016, imagine this could all be done under the hood?

There is little doubt that many want America to be run by Brussels and Beijing.

Many Republicans or in fact former Republicans in some cases, were Republicans with views like that of George W. Bush, John McCain, George H.W. Bush, Ronald Reagan. The Republican party in 2020 in many ways, is the opposite or at least very different from where the Republican party was 12 years ago. Its the TRUMP/Tea Party now, which has very little to do with Reagan's party. I think the only Reagan Republican left in congress is MITT ROMNEY.

Views that are regarded as Conservative/Libertarian, liberal are found in any political party. In addition, U.S. political party's often change over time. I think the Democrats are going to sweep the elections on November 3, 2020. The Democrats will control The U.S. House Of Representatives like they do now, the U.S. Senate, and the White House. It will be a major defeat for the current TRUMP/Tea Party version of the Republican party. It will probably be another 8 years before the Republican Party will be able to effectively compete for control in Congress and The White House and their ability to do so will largely depend on how they repudiate and cast off the last 10 years of the TEA PARTY and Donald Trump.

In the long run, the Republican Party will reform itself and become competitive again whether its in 2028 or years later. But it will be a very different Party from the Trump/Tea Party version, and will likely be somewhat different even from the Reagan/Bush/McCain version. It will be reformed and positioned to be competitive in being able to win whatever the political center of the country is at that time. It will likely be a party that supports some form of Universal Health Care, a higher minimum wage, pro-immigration policies and be very sensitive to Hispanic Americans as the party once was under George W. Bush. In the future demographically, Hispanic voters will make up larger percentage of the voting population. This will impact the entire country, and really impact particular states like Florida and Texas. The Republican Party cannot compete for the White House without Florida and Texas where Hispanics make up a larger percentage of the population year after year.

The Republican Party will change, evolve, and grow into a party that is once again competitive in national elections.

In the meantime, if you are right about Nov 3rd, what happens to Americas economy and jobs? Power from some isn't about power for Americans, it's about power for global socialists and open borders, the destruction of the nation state.

Our own PM said this years ago, this is the ideology of those who don't understand (or don't care) about what that means for their own citizens and liberal values. Here's a clue, China is NOT liberal in any sense of the word. Maybe he didn't understand it, maybe he was naive and has evolved, but, it's a bad place to start from ideologically.

Here is how far I would go. If the CIA thinks that they can defeat China and it's 1.4B people with a willing Western government and business alliance, I say "good luck". It's important to be confident, but not arrogant. Arrogance blinds ones understanding of reality.

I have respect for U.S federal agencies, but I think they are very naive and short sighted if they don't come out and say what's going on. This threat needs to be screamed, I don't care how it looks politically, they need to force ALL governments to get on board loudly and publicly and have ALL politicians promise concrete steps they will take, such as tariffs against China. When I hear some say "I think there is consensus about the threat of China from all parties", as Pompeo did, I cringe. I respect him greatly, but NO party, or Western leader had done anything about China before Trump. He's being very optimistic, accepting words rather than historic actions (meaning, no actions).

It's not hyperbole to state the facts, all we are seeing now is a precursor, not unlike what Germany presented to the world. Let's not get comfortable with a paycheque every week (for those allowed to work) and happily believe everything is ok because we can buy some cool, cheap junk. There is a MUCH bigger danger here and it's quite apparent, we just need to see it for what it is.
They've, the republican politicians have, dug their own grave.... it didn't have to be that way....

Absentee voting or not.... the R politicians are in trouble... in this upcoming election....

I'm not sure what you mean, but all this means is no more power for smaller states and counties.
The republican politicians abused their power and ignored their oaths to defending and abiding by the Constitution, when they had it....under Trump.

And the smaller states still have the power the Constitution weighted in THEIR favor, by giving them 2 Senators representing their 1 million people in their small state, while giving larger states like a Calif, with 25 plus million citizens with only 2 Senators as well, PLUS this gives the smaller states their weighted electoral vote advantage.... as the Constitution gave them.

Most legislation affecting your every day life, is done in your State legislature, and state Senate, and by your governor that would affect a county or individuals in a county....

Republicans in the congress and Senate do not deserve to keep their jobs, and that is the only reason why, they won't keep them....

Mail in Ballots is how DemonCrats have stolen elections always. This is why they want it expanded.

It's illegal to run an entire election by mail in balloting, but watch them try.

If they succeed, Democracy is over.

If you can freaking stand in line at Home Depot, Walmart and the Damn Grocery Store, you can stand in line to vote.

Ain't no so called "Disenfranchised Protected Status Groups" starving, and all their refrigerators are full.

If you can get groceries and beer, you can go to the polls and get to voting.
liar, liar

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