If mail-in voting becomes the new norm and America is never run by a GOP president again, is it a good outcome or a bad one?

I know many American conservatives dislike the current crop of GOP anyways, many of them called RINO's etc whether on here or other forums/twitter. I've heard some suggest that the GOP don't even want to lead, they want to be led, submissively happy to be in the "spoiler role", content to yell and scream "this and that needs to be done", feigning being men of action, until they actually have the power to do it.

So, ultimately, will it be a good outcome for America and the world that libertarianism/conservatism is wiped off the face of the Western world, or is it problematic? There is no way that global socialists and people far more powerful than any single party or candidate is going to let such an easy opportunity to manipulate the outcome of the U.S election, all in the shadows; to pass them by. Look how overt they were in their resistance to Trump in 2016, imagine this could all be done under the hood?

There is little doubt that many want America to be run by Brussels and Beijing.
Shouldn’t you post this crap in a Canadian forum. There are those of us who do not fear for the future or wish to disenfranchise those that wish to vote by mail. This country does not need a foreigner telling us what to do or projecting their insecurities on us. Save your “global socialist” excrement for Canada.

Global socialist Global socialist Global socialist Global socialist Global socialist Global socialist

You have simply not been paying attention if you believe that China, and many wanting to make it rich there at humanities expense, isn't going to be the centre of the world. It has to be, they have the cheap labour and the 1.4B people.

Just ask the British about their great intel crusade over the last 20 years. "Keep your eyes on Russia" (9/11 occurs), "keep your eyes on Russia" (China takes over the world economy and global manufacturing"), "keep your eyes on Russia" (China releases a Wuhan Virus).

Then the great kicker in the groin, which was always bound to happen, China goes into Hong Kong and basically changes it forever. Including banning some pro-democracy candidates. NOW Britain says "keep your eyes on China".

This is not going to end well for the West. The greatest irony? As China engulfs the world, Russia, as their closest ally, becomes even stronger.

This isn't conspiracy, this is economics and global influence metrics. From the size of Chinas military expansion, to it's spying efforts, economic growth, to it's most treasured assets: a willing Western business, political and media class (and even some online forum posters).
I think we have to take a strong stance against China. In the past 35 years a few Democrats, but particularly Republicans, have been too encouraging of American businesses relocating to China especially by giving multinationals tax breaks to move operations there. I remember arguing with a Republican and he called me a socialist for taking issue with these tax breaks. No I said, it has to do with maintaining US industrial strength.

We have to be weary of Chinese hegemony. The issue is how best to do it. The flaw in your argument is that it is not about “socialism” for the Chinese. It is about Chinese power and projection of that power. The Chinese would switch economic systems on a whim depending on which one benefits them most both domestically and internationally provided that that system does not jeopardize the ruling political class.
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I know many American conservatives dislike the current crop of GOP anyways, many of them called RINO's etc whether on here or other forums/twitter. I've heard some suggest that the GOP don't even want to lead, they want to be led, submissively happy to be in the "spoiler role", content to yell and scream "this and that needs to be done", feigning being men of action, until they actually have the power to do it.

So, ultimately, will it be a good outcome for America and the world that libertarianism/conservatism is wiped off the face of the Western world, or is it problematic? There is no way that global socialists and people far more powerful than any single party or candidate is going to let such an easy opportunity to manipulate the outcome of the U.S election, all in the shadows; to pass them by. Look how overt they were in their resistance to Trump in 2016, imagine this could all be done under the hood?

There is little doubt that many want America to be run by Brussels and Beijing.
We have guns and most of the military are republicans.. democrats would be treated humanely
I know many American conservatives dislike the current crop of GOP anyways, many of them called RINO's etc whether on here or other forums/twitter. I've heard some suggest that the GOP don't even want to lead, they want to be led, submissively happy to be in the "spoiler role", content to yell and scream "this and that needs to be done", feigning being men of action, until they actually have the power to do it.

So, ultimately, will it be a good outcome for America and the world that libertarianism/conservatism is wiped off the face of the Western world, or is it problematic? There is no way that global socialists and people far more powerful than any single party or candidate is going to let such an easy opportunity to manipulate the outcome of the U.S election, all in the shadows; to pass them by. Look how overt they were in their resistance to Trump in 2016, imagine this could all be done under the hood?

There is little doubt that many want America to be run by Brussels and Beijing.

Well, I'd have to say if Republicans returned to their traditional policy values, find a way to kick the whackos they've given a home to the curb, and show some compassion, understanding, and empathy toward the poor and working class, especially people of color, then I don't see any reason why people wouldn't vote for them again. In other words, come up with some fresh policy ideas. And don't just play the spoiler (as they did with the ACA and the whole healthcare debacle), contribute something. Show people that you're not on the side of corporations and wealthy donors. We've seen four decades of proof that supply side economics doesn't work. And we've seen them use social issues to polarize and divide. Until Republicans abandon the party that Newt Gingrich turned them into, they going to be in big trouble.

Under Republican President Donald Trump, people of color never had it so good economically. They enjoyed the lowest unemployment rate since records began for every group until the China virus invaded us.

Republicans don't believe in doing certain things for certain people, as if they were riders on a short bus. We believe a rising tide lifts all boats. There is no reason to treat one group one way and another group another way. That's how Democrats have been able to keep us divided for so long.
I know many American conservatives dislike the current crop of GOP anyways, many of them called RINO's etc whether on here or other forums/twitter. I've heard some suggest that the GOP don't even want to lead, they want to be led, submissively happy to be in the "spoiler role", content to yell and scream "this and that needs to be done", feigning being men of action, until they actually have the power to do it.

So, ultimately, will it be a good outcome for America and the world that libertarianism/conservatism is wiped off the face of the Western world, or is it problematic? There is no way that global socialists and people far more powerful than any single party or candidate is going to let such an easy opportunity to manipulate the outcome of the U.S election, all in the shadows; to pass them by. Look how overt they were in their resistance to Trump in 2016, imagine this could all be done under the hood?

There is little doubt that many want America to be run by Brussels and Beijing.
Shouldn’t you post this crap in a Canadian forum. There are those of us who do not fear for the future or wish to disenfranchise those that wish to vote by mail. This country does not need a foreigner telling us what to do or projecting their insecurities on us. Save your “global socialist” excrement for Canada.

Global socialist Global socialist Global socialist Global socialist Global socialist Global socialist

You have simply not been paying attention if you believe that China, and many wanting to make it rich there at humanities expense, isn't going to be the centre of the world. It has to be, they have the cheap labour and the 1.4B people.

Just ask the British about their great intel crusade over the last 20 years. "Keep your eyes on Russia" (9/11 occurs), "keep your eyes on Russia" (China takes over the world economy and global manufacturing"), "keep your eyes on Russia" (China releases a Wuhan Virus).

Then the great kicker in the groin, which was always bound to happen, China goes into Hong Kong and basically changes it forever. Including banning some pro-democracy candidates. NOW Britain says "keep your eyes on China".

This is not going to end well for the West. The greatest irony? As China engulfs the world, Russia, as their closest ally, becomes even stronger.

This isn't conspiracy, this is economics and global influence metrics. From the size of Chinas military expansion, to it's spying efforts, economic growth, to it's most treasured assets: a willing Western business, political and media class (and even some online forum posters).
I think we have to take a strong stance against China. In the past 35 years a few Democrats, but particularly Republicans, have been too encouraging of American businesses relocating to China especially by giving multinationals tax breaks to move operations there. I remember arguing with a Republican and he called me a socialist for taking issue with these tax breaks. No I said, it has to do with maintaining US industrial strength.

We have to be weary of Chinese hegemony. The issue is how best to do it. The flaw in your argument is that it is not about “socialism” for the Chinese. It is about Chinese power and projection of that power. The Chinese would switch economic systems on a whim depending on which one benefits them most both domestically and internationally provided that that system does not jeopardize the ruling political class.

No they won't. If they believed that, they would have changed 25 years ago.

You can operate in China and long as you allow them to steal your IP, "partner" with you, and you do as government says. Rest assured, you can operate and make profit while helping the Communists, then one day the leaders say "we are sick of you" and they take your entire business by force. That's how communism works.

People are quite naive to think they can change a system that is fully censored. Just how is America supposed to promote policies and ideals of liberty when the communists don't even allow social media there? When they do, it will be censored heavily.

Mike Pompeo had it correct, we need to abandon this happy thinking about changing them. The same foolish decision Bush tried in the M.E.
I know many American conservatives dislike the current crop of GOP anyways, many of them called RINO's etc whether on here or other forums/twitter. I've heard some suggest that the GOP don't even want to lead, they want to be led, submissively happy to be in the "spoiler role", content to yell and scream "this and that needs to be done", feigning being men of action, until they actually have the power to do it.

So, ultimately, will it be a good outcome for America and the world that libertarianism/conservatism is wiped off the face of the Western world, or is it problematic? There is no way that global socialists and people far more powerful than any single party or candidate is going to let such an easy opportunity to manipulate the outcome of the U.S election, all in the shadows; to pass them by. Look how overt they were in their resistance to Trump in 2016, imagine this could all be done under the hood?

There is little doubt that many want America to be run by Brussels and Beijing.
Shouldn’t you post this crap in a Canadian forum. There are those of us who do not fear for the future or wish to disenfranchise those that wish to vote by mail. This country does not need a foreigner telling us what to do or projecting their insecurities on us. Save your “global socialist” excrement for Canada.

Global socialist Global socialist Global socialist Global socialist Global socialist Global socialist

You have simply not been paying attention if you believe that China, and many wanting to make it rich there at humanities expense, isn't going to be the centre of the world. It has to be, they have the cheap labour and the 1.4B people.

Just ask the British about their great intel crusade over the last 20 years. "Keep your eyes on Russia" (9/11 occurs), "keep your eyes on Russia" (China takes over the world economy and global manufacturing"), "keep your eyes on Russia" (China releases a Wuhan Virus).

Then the great kicker in the groin, which was always bound to happen, China goes into Hong Kong and basically changes it forever. Including banning some pro-democracy candidates. NOW Britain says "keep your eyes on China".

This is not going to end well for the West. The greatest irony? As China engulfs the world, Russia, as their closest ally, becomes even stronger.

This isn't conspiracy, this is economics and global influence metrics. From the size of Chinas military expansion, to it's spying efforts, economic growth, to it's most treasured assets: a willing Western business, political and media class (and even some online forum posters).
I think we have to take a strong stance against China. In the past 35 years a few Democrats, but particularly Republicans, have been too encouraging of American businesses relocating to China especially by giving multinationals tax breaks to move operations there. I remember arguing with a Republican and he called me a socialist for taking issue with these tax breaks. No I said, it has to do with maintaining US industrial strength.

We have to be weary of Chinese hegemony. The issue is how best to do it. The flaw in your argument is that it is not about “socialism” for the Chinese. It is about Chinese power and projection of that power. The Chinese would switch economic systems on a whim depending on which one benefits them most both domestically and internationally provided that that system does not jeopardize the ruling political class.

Nobody is getting tax breaks to move anywhere. That's a leftist urban legend, and I have the factcheck links to prove it.

If a business moves from Seattle to Denver, or from Detroit to Brazil, they both get the exact same tax breaks which is moving expense write-offs. That's it. It's the only thing they get for moving, and moving expense deductions doesn't influence anybody to move their business out of our country.
If you can freaking stand in line at Home Depot, Walmart and the Damn Grocery Store, you can stand in line to vote.

If they did it the right way, there would be no standing in line at all.

You have somebody outside to hand people ballots, or if your parking lot at the polls is on a side street, have them stand on the curb to pass them out. People can fill them out in their car, take them home to fill out, or even take them to work and fill it out at lunch time.

When your ballot is ready, go back to the polling place and simply show your ID, put the ballot in the machine and you're done. Less than 60 seconds. The ballot reader doesn't have to been down some hallway. You can put it at the front door where you enter the building. In areas where the climate is favorable, they can even have the machine outside if no precipitation is expected.
I know many American conservatives dislike the current crop of GOP anyways, many of them called RINO's etc whether on here or other forums/twitter. I've heard some suggest that the GOP don't even want to lead, they want to be led, submissively happy to be in the "spoiler role", content to yell and scream "this and that needs to be done", feigning being men of action, until they actually have the power to do it.

So, ultimately, will it be a good outcome for America and the world that libertarianism/conservatism is wiped off the face of the Western world, or is it problematic? There is no way that global socialists and people far more powerful than any single party or candidate is going to let such an easy opportunity to manipulate the outcome of the U.S election, all in the shadows; to pass them by. Look how overt they were in their resistance to Trump in 2016, imagine this could all be done under the hood?

There is little doubt that many want America to be run by Brussels and Beijing.
Good. The GOP has changed so drastically that they are anti-American and actively harmful to the nation and it's people

We didn't change much--you did.

You went from Democrat to liberal, from liberal to progressive, from progressive to Democrat/ Socialist, whatever the hell that is. At this pace, the next move is totally Socialist. Then it will graduate to Socialist/ Communist, and then plain Communist.

And we on the right, that believes in the Constitution, capitalism and the free market are the anti-Americans?????
I would like all those who want liberty wiped off the face of the earth to go somewhere and live that life for just 6 months.

If they like it....6 more months. Repeat.

Hell, I've openly offered Americans to switch nations (as long as it comes with citizenship). I certainly offered this quite seriously on another forum.

To this day, I mean it. As much as some may roll their eyes, I say, "why not"? There are plenty of Americans who are unhappy, some need a fresh start or want to experience the grass on the other side. I am a Canadian out of favour in Canada who has been a major thorn in their side and a whistleblower exposing them. I contacted my own Ministry and asked them years ago "if you are not going to grant me the rights as protected under our Charter, find me a new home". Why not have people just put forward a permanent exchange? It's a far superior method than the immigration system now, it could be like a dating site. Countries can make 1 for 1 trades.

The fookers actually had their office email me, but basically disallowed me from renouncing my citizenship. Imagine that, they have their cake and eat it too. You MUST remain a Canadian and we must NOT abide by allowing you the freedom we pretend to guarantee. I'm not even a rabble rouser or conspiracy guy, I just believe in principle and Rule of Law. My own system rejects it.

So, many obviously have little clue where this will lead. You left a Monarchy for a reason, some want it to be replaced. I submit that mail-in voting, makes it that much easier. Even if it were on the level it would never be trusted by voters.
Just follow the Democrat's socialist overrun plot--come here illegally and vote. Nobody will stop you.

Can we send you a mail-in ballot? Count you in the census?

Yep, and that's why they have motor-voter in these lib states. So they can make the "mistake" of registering an illegal as a voter.
They've, the republican politicians have, dug their own grave.... it didn't have to be that way....

Absentee voting or not.... the R politicians are in trouble... in this upcoming election....

I'm not sure what you mean, but all this means is no more power for smaller states and counties.
The republican politicians abused their power and ignored their oaths to defending and abiding by the Constitution, when they had it....under Trump.

And the smaller states still have the power the Constitution weighted in THEIR favor, by giving them 2 Senators representing their 1 million people in their small state, while giving larger states like a Calif, with 25 plus million citizens with only 2 Senators as well, PLUS this gives the smaller states their weighted electoral vote advantage.... as the Constitution gave them.

Most legislation affecting your every day life, is done in your State legislature, and state Senate, and by your governor that would affect a county or individuals in a county....

Republicans in the congress and Senate do not deserve to keep their jobs, and that is the only reason why, they won't keep them....

Mail in Ballots is how DemonCrats have stolen elections always. This is why they want it expanded.

It's illegal to run an entire election by mail in balloting, but watch them try.

If they succeed, Democracy is over.

If you can freaking stand in line at Home Depot, Walmart and the Damn Grocery Store, you can stand in line to vote.

Ain't no so called "Disenfranchised Protected Status Groups" starving, and all their refrigerators are full.

If you can get groceries and beer, you can go to the polls and get to voting.
liar, liar
Republicans in the congress and Senate do not deserve to keep their jobs,
neither do the democrats ......
Love the Mask Nazi (Care"F U ALL") who disagreed with me on the fact if you can go to the liquor store and stand in line to buy your lottery tickets, beer, booze, and cigarettes.....if you can go to Home Depot, Walmart, Target, Best Buy, The Grocery Store, and Gas Stations and stand in line.......

Then why in The Hell can't you stand in line to vote?
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I would like all those who want liberty wiped off the face of the earth to go somewhere and live that life for just 6 months.

If they like it....6 more months. Repeat.
One Party countries do not last very long before they start mass murdering their own citizens.
As Lord Acton said, "Absolute power corrupts absolutely"
The Democrats are already absolutely corrupt.
They've, the republican politicians have, dug their own grave.... it didn't have to be that way....

Absentee voting or not.... the R politicians are in trouble... in this upcoming election....

Short of promising free stuff to the lazy, allowing and promoting illegal immigration, raising taxes, pandering to every self-proclaimed discriminated group in the country, what else could they do? Sure, they could give the left wing children everything they want and then they would be nothing more than the current Democratic Party. The issue is the left-wing indoctrination via the media and schools. They have dumbed down an entire generation of voters. They are an ignorant voting block at best.
WHAT FREE STUFF? am paying more for everything every year, while the billionaire class grows richer every year, nothing against billionaires just obvious that things are out of balance & middle Americans keep having to tighten there belts, & that was even before the virus.
WHAT FREE STUFF? am paying more for everything every year, while the billionaire class grows richer every year, nothing against billionaires just obvious that things are out of balance & middle Americans keep having to tighten there belts, & that was even before the virus.

There is a solution to that. Quit giving the billionaires all your money.
WHAT FREE STUFF? am paying more for everything every year, while the billionaire class grows richer every year, nothing against billionaires just obvious that things are out of balance & middle Americans keep having to tighten there belts, & that was even before the virus.

There is a solution to that. Quit giving the billionaires all your money.
1000 bucks says he shops on Amazon and can't wait to troll on Facebook

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