If Manhattan Gets Hit,You Think New York Will Vote For Hillary In 2016?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:stupid: Well, New York voted for Obama twice, apparently they assumed so long as we have a Democrat in office, we will be safe. This also goes for the other deep blue states that voted for Obama in a 55/45 or 60/40 landslide.
Now what if any of these deep blue cities get hit by ISIS, anyone think they will still vote for Hillary being she wont do anything to defend our nation and also wants to cut the Syrian refugees loose in the USA.
Maybe for the first time ever (well, at least since the Reagan Years) New York will finally wake up and "The Stupid Vote" will vote for the GOP in 2016?:bow3::woohoo:
:stupid: Well, New York voted for Obama twice, apparently they assumed so long as we have a Democrat in office, we will be safe. This also goes for the other deep blue states that voted for Obama in a 55/45 or 60/40 landslide.
Now what if any of these deep blue cities get hit by ISIS, anyone think they will still vote for Hillary being she wont do anything to defend our nation and also wants to cut the Syrian refugees loose in the USA.
Maybe for the first time ever (well, at least since the Reagan Years) New York will finally wake up and "The Stupid Vote" will vote for the GOP in 2016?:bow3::woohoo:

Democrats have already lost 2016. In addition to the historic alternating of Presidents by-party, it's just the GOP talking tough about ISIS and refugees. People want strength and safety, not touchy-feely peacetime thinking.

Sanders would make a great peacetime President, but we don't have peace and our enemy is gearing up. We need a wartime President. And that's best encapsulated by the Republicans.
New York is educated, that cross groveling Low IQ flyover country republican asshattery doesn't play there
:stupid: Well, New York voted for Obama twice, apparently they assumed so long as we have a Democrat in office, we will be safe. This also goes for the other deep blue states that voted for Obama in a 55/45 or 60/40 landslide.
Now what if any of these deep blue cities get hit by ISIS, anyone think they will still vote for Hillary being she wont do anything to defend our nation and also wants to cut the Syrian refugees loose in the USA.
Maybe for the first time ever (well, at least since the Reagan Years) New York will finally wake up and "The Stupid Vote" will vote for the GOP in 2016?:bow3::woohoo:

I love Republicans who now have a zero tolerance for terrorist attacks, yet flocked to Bush after 9-11
:stupid: Well, New York voted for Obama twice, apparently they assumed so long as we have a Democrat in office, we will be safe. This also goes for the other deep blue states that voted for Obama in a 55/45 or 60/40 landslide.
Now what if any of these deep blue cities get hit by ISIS, anyone think they will still vote for Hillary being she wont do anything to defend our nation and also wants to cut the Syrian refugees loose in the USA.
Maybe for the first time ever (well, at least since the Reagan Years) New York will finally wake up and "The Stupid Vote" will vote for the GOP in 2016?:bow3::woohoo:

Democrats have already lost 2016. In addition to the historic alternating of Presidents by-party, it's just the GOP talking tough about ISIS and refugees. People want strength and safety, not touchy-feely peacetime thinking.

Sanders would make a great peacetime President, but we don't have peace and our enemy is gearing up. We need a wartime President. And that's best encapsulated by the Republicans.

Republicans will turn up the fear mongering and claim they are the only party that can keep you safe (while expecting everyone to forget 9-11)
Fact is, we have had very few Americans killed by outside terrorists in the last ten years while we look the other way as 32,000 Americans are killed by guns each year
Hillary will run on "The Republicans Caused The New York Attacks" that started under the Bush Administration.

The poison of Liberal Moral Relativism and Cheese Eating Surrender Monkey mentality has spread too far, in New York.

The idiots would vote (D) even if the Dems themselves ordered airstrikes on Manhattan, because LibTards would convince the Sheeple there that they had it coming, for only paying $24 in beads to the Oppressed Indigenous Peoples of the region, and that the bombardment is merely Penance.
:stupid: Well, New York voted for Obama twice, apparently they assumed so long as we have a Democrat in office, we will be safe. This also goes for the other deep blue states that voted for Obama in a 55/45 or 60/40 landslide.
Now what if any of these deep blue cities get hit by ISIS, anyone think they will still vote for Hillary being she wont do anything to defend our nation and also wants to cut the Syrian refugees loose in the USA.
Maybe for the first time ever (well, at least since the Reagan Years) New York will finally wake up and "The Stupid Vote" will vote for the GOP in 2016?:bow3::woohoo:

Democrats have already lost 2016. In addition to the historic alternating of Presidents by-party, it's just the GOP talking tough about ISIS and refugees. People want strength and safety, not touchy-feely peacetime thinking.

Sanders would make a great peacetime President, but we don't have peace and our enemy is gearing up. We need a wartime President. And that's best encapsulated by the Republicans.

Which of the Republicans is best suited to lead us in wartime?

:stupid: Well, New York voted for Obama twice, apparently they assumed so long as we have a Democrat in office, we will be safe. This also goes for the other deep blue states that voted for Obama in a 55/45 or 60/40 landslide.
Now what if any of these deep blue cities get hit by ISIS, anyone think they will still vote for Hillary being she wont do anything to defend our nation and also wants to cut the Syrian refugees loose in the USA.
Maybe for the first time ever (well, at least since the Reagan Years) New York will finally wake up and "The Stupid Vote" will vote for the GOP in 2016?:bow3::woohoo:

Democrats have already lost 2016. In addition to the historic alternating of Presidents by-party, it's just the GOP talking tough about ISIS and refugees. People want strength and safety, not touchy-feely peacetime thinking.

Sanders would make a great peacetime President, but we don't have peace and our enemy is gearing up. We need a wartime President. And that's best encapsulated by the Republicans.

Republicans will turn up the fear mongering and claim they are the only party that can keep you safe (while expecting everyone to forget 9-11)
Fact is, we have had very few Americans killed by outside terrorists in the last ten years while we look the other way as 32,000 Americans are killed by guns each year

Isn't fear mongering if there really are monsters coming for you.
:stupid: Well, New York voted for Obama twice, apparently they assumed so long as we have a Democrat in office, we will be safe. This also goes for the other deep blue states that voted for Obama in a 55/45 or 60/40 landslide.
Now what if any of these deep blue cities get hit by ISIS, anyone think they will still vote for Hillary being she wont do anything to defend our nation and also wants to cut the Syrian refugees loose in the USA.
Maybe for the first time ever (well, at least since the Reagan Years) New York will finally wake up and "The Stupid Vote" will vote for the GOP in 2016?:bow3::woohoo:

Democrats have already lost 2016. In addition to the historic alternating of Presidents by-party, it's just the GOP talking tough about ISIS and refugees. People want strength and safety, not touchy-feely peacetime thinking.

Sanders would make a great peacetime President, but we don't have peace and our enemy is gearing up. We need a wartime President. And that's best encapsulated by the Republicans.

Which of the Republicans is best suited to lead us in wartime?


Been paying attention to other things so a few days out of the loop on the candidates' statements and positions.
and why are Reid and Pelosi remaining quiet all of this time? oh,wait, they are democrats, could care less if innocent people die on thier watch, "So Long As Their Rich".
Democrats have already lost 2016. In addition to the historic alternating of Presidents by-party, it's just the GOP talking tough about ISIS and refugees. People want strength and safety, not touchy-feely peacetime thinking.

Sanders would make a great peacetime President, but we don't have peace and our enemy is gearing up. We need a wartime President. And that's best encapsulated by the Republicans.

For now, I think Hillary is still the most likely winner in the election next year. But if we do have a domestic terrorist attack, it will tilt the odds towards the GOP. But I see Hillary as more hawkish than Obama, and it goes without saying, much depends on who the GOP nominee is.
we can already see Hillary in upcoming rallies. "In Regards to the Paris Attacks, it would of been much worse if we had a President Trump or Carson" !!
:stupid: Well, New York voted for Obama twice, apparently they assumed so long as we have a Democrat in office, we will be safe. This also goes for the other deep blue states that voted for Obama in a 55/45 or 60/40 landslide.
Now what if any of these deep blue cities get hit by ISIS, anyone think they will still vote for Hillary being she wont do anything to defend our nation and also wants to cut the Syrian refugees loose in the USA.
Maybe for the first time ever (well, at least since the Reagan Years) New York will finally wake up and "The Stupid Vote" will vote for the GOP in 2016?:bow3::woohoo:

Democrats have already lost 2016. In addition to the historic alternating of Presidents by-party, it's just the GOP talking tough about ISIS and refugees. People want strength and safety, not touchy-feely peacetime thinking.

Sanders would make a great peacetime President, but we don't have peace and our enemy is gearing up. We need a wartime President. And that's best encapsulated by the Republicans.

Republicans will turn up the fear mongering and claim they are the only party that can keep you safe (while expecting everyone to forget 9-11)
Fact is, we have had very few Americans killed by outside terrorists in the last ten years while we look the other way as 32,000 Americans are killed by guns each year

Isn't fear mongering if there really are monsters coming for you.

The real "monsters" live in our neighborhoods and are armed to the teeth. They are not muslim terrorists but typical americans you meet every day.
They kill 8500 a year and we don't blink an eye
:stupid: Well, New York voted for Obama twice, apparently they assumed so long as we have a Democrat in office, we will be safe. This also goes for the other deep blue states that voted for Obama in a 55/45 or 60/40 landslide.
Now what if any of these deep blue cities get hit by ISIS, anyone think they will still vote for Hillary being she wont do anything to defend our nation and also wants to cut the Syrian refugees loose in the USA.
Maybe for the first time ever (well, at least since the Reagan Years) New York will finally wake up and "The Stupid Vote" will vote for the GOP in 2016?:bow3::woohoo:

Democrats have already lost 2016. In addition to the historic alternating of Presidents by-party, it's just the GOP talking tough about ISIS and refugees. People want strength and safety, not touchy-feely peacetime thinking.

Sanders would make a great peacetime President, but we don't have peace and our enemy is gearing up. We need a wartime President. And that's best encapsulated by the Republicans.

Republicans will turn up the fear mongering and claim they are the only party that can keep you safe (while expecting everyone to forget 9-11)
Fact is, we have had very few Americans killed by outside terrorists in the last ten years while we look the other way as 32,000 Americans are killed by guns each year

Isn't fear mongering if there really are monsters coming for you.

The real "monsters" live in our neighborhoods and are armed to the teeth. They are not muslim terrorists but typical americans you meet every day.
They kill 8500 a year and we don't blink an eye
If only we could round them all up and send them to concentration camps....exterminate them!!!!
its been five days since the horror, why havent we heard from Black Lives Matter? maybe its because it wasnt 130 black people that were killed?

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