If Manhattan Gets Hit,You Think New York Will Vote For Hillary In 2016?

:stupid: Well, New York voted for Obama twice, apparently they assumed so long as we have a Democrat in office, we will be safe. This also goes for the other deep blue states that voted for Obama in a 55/45 or 60/40 landslide.
Now what if any of these deep blue cities get hit by ISIS, anyone think they will still vote for Hillary being she wont do anything to defend our nation and also wants to cut the Syrian refugees loose in the USA.
Maybe for the first time ever (well, at least since the Reagan Years) New York will finally wake up and "The Stupid Vote" will vote for the GOP in 2016?:bow3::woohoo:

Democrats have already lost 2016. In addition to the historic alternating of Presidents by-party, it's just the GOP talking tough about ISIS and refugees. People want strength and safety, not touchy-feely peacetime thinking.

Sanders would make a great peacetime President, but we don't have peace and our enemy is gearing up. We need a wartime President. And that's best encapsulated by the Republicans.

Which of the Republicans is best suited to lead us in wartime?


A better question is which Democrat is best suited to be dog catcher, leaving the other two to fight over streets and sanitation-)

Catchy comeback
Think it up yourself or did you get your mom to help?
Oh please Trump is the favorite son of all favorite sons. He's built parks, playgrounds, he put in the carousel playground. He employs thousands of New Yorkers. He has given to every New York charity in existence. He was born in New York and lived there all his life. There is no way he would not carry the state. Especially after DeBlasio.
actually if New York gets hit, i wonder what lame excuses will come form Vilhem and "You Dont Need 12 Bullets To Kill A Deeeya" Coumo!
:stupid: Well, New York voted for Obama twice, apparently they assumed so long as we have a Democrat in office, we will be safe. This also goes for the other deep blue states that voted for Obama in a 55/45 or 60/40 landslide.
Now what if any of these deep blue cities get hit by ISIS, anyone think they will still vote for Hillary being she wont do anything to defend our nation and also wants to cut the Syrian refugees loose in the USA.
Maybe for the first time ever (well, at least since the Reagan Years) New York will finally wake up and "The Stupid Vote" will vote for the GOP in 2016?:bow3::woohoo:

Democrats have already lost 2016. In addition to the historic alternating of Presidents by-party, it's just the GOP talking tough about ISIS and refugees. People want strength and safety, not touchy-feely peacetime thinking.

Sanders would make a great peacetime President, but we don't have peace and our enemy is gearing up. We need a wartime President. And that's best encapsulated by the Republicans.

Which of the Republicans is best suited to lead us in wartime?


A better question is which Democrat is best suited to be dog catcher, leaving the other two to fight over streets and sanitation-)

Catchy comeback
Think it up yourself or did you get your mom to help?

Unlike you living in your parents basement in your underwear posting, I actually have a job, a home, and am an American, lol. Maybe you and "Paint my Patootie" should get together and figure out a way to get back on the offensive politically, instead of being on the defensive all the time now-)

Oh wait, what was I thinking. You guys are OFFENSIVE. Forget what I said, carry on goober-)
Oh please Trump is the favorite son of all favorite sons. He's built parks, playgrounds, he put in the carousel playground. He employs thousands of New Yorkers. He has given to every New York charity in existence. He was born in New York and lived there all his life. There is no way he would not carry the state. Especially after DeBlasio.
New Yorkers are not amused by Trumps act
They elected Hillary by a wide margin

New York is a solid blue state
:stupid: Well, New York voted for Obama twice, apparently they assumed so long as we have a Democrat in office, we will be safe. This also goes for the other deep blue states that voted for Obama in a 55/45 or 60/40 landslide.
Now what if any of these deep blue cities get hit by ISIS, anyone think they will still vote for Hillary being she wont do anything to defend our nation and also wants to cut the Syrian refugees loose in the USA.
Maybe for the first time ever (well, at least since the Reagan Years) New York will finally wake up and "The Stupid Vote" will vote for the GOP in 2016?:bow3::woohoo:

Democrats have already lost 2016. In addition to the historic alternating of Presidents by-party, it's just the GOP talking tough about ISIS and refugees. People want strength and safety, not touchy-feely peacetime thinking.

Sanders would make a great peacetime President, but we don't have peace and our enemy is gearing up. We need a wartime President. And that's best encapsulated by the Republicans.

Which of the Republicans is best suited to lead us in wartime?


A better question is which Democrat is best suited to be dog catcher, leaving the other two to fight over streets and sanitation-)

Catchy comeback
Think it up yourself or did you get your mom to help?

Unlike you living in your parents basement in your underwear posting, I actually have a job, a home, and am an American, lol. Maybe you and "Paint my Patootie" should get together and figure out a way to get back on the offensive politically, instead of being on the defensive all the time now-)

Oh wait, what was I thinking. You guys are OFFENSIVE. Forget what I said, carry on goober-)
Cool story, bro.
Democrats have already lost 2016. In addition to the historic alternating of Presidents by-party, it's just the GOP talking tough about ISIS and refugees. People want strength and safety, not touchy-feely peacetime thinking.

Sanders would make a great peacetime President, but we don't have peace and our enemy is gearing up. We need a wartime President. And that's best encapsulated by the Republicans.

Which of the Republicans is best suited to lead us in wartime?


A better question is which Democrat is best suited to be dog catcher, leaving the other two to fight over streets and sanitation-)

Catchy comeback
Think it up yourself or did you get your mom to help?

Unlike you living in your parents basement in your underwear posting, I actually have a job, a home, and am an American, lol. Maybe you and "Paint my Patootie" should get together and figure out a way to get back on the offensive politically, instead of being on the defensive all the time now-)

Oh wait, what was I thinking. You guys are OFFENSIVE. Forget what I said, carry on goober-)
Cool story, bro.

I am not your "bro" you juvenile delinquent!
and if LA gets hit, worse case scenario, the bomb will trigger the Bush Fault.
They certainly wouldn't vote for the party that left NYC undefended on 9/11/01.

In August of 2001 Bush was told of the likelihood of an attack on skyscrapers by hijacked planes. He did nothing. He didn't even have basic defense protocols in place - scramble ready planes.

There is no way on earth New Yorkers would trust another Republican to defend them.
O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave pants shitters?
i wonder if at least 55% of New York state is aware that a President Hillary is just going to invite more bombings being the terrorists will see her as a whimp.

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