if Mexico is so great, why would their people be leaving in droves to get to the United States?

net mexican immigration has been negative since 2009

putting up a wall is like locking them in, not out.
seems to me to be better living conditions , FREE Stuff and services in the USA . Plus the big thing in their minds taught by their schools and Politicians and Rulers is that the GRINGO'S stole much of THEIR country years ago . Some of those stolen States are California' , Arizona and Nevada plus probably some other prosperous USA States .
seems to me to be better living conditions , FREE Stuff and services in the USA . Plus the big thing in their minds taught by their schools and Politicians and Rulers is that the GRINGO'S stole much of THEIR country years ago . Some of those stolen States are California' , Arizona and Nevada plus probably some other prosperous USA States .
- sorry , no comment !!
best thing to do is to stay away from mexico. Lots of State Department violence warnings about 'mexico' , even in so called Tourist Areas like 'cancun' .
if Mexico is so great, why would their people be leaving in droves to get to the United States?

They aren't. Only a fool believes such nonsense.

More Mexicans Leaving Than Coming to the U.S.
-------------------------- B.S. and lets get that deportation train running at a hundred miles an hour . We really need an Operation Wetback that cleaned up the USA for MY Generation . Its too bad that current parents don't care enough about their widdle kids to clean up the USA for their widdle American kids DeanRD !!
if Mexico is so great, why would their people be leaving in droves to get to the United States?

They aren't. Only a fool believes such nonsense.

More Mexicans Leaving Than Coming to the U.S.
-------------------------- B.S. and lets get that deportation train running at a hundred miles an hour . We really need an Operation Wetback that cleaned up the USA for MY Generation . Its too bad that current parents don't care enough about their widdle kids to clean up the USA for their widdle American kids DeanRD !!

typical trumpling

feels instead of thinks
and even if it was LESS mexicans , well heck , we have a few thousand 'hondurans' , third worlders and 'central americans' plus a few 'mexicans' Headed to the USA as i type this . President TRUMP is sending American National Guard to the Border to do something Del .
name calling , its ok with me , it show the boards readers your intelligence . Please continue with the name calling Del .
i demand an answer! mexicans are racist against their own country?
Pretty simple, they keep the people down and stupid, and poor. Education just is not give them the chance to learn enough to get a good job. They count on them to come to the US and send money back home via Western Union which the gov taxes at 15 percent. This makes every wet back a cash cow for the government. They do have a revolution but the gov turns crooked. Never fear we are working our way in the same direction with the help of the Progressive party.

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