If more guns makes a country safer

I was a child when the violence occurred and far too young to handle a gun.

Never too young ...


... to learn firearm safety.
No guns necessary

I get in trouble if I show up to work without one.

I bet the daily travel from where you live to whatever war torn area you work in is a bitch. The cost in Jet Fuel must be staggering. Or could it be the area you are living in is war torn because you live there.

Don't be a jerk. Fncceo works in the public security field.

I don't want to hear it from you. I want to hear it from him. From the horses "Rear" if you will.

You have a problem with law-enforcement?
I'll join up with the zombies.

You already have...

Then good for me. Life is fine here on the border. The weather is fabulous and the food is the best in the world. And the best part? No guns necessary.

Well aren't you "special"? The fact is, like your name, it's "not your body."

My body can have as many guns as he cares to own. My body gets a 9mm Glock 19 and two spare magazines strapped onto it every day before he leave the house. My body reloads ten different calibers of his own ammunition and shoots thousands of rounds per year.

Do whatever the hell you want with your own body, but don't tell me what I can or cannot do with mine.

As long as it's legal. And us use them legally. And you don't intimidate others with them.

Are you saying that I have "intimidated" someone with a firearm? Are you nuts or something?

You still don't get it, do you. If you are following the law, then I support you. If you aren't then duck and cover.
No guns necessary

I get in trouble if I show up to work without one.

I bet the daily travel from where you live to whatever war torn area you work in is a bitch. The cost in Jet Fuel must be staggering. Or could it be the area you are living in is war torn because you live there.

Don't be a jerk. Fncceo works in the public security field.

I don't want to hear it from you. I want to hear it from him. From the horses "Rear" if you will.

You have a problem with law-enforcement?

I am waiting to hear it from F$$$$$, not you. He made the statement and he needs to clarify and discuss. WE already know your views.
You already have...

Then good for me. Life is fine here on the border. The weather is fabulous and the food is the best in the world. And the best part? No guns necessary.

Well aren't you "special"? The fact is, like your name, it's "not your body."

My body can have as many guns as he cares to own. My body gets a 9mm Glock 19 and two spare magazines strapped onto it every day before he leave the house. My body reloads ten different calibers of his own ammunition and shoots thousands of rounds per year.

Do whatever the hell you want with your own body, but don't tell me what I can or cannot do with mine.

As long as it's legal. And us use them legally. And you don't intimidate others with them.

Are you saying that I have "intimidated" someone with a firearm? Are you nuts or something?

You still don't get it, do you. If you are following the law, then I support you. If you aren't then duck and cover.

No, I don't get it and I don't have a clue where you're coming from. What makes you think I have not followed the law? I have no problem with the law or those who enforce it. You seem to, though.
I had guns before I ever heard of the NRA or voted for any party. The safest place in the world right now is under my roof.
What are you so afraid of that you need guns for protection?

I live on the border and I don't need guns for protection. According to the GOP I am living in the middle of the Meemaw raper/killers flooding across the border in what must be one of the most dangerous places in the world. And still, I've never needed a gun.

I guess I'm braver than you are. Gun nutters are the biggest snowflakes on the planet. Afraid of every damn thing and person in the world. Either that, or you have teeny tiny mushroom shaped peckers.

You speak like someone lucky enough not to have been the victim of a violent crime

You should be counting your blessings not denigrating others.

And I have been the victim of a violent crime that I still bear the scars of this day

A gun would not have helped me. I was a child when the violence occurred and far too young to handle a gun.

spankings don't count
Then good for me. Life is fine here on the border. The weather is fabulous and the food is the best in the world. And the best part? No guns necessary.

Well aren't you "special"? The fact is, like your name, it's "not your body."

My body can have as many guns as he cares to own. My body gets a 9mm Glock 19 and two spare magazines strapped onto it every day before he leave the house. My body reloads ten different calibers of his own ammunition and shoots thousands of rounds per year.

Do whatever the hell you want with your own body, but don't tell me what I can or cannot do with mine.

As long as it's legal. And us use them legally. And you don't intimidate others with them.

Are you saying that I have "intimidated" someone with a firearm? Are you nuts or something?

You still don't get it, do you. If you are following the law, then I support you. If you aren't then duck and cover.

No, I don't get it and I don't have a clue where you're coming from. What makes you think I have not followed the law? I have no problem with the law or those who enforce it. You seem to, though.

Why, just because you say so? Damn, the world according to Galt. We should make a move about that.
Well aren't you "special"? The fact is, like your name, it's "not your body."

My body can have as many guns as he cares to own. My body gets a 9mm Glock 19 and two spare magazines strapped onto it every day before he leave the house. My body reloads ten different calibers of his own ammunition and shoots thousands of rounds per year.

Do whatever the hell you want with your own body, but don't tell me what I can or cannot do with mine.

As long as it's legal. And us use them legally. And you don't intimidate others with them.

Are you saying that I have "intimidated" someone with a firearm? Are you nuts or something?

You still don't get it, do you. If you are following the law, then I support you. If you aren't then duck and cover.

No, I don't get it and I don't have a clue where you're coming from. What makes you think I have not followed the law? I have no problem with the law or those who enforce it. You seem to, though.

Why, just because you say so? Damn, the world according to Galt. We should make a move about that.

So how would I have had a valid concealed carry permit for the last 8 years and carried every day, if I had not followed the law?

Do you even carry bro?
Why would you sell it only to liberals? Liberals are the reason we need to be armed in the first place. If we were ever to consider getting rid of guns, we'd have to get rid of liberals first.

Funny, around here, the biggest threat is from the right wingers who are armed. About 50 feet away is a ultra right winger who is armed that gets my vote for the most unstable. He's a Rumpster all the way through. If Rump were to lose the election or were to be convicted for removal by the Senate and call for an armed response, he would be one of the first to respond. And guess what, I would be his first target. That means that he wouldn't fare too well in the exchange. Rumps Army would fall pretty quickly since they would be mostly be made up of fruitcakes that would wage direct war on anyone that they deem as Liberals. And that means anyone not fruitcakes like them. That means that many Conservatives will be targeted as well. Your idea that you will need to get rid of all the Liberal's guns means that anyone not a Rumpster needs to be disarmed. Shades of Tyranny on that one. And that hasn't worked out real well in the past for other groups of people either. So keep spewing your crap. But do us all a favor and don't follow through with it.

What a dreamer you are. First off, Trump would never lead any of his supporters into a civil war. Secondly, most people on the right are law abiding people, and we take out our anger at the ballot box, not in the street and on police officers.

But you do bring up a good point, and that is the left is pushing us to the brink of war. When these anti-Americans do anything possible to remove a duely elected President, that means the commies have taken over, and my vote no longer counts. Because if they can do that to one Republican, they'll be able to do it to any Republican, and that is a call out for war.

This is why I've always been behind having two countries instead of one. Make a division line from north to south. On one side will be the Democrats, and on the other the Republicans. We will have a national vote to decide who gets which side.

If we don't do this soon, eventually the Democrats will do something to spark a civil war.

One real problem with what you are saying. The only side that even brings up a civil war is yours. And yours talks about stockpiling for WHEN it happens. Are you saying that if the Dems win heavily at the ballot box that you will see that as a reason to have a civil war? If that is the case, it's not the Dems that are the danger of causing a Civil War. It's your bunch.

And you need to quite giving Rump so many free rides. He's a friggin embarrassment. He goes from one embarrassment to another almost weekly. And the only reason he does this is because you won't call him on any of his BS. He's always been a spoiled little boy. Spoiled little boys will always push the envelope until they find the limits. So far, you haven't shown him the limits. So he just gets worse and worse. Now he's in serious trouble because the Dems have had enough and so have the Moderates. Your 33% isn't enough to pull him out of it this time. It's like a spoiled little brat that didn't get the spanking as a child finally getting in serious trouble with the authorities. Well, Congress is the Authorities this time. Now, in his own way (by demanding) he is begging you to cover for him once again. It's too late.

This is part of the commie revolution. The legislative branch does not have the power to control the executive branch. That's why we have separation of powers.

I never said if the commies win, we need to have a civil war. What I said is that when the commies remove a President unjustly, such as having secret clandestine inquiries, refusal to let the opponents even so much as see their transcript, and overturn an election, it is time for a civil war, because everything they do is unconstitutional.

The election is where citizens get to vote in or out a candidate for Prescient, not the legislative branch. This is particularly true when it's the opposing party that has been talking impeachment, and looking for a crime to match their punitive actions. That's not the way it works for real Americans.

Once a President is in office, he is bound to operate within the confines of the Office. If he doesn't then there is a system in place to deal with it. What you are seeing is that system in action. One of the jobs of the Congress is to oversee the executive branch. Rump has tried (and been very effective because of your free rides) in negating that. Well, the chickens have come to roost.

Same goes for gun regulations. At some point, society will demand some gun regulation. You and I may not fully agree on the level that Society settles for firearms regulation but it will happen. The only thing one side or the other can do is to dump hundreds of millions into the system to delay it. But in the end, Society will get what it wants. It could be from a ballot box, Executive Branch, Legislative or Judicial. But all of these, in the end, go back to the ballot box and the Constitution of the United States and the State Constitutions.

Meanwhile, you are going to scream that it's Unconstitutional and cry "Just wait until our next Savior comes, you'll see".

And they want to pretend that it's unfair that the House is going after Trump when he breaks the law. Or they're hoping like Comey did with Hillary, they'll see what Trump did was wrong but not charge him. Well Comey looked at what Hillary did and didn't see that she did it with bad intentions. In fact, all of them use private emails and phones. Even the Trump's use private emails and phones. Hell Trump takes calls that would implicate him and he hides them on a server meant for top secret stuff. In other words he's covering up his crimes. No one can prove Hillary was using private emails to cover up crimes. But we know Trump did this. That's why he needs to be impeached.

And if Republicans didn't like what Hillary did, how come they are ok with Trump doing shady similar stuff?

Trump is stone cold busted.

Top U.S. Diplomat Unravels Story Of Trump's Ukraine Aid Holdup | HuffPost
I'll join up with the zombies.

You already have...

Then good for me. Life is fine here on the border. The weather is fabulous and the food is the best in the world. And the best part? No guns necessary.

Well aren't you "special"? The fact is, like your name, it's "not your body."

My body can have as many guns as he cares to own. My body gets a 9mm Glock 19 and two spare magazines strapped onto it every day before he leave the house. My body reloads ten different calibers of his own ammunition and shoots thousands of rounds per year.

Do whatever the hell you want with your own body, but don't tell me what I can or cannot do with mine.

You have some serious fear issues. I've never said you can't have guns. I have no power over you. I am not a threat to you, despite your paranoia.
As long as it's legal. And us use them legally. And you don't intimidate others with them.

Are you saying that I have "intimidated" someone with a firearm? Are you nuts or something?

You still don't get it, do you. If you are following the law, then I support you. If you aren't then duck and cover.

No, I don't get it and I don't have a clue where you're coming from. What makes you think I have not followed the law? I have no problem with the law or those who enforce it. You seem to, though.

Why, just because you say so? Damn, the world according to Galt. We should make a move about that.

So how would I have had a valid concealed carry permit for the last 8 years and carried every day, if I had not followed the law?

Do you even carry bro?
As a group those with concealed carry permits are some of the most law abiding people in the country.
its to separate "Militia" with "the right of the people to keep and bear arms"
Looks like it's the subject to me.
The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home
Your opinion doesn't matter.
Functionality an AR 15 is no different than any other semiautomatic rifle that has been used by civilians for over a century
Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Used for what? Mass shootings?
Since 1982, 15 AR15s have been used in mass shootings to murder fewer than 7 people per year.
Somehow, you believe this justifies a ban on same.

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