If nothing else the hearings thus far have achieved something notable.

The Proud Boys are not white supremacists or militia members, so that's obviously a lie.
The Proud Boys’ actions belie their disavowals of bigotry: Rank-and-file Proud Boys and leaders regularly spout white nationalist memes and maintain affiliations with known extremists. They are known for anti-Muslim and misogynistic rhetoric. Proud Boys have appeared alongside other hate groups at extremist gatherings such as the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. Former Proud Boys member Jason Kessler helped organize that event, which brought together a broad coalition of extremists including Neo-Nazis, antisemites and militias. Kessler was expelled from the group after the violence and near-universal condemnation of Charlottesville rallygoers.
Another . Org

I. Summary of Major Findings

The redacted Mueller Report documents a series of activities that show strong evidence of collusion. Or, more precisely, it provides significant evidence that Trump Campaign associates coordinated with, cooperated with, encouraged, or gave support to the Russia/WikiLeaks election interference activities. The Report documents the following actions (each of which is analyzed in detail in Part II):

1. Trump was receptive to a Campaign national security adviser’s (George Papadopoulos) pursuit of a back channel to Putin.
2. Kremlin operatives provided the Campaign a preview of the Russian plan to distribute stolen emails.
3. The Trump Campaign chairman and deputy chairman (Paul Manafort and Rick Gates) knowingly shared internal polling data and information on battleground states with a Russian spy; and the Campaign chairman worked with the Russian spy on a pro-Russia “peace” plan for Ukraine.
4. The Trump Campaign chairman periodically shared internal polling data with the Russian spy with the expectation it would be shared with Putin-linked oligarch, Oleg Deripaska.
5. Trump Campaign chairman Manafort expected Trump’s winning the presidency would mean Deripaska would want to use Manafort to advance
Deripaska’s interests in the United States and elsewhere.
6. Trump Tower meeting: (1) On receiving an email offering derogatory information on Clinton coming from a Russian government official, Donald Trump Jr. “appears to have accepted that offer;” (2) members of the Campaign discussed the Trump Tower meeting beforehand; (3) Donald Trump Jr. told the Russians during the meeting that Trump could revisit the issue of the Magnitsky Act if elected.
7. A Trump Campaign official told the Special Counsel he “felt obliged to object” to a GOP Platform change on Ukraine because it contradicted Trump’s wishes; however, the investigation did not establish that Gordon was directed by Trump.
8. Russian military hackers may have followed Trump’s July 27, 2016 public statement “Russia if you’re listening …” within hours by targeting Clinton’s personal office for the first time.
9. Trump requested campaign affiliates to get Clinton’s emails, which resulted in an individual apparently acting in coordination with the Campaign claiming to have successfully contacted Russian hackers.
10. The Trump Campaign—and Trump personally—appeared to have advanced knowledge of future WikiLeaks releases.
11. The Trump Campaign coordinated campaign-related public communications based on future WikiLeaks releases.
12. Michael Cohen, on behalf of the Trump Organization, brokered a secret deal for a Trump Tower Moscow project directly involving Putin’s inner circle, at least until June 2016.
13. During the presidential transition, Jared Kushner and Eric Prince engaged in secret back channel communications with Russian agents. (1) Kushner suggested to the Russian Ambassador that they use a secure communication line from within the Russian Embassy to speak with Russian Generals; and (2) Prince and Kushner’s friend Rick Gerson conducted secret back channel meetings with a Putin agent to develop a plan for U.S.-Russian relations.

14. During the presidential transition, in coordination with other members of the Transition Team, Michael Flynn spoke with the Russian Ambassador to prevent a tit for tat Russian response to the Obama administration’s imposition of sanctions for election interference; the Russians agreed not to retaliate saying they wanted a good relationship with the incoming administration.
The Proud Boys’ actions belie their disavowals of bigotry: Rank-and-file Proud Boys and leaders regularly spout white nationalist memes and maintain affiliations with known extremists. They are known for anti-Muslim and misogynistic rhetoric. Proud Boys have appeared alongside other hate groups at extremist gatherings such as the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. Former Proud Boys member Jason Kessler helped organize that event, which brought together a broad coalition of extremists including Neo-Nazis, antisemites and militias. Kessler was expelled from the group after the violence and near-universal condemnation of Charlottesville rallygoers.
It's the playbook. This has been the playbook of the white nationalist groups for 30 years.

It is a conscious decision to publicly reject racism. The current membership is in on the con, and it helps recruit future members.
What hoax?

Oh stop the bullshit already. You and a fucking rock must be the only 2 brainless entities on the planet who reject a the evidence that Hillary concocted the entire criminal, seditious, treasonous Russian scandal and green-lighted it.

Even her campaign manager threw her under the bus and testified to it under oath during the Sussmann trial.

FBI agent Page testified the FBI (& Obama/Biden) was warned Hillary would do this, did their own internal investigation before Mueller was ever appointed, and came to their own conclussion that there was nothing to the Russian Collusion bullshit. That means this was already known and proven WHEN MUELLER WAS APPOINTED.
-- Hillary associate Rosenstein ran the 'Mueller' investigation, as shown by his testimony. He could not remember the name of Fusion GPS or any of the main players. He was more brain dead than Biden is.

Good gawd, you are a worthless, propaganda-pushing, 'Truth Commission' wannabe, dried up tit.

Thank you for finally, though, providing all the necessary evidence that you can be completely ignored because you are insane, a liar, or both.
Oh stop the bullshit already. You and a fucking Rick must be the only 2 brainless entities on the planet who reject a the evidence that Hillary concocted the entire criminal, seditious, treasonous Russian scandal and green-lighted it.

Even her campaign manager threw her under the bus and testified to it under oath during the Sussmann trial.

FBI agent Page testified the FBI (& Obama/Biden) was warned Hillary would do this, did their own internal investigation before Mueller was ever appointed, and came to their own conclussion that there was nothing to the Russian Collusion bullshit. That means this was already known and proven WHEN MUELLER WAS APPOINTED.
-- Hillary associate Rosenstein ran the 'Mueller' investigation, as shown by his testimony. He could not remember the name of Fusion GPS or any of the main players. He was more brain dead than Biden is.

Good gawd, you are a worthless, propaganda-pushing, 'Truth Commission' wannabe, dried up tit.

Thank you for finally, though, providing all the necessary evidence that you can be completely ignored because you are insane, a liar, or both.
He's a partisan hack, he's not going to listen to you.
It's the playbook. This has been the playbook of the white nationalist groups for 30 years.

It is a conscious decision to publicly reject racism. The current membership is in on the con, and it helps recruit future members.

As you worthless tits always say in defense of Hillary, he was NEVER FOUND GUILTY of anything. INNOCENT. Another 'We got him THIS time' exposed seditious attempt to stage a treasonous coup...that FAILED.

It wasn’t just Proud Boys. Interconnected extremists converged on Jan. 6.

Proud Boys and Oath Keepers members face the most consequential charges in the attack — seditious conspiracy — yet it’s the role of these other groups and many more like them that has drawn the attention of my team at the University of Maryland’s National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism. This constellation of groups that in some cases serve as incubators for insurrectionists — and bridges to like-minded extremist movements — challenges the popular notion that the mob was filled with “everyday Americans” who were “caught up in the moment,” as many of their defense lawyers have argued, or “ordinary citizens engaged in legitimate political discourse,” as the Republican National Committee described them in its censure of the two Republican lawmakers serving on the House select committee investigating the attack. The presence of so many of these groups at the Capitol also complicates the argument that the majority of the defendants “had no connections to extremism whatsoever,” as Jonathan A. Greenblatt, national director of the Anti-Defamation League, wrote in an op-ed. Or that most of them were “from the mainstream,” as political scientist Robert A. Pape has asserted.
Over the past several months, my team has been collecting data on the backgrounds of the Capitol defendants in an attempt to verify these claims of their normalness. After poring through thousands of pages of court documents and scouring their social media pages, I have reached a different conclusion: They are not normal. They are not “everyday,” “ordinary” or “mainstream.” They are part of a supercontagion.

So your only criticism is that they are "not normal?" You're serious? Where's the evidence that they are white supremacists?

You posted a big load of Dim paranoia, and nothing more.
It's the playbook. This has been the playbook of the white nationalist groups for 30 years.

It is a conscious decision to publicly reject racism. The current membership is in on the con, and it helps recruit future members.

What on Earth are you babbling about now.
It's not a hearing when only one party is allowed to question witnesses or subpoena them. It's a show trial
Ah, Li'l Bripat, that's not how hearings work. Check it out. Do a little due diligence.
"Hearings' are intended to investigate issues before Congress. Seldom do 'hearings' result in criminal indictments, tho sometimes they do. Most memorably for perjury. Hearings primary function, in my opinion, is expository ---investigate, uncover, and reveal to the rest of Congress and/or the American people.

But I do understand the gist of your grievance. To wit, you are unsettled because no one of these Republican officials who are witnesses have defended Don Trump. I get that. You don't like that.

But, here's the thing Li'l Bripat......Don Trump's expected 'defenders' have all refused to come before the Committee and defend Don Trump. Even under the requirements of subpoena's they still refuse to sit and defend him.

Further, the Congressional Republican leadership refused to cooperate in good faith in either opportunity they had to participate. First, in selecting an independent bi-partisan group of experts, ala' the 9/11 Commission. Or second, offering a slate of Republican legislators to the Select Committee who themselves were not suspected or accused of being part of the January 6th debacle.

That likely was a mistake. It hurt America, it hurt the investigation, and it hurt Don Trump.
Even Don Trump said as much.

Business Insider reported on June 19th that Trump stated in an interview:

  • "Trump said it was a "bad decision" for Republicans "not to have representation on that committee."
  • Trump too denounced the proposal of a bipartisan commission last year, calling it a "Democrat trap."
Former President Donald Trump said last week it was a mistake for Republicans to not be more involved in the committee investigating January 6.

"Unfortunately, a bad decision was made," Trump said in an interview with conservative radio host Wayne Allyn Root, adding it "was a bad decision not to have representation on that committee. That was a very, very foolish decision."

The select House committee was formed last year after Senate Republicans in May 2021 blocked the formation of a bipartisan, 9/11-style commission to investigate the Capitol riot.

Insider's Eliza Relman reported Democrats agreed to nearly all of the Republicans' requests, including that the panel members be divided evenly between both parties and that decisions on who to subpoena would be unanimous."

So, in short, poster Li'l Bripat, it is foolish to whine about not participating in the Committee when one refused invitations to participate.

I'm mildly sure you understand that completely.

"...So of a trial doesn't follow the rules of evidence, then it's valid?"
Asked and answered.
It ain't a trial.
No one need bring that foolish notion up again. It has been autopsied repeatedly on this venue.
Only the foolish reference it as a 'trial'. They know better.
Or should know better. By now.

We are all better than that childish behavior.
Last edited:
Ah, Li'l Bripat, that's not how hearings work. Check it out. Do a little due diligence.
"Hearings' are intended to investigate issues before Congress. Seldom do 'hearings' result in criminal indictments, tho sometimes they do. Most memorably for perjury. Hearings primary function, in my opinion, is expository ---investigate, uncover, and reveal to the rest of Congress and/or the American people.

But I do understand the gist of your grievance. To wit, you are unsettled because no one of these Republican officials who are witnesses have defended Don Trump. I get that. You don't like that.

But, here's the thing Li'l Bripat......Don Trump's expected 'defenders' have all refused to come before the Committee and defend Don Trump. Even under the requirements of subpoena's they refuse to sit for his defense.

Further, the Congressional Republican leadership refused to cooperate in good faith in either opportunity they had to participate. First, in selecting an independent bi-partisan group of experts, ala' the 9/11 Commission. Or second, offering a slate of Republican legislators to the Select Committee who themselves were not suspected or accused of being part of the January 6th debacle.

That likely was a mistake. It hurt America, it hurt the investigation, and it hurt Don Trump.
Even Don Trump said as much.

Business Insider reported on June 19th that Trump stated in an interview:

  • "Trump said it was a "bad decision" for Republicans "not to have representation on that committee."
  • Trump too denounced the proposal of a bipartisan commission last year, calling it a "Democrat trap."
Former President Donald Trump said last week it was a mistake for Republicans to not be more involved in the committee investigating January 6.

"Unfortunately, a bad decision was made," Trump said in an interview with conservative radio host Wayne Allyn Root, adding it "was a bad decision not to have representation on that committee. That was a very, very foolish decision."

The select House committee was formed last year after Senate Republicans in May 2021 blocked the formation of a bipartisan, 9/11-style commission to investigate the Capitol riot.

Insider's Eliza Relman reported Democrats agreed to nearly all of the Republicans' requests, including that the panel members be divided evenly between both parties and that decisions on who to subpoena would be unanimous."

So, in short, poster Li'l Bripat, it is foolish to whine about not participating in the Committee when one refused invitations to participate.

I'm mildly sure you understand that completely.

Asked and answered.
It ain't a trial.
No one need bring that foolish notion up again. It has been autopsied repeatedly on this venue.
Only the foolish reference it as a 'trial'. They know better.
Or should know better. By now.

We are all better than that childish behavior.
^ awful poster Chilliconfuzed can’t distinguish between an “investigation” that seeks to ascertain actual causes from a partisan hack circus “investigation” which could not care less about ascertaining actual facts or causes. The former is an investigation worthy of the name. The latter is basically bullshit.

The 1/6 committee is the latter. I suspect that awful poster Chilliconfuzed knows this. But being a prissy Pissant partisan political propagandist, as he is, he simply doesn’t care.
Ah, Li'l Bripat, that's not how hearings work. Check it out. Do a little due diligence.
"Hearings' are intended to investigate issues before Congress. Seldom do 'hearings' result in criminal indictments, tho sometimes they do. Most memorably for perjury. Hearings primary function, in my opinion, is expository ---investigate, uncover, and reveal to the rest of Congress and/or the American people.

But I do understand the gist of your grievance. To wit, you are unsettled because no one of these Republican officials who are witnesses have defended Don Trump. I get that. You don't like that.

But, here's the thing Li'l Bripat......Don Trump's expected 'defenders' have all refused to come before the Committee and defend Don Trump. Even under the requirements of subpoena's they still refuse to sit and defend him.

Further, the Congressional Republican leadership refused to cooperate in good faith in either opportunity they had to participate. First, in selecting an independent bi-partisan group of experts, ala' the 9/11 Commission. Or second, offering a slate of Republican legislators to the Select Committee who themselves were not suspected or accused of being part of the January 6th debacle.

That likely was a mistake. It hurt America, it hurt the investigation, and it hurt Don Trump.
Even Don Trump said as much.

Business Insider reported on June 19th that Trump stated in an interview:

  • "Trump said it was a "bad decision" for Republicans "not to have representation on that committee."
  • Trump too denounced the proposal of a bipartisan commission last year, calling it a "Democrat trap."
Former President Donald Trump said last week it was a mistake for Republicans to not be more involved in the committee investigating January 6.

"Unfortunately, a bad decision was made," Trump said in an interview with conservative radio host Wayne Allyn Root, adding it "was a bad decision not to have representation on that committee. That was a very, very foolish decision."

The select House committee was formed last year after Senate Republicans in May 2021 blocked the formation of a bipartisan, 9/11-style commission to investigate the Capitol riot.

Insider's Eliza Relman reported Democrats agreed to nearly all of the Republicans' requests, including that the panel members be divided evenly between both parties and that decisions on who to subpoena would be unanimous."

So, in short, poster Li'l Bripat, it is foolish to whine about not participating in the Committee when one refused invitations to participate.

I'm mildly sure you understand that completely.

Asked and answered.
It ain't a trial.
No one need bring that foolish notion up again. It has been autopsied repeatedly on this venue.
Only the foolish reference it as a 'trial'. They know better.
Or should know better. By now.

We are all better than that childish behavior.
I'm not exactly sure what the poster OTree is referencing above. What trial?

If I had to guess on his reference, I think it is the House Select Committee on January 6th hearings?
If that is what he has in mind, well, I can share this:

"In its two most-recent hearings, the House Jan. 6 committee investigating the Capitol attack described former President Donald Trump's election disinformation campaign and his team's efforts to pressure former Vice President Mike Pence into refusing to certify Joe Biden's win.

The Jan. 6 committee's schedule for its next two hearings is:

  • Tuesday, June 21, at 1 p.m. ET
  • Thursday, June 23, at 1 p.m. ET
The committee has completed three hearings so far.

Though there's still much unknown about what the next Jan. 6 hearings may reveal, but Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., laid out a loose framework for what we might expect.

Tuesday's hearing will examine the pressure Trump and his allies placed on state level officials to overturn the election results, according to Cheney."

The fake trial on TV that means absolutely nothing. You Propagandist make Hitler happy in Hell where you soon will be joining him.
Thanks for making Congress and The DemNazi party even less popular than it was.

Shouldn't you be impeaching EmperorShitzHizPantz and cleaning up his messes instead?
The fake trial on TV that means absolutely nothing. You Propagandist make Hitler happy in Hell where you soon will be joining him.
Thanks for making Congress and The DemNazi party even less popular than it was.

Shouldn't you be impeaching EmperorShitzHizPantz and cleaning up his messes instead?
The sure sign of tyranny is politicians who tell you that white is black an up is down.

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