If Obama-Care Is Struck Down,Does That Mean Small Business Will Start Hiring?Oh Noo !

Mar 16, 2012

And why hasn't this issue been brought up by the media? Obama-Care is one main reasons small/medium business wont hire. And god forbid another two million jobs get created after the Supreme Court tosses the bill in the trash.
Obama wont tolerate unemployment close to 6%! If and when hundreds of thousands,maybe a few million find work thanks to the end of Obama-Care, most of them wont vote for Obama knowing they will likely lose their job if he's re-elected. :happy-1:
Minus the paranoid mania, it is an interesting point. If it does get struck down and there is not an immediate flood of hiring it would mean that the charge that it was stifling economic growth is false.
well, if it is struck down, the DOW should go up another 500 or so. it will be interesting to see what happens, and then Obama will accuse all white judges in America if being Racists!!!

And why hasn't this issue been brought up by the media? Obama-Care is one main reasons small/medium business wont hire. And god forbid another two million jobs get created after the Supreme Court tosses the bill in the trash.
Obama wont tolerate unemployment close to 6%! If and when hundreds of thousands,maybe a few million find work thanks to the end of Obama-Care, most of them wont vote for Obama knowing they will likely lose their job if he's re-elected. :happy-1:

That depends on what you mean by small. Small business'es under 50 employees are not regulated by Obamacare. IOW--they can ignore it.
right, althought I forgot what the minimum was on the mandate. Never the less, it looks like its going down, hope it's announced on a friday, then we will all anticipate the DOW come Monday.
Nobody can guarantee small business will start hiring but there'll be one less fear factor.
aside from the death of health-care, for the first time in my life, I paid $.4.03 for gas, and if it keeps getting any higher, that will kill further hiring. it just amazes us that 26% approve of $4.00 gas.
A) You are a clueless dittohead.
B) They will hire when there is DEMAND.
Pelosi was right- wait for it...

What Businesses Should Know About Health Reform
• Small businesses with fewer than 50 employees are eligible for a tax credit to help offset the cost of purchasing health insurance. Read more about small business tax credits.

• Starting in 2014, small businesses will be able to shop for and compare health insurance plans through a Minnesota Health Insurance Exchange. Read more about an Exchange.

• Through the Early Retiree Program, large and small employers can receive financial assistance in providing health coverage for early retirees. Read more about the Early Retiree Program.

• Employer plans that were in effect on March 23, 2010 are grandfathered plans under the Affordable Care Act and do not need to comply with all of the insurance reforms under the law. Read more from the Minnesota Department of Commerce about grandfathering of health coverage


And why hasn't this issue been brought up by the media? Obama-Care is one main reasons small/medium business wont hire. And god forbid another two million jobs get created after the Supreme Court tosses the bill in the trash.
Obama wont tolerate unemployment close to 6%! If and when hundreds of thousands,maybe a few million find work thanks to the end of Obama-Care, most of them wont vote for Obama knowing they will likely lose their job if he's re-elected. :happy-1:

That depends on what you mean by small. Small business'es under 50 employees are not regulated by Obamacare. IOW--they can ignore it.

He doesn't know what the hell he means.
Small businesses will continue to move forward cautiously until Obama is back in Chicago. Our health insurance has doubled since 2009, and deductibles and out of pocket have also doubled. I can take away my employees health care or we can hire another employee............not to mention the HUGE increases in unemployment taxes.

Yea, demand is the only thing holding small businesses back. /s :doubt:
Small businesses will continue to move forward cautiously until Obama is back in Chicago. Our health insurance has doubled since 2009, and deductibles and out of pocket have also doubled. I can take away my employees health care or we can hire another employee............not to mention the HUGE increases in unemployment taxes.

Yea, demand is the only thing holding small businesses back. /s :doubt:

You are a liar or you have an incredibly poor personnel manager.

Demand is the ONLY thing that determines small business hiring.
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And, nutters.............pay attention to today's jobs report. It will show 25 straight months of private sector job growth. Such awful news for you nutters.
Small businesses will continue to move forward cautiously until Obama is back in Chicago. Our health insurance has doubled since 2009, and deductibles and out of pocket have also doubled. I can take away my employees health care or we can hire another employee............not to mention the HUGE increases in unemployment taxes.

Yea, demand is the only thing holding small businesses back. /s :doubt:

You are a liar or you have an incredibly poor personnel manager.

Demand is the ONLY thing that determines small business hiring.

So tell me, are you a small business owner? You see we laid off 4 employees for the first time in 20 years of being in business. With the increases in health care and unemployment insurance, it's equivalent to the annual salary of one employee.

First quarter last year we paid $600.00 in unemployment, first quarter this year our liability is almost $4,000.00. We also had 2 more employees in the first quarter of 2011 than we have the first quarter of 2012.

Go ahead and keep calling me a liar, I live with this every day. I've worked harder the last two years, doing what me and one of my employees used to do, by myself. 60 hours a week for two years with no vacation takes a toll on your health. Major surgery is in my very near future, like next week.
Yes. I am a small business owner.

You laid off employees because your demand was reduced. If you have unmet demand, you will hire to meet it. Period.

You are telling me that your health insurance costs....which are voluntary on your part.....have forced you to lay off 4 employees.......even though you need them to run your business?

That is ridiculous.

BTW....if we had the system that Obama really wants......you wouldn't have any health insurance costs....and every one of your employees would have the health care that they need to help keep your business running.
Laid off 4 workers because of health care costs? Yea right.

I am sure the layoff had nothing to do with lack of demand for your product or service. Right? And if demand increased dramatically, I guess you will claim you wouldn't rehire these laid off workers because of health care costs.

You really think people believe that shit?

Hey, here's hoping your insurance company does not drop you for a pre existing condition.
You know, with your surgery and everything. Oh oh wait a minute, thanks to Obama, your insurance company CAN NOT drop you for a pre existing condition. Bet you hate that.
Good point, zeke.

It is hard to keep up with ALL the reasons why sane people and smart businesspeople find Obamacare to be positive.
And, nutters.............pay attention to today's jobs report. It will show 25 straight months of private sector job growth. Such awful news for you nutters.

Good news for the economy...bad news for Republicans. They'll keep trying to stifle economic growth though. They know a win for America equals a win for President Obama and their number one goal is to make sure this President doesn't "win" anything...even if it is to the detriment of the country.
Let's look at what the National Federation of Independent Business has to say on this...they've been tracking this stuff for awhile now.




Know what is worse than a blowhard? An IGNORANT blowhard.

Do you see what that chart says? It says that on regulation and taxes, businesses feel just about as comfortable as they did with Ronald Reagan.

LYING won't beat Obama.

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