If Obama is Re-Elected.. predictions

When Obama gets re-elected the amount of ass hurt from the fanatical conservatives in this country will be unlike anything ever seen before. The amount of crazy and paranoid conspiracy theories will make the birther bullshit look like Christmas morning. I'm interested to see so many tightly wound people with loose grasps on reality snap. Especially since they've been doing everything they can short of sticking their heads in the sand to convince them that Obama won't get another four years. The sociology is going to be fascinating.

The proper nomenclature is "butthurt" but other than than I approve of this post.


You'd approve of a, "Ménage à trois" with You, Del and a male Donkey...:eusa_whistle:

I don't think the donkey would approve.
Just 4 of my personal predictions..

1) middle-class taxes will be raised..

2) small businesses will close down in droves

3) doctors will start retiring in droves

4) even U3 unemployment with rise above 10%

None of this has happened in the past four years.

Middle class taxes went down, as a small business owner, my taxes went down PLUS, lower costs because of ObamaCare and for hiring AMERICAN workers. The "doctors will quit" has been proven to be a rw lie, unemployment has gone down.

Oh yeah, and nobody came after your guns or your bibles.

Finally, You're an idiot.

Turn off fux and lushbo and educate yourself.
5) Deficit will go over 2 trillion a year

6) Debt will cross 20 trillion before his second term is over

7) We will be downgraded into the B credit ratings

8) China PPP will become larger than ours

9) Our first Amendment will be scaled back

10) Obama will cause a regional war or maybe even a world war

The economy will slog along for another year, then take off.

Before President Obama's second term is over, events will put global warming and climate change on the front burner.

Technology will continue to change the way we live at an ever increasing rate.

Universal Health Care will have some of the important peices put into place before 2016.
Just 4 of my personal predictions..

1) middle-class taxes will be raised..

2) small businesses will close down in droves

3) doctors will start retiring in droves

4) even U3 unemployment with rise above 10%

None of this has happened in the past four years.

Middle class taxes went down, as a small business owner, my taxes went down PLUS, lower costs because of ObamaCare and for hiring AMERICAN workers. The "doctors will quit" has been proven to be a rw lie, unemployment has gone down.

Oh yeah, and nobody came after your guns or your bibles.

Finally, You're an idiot.

Turn off fux and lushbo and educate yourself.

:lol:..Gads, you're full of crap but thanks for the laughs...
If Obama is reelected this will happen!

5) Deficit will go over 2 trillion a year

6) Debt will cross 20 trillion before his second term is over

7) We will be downgraded into the B credit ratings

8) China PPP will become larger than ours

9) Our first Amendment will be scaled back

10) Obama will cause a regional war or maybe even a world war
When Obama gets re-elected the amount of ass hurt from the fanatical conservatives in this country will be unlike anything ever seen before. The amount of crazy and paranoid conspiracy theories will make the birther bullshit look like Christmas morning. I'm interested to see so many tightly wound people with loose grasps on reality snap. Especially since they've been doing everything they can short of sticking their heads in the sand to convince them that Obama won't get another four years. The sociology is going to be fascinating.

Unforunately, assholes like yourself think this is a game and you childishly defend your team no matter how pathetic their performance has been........even more unfortunate is the fact that it isn't an inconsequencial kid's game, it's real life. Rather work for what's best for this country, your lousy egos won't allow you to admit the huge mistake you made letting an avowed communist into the White House. The mere fact that this lightweight believes that communism in any form is a better solution to the world's problems says everything you need to know. You people let a complete incompetent, lazy, affirmative action idiot buy the Presidency with George Soros' money.
You assholes should be ashamed of yourselves but that is the problem, you just aren't intellectually equipped to have shame. I'll give you a dollar to shoot yourself.....how about it?
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Can anyone imagine another Obama Harry Reid Democrat controlled Senate.
Another 4 years without a budget.Another 4 years of an ever increasing deficit.
Another 4 years of Obama going around giving speeches appearing on TV talk shows
getting his ass kissed for doing such a great job when in reality he has been a complete disaster.


I'm gonna have another cup of coffee and will try not to think about what a friggin mess we have on our
hands now with this administration.
My, my, all the doom and gloom.

Ah well, at the end of President Obama's second term, I think we will have a strong economy, be closer to having a real single payer universal health care plan in place. However, by that time, it will have become apparent that we are faciing some real challenges from the consequences of global warming, and the GOP will still be denying the problem, as well as trying to prevent any measures to ameliorate the results of the consequences.

You see, the GOP has become the party of Knownothings. Denial of science, denial of the reality of the state of our health care system as compared to those in other democratic industrialized nations. They have become the party of "the hell with you, I've got mine". Write off 47% of the nations citizens. Don't care if they exist, or how they exist.

And the consequences of the arrogance and stupidity will be apperant 6Nov12.
Perhaps you will like some of the people coming to have a talk with you?

Is that a threat?
I hope it's a factual promise.

LOL. And they will find you hiding under the single wide. Amonst the beer cans.

You flap yap fruitloops are a hoot. Allways seeing threats to your existance where there is none. Your own stupidity is the single biggest threat to your existance. In this case, some pretty overt threats against the President of the United States.

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