If Obama Ordered A General Confiscation of Firearms, Would You Comply?

If Obama Ordered General Confiscation of Firearms, Would You Comply?

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oh, of course I would....if the gay muslim in the whitehouse demands it we should all comply...otherwise we're all "racist xenophobes"...and we don't want to be called names....
It's a leftist wet dream that isn't going to happen. They have no idea of the blow back that would happen
If I owned guns, of course I would.

But, I don't have any guns.

Just curious.

Couldn't. Be against the 2nd Amendment and numerous Supreme Court decisions. Only way that could happen would be if martial law were declared and suspension of all civilian law.

Indeed. In such a case, would you comply?

If I owned one, and uniformed officers showed up, knew I owned one and demanded it, yes. Cops aren't my enemies. But short of them standing there hands out waiting, I'd try and come up with an alternative. Claim it was stolen, file a false report n everything.
from my cold dead hands

double that because it's that puke American hating Obama thinking he's going to take my rights away
After 23 years in the military, I had my fill of firearms and haven't owned one since I retired.

But, if I get even a hint that the Leftist crowd is making moves to confiscate them, I'd go to the nearest outlet and buy one. Probably a Glock 9mm and a rifle.
It happened in England after some nut named Thomas Hamilton shot a lot of infants school children.
The law was promptly changed to ban all handguns. I assume that since they all had to be registered the police ensured that everyone handed them in. Or at least I never heard of any incident where someone refused to hand them in. Gun shops also had to stop selling them, and the only thing they can sell now is sporting rifles and shotguns. For those you have to have a firearms license, and a good reason for owning one.
It happened in England after some nut named Thomas Hamilton shot a lot of infants school children.
The law was promptly changed to ban all handguns. I assume that since they all had to be registered the police ensured that everyone handed them in. Or at least I never heard of any incident where someone refused to hand them in. Gun shops also had to stop selling them, and the only thing they can sell now is sporting rifles and shotguns. For those you have to have a firearms license, and a good reason for owning one.

England has no 2nd Amendment.
To what end?

We live in a market economy with a government funded by tax revenue.

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