If Obama Ordered A General Confiscation of Firearms, Would You Comply?

If Obama Ordered General Confiscation of Firearms, Would You Comply?

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Indeed. In such a case, would you comply?

If I owned one, and uniformed officers showed up, knew I owned one and demanded it, yes. Cops aren't my enemies.

If they are attempting to rob you of your rigjtful property, to deny you the means to defend your home, family, and self, or otherwise to violate your essential Constitutional rights; then yes, they are your enemies.

A criminal in uniform, with a badge, operating under color of law, is still a criminal.
Just curious.

Couldn't. Be against the 2nd Amendment and numerous Supreme Court decisions. Only way that could happen would be if martial law were declared and suspension of all civilian law.
Well, the TPP is very possible to pass and that would be unconstitutional.. Apparently it creates some international group to oversee trade.. JS..
But oh how I would love to agree with you!
I would like to have more faith in our LEOs and military that they wouldn't follow orders that shredded our rule of law like that.. Don't they take an oath, too?
Since we're discussing ludicrous hypotheticals, if Obama ordered everyone in the country to gather into spaceships and colonize Mars, would you comply?
I would like to have more faith in our LEOs and military that they wouldn't follow orders that shredded our rule of law like that.. Don't they take an oath, too?
During the war I spent some time in the military police at Fort Ord. On occasion we practiced crowd control using MI's with fixed bayonets. Would we have fired on American citizens if ordered; there is no doubt in my mind that we would have followed orders.
If it's the law of the land I would obey it.

The Second Amendment is the law of the land. It is illegal for any public servant to interfere in any way with your exercise of the right to keep and bear arms.
Is that your interpretation of the law?
I wonder if any public servant has ever taken away a citizen's weapon? Also in America you might ask who is responsible for enforcing the laws of the nation? Did George Washington take away the guns from the whiskey rebels?
Since we're discussing ludicrous hypotheticals, if Obama ordered everyone in the country to gather into spaceships and colonize Mars, would you comply?
I would like to have more faith in our LEOs and military that they wouldn't follow orders that shredded our rule of law like that.. Don't they take an oath, too?
During the war I spent some time in the military police at Fort Ord. On occasion we practiced crowd control using MI's with fixed bayonets. Would we have fired on American citizens if ordered; there is no doubt in my mind that we would have followed orders.

It's a little different when they fire back.
Nope, if Ears wants ours he can come personalty and attempt to take them

You would cower before the Obama confiscation squads

What else could you do?

Any such "confiscation squads" would find themselves heavily outnumbered and outgunned within just a few days.
Which would be outnumbered and outgunned the military or the Rambos?

Which part didn't you understand?
Nope, if Ears wants ours he can come personalty and attempt to take them

You would cower before the Obama confiscation squads

What else could you do?

Any such "confiscation squads" would find themselves heavily outnumbered and outgunned within just a few days.


Your paltry weapons would pale in comparison to modern weapons and tactics. The Obama squad would have you shitting yourself in minutes

Shock and Awe anyone?
Just curious.

Couldn't. Be against the 2nd Amendment and numerous Supreme Court decisions. Only way that could happen would be if martial law were declared and suspension of all civilian law.

Now you're talking way over the head of most gun nutters.

Not True
Gun owners know their rights.

No they don't. Right wingers think states have the right to stop gay marriage or prevent the federal government from taking in refugees. The right should actually read the constitution instead of just making up shit about it.

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