If Obama was in charge on 9/11

What would the moonbat messiah's response be?

  • Issue a harshly worded condemnation and threaten sanctions on the opium trade.

    Votes: 7 23.3%
  • Praise the 19 hijackers for bravely protesting failed republican foreign policy.

    Votes: 8 26.7%
  • Call upon the UN to sing Kumbaya and demand an end to Israeli Apartied.

    Votes: 3 10.0%
  • Demand Al-Queda lay down it's soviet arms in exchange for better NATO weapons.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ban Airplanes from being flown by unlicensed pilots, and regulate the manufacture of new ones.

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Send the EPA to Kabul and test water quality.

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Lob some bombs into AFG arbitrarily and declare victory.

    Votes: 2 6.7%
  • Send in a small force to to defeat the National Alliance so the Taliban might arrest OBL.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Send in a small force to coordinate airstrikes to help the National Alliance unseat the Taliban.

    Votes: 4 13.3%
  • The same thing Bush did.

    Votes: 4 13.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
You don't seem to want to question Republicans

then you dont pay attention do ya?.....i have many posts in here saying Republicans are assholes,many of me saying that especially of the Far Right......i have also been called a "lefturd" by a few Righties here and have been negged by them.....i have been on the opposing side in threads on Unions,health care,and Med.Pot and a few other things.....have you ever opposed the Lefties here on ANYTHING?...

The GOP actually want to screw over veterans

unlike you i have said that both sides have done a half-assed job taken care of these people....unless its election time,then it seems they all care.....you are way to controlled to even hint that the Democrats are not any better.....

Democrats don't.

is that what they told you?....did you question that?....well i sure as hell did,out here Gov Brown's first budget did every thing that you claimed the Democrats dont do.....when i posted that....at your and Luddies request....you guys left the thread.....i wonder why?....even with his latest budget the Handicapped and Elders will still be hurting....i know hard to believe.....i was shocked too....

Why do you care? Remember, Reagan simply released thousands of mentally ill people right out into the street.

GOP Gov Reagan kicked the mentally ill out into the street

Republicans will fuck people over and their excuse is "but Democrats do it". Clearly, they don't have any morals or ethics beyond what they imagine the Democrats have.

what the fuck does that have to do with what i said?....you just dont like answering questions that are aimed at you do ya?.....your problem Dean is you feel if both Parties are doing the same fucking over of the people,the Democrats have a perfectly reasonable reason why they are doing it,but the Republicans are only doing to fuck people over,EVEN THOUGH,they may give the same reasons....its called an Obsession,its a mental disorder that can lead to more serious problems.....dishonesty is one.....
Deanie is a confused libtard.
Given what just happened over the weekend with the glorification of a deserter and traitor, I think after 9-11 Obama would have had the federal government paint targets on the Sears Tower, Space Needle, St.Louis Arch, etc and invite the terrorist to punish us awful evil Americans even more. Obama is a spineless anti-American turd. After this weekend he has to be the worst president EVER. I mean it too.Buchanan, Harding, or Nixon never invited the parents of an enemy collaborator to the White House for tea and cookies. What a punch in the gut to men and women in the military!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just thank the Good Lord that asshole wasn't the POTUS on 9-11 and Bush was.

Bush was the right man in the right place at the right time.

As to what Obama would have done? Who knows.

Go on another apoloty tour??

Lob a few missles somewhere?

Got to the UN for sanctions against somebody?

Who the fuck knows and who the fuck cares? Just thank God he wasn't POTUS.

if Bush was the right guy he would have crushed Al-Quiada and the Taliban before saying adios to Afghanistan and he would not have invaded Iraq,something that was not necessary....but thats what happens when you listen to the wrong people like Cheney and the other 2 assholes Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld....
I just thank the Good Lord that asshole wasn't the POTUS on 9-11 and Bush was.

Bush was the right man in the right place at the right time.

As to what Obama would have done? Who knows.

Go on another apoloty tour??

Lob a few missles somewhere?

Got to the UN for sanctions against somebody?

Who the fuck knows and who the fuck cares? Just thank God he wasn't POTUS.

if Bush was the right guy he would have crushed Al-Quiada and the Taliban before saying adios to Afghanistan and he would not have invaded Iraq,something that was not necessary....but thats what happens when you listen to the wrong people like Cheney and the other 2 assholes Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld....

I think that was Bush's biggest problem. I think he is basically a decent human being but he lacked an understanding of global politics. You would think that with experienced Sec of Defenses like Cheney and Rumsfeld he would have gotten better advice
But his invasions of both Afghanistan and Iraq were inept. He had no appreciation of the political climate. He seemed to think....send in the troops, kick some ass and we will be hailed as liberators
I just thank the Good Lord that asshole wasn't the POTUS on 9-11 and Bush was.

Bush was the right man in the right place at the right time.

As to what Obama would have done? Who knows.

Go on another apoloty tour??

Lob a few missles somewhere?

Got to the UN for sanctions against somebody?

Who the fuck knows and who the fuck cares? Just thank God he wasn't POTUS.

if Bush was the right guy he would have crushed Al-Quiada and the Taliban before saying adios to Afghanistan and he would not have invaded Iraq,something that was not necessary....but thats what happens when you listen to the wrong people like Cheney and the other 2 assholes Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld....

I think that was Bush's biggest problem. I think he is basically a decent human being but he lacked an understanding of global politics. You would think that with experienced Sec of Defenses like Cheney and Rumsfeld he would have gotten better advice
But his invasions of both Afghanistan and Iraq were inept. He had no appreciation of the political climate. He seemed to think....send in the troops, kick some ass and we will be hailed as liberators

I agree. Bush followed the wrong advice on Iraq but I firmly believe he was the right man after 9-11.
I just thank the Good Lord that asshole wasn't the POTUS on 9-11 and Bush was.

Bush was the right man in the right place at the right time.

As to what Obama would have done? Who knows.

Go on another apoloty tour??

Lob a few missles somewhere?

Got to the UN for sanctions against somebody?

Who the fuck knows and who the fuck cares? Just thank God he wasn't POTUS.

Who says brainwashing doesn't work. This post is proof of the power of advertizing campaigns.
if Bush was the right guy he would have crushed Al-Quiada and the Taliban before saying adios to Afghanistan and he would not have invaded Iraq,something that was not necessary....but thats what happens when you listen to the wrong people like Cheney and the other 2 assholes Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld....

I think that was Bush's biggest problem. I think he is basically a decent human being but he lacked an understanding of global politics. You would think that with experienced Sec of Defenses like Cheney and Rumsfeld he would have gotten better advice
But his invasions of both Afghanistan and Iraq were inept. He had no appreciation of the political climate. He seemed to think....send in the troops, kick some ass and we will be hailed as liberators

I agree. Bush followed the wrong advice on Iraq but I firmly believe he was the right man after 9-11.

Yeah he co-opted the Clinton plan on destroying al Qaeda. What we needed was the right man before 9-11. The Bush Administration obviously was not the right one for that job. Their priorities were missile defense against rogue nations, they were not interested in hearing about the ME terror group named al Qaeda.

That shit was pre 1998 before Clinton had the authority to go after him. Clinton went after Bin Laden in 1998 & never let up. Bush screwed US & got thousands of our people killed. Bush refused to take action against Bin Laden when he clearly had the authority to get him. Bush claimed Bin Laden was a distraction from Iraq & refused to let the CIA get him.
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That shit was pre 1998. Clinton went after Bin Laden in 1998 & never let up. Bush screwed US & got thousands of our people killed.

Clinton refused 3 separate offers to have bin laden handed over on a platter

Clinton's national security advisor; sandy Berger; said in hindsight that was a huge mistake

ur a loser lying to himself
I just thank the Good Lord that asshole wasn't the POTUS on 9-11 and Bush was.

Bush was the right man in the right place at the right time.

As to what Obama would have done? Who knows.

Go on another apoloty tour??

Lob a few missles somewhere?

Got to the UN for sanctions against somebody?

Who the fuck knows and who the fuck cares? Just thank God he wasn't POTUS.

if Bush was the right guy he would have crushed Al-Quiada and the Taliban before saying adios to Afghanistan and he would not have invaded Iraq,something that was not necessary....but thats what happens when you listen to the wrong people like Cheney and the other 2 assholes Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld....

I think that was Bush's biggest problem. I think he is basically a decent human being but he lacked an understanding of global politics. You would think that with experienced Sec of Defenses like Cheney and Rumsfeld he would have gotten better advice
But his invasions of both Afghanistan and Iraq were inept. He had no appreciation of the political climate. He seemed to think....send in the troops, kick some ass and we will be hailed as liberators

it seemed like he was surrounding himself with some real experienced quality people...but i guess they had an agenda and were going to enact it no matter what the cost....

That shit was pre 1998. Clinton went after Bin Laden in 1998 & never let up. Bush screwed US & got thousands of our people killed.

Clinton refused 3 separate offers to have bin laden handed over on a platter

Clinton's national security advisor; sandy Berger; said in hindsight that was a huge mistake

ur a loser lying to himself

:cuckoo: Prove Clinton turned down an offer to have bin laden handed over on a platter after 1998. :cuckoo:
if Bush was the right guy he would have crushed Al-Quiada and the Taliban before saying adios to Afghanistan and he would not have invaded Iraq,something that was not necessary....but thats what happens when you listen to the wrong people like Cheney and the other 2 assholes Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld....

I think that was Bush's biggest problem. I think he is basically a decent human being but he lacked an understanding of global politics. You would think that with experienced Sec of Defenses like Cheney and Rumsfeld he would have gotten better advice
But his invasions of both Afghanistan and Iraq were inept. He had no appreciation of the political climate. He seemed to think....send in the troops, kick some ass and we will be hailed as liberators

I agree. Bush followed the wrong advice on Iraq but I firmly believe he was the right man after 9-11.

In terms of post 9-11 consoling of an American people in shock, I think Bush did a great job. His speeches and public appearances in the days and weeks after 9-11 did much to soothe a nation in disarray
I also supported his invasionof Afghanistan but now wonder if that was the only and best option
After 9-11, Bush recieved a 9-11 Card. He was given free reign to do anything he thought necessary to fight terrorism. Patriot Act, Homeland Security and Afghanistanwere all rubber stamped
Bush pushed his luck with Iraq by claiming Saddam would give WMDs to terrorists so we needed an immediate invasion. It was a massive blunder and we paid dearly
I think that was Bush's biggest problem. I think he is basically a decent human being but he lacked an understanding of global politics. You would think that with experienced Sec of Defenses like Cheney and Rumsfeld he would have gotten better advice
But his invasions of both Afghanistan and Iraq were inept. He had no appreciation of the political climate. He seemed to think....send in the troops, kick some ass and we will be hailed as liberators

I agree. Bush followed the wrong advice on Iraq but I firmly believe he was the right man after 9-11.

In terms of post 9-11 consoling of an American people in shock, I think Bush did a great job. His speeches and public appearances in the days and weeks after 9-11 did much to soothe a nation in disarray
I also supported his invasionof Afghanistan but now wonder if that was the only and best option
After 9-11, Bush recieved a 9-11 Card. He was given free reign to do anything he thought necessary to fight terrorism. Patriot Act, Homeland Security and Afghanistanwere all rubber stamped
Bush pushed his luck with Iraq by claiming Saddam would give WMDs to terrorists so we needed an immediate invasion. It was a massive blunder and we paid dearly

Bush initially opposed the Department of Homeland Security. He was browbeaten into supporting it by Senate Democrats who were in the majority.

Bush Signs Homeland Bill - CBS News
AllGov - Departments
I agree. Bush followed the wrong advice on Iraq but I firmly believe he was the right man after 9-11.

In terms of post 9-11 consoling of an American people in shock, I think Bush did a great job. His speeches and public appearances in the days and weeks after 9-11 did much to soothe a nation in disarray
I also supported his invasionof Afghanistan but now wonder if that was the only and best option
After 9-11, Bush recieved a 9-11 Card. He was given free reign to do anything he thought necessary to fight terrorism. Patriot Act, Homeland Security and Afghanistanwere all rubber stamped
Bush pushed his luck with Iraq by claiming Saddam would give WMDs to terrorists so we needed an immediate invasion. It was a massive blunder and we paid dearly

Bush initially opposed the Department of Homeland Security. He was browbeaten into supporting it by Senate Democrats who were in the majority.

Bush Signs Homeland Bill - CBS News
AllGov - Departments

To me, Homeland Security did not solve any problems

It just created another opportunity for infighting among security agencies
I agree. Bush followed the wrong advice on Iraq but I firmly believe he was the right man after 9-11.

Bush was the right stooge to allow 9/11 happen in the first place.

Nope. That honor goes to Clinton.

The whole thing was planned on his watch. Apparantly you forgot Bush was in office for eight months.

9-11 was years in the planning. All on Clinton's watch. He had an FBI agent screaming bloody murder that something was going on. Hell. John O'Neil couldn't get his bosses to listen. Had they listened 9-11 might never have happened.

Also Clinton had a few opportunities to waste OBL. He didn't. Guess you could say the blame lands on Clinton because if OBL had died 9-11 might not have happened.
It was under the Clinton Administration that the wall of silence was erected between the CIA and the FBI banning them from sharing information. Remember Jamie Gorelick?
Bill Clinton made 911 possible, insured that it would happen.

"At the time, an enraged FBI investigator wrote a prophetic memo to headquarters about the wall

‘Whatever has happened to this — someday someone will die — and wall or not — the public will not understand why we were not more effective in throwing every resource we had at certain problems…..especially since the biggest threat to us UBL [Usama bin Laden], is getting the most protection.

Jamie Gorelick?s Incompetence Helped Cause 9/11 AND the Housing Collapse? Why is She on Obama?s Short List for FBI Director ? | NewsReal Blog
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I agree. Bush followed the wrong advice on Iraq but I firmly believe he was the right man after 9-11.

Bush was the right stooge to allow 9/11 happen in the first place.

Nope. That honor goes to Clinton.

The whole thing was planned on his watch. Apparantly you forgot Bush was in office for eight months.

9-11 was years in the planning. All on Clinton's watch. He had an FBI agent screaming bloody murder that something was going on. Hell. John O'Neil couldn't get his bosses to listen. Had they listened 9-11 might never have happened.

Also Clinton had a few opportunities to waste OBL. He didn't. Guess you could say the blame lands on Clinton because if OBL had died 9-11 might not have happened.

Bush refused CIA advice to arrest terrorist in the USA & attack Bin Laden. Bush said Bin Laden is bluffing to distract us from Iraq.

MARCH 2001: “Federal Aviation officials reviewed dozens of intelligence reports that warned about Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda, some of which specifically discussed airline hijackings and suicide operations"...“Federal Aviation Administration, despite being focused on risks of hijackings overseas, warned airports in the spring of 2001 that if ‘the intent of the hijacker is not to exchange hostages for prisoners, but to commit suicide in a spectacular explosion, a domestic hijacking would probably be preferable.’ "

The FAA had indeed considered the possibility that terrorists would hijack a plane and use it as a weapon. The FAA distributed a CD-ROM presentation to airlines and airports that "cited the possibility of a suicide hijacking" Aviation officials amassed so much information about the growing threat posed by terrorists that they conducted classified briefings for security officials at 19 of the nation's busiest airports to warn of the threat posed in particular by Mr. bin Laden, the report said." [NYT]

APRIL 2001: Bush administration finally has deputy-level cabinet meeting on al Qeada. Clarke writes, the meeting “did not go well.” Deputy Defense Secretary Paul D. Wolfowitz, scowled and asked, “why we are beginning by talking about this one man, bin Laden.” When Clarke told him no foe but al Qaeda “poses an immediate and serious threat to the United States,” Wolfowitz said that "Iraqi terrorism posed at least as much of a danger." FBI and CIA representatives backed Clarke in saying they had no such evidence. [Washington Post]

MAY 1, 2001: The CIA Tenet & Black report to the White House stated “a group presently in the United States” was planning a terrorist operation. They asked for CIA authority to attack Al Qaeda & Bin Laden but Bush would not grant it. [NYT, CBS 60 Minutes & Tenet's Book]

JUNE 22, 2001: The presidents daily brief reported that Qaeda strikes could be “imminent” although intelligence suggested the time frame was flexible. Neoconservative leaders at Pentagon were warning the White House that the C.I.A. had been fooled; Bin Laden was merely pretending to be planning an attack to distract the administration from Saddam Hussein, who is a greater threat. Intelligence officials protested that the idea of Bin Laden, an Islamic fundamentalist, conspiring with Mr. Hussein, an Iraqi secularist, was ridiculous, but the neoconservatives’ suspicions were nevertheless carrying the day. [NYT]

JUNE 29, 2001: Bush receives Presidential Daiy Brief entitled “The U.S. is not the target of a disinformation campaign by Usama Bin Laden” the document included an interview that month with a Middle Eastern journalist in which Bin Laden aides warned of a coming attack. [NYT]

JULY 9, 2001: The C.I.A. repeated the warnings in the briefs that followed June 29 2001. Operatives connected to Bin Laden, expected the planned near-term attacks to have “dramatic consequences,” including major casualties... Yet, the White House failed to take significant action. Officials at the Counter-terrorism Center of the C.I.A. grew apoplectic. On July 9, at a meeting of the counter-terrorism group, one official suggested that the staff put in for a transfer so that somebody else would be responsible when the attack took place, two people who were there told me in interviews. The suggestion was batted down, they said, because there would be no time to train anyone else. [NYT]

JULY 10, 2001: Cofer Black and George Tenet met with Condoleezza Rice to inform her about communications intercepts and other top-secret intelligence showing the increasing likelihood that al-Qaeda would soon attack the United States. They asked for CIA authority to attack Al Qaeda & Bin Laden but Bush would not grant it. [Washington Post, CBS 60 Minutes & Tenet's Book]

AUGUST 6, 2001: Bush receives Presidential Daiy Brief entitled “Bin Laden Determined to Strike U.S.” FBI information indicates patterns of suspicious activity in this country consistent with preparations for hijackings or other types of attacks including recent surveillance of federal buildings in New York. [National Archive]

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