If Obama was in charge on 9/11

What would the moonbat messiah's response be?

  • Issue a harshly worded condemnation and threaten sanctions on the opium trade.

    Votes: 7 23.3%
  • Praise the 19 hijackers for bravely protesting failed republican foreign policy.

    Votes: 8 26.7%
  • Call upon the UN to sing Kumbaya and demand an end to Israeli Apartied.

    Votes: 3 10.0%
  • Demand Al-Queda lay down it's soviet arms in exchange for better NATO weapons.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ban Airplanes from being flown by unlicensed pilots, and regulate the manufacture of new ones.

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Send the EPA to Kabul and test water quality.

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Lob some bombs into AFG arbitrarily and declare victory.

    Votes: 2 6.7%
  • Send in a small force to to defeat the National Alliance so the Taliban might arrest OBL.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Send in a small force to coordinate airstrikes to help the National Alliance unseat the Taliban.

    Votes: 4 13.3%
  • The same thing Bush did.

    Votes: 4 13.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
The war for women.


Iraqi women used to be able to walk down the street looking like this:


and this:


Now they need to be escorted by a male relative or they can be raped and they need to dress like this:


And ignorant right wingers who believe the earth is 6,000 years old and science is a faith, believe that because women put up a purple finger they are now "free". Right wingers sit in front of the Internet. They could find out all about Iraq but won't be cause they can't face their horrible fuck up that ruined a country. Remember, the Iraqi's never asked to be liberated. And if right wingers really cared, then where are the more than a million Christians who fled Iraq? They didn't come here. The reason right wingers kept them from coming here is because it would have been an admission of FAILURE.
What do you think the response would have been?

No invasion of Iraq.

He still would have taken out Bin Laden, only it would have been 10 years earlier and Bin Laden never would have been able to continue to plot for years longer.

Republicans wouldn't have been able to block health care for first responders for 10 years.

There would have been no deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts costing trillions.

We wouldn't have lost trillions from the Iraq debacle.

Thousands of Americans would be alive.

Tens of thousands of Americans wouldn't maimed for life costing this country trillions more into the future.

Government help would have gotten to New Orleans much earlier saving many lives.

All the scientists that left under Bush never would have left.

There wouldn't have been the DOJ scandal where seasoned lawyers were replaced with Christian College Graduates.

There wouldn't have been gun running that started under Bush.

The IRS never would have been used to attack the NAACP.

Soldiers wouldn't have died in sub standard housing in Iraq.

The Middle East wouldn't hate this country as much as they do now.

That's just off the top of my head. I could go on all night.

How do you get on the internet from your padded room?

Which of these things to you think Obama would have done fool?
If Obama were in charge on 9/11, he wouldn't have just sat there reading "My Pet Goat" for 7 and a half minutes like a fucking nitwit. He would've done what Presidents do, which is to politely tell the class that his duties were calling him away but that he'd promise to return to the school again soon.

Obama would not have sent a huge military presence to Afghanistan because you don't find terrorists by knocking from cave to cave and asking, which was Bush's stupid plan.

If Obama were in charge on 9/11, he would have coordinated our response the way he did when we got Bin Laden, which was flawlessly executed.

Obama would have used his drones instead of putting 140,000 American troops in harm's way.

Obama would have never sent our troops to Afghanistan without a plan like Bush and the chickenhawks did, who thought that "projecting strength" was enough of a plan.

Obama would have never de-escalated from 140,000 to 20,000 troops in Afghanistan and then started a 2nd war in Iraq, because as we all know, he was against that war from before the beginning, which makes him smarter than Bush and the chickenhawks.

Obama would have put sanctions on Pakistan if they didn't help us ferret out terrorists and terrorist sympathizers.

In the end, under President Obama, thousands of our brave troops would still be alive while many terrorists would be dead since he would never have created Gitmo.

Under President Obama, he would never have started the Department of Homeland Security.

Under President Obama, he would not have passed the Patriot Act the way it was.

Under President Obama, he would never have just let Saudi Arabia off the hook the way Bush did.

Under President Obama, he would never have made the stupid decision to force our own country to check my mom's shoes at the airport in the years after 9/11.

Under President Bush, he cut taxes and vastly expanded government.

Under President Obama, he would have rescinded the tax cuts to pay for the military force we would use in a targeted way, which was what was recommended to the Bush administration all along.

President Bush and the neo-cons operated under the delusion that we could just send the military anywhere and change other people. President Obama is not under that delusion.

We'd have smaller government, not nearly so much debt, more terrorists killed intelligently, no torture prisons, Bin Laden found and killed sooner, and more American troops at home with their families today instead of in a graveyard, dead from the stupid mistakes of one of the worst Presidents in our nation's history.

And don't let anyone tell you different. The Bush years were fucked. What a stupid man and what a stupid, wasteful, boneheaded administration. They started the longest war in our country's history against a country that actually never attacked us and gave up on the search for Bin Laden. Meanwhile, President Obama and his administration worked together and killed Bin Laden in just a couple years time.

We'd be better off today had it been Obama at the helm, or Gore, or anybody but George W. Bush, the retard in chief.
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If Obama were in charge on 9/11, he wouldn't have just sat there reading "My Pet Goat" for 7 and a half minutes like a fucking nitwit. He would've done what Presidents do, which is to politely tell the class that his duties were calling him away but that he'd promise to return to the school again soon.

Obama would not have sent a huge military presence to Afghanistan because you don't find terrorists by knocking from cave to cave and asking, which was Bush's stupid plan.

If Obama were in charge on 9/11, he would have coordinated our response the way he did when we got Bin Laden, which was flawlessly executed.

Obama would have used his drones instead of putting 140,000 American troops in harm's way.

Obama would have never sent our troops to Afghanistan without a plan like Bush and the chickenhawks did, who thought that "projecting strength" was enough of a plan.

Obama would have never de-escalated from 140,000 to 20,000 troops in Afghanistan and then started a 2nd war in Iraq, because as we all know, he was against that war from before the beginning, which makes him smarter than Bush and the chickenhawks.

Obama would have put sanctions on Pakistan if they didn't help us ferret out terrorists and terrorist sympathizers.

In the end, under President Obama, thousands of our brave troops would still be alive while many terrorists would be dead since he would never have created Gitmo.

Under President Obama, he would never have started the Department of Homeland Security.

Under President Obama, he would not have passed the Patriot Act the way it was.

Under President Obama, he would never have just let Saudi Arabia off the hook the way Bush did.

Under President Obama, he would never have made the stupid decision to force our own country to check my mom's shoes at the airport in the years after 9/11.

Under President Bush, he cut taxes and vastly expanded government.

Under President Obama, he would have rescinded the tax cuts to pay for the military force we would use in a targeted way, which was what was recommended to the Bush administration all along.

President Bush and the neo-cons operated under the delusion that we could just send the military anywhere and change other people. President Obama is not under that delusion.

We'd have smaller government, not nearly so much debt, more terrorists killed intelligently, no torture prisons, Bin Laden found and killed sooner, and more American troops at home with their families today instead of in a graveyard, dead from the stupid mistakes of one of the worst Presidents in our nation's history.

And don't let anyone tell you different. The Bush years were fucked. What a stupid man and what a stupid, wasteful, boneheaded administration. They started the longest war in our country's history against a country that actually never attacked us and gave up on the search for Bin Laden. Meanwhile, President Obama and his administration worked together and killed Bin Laden in just a couple years time.

We'd be better off today had it been Obama at the helm, or Gore, or anybody but George W. Bush, the retard in chief.

It is obvious that if anyone but Bush were President, we would have been better off. Especially Al Gore

Bushs disastrous attempt at nation building as a solution to terrorism cost unnecessary American lives
9/11 probably would have been avoided because Obama would have been paying attention, and not be busy looking for a way to get daddy's approval.
9/11 probably would have been avoided because Obama would have been paying attention, and not be busy looking for a way to get daddy's approval.

Prior to 9-11, Bush was looking looking for a home run that would put him into the history books. But he was looking at Star Wars and an Iraq invasion to make his name. He considered terrorism to be a distraction

Once Bush got his big ticket on 9-11, he exploited it to the max. Homeland Security, Patriot Act, Afghan invasion and finally, his blunder into Iraq

Bush got his name into the history books, but for the wrong reasons
In all seriousness if it were up to him alone we wouldn't have done anything.

"I said very early on, as a Senator and continue to believe, as a presidential candidate and now as president, that we can absorb a terrorist attack. We will do everything we can to prevent it. but even a 9/11, even the biggest attack ever, that ever took place on our soil, we absorbed it, and we are stronger. This is a strong, powerful country that we live in, and our people are incredibly resilient." - B. H. Obama

The Plum Line - Full context of Obama's "absorb a terrorist attack" quote undercuts conservative criticism
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In all seriousness if it were up to him alone we wouldn't have done anything.

"I said very early on, as a Senator and continue to believe, as a presidential candidate and now as president, that we can absorb a terrorist attack. We will do everything we can to prevent it. but even a 9/11, even the biggest attack ever, that ever took place on our soil, we absorbed it, and we are stronger. This is a strong, powerful country that we live in, and our people are incredibly resilient." - B. H. Obama

The Plum Line - Full context of Obama's "absorb a terrorist attack" quote undercuts conservative criticism

Here is what Obama would have done....

. So for those of us who seek a more just and secure world for our children, let us send a clear message to the president today. You want a fight, President Bush? Let's finish the fight with bin Laden and al-Qaida, through effective, coordinated intelligence, and a shutting down of the financial networks that support terrorism, and a homeland security program that involves more than color-coded warnings. You want a fight, President Bush?

Let's fight to make sure that the U.N. inspectors can do their work, and that we vigorously enforce a non-proliferation treaty, and that former enemies and current allies like Russia safeguard and ultimately eliminate their stores of nuclear material, and that nations like Pakistan and India never use the terrible weapons already in their possession, and that the arms merchants in our own country stop feeding the countless wars that rage across the globe. You want a fight, President Bush?

Let's fight to make sure our so-called allies in the Middle East, the Saudis and the Egyptians, stop oppressing their own people, and suppressing dissent, and tolerating corruption and inequality, and mismanaging their economies so that their youth grow up without education, without prospects, without hope, the ready recruits of terrorist cells. You want a fight, President Bush? Let's fight to wean ourselves off Middle East oil, through an energy policy that doesn't simply serve the interests of Exxon and Mobil.

Those are the battles that we need to fight.

Barack Obama Oct 2 2002
Read the list. Tell us which three are wrong. Just three. And explain why they are wrong. Unless it's too much for you to handle.

what i said has nothing to do with Obama per say.....it has to do with you and how you look at this President......if Obama WAS President at that time and wanted to invade Iraq....you would not have said a fucking thing about it,you would not have even questioned that move.....if he did any one of those things Bush did....you would never question the guy,you would have just gone with the flow....and you would be telling Republicans today the only reason you are against what this President has done is because he is a black man.....you know it,and 90% of the posters here know it....

Obama never would have wanted to invade Iraq. Never. It's not possible. This was something Bush and the GOP wanted strictly for the oil they didn't get.

like i said Dean you have your head so far up the Democrats collective asses you cant even answer a rhetorical question.....the reason?....because you will not say...."yea i would have questioned him and would have been against him on that".....thats all you had to say....like i have said.....you cannot and will not, question something the Democrats do or say,even if you are against it....you just cant do it....what i said in my previous post stands...
If Obama were in charge on 9/11, he wouldn't have just sat there reading "My Pet Goat" for 7 and a half minutes like a fucking nitwit. He would've done what Presidents do, which is to politely tell the class that his duties were calling him away but that he'd promise to return to the school again soon.

Obama would not have sent a huge military presence to Afghanistan because you don't find terrorists by knocking from cave to cave and asking, which was Bush's stupid plan.

If Obama were in charge on 9/11, he would have coordinated our response the way he did when we got Bin Laden, which was flawlessly executed.

Obama would have used his drones instead of putting 140,000 American troops in harm's way.

Obama would have never sent our troops to Afghanistan without a plan like Bush and the chickenhawks did, who thought that "projecting strength" was enough of a plan.

Obama would have never de-escalated from 140,000 to 20,000 troops in Afghanistan and then started a 2nd war in Iraq, because as we all know, he was against that war from before the beginning, which makes him smarter than Bush and the chickenhawks.

Obama would have put sanctions on Pakistan if they didn't help us ferret out terrorists and terrorist sympathizers.

In the end, under President Obama, thousands of our brave troops would still be alive while many terrorists would be dead since he would never have created Gitmo.

Under President Obama, he would never have started the Department of Homeland Security.

Under President Obama, he would not have passed the Patriot Act the way it was.

Under President Obama, he would never have just let Saudi Arabia off the hook the way Bush did.

Under President Obama, he would never have made the stupid decision to force our own country to check my mom's shoes at the airport in the years after 9/11.

Under President Bush, he cut taxes and vastly expanded government.

Under President Obama, he would have rescinded the tax cuts to pay for the military force we would use in a targeted way, which was what was recommended to the Bush administration all along.

President Bush and the neo-cons operated under the delusion that we could just send the military anywhere and change other people. President Obama is not under that delusion.

We'd have smaller government, not nearly so much debt, more terrorists killed intelligently, no torture prisons, Bin Laden found and killed sooner, and more American troops at home with their families today instead of in a graveyard, dead from the stupid mistakes of one of the worst Presidents in our nation's history.

And don't let anyone tell you different. The Bush years were fucked. What a stupid man and what a stupid, wasteful, boneheaded administration. They started the longest war in our country's history against a country that actually never attacked us and gave up on the search for Bin Laden. Meanwhile, President Obama and his administration worked together and killed Bin Laden in just a couple years time.

We'd be better off today had it been Obama at the helm, or Gore, or anybody but George W. Bush, the retard in chief.

It is obvious that if anyone but Bush were President, we would have been better off. Especially Al Gore

Bushs disastrous attempt at nation building as a solution to terrorism cost unnecessary American lives

And lives do cost money. The budget cuts for embassy security. Budget cuts for VA hospitals. If Republicans hadn't passed those ridiculous Bush Tax cuts. At least they gave us lots of jobs. Oh, wait. That failed too.
what i said has nothing to do with Obama per say.....it has to do with you and how you look at this President......if Obama WAS President at that time and wanted to invade Iraq....you would not have said a fucking thing about it,you would not have even questioned that move.....if he did any one of those things Bush did....you would never question the guy,you would have just gone with the flow....and you would be telling Republicans today the only reason you are against what this President has done is because he is a black man.....you know it,and 90% of the posters here know it....

Obama never would have wanted to invade Iraq. Never. It's not possible. This was something Bush and the GOP wanted strictly for the oil they didn't get.

like i said Dean you have your head so far up the Democrats collective asses you cant even answer a rhetorical question.....the reason?....because you will not say...."yea i would have questioned him and would have been against him on that".....thats all you had to say....like i have said.....you cannot and will not, question something the Democrats do or say,even if you are against it....you just cant do it....what i said in my previous post stands...

You don't seem to want to question Republicans. And they have so much more material to work with. The GOP actually want to screw over veterans, the middle class and minorities. Democrats don't.
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Obama never would have wanted to invade Iraq. Never. It's not possible. This was something Bush and the GOP wanted strictly for the oil they didn't get.

like i said Dean you have your head so far up the Democrats collective asses you cant even answer a rhetorical question.....the reason?....because you will not say...."yea i would have questioned him and would have been against him on that".....thats all you had to say....like i have said.....you cannot and will not, question something the Democrats do or say,even if you are against it....you just cant do it....what i said in my previous post stands...

You don't seem to want to question Republicans. And they have so much more material to work with. The GOP actually want to screw over veterans, the middle class and minorities. Democrats don't.

You don't seem to want to question Republicans

then you dont pay attention do ya?.....i have many posts in here saying Republicans are assholes,many of me saying that especially of the Far Right......i have also been called a "lefturd" by a few Righties here and have been negged by them.....i have been on the opposing side in threads on Unions,health care,and Med.Pot and a few other things.....have you ever opposed the Lefties here on ANYTHING?...

The GOP actually want to screw over veterans

unlike you i have said that both sides have done a half-assed job taken care of these people....unless its election time,then it seems they all care.....you are way to controlled to even hint that the Democrats are not any better.....

Democrats don't.

is that what they told you?....did you question that?....well i sure as hell did,out here Gov Brown's first budget did every thing that you claimed the Democrats dont do.....when i posted that....at your and Luddies request....you guys left the thread.....i wonder why?....even with his latest budget the Handicapped and Elders will still be hurting....i know hard to believe.....i was shocked too....
9/11 probably would have been avoided because Obama would have been paying attention, and not be busy looking for a way to get daddy's approval.

Prior to 9-11, Bush was looking looking for a home run that would put him into the history books. But he was looking at Star Wars and an Iraq invasion to make his name. He considered terrorism to be a distraction

Once Bush got his big ticket on 9-11, he exploited it to the max. Homeland Security, Patriot Act, Afghan invasion and finally, his blunder into Iraq

Bush got his name into the history books, but for the wrong reasons

The blunder into Iraq was considered before he was even President. Before he was President, he told the film maker David O. Russell that if he became President he might have to go into Iraq and finish the job that his father started.
9/11 probably would have been avoided because Obama would have been paying attention, and not be busy looking for a way to get daddy's approval.

Prior to 9-11, Bush was looking looking for a home run that would put him into the history books. But he was looking at Star Wars and an Iraq invasion to make his name. He considered terrorism to be a distraction

Once Bush got his big ticket on 9-11, he exploited it to the max. Homeland Security, Patriot Act, Afghan invasion and finally, his blunder into Iraq

Bush got his name into the history books, but for the wrong reasons

the neocon nut jobs were begging for an iraq invasion as far back as 1998. 9/11 was the excuse to lie us into doing what they wanted to do before baby bush was ever appointed president.

see letter at link:

PNAC letters sent to President Bill Clinton
In all seriousness if it were up to him alone we wouldn't have done anything.

"I said very early on, as a Senator and continue to believe, as a presidential candidate and now as president, that we can absorb a terrorist attack. We will do everything we can to prevent it. but even a 9/11, even the biggest attack ever, that ever took place on our soil, we absorbed it, and we are stronger. This is a strong, powerful country that we live in, and our people are incredibly resilient." - B. H. Obama

The Plum Line - Full context of Obama's "absorb a terrorist attack" quote undercuts conservative criticism

so you think the guy who had bin laden killed when baby bush didn't "spend much time thinking about him" would have done nothing?

i suspect he would have done what was necessary instead of committing us to a war that lasted more than a decade and sucked up an awful lot of our wealth... maybe irrevocably.
No invasion of Iraq.

He still would have taken out Bin Laden, only it would have been 10 years earlier and Bin Laden never would have been able to continue to plot for years longer.

Republicans wouldn't have been able to block health care for first responders for 10 years.

There would have been no deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts costing trillions.

We wouldn't have lost trillions from the Iraq debacle.

Thousands of Americans would be alive.

Tens of thousands of Americans wouldn't maimed for life costing this country trillions more into the future.

Government help would have gotten to New Orleans much earlier saving many lives.

All the scientists that left under Bush never would have left.

There wouldn't have been the DOJ scandal where seasoned lawyers were replaced with Christian College Graduates.

There wouldn't have been gun running that started under Bush.

The IRS never would have been used to attack the NAACP.

Soldiers wouldn't have died in sub standard housing in Iraq.

The Middle East wouldn't hate this country as much as they do now.

That's just off the top of my head. I could go on all night.

How do you get on the internet from your padded room?

Which of these things to you think Obama would have done fool?

The only thing Obama wouldn't have done is highlighted for the deaf, dumb and blind...

You can twist it however you want to Deany, but the War in Iraq was supported by numerous Dems...

And everything else is completely debatable...
In all seriousness if it were up to him alone we wouldn't have done anything.

"I said very early on, as a Senator and continue to believe, as a presidential candidate and now as president, that we can absorb a terrorist attack. We will do everything we can to prevent it. but even a 9/11, even the biggest attack ever, that ever took place on our soil, we absorbed it, and we are stronger. This is a strong, powerful country that we live in, and our people are incredibly resilient." - B. H. Obama

The Plum Line - Full context of Obama's "absorb a terrorist attack" quote undercuts conservative criticism

so you think the guy who had bin laden killed when baby bush didn't "spend much time thinking about him" would have done nothing?

i suspect he would have done what was necessary instead of committing us to a war that lasted more than a decade and sucked up an awful lot of our wealth... maybe irrevocably.

Obama is on record saying if there was another 911-style attack we would be able to absorb it and move on. So if an attack happened today he said he wouldn't do anything, what makes you think would have done something in 2001?

And don't talk to me about how supportive he was on the war in Afghanistan. He wanted to prove he wasn't going to be a weak president so he supported the war, did the serge as president, and subsequently never spoke about Afghanistan ever again. He never believed in that war.

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