If Obama was in charge on 9/11

What would the moonbat messiah's response be?

  • Issue a harshly worded condemnation and threaten sanctions on the opium trade.

    Votes: 7 23.3%
  • Praise the 19 hijackers for bravely protesting failed republican foreign policy.

    Votes: 8 26.7%
  • Call upon the UN to sing Kumbaya and demand an end to Israeli Apartied.

    Votes: 3 10.0%
  • Demand Al-Queda lay down it's soviet arms in exchange for better NATO weapons.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ban Airplanes from being flown by unlicensed pilots, and regulate the manufacture of new ones.

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Send the EPA to Kabul and test water quality.

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Lob some bombs into AFG arbitrarily and declare victory.

    Votes: 2 6.7%
  • Send in a small force to to defeat the National Alliance so the Taliban might arrest OBL.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Send in a small force to coordinate airstrikes to help the National Alliance unseat the Taliban.

    Votes: 4 13.3%
  • The same thing Bush did.

    Votes: 4 13.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
He would have appointed bin Laden as head of the Afghan National Oil Company (ANOCO), and built a pipeline into Uzbekistan.
What do you think the response would have been?

He probably wouldn't have invaded Iraq, sparing the lives of thousands of Americans.

We liberated millions of Iraqis from a sociopathic despot. I spent 18 months of my life there, and I am proud of what we did.

I understand that liberals have more empathy for iron fisted despots than for individuals now free to speak out against their government, and carry on their lives without having their own countries "soldiers" raid their villages to pillage and rape them, drive tanks over them, or simply gas them to death.

Yeah. Like that's why we invaded Iraq. To liberate the people.



In the meantime, more Americans have died in Iraq than died on 9/11.

Edit - And thank you for your service.
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Basically, he wouldn't have been a total disaster like the big fool lol. I think he wouldn't have let 9/11 happen. Boosh's terrorism czar said his incompetence was almost criminal...

Yup! - Bush had his head up his ass.

Memo: “The U.S. is not the target of a disinformation campaign by Usama Bin Laden”

NYT: The Deafness Before the Storm - An intelligence official and a member of the Bush administration both told me in interviews that the neoconservative leaders who had recently assumed power at the Pentagon were warning the White House that the C.I.A. had been fooled; according to this theory, Bin Laden was merely pretending to be planning an attack to distract the administration from Saddam Hussein, whom the neoconservatives saw as a greater threat. Intelligence officials, these sources said, protested that the idea of Bin Laden, an Islamic fundamentalist, conspiring with Mr. Hussein, an Iraqi secularist, was ridiculous, but the neoconservatives’ suspicions were nevertheless carrying the day.

In response, the C.I.A. prepared an analysis that all but pleaded with the White House to accept that the danger from Bin Laden was real.

“The U.S. is not the target of a disinformation campaign by Usama Bin Laden,” the daily brief of June 29 read, using the government’s transliteration of Bin Laden’s first name. Going on for more than a page, the document recited much of the evidence, including an interview that month with a Middle Eastern journalist in which Bin Laden aides warned of a coming attack, as well as competitive pressures that the terrorist leader was feeling, given the number of Islamists being recruited for the separatist Russian region of Chechnya.

And the C.I.A. repeated the warnings in the briefs that followed. Operatives connected to Bin Laden, one reported on June 29, expected the planned near-term attacks to have “dramatic consequences,” including major casualties....

Yet, the White House failed to take significant action. Officials at the Counterterrorism Center of the C.I.A. grew apoplectic. On July 9, at a meeting of the counterterrorism group, one official suggested that the staff put in for a transfer so that somebody else would be responsible when the attack took place, two people who were there told me in interviews. The suggestion was batted down, they said, because there would be no time to train anyone else.

He would've been reading My Pet Goat and claim that he never knew the importance of a report entitled "Osama determined to Strike the US".

Osama determined to strike the U.S.? Where, when, and how? Obama knew where, when, and how in bengazi. Found out about it on the news. You really want to go there?
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He probably wouldn't have invaded Iraq, sparing the lives of thousands of Americans.

We liberated millions of Iraqis from a sociopathic despot. I spent 18 months of my life there, and I am proud of what we did.

I understand that liberals have more empathy for iron fisted despots than for individuals now free to speak out against their government, and carry on their lives without having their own countries "soldiers" raid their villages to pillage and rape them, drive tanks over them, or simply gas them to death.

Yeah. Like that's why we invaded Iraq. To liberate the people.



In the meantime, more Americans have died in Iraq than died on 9/11.

Edit - And thank you for your service.

Thanks for marginalizing it. I expect no less.

If Obama was President during 9-11 he would have hunted down terrorists where they were hiding instead of nation building

Just like he did when he became President
If Obama was President during 9-11 he would have hunted down terrorists where they were hiding instead of nation building

Just like he did when he became President
Delusional as always. Obamashitforbrains would have appointed osmam bin laden sec of defense.
What do you think the response would have been?

No invasion of Iraq.

He still would have taken out Bin Laden, only it would have been 10 years earlier.

Republicans wouldn't have been able to block health care for first responders for 10 years.

There would have been no deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts costing trillions.

We wouldn't have lost trillions from the Iraq debacle.

Thousands of Americans would be alive.

Tens of thousands of Americans wouldn't maimed for life costing this country trillions more into the future.

Government help would have gotten to New Orleans much earlier saving many lives.

All the scientists that left under Bush never would have left.

There wouldn't have been the DOJ scandal where seasoned lawyers were replaced with Christian College Graduates.

There wouldn't have been gun running that started under Bush.

The IRS never would have been used to attack the NAACP.

Soldiers wouldn't have died in sub standard housing in Iraq.

The Middle East wouldn't hate this country as much as they do now.

That's just off the top of my head. I could go on all night.

yea we know Dean.....Obama is a God and can never fuck up.....his thoughts are pure....oh and he has our backs....

Read the list. Tell us which three are wrong. Just three. And explain why they are wrong. Unless it's too much for you to handle.
If Obama was President during 9-11 he would have hunted down terrorists where they were hiding instead of nation building

Just like he did when he became President

I know, right? Ask these right wingers what good they did for the country in the last 15 years and the ONLY thing they will admit to is taking about Bin Laden. The one thing they had nothing to do with. They are so delusional, they even believe Bush torture is what lead to killing Bin Laden.

After all the mess and disasters Republicans handed this president, his administration still managed to track down and kill Bin Laden. And they have the nerve to try to take credit for it.
What do you think the response would have been?

No invasion of Iraq.

He still would have taken out Bin Laden, only it would have been 10 years earlier and Bin Laden never would have been able to continue to plot for years longer.

Republicans wouldn't have been able to block health care for first responders for 10 years.

There would have been no deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts costing trillions.

We wouldn't have lost trillions from the Iraq debacle.

Thousands of Americans would be alive.

Tens of thousands of Americans wouldn't maimed for life costing this country trillions more into the future.

Government help would have gotten to New Orleans much earlier saving many lives.

All the scientists that left under Bush never would have left.

There wouldn't have been the DOJ scandal where seasoned lawyers were replaced with Christian College Graduates.

There wouldn't have been gun running that started under Bush.

The IRS never would have been used to attack the NAACP.

Soldiers wouldn't have died in sub standard housing in Iraq.

The Middle East wouldn't hate this country as much as they do now.

That's just off the top of my head. I could go on all night.

How do you get on the internet from your padded room?
No invasion of Iraq.

He still would have taken out Bin Laden, only it would have been 10 years earlier.

Republicans wouldn't have been able to block health care for first responders for 10 years.

There would have been no deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts costing trillions.

We wouldn't have lost trillions from the Iraq debacle.

Thousands of Americans would be alive.

Tens of thousands of Americans wouldn't maimed for life costing this country trillions more into the future.

Government help would have gotten to New Orleans much earlier saving many lives.

All the scientists that left under Bush never would have left.

There wouldn't have been the DOJ scandal where seasoned lawyers were replaced with Christian College Graduates.

There wouldn't have been gun running that started under Bush.

The IRS never would have been used to attack the NAACP.

Soldiers wouldn't have died in sub standard housing in Iraq.

The Middle East wouldn't hate this country as much as they do now.

That's just off the top of my head. I could go on all night.

yea we know Dean.....Obama is a God and can never fuck up.....his thoughts are pure....oh and he has our backs....

Read the list. Tell us which three are wrong. Just three. And explain why they are wrong. Unless it's too much for you to handle.

what i said has nothing to do with Obama per say.....it has to do with you and how you look at this President......if Obama WAS President at that time and wanted to invade Iraq....you would not have said a fucking thing about it,you would not have even questioned that move.....if he did any one of those things Bush did....you would never question the guy,you would have just gone with the flow....and you would be telling Republicans today the only reason you are against what this President has done is because he is a black man.....you know it,and 90% of the posters here know it....
If Obama was President during 9-11 he would have hunted down terrorists where they were hiding instead of nation building

Just like he did when he became President

blah, blah, blah,

mikhail moore was right, there was no terrorist threat. Bush is satan, obozo is the messiah, drink the Kool-Aid and die with the rest of us or you're a racist.

If Obama was President during 9-11 he would have hunted down terrorists where they were hiding instead of nation building

Just like he did when he became President
Delusional as always. Obamashitforbrains would have appointed osmam bin laden sec of defense.

Actually, I do remember him killing the mother fucker

Yeah, your messiah did that all alone.

He wasn't packing fudge with Reggie Love, he was directing the operation.

My God you bed wetters are so fucking stupid.

yea we know Dean.....Obama is a God and can never fuck up.....his thoughts are pure....oh and he has our backs....

Read the list. Tell us which three are wrong. Just three. And explain why they are wrong. Unless it's too much for you to handle.

what i said has nothing to do with Obama per say.....it has to do with you and how you look at this President......if Obama WAS President at that time and wanted to invade Iraq....you would not have said a fucking thing about it,you would not have even questioned that move.....if he did any one of those things Bush did....you would never question the guy,you would have just gone with the flow....and you would be telling Republicans today the only reason you are against what this President has done is because he is a black man.....you know it,and 90% of the posters here know it....

Obama never would have wanted to invade Iraq. Never. It's not possible. This was something Bush and the GOP wanted strictly for the oil they didn't get.

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