If Obama was in charge on 9/11

What would the moonbat messiah's response be?

  • Issue a harshly worded condemnation and threaten sanctions on the opium trade.

    Votes: 7 23.3%
  • Praise the 19 hijackers for bravely protesting failed republican foreign policy.

    Votes: 8 26.7%
  • Call upon the UN to sing Kumbaya and demand an end to Israeli Apartied.

    Votes: 3 10.0%
  • Demand Al-Queda lay down it's soviet arms in exchange for better NATO weapons.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ban Airplanes from being flown by unlicensed pilots, and regulate the manufacture of new ones.

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Send the EPA to Kabul and test water quality.

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Lob some bombs into AFG arbitrarily and declare victory.

    Votes: 2 6.7%
  • Send in a small force to to defeat the National Alliance so the Taliban might arrest OBL.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Send in a small force to coordinate airstrikes to help the National Alliance unseat the Taliban.

    Votes: 4 13.3%
  • The same thing Bush did.

    Votes: 4 13.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Washington forced men to buy gunpowder, and that was used as an argument for ACA. LL makes a heluva lot more sense than any hater dupes like you- Nice alternate universe lol...
Talk plainly nutcase. Typical libtard, can't think logically just blindly sticks head up obamashitforbrains arse.
What do you think the response would have been?

He probably wouldn't have invaded Iraq, sparing the lives of thousands of Americans.

We liberated millions of Iraqis from a sociopathic despot. I spent 18 months of my life there, and I am proud of what we did.

I understand that liberals have more empathy for iron fisted despots than for individuals now free to speak out against their government, and carry on their lives without having their own countries "soldiers" raid their villages to pillage and rape them, drive tanks over them, or simply gas them to death.

What were you doing there fir 18 months?
Listen and learn - then zip the lip:

Obama Admits He Is A Muslim - YouTube

Do you believe that Barack Obama is a follower of the Muslim faith?

Yes, even though he claims to be a Christian. I believe that claim is a facade because his actions oppose the tenets of Christianity.

Our founders were Christians but designed a Constitution that gave the citizens of the USA freedom and the liberty to choose and create their own destiny. Muslims believe in forcing everyone to follow Sharia Law. Obama recently forced everyone to buy insurance from one of his puppet masters -- the greedy insurance companies. So ... his actual actions are contrary to those of America's Christian founders but mimics leaders of Muslim nations. George Washington would NEVER have forced someone to buy a commodity from a private corporation.

The Bible says that we can't serve two masters.

So you are a Satanist right? And you kill cats as a gift to Lucifer?
Washington forced men to buy gunpowder, and that was used as an argument for ACA. LL makes a heluva lot more sense than any hater dupes like you- Nice alternate universe lol...

Well it's kind of more than that.

There was a "Brown Bess" law in the American Colonies.

Most male citizens of the American Colonies were required by law to own arms and ammunition for militia duty.[2] The Long Land Pattern was a common firearm in use by both sides in the American War of Independence.[3]
Brown Bess - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

3.2 Was there such a thing as a common law militia?
A. The militia were not created by the common law. Militia law is statutory law. The charter of each American colony included authority to create militia units. All American colonies passed militia laws under the authority granted by their charters. All states and the federal government have militia laws. There never was a period of common law militia in America.
Interpreting statute law and the Constitution to understand the meaning of 'militia', for example, does not mean that there ever was a common law militia. Even if the Bill of Rights or the Fourteenth Amendment means that laws against unauthorized paramilitary organizations are unconstitutional the result would not change civilians into some sort of common law militiamen. [Note: To date these laws have been found constitutional]

3.3 Was duty in the militia voluntary in the American colonies?
A. No, white able-bodied free males were required by law to belong to the miliita by the statute law of the colony. Whether or not they actually served in militia units is another question. Sometime the militia laws were strictly enforced, sometime laxly. The requirement for service could be met by joining either the colony's militia in your local area or joining (if they would have you) a volunteer militia unit. These companies were allowed under colonial legislation and were, of course, subordinate to the authority of the colony. Some colonies provided religious exemptions to militia duty.
3.4 Was the term "unorganized militia" used in colonial America?
A. No. The term for those within the militia system was simply the militia. A distinction was drawn between those who did their militia duty in the compulsory units and those who did their militia duty in volunteer units. The compulsory militia was known as trainbands, beat militia, or enrolled militia. The volunteer milita was known as the volunteer militia, or the uniform militia. The term 'uniform' referred to the fact that the volunteers wore uniforms.
3.5 Aren't you simplifying almost 200 years of militia history?
A. Yes, but the concept of the militia to remember is that it was a SYSTEM to create organized armed forces for the colony. The militia could be called out by local officials for defense purposes or called out by the colonial leadership. There was also fighting and killing done by groups that were not militia units.
3.6 How did the militia change in the period 1774-1775?
A. The militia were revitalized and reorganized in the 1770's by the colonies to provide a force to counter the British Army in the growing constitutional crisis over the colonies.
New Militia FAQ Part Three

Washington also was a very strong believer in a big central government. So much so, he stopped talking to Jefferson as the two had very different opinions about the matter.

However, once Jefferson became President? His tune changed as well.
well since it occurred during the day, he couldn't go back to sleep, so I'm fairly certain he would have done the same things.

Iraq might not have happened as early, but it would have eventually
BHO would have followed the same policies in Afghanistan until Feb 20002.

He would have ensured Osama was killed.

I would hope but am not sure he would have opposed an overreaching Patriot Act.
What do you think the response would have been?

Had 9-11 occured on President Obama's watch, we would have had Bin Laden's head immediatly. That job would not have been left for another President. And never, never would Obama have said of Bin Laden after he masterminded the murder of 3000 American Citizens on American soil, "Bin Laden is not a concern of mine".
If Obama were in charge during 9/11, we'd all live under Sharia law by now.

"If I had a son, he'd look like the suicide bomber."
Truth be told I honestly have no idea what he would have I would like to think he would have gone into Afghanistan with a all out assault against Al-Qaeda but I really don't know.
That sounds about right.

Exactly! :thup: :clap2:

not so fast Marc....RW did not want to answer,maybe you will..... developed chemical and biological weapons,......i thought Saddam did not have any?....

Of course he did, Reagan and Rumsfeld helped him with them, and didn't mind him using them....on the other hand, the dupes all believed he was on the verge of having nukes. Total bs...

this was said in 2002 Frankie.....Bush was called a liar for saying the same thing....
OP- Then 9/11 would not have happened. Obama is not an idiot and would not have ignored all the warnings and his terrorism czar...

it would no doubt still have happened Frankie....the people on the ground who try to prevent this type of thing were the same ones under Clinton,they dont take their jobs less serious just because there is a new President......to say it would not have happened is kinda foolish...in spite of what you and others here think...Obama is not a God,he cant prevent everything bad from happening.....sometimes the bad guys win one....
I don't think Gore would have let 9/11 happen either...The Booosh administration was so incompetent, sometimes I think they wanted an excuse to go after their old pal Saddam- just didn't expect such a big attack...but not quite.

People were worried about Saddam almost having nukes in 2002- for no reason at all it turned out...
BHO would have followed the same policies in Afghanistan until Feb 20002.

He would have ensured Osama was killed.

I would hope but am not sure he would have opposed an overreaching Patriot Act.

No he wouldn't, he continues the over reach to this day.
Absolute baloney, he's turned everything around as much as possible, given the total mindless obstruction of the GOP. See ACTUAL end of wars, congressional and judicial oversight of NSA, financial reform, economic stimulus, support of gays, hands off marijuana, reliance on diplomacy, no more boots on the ground, new transparency allows revelation of total bs in VA, IRS, Fast and Furious, now more safe fracking and offshore drilling.

It's called intelligence and an end to stupid, greedy cronyism and bubbles/busts. How 'bout getting GOP idiocy, mindless obstruction, and blind hate out of the gd way?

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