If Obama was in charge on 9/11

What would the moonbat messiah's response be?

  • Issue a harshly worded condemnation and threaten sanctions on the opium trade.

    Votes: 7 23.3%
  • Praise the 19 hijackers for bravely protesting failed republican foreign policy.

    Votes: 8 26.7%
  • Call upon the UN to sing Kumbaya and demand an end to Israeli Apartied.

    Votes: 3 10.0%
  • Demand Al-Queda lay down it's soviet arms in exchange for better NATO weapons.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ban Airplanes from being flown by unlicensed pilots, and regulate the manufacture of new ones.

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Send the EPA to Kabul and test water quality.

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Lob some bombs into AFG arbitrarily and declare victory.

    Votes: 2 6.7%
  • Send in a small force to to defeat the National Alliance so the Taliban might arrest OBL.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Send in a small force to coordinate airstrikes to help the National Alliance unseat the Taliban.

    Votes: 4 13.3%
  • The same thing Bush did.

    Votes: 4 13.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
It is amusing some of the folks here actually fall for the "9/11" MSM storyline. Do you actually believe a filthy, dumbass Muslim flew a jet into the Pentagon when trained Asian pilots sometimes miss the runways on the West Coast of La Razaland (San Francisco)?

But The Lobby owns Obama as they did Bush so obviously the EXACT SAME result would occur.
It is amusing some of the folks here actually fall for the "9/11" MSM storyline. Do you actually believe a filthy, dumbass Muslim flew a jet into the Pentagon when trained Asian pilots sometimes miss the runways on the West Coast of La Razaland (San Francisco)?

But The Lobby owns Obama as they did Bush so obviously the EXACT SAME result would occur.

I certainly don't buy the official story. There's a LOT we're not being told. I won't go so far as to say that the higher ups in the government knew about it but I don't believe that a handful of backward Muslims planned and executed the entire thing without some help.
Yes, even though he claims to be a Christian. I believe that claim is a facade because his actions oppose the tenets of Christianity.

Our founders were Christians but designed a Constitution that gave the citizens of the USA freedom and the liberty to choose and create their own destiny. Muslims believe in forcing everyone to follow Sharia Law. Obama recently forced everyone to buy insurance from one of his puppet masters -- the greedy insurance companies. So ... his actual actions are contrary to those of America's Christian founders but mimics leaders of Muslim nations. George Washington would NEVER have forced someone to buy a commodity from a private corporation.

The Bible says that we can't serve two masters.

OK. You are just a crazy person. Got it.

I just knew that you wouldn't be able to carry on an intelligent conversation. Know how I knew? You're LoneLaughter and you've NEVER been able to carry on an intelligent conversation.

With you? An intelligent conversation is not possible. You know that, right?
There is no President, living dead, or future that could have bungled up the response to 9/11 than George W. Bush.

That man was a TOTAL and COMPLETE BUFFOON!!


Marc he did not bungle the response....he fucked up after the response ....otherwise everything was going pretty well up to that point....
1. Obama would have called for a resolution to attack Afghanistan and wipe Al Qaeda out.
2. Conservatives would have filibustered it and put the blame on the attacks on the ACLU, Abortionists and Gays.
3. Obama would have "unconstitutionally" ordered troops into the region, cleared out the terrorist camps and killed Osama Bin Laden.
4. Conservatives would have mourned the death of Osama Bin Laden, declaring him a martyr, stating that both Reagan and Poppa Bush helped his "freedom fighting" cause. Issa would start an investigation.
That sounds about right.

We would have never invaded Iraq

What I am opposed to is a dumb war. What I am opposed to is a rash war. What I am opposed to is the cynical attempt by Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz and other armchair, weekend warriors in this administration to shove their own ideological agendas down our throats, irrespective of the costs in lives lost and in hardships borne.

What I am opposed to is the attempt by political hacks like Karl Rove to distract us from a rise in the uninsured, a rise in the poverty rate, a drop in the median income — to distract us from corporate scandals and a stock market that has just gone through the worst month since the Great Depression. That's what I'm opposed to. A dumb war. A rash war. A war based not on reason but on passion, not on principle but on politics. Now let me be clear — I suffer no illusions about Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal man. A ruthless man. A man who butchers his own people to secure his own power. He has repeatedly defied UN resolutions, thwarted UN inspection teams, developed chemical and biological weapons, and coveted nuclear capacity. He's a bad guy. The world, and the Iraqi people, would be better off without him.

But I also know that Saddam poses no imminent and direct threat to the United States or to his neighbors, that the Iraqi economy is in shambles, that the Iraqi military a fraction of its former strength, and that in concert with the international community he can be contained until, in the way of all petty dictators, he falls away into the dustbin of history. I know that even a successful war against Iraq will require a U.S. occupation of undetermined length, at undetermined cost, with undetermined consequences. I know that an invasion of Iraq without a clear rationale and without strong international support will only fan the flames of the Middle East, and encourage the worst, rather than best, impulses of the Arab world, and strengthen the recruitment arm of al-Qaida. I am not opposed to all wars. I'm opposed to dumb wars.

Barack Obama Oct 2 2002
Exactly! :thup: :clap2:

not so fast Marc....RW did not want to answer,maybe you will..... developed chemical and biological weapons,......i thought Saddam did not have any?....
He might have said while it was a despicable act he will make sure under his administration
that America will be more responsible in the way it acts on the world stage
so this will never happen again.
1. Obama would have called for a resolution to attack Afghanistan and wipe Al Qaeda out.
2. Conservatives would have filibustered it and put the blame on the attacks on the ACLU, Abortionists and Gays.
3. Obama would have "unconstitutionally" ordered troops into the region, cleared out the terrorist camps and killed Osama Bin Laden.
4. Conservatives would have mourned the death of Osama Bin Laden, declaring him a martyr, stating that both Reagan and Poppa Bush helped his "freedom fighting" cause. Issa would start an investigation.
That sounds about right.

We would have never invaded Iraq

What I am opposed to is a dumb war. What I am opposed to is a rash war. What I am opposed to is the cynical attempt by Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz and other armchair, weekend warriors in this administration to shove their own ideological agendas down our throats, irrespective of the costs in lives lost and in hardships borne.

What I am opposed to is the attempt by political hacks like Karl Rove to distract us from a rise in the uninsured, a rise in the poverty rate, a drop in the median income — to distract us from corporate scandals and a stock market that has just gone through the worst month since the Great Depression. That's what I'm opposed to. A dumb war. A rash war. A war based not on reason but on passion, not on principle but on politics. Now let me be clear — I suffer no illusions about Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal man. A ruthless man. A man who butchers his own people to secure his own power. He has repeatedly defied UN resolutions, thwarted UN inspection teams, developed chemical and biological weapons, and coveted nuclear capacity. He's a bad guy. The world, and the Iraqi people, would be better off without him.

But I also know that Saddam poses no imminent and direct threat to the United States or to his neighbors, that the Iraqi economy is in shambles, that the Iraqi military a fraction of its former strength, and that in concert with the international community he can be contained until, in the way of all petty dictators, he falls away into the dustbin of history. I know that even a successful war against Iraq will require a U.S. occupation of undetermined length, at undetermined cost, with undetermined consequences. I know that an invasion of Iraq without a clear rationale and without strong international support will only fan the flames of the Middle East, and encourage the worst, rather than best, impulses of the Arab world, and strengthen the recruitment arm of al-Qaida. I am not opposed to all wars. I'm opposed to dumb wars.

Barack Obama Oct 2 2002
Exactly! :thup: :clap2:

not so fast Marc....RW did not want to answer,maybe you will..... developed chemical and biological weapons,......i thought Saddam did not have any?....

Of course he did, Reagan and Rumsfeld helped him with them, and didn't mind him using them....on the other hand, the dupes all believed he was on the verge of having nukes. Total bs...
The ahole would have said he is mad. He would have called for an investigation. He would have said he will find out who did this and hold them responsible. Then, he would have done nothing further.
Yes, even though he claims to be a Christian. I believe that claim is a facade because his actions oppose the tenets of Christianity.

Our founders were Christians but designed a Constitution that gave the citizens of the USA freedom and the liberty to choose and create their own destiny. Muslims believe in forcing everyone to follow Sharia Law. Obama recently forced everyone to buy insurance from one of his puppet masters -- the greedy insurance companies. So ... his actual actions are contrary to those of America's Christian founders but mimics leaders of Muslim nations. George Washington would NEVER have forced someone to buy a commodity from a private corporation.

The Bible says that we can't serve two masters.

OK. You are just a crazy person. Got it.

I just knew that you wouldn't be able to carry on an intelligent conversation. Know how I knew? You're LoneLaughter and you've NEVER been able to carry on an intelligent conversation.

LL , a.k.a. Secret Squirrel has NEVER added anything to a conversation.
He takes shots from the outside but NEVER brings anything positive.
If it HAD happened, he wouldn't have blown an easy victory in Afghan to go after a country which had nothing to do with it. Would have saved about 5 trillion bucks, wouldn't have produced hundreds of thousands of jihadis, or a corrupt SECOND Pub great world depression either. Booosh was a total catastrophe, Pubs and hater dupes STILL are...
I just knew that you wouldn't be able to carry on an intelligent conversation. Know how I knew? You're LoneLaughter and you've NEVER been able to carry on an intelligent conversation.

With you? An intelligent conversation is not possible. You know that, right?

Projection Squirrel, YOU are incapable of ANYTHING intelligent.

You must have a reason for your recent decision to call me "squirrel". Can you articulate it?
Washington forced men to buy gunpowder, and that was used as an argument for ACA. LL makes a heluva lot more sense than any hater dupes like you- Nice alternate universe lol...
The ahole would have said he is mad. He would have called for an investigation. He would have said he will find out who did this and hold them responsible. Then, he would have done nothing further.

He would have moved on to making sure Illegal immigrants were taken care of.
Moved on the Gay agenda.
Looked at income inequality...

Really important stuff.
What do you think the response would have been?

He probably wouldn't have invaded Iraq, sparing the lives of thousands of Americans.

We liberated millions of Iraqis from a sociopathic despot. I spent 18 months of my life there, and I am proud of what we did.

I understand that liberals have more empathy for iron fisted despots than for individuals now free to speak out against their government, and carry on their lives without having their own countries "soldiers" raid their villages to pillage and rape them, drive tanks over them, or simply gas them to death.

Washington forced men to buy gunpowder, and that was used as an argument for ACA. LL makes a heluva lot more sense than any hater dupes like you- Nice alternate universe lol...

Which shows how stupid you are, it never says anything.

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