If Obama's gun control executive order...

I will...

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the ar15s i build in the shop are not required to have a serial number
they should be. but those made by individuals aren'ta majority of guns


you do not know what you are talking about

there is not law saying they "should be"

plus why "should " they be

and thousands and thousands of lower billets are sold weekly across this country

all without serial numbers
and my opinion is they should not be. they should have serial numbers and they should be registered. I'm not saying there is a law that requires it

registration = confiscation

no deal
If there was ever a confiscation of guns from law abiding citizens around here, it would be a Very Ugly Picture. It's not going to happen. Just as no one's firing any shots at the ranchers in the Wildlife Refuge. Remember that LEO's are among the strongest advocates of gun rights. I think some people are using that fear of government interference to stymie attempts for a reasonable solution.
anyone that opposes registration because they believe it will lead to confiscation is trying to stymie reasonable solutions. period.

Thanks for explaining, Flash. I've read enough to understand that background checks aren't one of the more effective ways to curb gun violence; I also understand the concern about chiseling away our individual rights. If the filthy ass government isn't allowed to do anything about it, though, how do you propose keeping me safe?

The crime should be what you illegally do with a firearm not the possession of the firearm or transferring the firearm or anything else.

We have a right that is enumerated int he Bill of Rights to keep and bear arms and it very clearly says that the right shall not be infringed.

All of these stupid and ineffective firearms laws chisel away at the right that our Founding Fathers fought so hard to establish for us as a liberty.

Very few gun control laws are effective. None of the ones that will be in The Emperor's decree that will come out later this morning will do a damn thing to stop one crime with a firearm.

The government cannot assure our safety by passing stupid and ineffective laws that only law abiding citizens obey. If you don't believe me then just look at Chicago that has the strictest gun control laws in the country but yet had 499 homicides in 2015.

The government is not your friend and it is not going to make you safe. Police officers very seldom stop a crime in progress or before it happens. They mostly deal with crime after there are victims.
they should be. but those made by individuals aren'ta majority of guns


you do not know what you are talking about

there is not law saying they "should be"

plus why "should " they be

and thousands and thousands of lower billets are sold weekly across this country

all without serial numbers
and my opinion is they should not be. they should have serial numbers and they should be registered. I'm not saying there is a law that requires it

registration = confiscation

no deal
If there was ever a confiscation of guns from law abiding citizens around here, it would be a Very Ugly Picture. It's not going to happen. Just as no one's firing any shots at the ranchers in the Wildlife Refuge. Remember that LEO's are among the strongest advocates of gun rights. I think some people are using that fear of government interference to stymie attempts for a reasonable solution.
anyone that opposes registration because they believe it will lead to confiscation is trying to stymie reasonable solutions. period.

registration only applies to the lawful citizen

felons are exempt from registration requirements

registration = confiscation

it has happened before
Will you all join me in contacting your representatives in Congress today, encouraging them to fund 200 more ATF agents, 200 more FBI agents, and $$ for mental health services to back up catching the bad guys?
Will you all join me in contacting your representatives in Congress today, encouraging them to fund 200 more ATF agents, 200 more FBI agents, and $$ for mental health services to back up catching the bad guys?

there are too many atf agents as it sits

so no

there are too many fbi agents

so no

mental health services

The people have already spoken via their representatives in congress and said no to gun control. Any attempt by Obama to undermine that is breaking his oath of office.

when shit like that goes down

the people blame the party for it

democrats in general are going to be hurting over it

Obama should be keeping a low profile so as not to hurt Dem's chances in 2016, instead he's out there stirring up trouble and pissing off the Republicans and independents. I mean is the guy really that self absorbed?
None of President Shit for Brains Emperor Decrees in ATF 41P have any substance to them.

Two of the items were proposed as real law in the Grassley Cruz bill that the Democrats in the Senate voted against. How ironic is that?

These Democrats are dumbasses.

They are going to ignite the Conservative base and that will come back to bite them in the ass in the 2016 election just like it screwed the Democrats with the 1994 Assault Weapon Ban. That bitch Hillary will never know what hit her but Scumbag Bill will, He remember how he lost Congress after the AWB.

Millions more guns will be sold in the US because we all know that Obama is the best darn gun sales this country ever had, the dumb shithead.

you do not know what you are talking about

there is not law saying they "should be"

plus why "should " they be

and thousands and thousands of lower billets are sold weekly across this country

all without serial numbers
and my opinion is they should not be. they should have serial numbers and they should be registered. I'm not saying there is a law that requires it

registration = confiscation

no deal
If there was ever a confiscation of guns from law abiding citizens around here, it would be a Very Ugly Picture. It's not going to happen. Just as no one's firing any shots at the ranchers in the Wildlife Refuge. Remember that LEO's are among the strongest advocates of gun rights. I think some people are using that fear of government interference to stymie attempts for a reasonable solution.
anyone that opposes registration because they believe it will lead to confiscation is trying to stymie reasonable solutions. period.

registration only applies to the lawful citizen

felons are exempt from registration requirements

registration = confiscation

it has happened before
it has not happened here. the 2nd amendment prevents it from happening here.

registration does not equal confiscation. that's an irrational fear that puts guns in the hands of criminals.
By this point in his Presidency, bush43 had issued 292 Executive Orders. No bitching from the ConJobs/NeoNuts/RWNJ/RePugs/TeaHadists...not one fucking word.

Being white must be nice.
Each Gun Owner compromise has only been met with more demands from the Gun-Grabbers. So no, the time for compromise has passed. It's time to fight for our Constitutional Rights.
By this point in his Presidency, bush43 had issued 292 Executive Orders. No bitching from the ConJobs/NeoNuts/RWNJ/RePugs/TeaHadists...not one fucking word.

Being white must be nice.

Ahhh.. the race card. The rally cry of a loser with no valid argument.

But... but... but... Hopey-Changey !!! ... right?
and my opinion is they should not be. they should have serial numbers and they should be registered. I'm not saying there is a law that requires it

registration = confiscation

no deal
If there was ever a confiscation of guns from law abiding citizens around here, it would be a Very Ugly Picture. It's not going to happen. Just as no one's firing any shots at the ranchers in the Wildlife Refuge. Remember that LEO's are among the strongest advocates of gun rights. I think some people are using that fear of government interference to stymie attempts for a reasonable solution.
anyone that opposes registration because they believe it will lead to confiscation is trying to stymie reasonable solutions. period.

registration only applies to the lawful citizen

felons are exempt from registration requirements

registration = confiscation

it has happened before
it has not happened here. the 2nd amendment prevents it from happening here.

registration does not equal confiscation. that's an irrational fear that puts guns in the hands of criminals.

Registration is the prerequisite for bans and confiscation as we have seen in Britain, Australia, Germany and New York and California…….
they should be. but those made by individuals aren'ta majority of guns


you do not know what you are talking about

there is not law saying they "should be"

plus why "should " they be

and thousands and thousands of lower billets are sold weekly across this country

all without serial numbers
and my opinion is they should not be. they should have serial numbers and they should be registered. I'm not saying there is a law that requires it

registration = confiscation

no deal
If there was ever a confiscation of guns from law abiding citizens around here, it would be a Very Ugly Picture. It's not going to happen. Just as no one's firing any shots at the ranchers in the Wildlife Refuge. Remember that LEO's are among the strongest advocates of gun rights. I think some people are using that fear of government interference to stymie attempts for a reasonable solution.
anyone that opposes registration because they believe it will lead to confiscation is trying to stymie reasonable solutions. period.

Nope….explain how registration of guns stops criminals…who by law do not have to register illegal guns…Haynes v. United States, or mass shooters from getting guns?

Registration does not help solve crimes with guns and it does not stop crimes with guns…there is literally no reason to register guns…except to eventually ban or confiscate them.
It won't pass constitutional muster. PERIOD.

Not so sure about that. Our Supreme Court has been hijacked by NWO Globalists. And disarming populaces is a big part of their agenda. They've been very successful at disarming most of the world's populace.

But they know America is a tough place where many still support their Constitution. They see it as their final obstacle. Only term limits can possibly save us from a rogue Globalist Supreme Court.

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