If Obama's gun control executive order...

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The people have already spoken via their representatives in congress and said no to gun control. Any attempt by Obama to undermine that is breaking his oath of office.

when shit like that goes down

the people blame the party for it

democrats in general are going to be hurting over it

Obama should be keeping a low profile so as not to hurt Dem's chances in 2016, instead he's out there stirring up trouble and pissing off the Republicans and independents. I mean is the guy really that self absorbed?

he is doing that

hillary jumped right in

and my opinion is they should not be. they should have serial numbers and they should be registered. I'm not saying there is a law that requires it

registration = confiscation

no deal
If there was ever a confiscation of guns from law abiding citizens around here, it would be a Very Ugly Picture. It's not going to happen. Just as no one's firing any shots at the ranchers in the Wildlife Refuge. Remember that LEO's are among the strongest advocates of gun rights. I think some people are using that fear of government interference to stymie attempts for a reasonable solution.
anyone that opposes registration because they believe it will lead to confiscation is trying to stymie reasonable solutions. period.

registration only applies to the lawful citizen

felons are exempt from registration requirements

registration = confiscation

it has happened before
it has not happened here. the 2nd amendment prevents it from happening here.

registration does not equal confiscation. that's an irrational fear that puts guns in the hands of criminals.

bullshit is has happened right here in the United States
registration = confiscation

no deal
If there was ever a confiscation of guns from law abiding citizens around here, it would be a Very Ugly Picture. It's not going to happen. Just as no one's firing any shots at the ranchers in the Wildlife Refuge. Remember that LEO's are among the strongest advocates of gun rights. I think some people are using that fear of government interference to stymie attempts for a reasonable solution.
anyone that opposes registration because they believe it will lead to confiscation is trying to stymie reasonable solutions. period.

registration only applies to the lawful citizen

felons are exempt from registration requirements

registration = confiscation

it has happened before
it has not happened here. the 2nd amendment prevents it from happening here.

registration does not equal confiscation. that's an irrational fear that puts guns in the hands of criminals.

Registration is the prerequisite for bans and confiscation as we have seen in Britain, Australia, Germany and New York and California…….

and on the East Coast
registration = confiscation

no deal
If there was ever a confiscation of guns from law abiding citizens around here, it would be a Very Ugly Picture. It's not going to happen. Just as no one's firing any shots at the ranchers in the Wildlife Refuge. Remember that LEO's are among the strongest advocates of gun rights. I think some people are using that fear of government interference to stymie attempts for a reasonable solution.
anyone that opposes registration because they believe it will lead to confiscation is trying to stymie reasonable solutions. period.

registration only applies to the lawful citizen

felons are exempt from registration requirements

registration = confiscation

it has happened before
it has not happened here. the 2nd amendment prevents it from happening here.

registration does not equal confiscation. that's an irrational fear that puts guns in the hands of criminals.

bullshit is has happened right here in the United States
registration has lead ro confiscation here? when/where?

you do not know what you are talking about

there is not law saying they "should be"

plus why "should " they be

and thousands and thousands of lower billets are sold weekly across this country

all without serial numbers
and my opinion is they should not be. they should have serial numbers and they should be registered. I'm not saying there is a law that requires it

registration = confiscation

no deal
If there was ever a confiscation of guns from law abiding citizens around here, it would be a Very Ugly Picture. It's not going to happen. Just as no one's firing any shots at the ranchers in the Wildlife Refuge. Remember that LEO's are among the strongest advocates of gun rights. I think some people are using that fear of government interference to stymie attempts for a reasonable solution.
anyone that opposes registration because they believe it will lead to confiscation is trying to stymie reasonable solutions. period.

Nope….explain how registration of guns stops criminals…who by law do not have to register illegal guns…Haynes v. United States, or mass shooters from getting guns?

Registration does not help solve crimes with guns and it does not stop crimes with guns…there is literally no reason to register guns…except to eventually ban or confiscate them.
if guns were universally registered the flow of guns into the hands of criminals could be shut down to a trickle

that's how.
If there was ever a confiscation of guns from law abiding citizens around here, it would be a Very Ugly Picture. It's not going to happen. Just as no one's firing any shots at the ranchers in the Wildlife Refuge. Remember that LEO's are among the strongest advocates of gun rights. I think some people are using that fear of government interference to stymie attempts for a reasonable solution.
anyone that opposes registration because they believe it will lead to confiscation is trying to stymie reasonable solutions. period.

registration only applies to the lawful citizen

felons are exempt from registration requirements

registration = confiscation

it has happened before
it has not happened here. the 2nd amendment prevents it from happening here.

registration does not equal confiscation. that's an irrational fear that puts guns in the hands of criminals.

bullshit is has happened right here in the United States
registration has lead ro confiscation here? when/where?
Why even chance it??
Anyway, firearm registration is absolutely 100% unconstitutional...
and my opinion is they should not be. they should have serial numbers and they should be registered. I'm not saying there is a law that requires it

registration = confiscation

no deal
If there was ever a confiscation of guns from law abiding citizens around here, it would be a Very Ugly Picture. It's not going to happen. Just as no one's firing any shots at the ranchers in the Wildlife Refuge. Remember that LEO's are among the strongest advocates of gun rights. I think some people are using that fear of government interference to stymie attempts for a reasonable solution.
anyone that opposes registration because they believe it will lead to confiscation is trying to stymie reasonable solutions. period.

Nope….explain how registration of guns stops criminals…who by law do not have to register illegal guns…Haynes v. United States, or mass shooters from getting guns?

Registration does not help solve crimes with guns and it does not stop crimes with guns…there is literally no reason to register guns…except to eventually ban or confiscate them.
if guns were universally registered the flow of guns into the hands of criminals could be shut down to a trickle

that's how.
Your Naïveté is getting tiresome, firearm registration is not even an option.
If there was ever a confiscation of guns from law abiding citizens around here, it would be a Very Ugly Picture. It's not going to happen. Just as no one's firing any shots at the ranchers in the Wildlife Refuge. Remember that LEO's are among the strongest advocates of gun rights. I think some people are using that fear of government interference to stymie attempts for a reasonable solution.
anyone that opposes registration because they believe it will lead to confiscation is trying to stymie reasonable solutions. period.

registration only applies to the lawful citizen

felons are exempt from registration requirements

registration = confiscation

it has happened before
it has not happened here. the 2nd amendment prevents it from happening here.

registration does not equal confiscation. that's an irrational fear that puts guns in the hands of criminals.

bullshit is has happened right here in the United States
registration has lead ro confiscation here? when/where?

California and Connecticut
and my opinion is they should not be. they should have serial numbers and they should be registered. I'm not saying there is a law that requires it

registration = confiscation

no deal
If there was ever a confiscation of guns from law abiding citizens around here, it would be a Very Ugly Picture. It's not going to happen. Just as no one's firing any shots at the ranchers in the Wildlife Refuge. Remember that LEO's are among the strongest advocates of gun rights. I think some people are using that fear of government interference to stymie attempts for a reasonable solution.
anyone that opposes registration because they believe it will lead to confiscation is trying to stymie reasonable solutions. period.

Nope….explain how registration of guns stops criminals…who by law do not have to register illegal guns…Haynes v. United States, or mass shooters from getting guns?

Registration does not help solve crimes with guns and it does not stop crimes with guns…there is literally no reason to register guns…except to eventually ban or confiscate them.
if guns were universally registered the flow of guns into the hands of criminals could be shut down to a trickle

that's how.

criminals by nature do not follow laws whether they be gun laws

or other laws

so criminals will still obtain them

as they do now in gun ban countries
I agree with a number of the provisions in his executive order, but I oppose the order because the president has no legal right to issue such an order. If a Republican gets in the White House, what will Democrats say when he starts to rule by edict as Obama has done? Rule by edict sets a very dangerous precedent. We do not have emperors and the president can't just bypass Congress just because he can't get his way. Obama should have been impeached by now for his illegal executive orders.
By this point in his Presidency, bush43 had issued 292 Executive Orders. No bitching from the ConJobs/NeoNuts/RWNJ/RePugs/TeaHadists...not one fucking word.

Being white must be nice.
Who you call'n is white??
Since when do you need a license to work out of your home?

you are dumber than a moss covered rock.., in Commiefornia, i once operated a sporting goods and gun buy, sell, trade business, i needed a license and a special permit to store gun powder on premises.

get educated before you make any more stupid statements.

Since when do you need a license to work out of your home?

you are dumber than a moss covered rock.., in Commiefornia, i once operated a sporting goods and gun buy, sell, trade business, i needed a license and a special permit to store gun powder on premises.

get educated before you make any more stupid statements.

Fuck off moron. I work out of my home and I don't have a license, I also reload ammo and have currently about 24 pounds of smokeless powder on my property. No license. Yours is the stupid statement dim wit.
I agree with a number of the provisions in his executive order, but I oppose the order because the president has no legal right to issue such an order. If a Republican gets in the White House, what will Democrats say when he starts to rule by edict as Obama has done? Rule by edict sets a very dangerous precedent. We do not have emperors and the president can't just bypass Congress just because he can't get his way. Obama should have been impeached by now for his illegal executive orders.

One reason I would LOVE to see Cruz in the White House. He would issue some EOs that will make prog's heads explode.
Since when do you need a license to work out of your home?

you are dumber than a moss covered rock.., in Commiefornia, i once operated a sporting goods and gun buy, sell, trade business, i needed a license and a special permit to store gun powder on premises.

get educated before you make any more stupid statements.


Oh No.....Say It Ain't So.....Not....Oh Please No....Not Dreaded COMMIEFORINA....

Wow, you sure put me down, I will have to hang my head in shame and cry.

Get a fucking life.

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