If Religions Are Like Alchemy, What'll Replace Religion?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Alchemy was the precursor to chemistry and other sciences. As they came into being, alchemy went extinct. So if religion is similar, what science or disciplines might replace it?
Some concepts in modern religious thought is like alchemy but not all of it.

Religion is going away. Modern religion will change. It may become or less symbolic. It may become more robust or limited in scope.

But religion going extinct, That probably happens After man goes extinct.

However, for specific religious groups. I give the Universalists another 50 years....Too much tolerance leads to lost of purpose/identity.
Some concepts in modern religious thought is like alchemy but not all of it.

Religion is not going away? Modern religion will change. It may become or less symbolic. It may become more robust or limited in scope.

But religion going extinct, That probably happens After man goes extinct.

However, for specific religious groups. I give the Universalists another 50 years....Too much tolerance leads to lost of purpose/identity.
Alchemy was the precursor to chemistry and other sciences. As they came into being, alchemy went extinct. So if religion is similar, what science or disciplines might replace it?
If we use history to assess where religions will evolve, we’ll continue to see the gods become less and less relevant. Multi-god religions have less clout than they used to. Hosts of different gods were once assigned by mankind to manage the natural world. Gods of thunder, rain, gods to move the planets, etc., have largely been replaced with one-stop-shopping gods of convenience who don’t do much more than handle a few administrative duties as they have been relegated to paper shuffling.
Alchemy was the precursor to chemistry and other sciences. As they came into being, alchemy went extinct. So if religion is similar, what science or disciplines might replace it?

A basic education should have replaced religion a hundred years ago.

Until people stop fucking up their own children's heads with superstitious archaic lore before they enter kindergarten religion will persist till kingdom come.
Religion will not go extinct. God is still there. He still reveals His will to men. The only way to eliminate religion is to eliminate God. Not possible. After all, He did die and return from the grave Greater than when He went down.

Besides, with the way people are rejecting God, the judgments are going to be coming upon us soon. It's inevitable that those who break the Laws of nature and Nature's God will face the consequences of those laws. Unless the hearts of men are changed on a large scale capacity, we will see violence and suffering unprecedented in human history.
Alchemy was the precursor to chemistry and other sciences. As they came into being, alchemy went extinct. So if religion is similar, what science or disciplines might replace it?

Boss' spirituality. People will drop the Adam, Noah, Moses, Mohammad & Jesus stories and philosophize that there must be a 'creator" because from the beginning of time man has always looked up and believed. And they can't believe otherwise. And since we can't prove something didn't make us, their belief, at least in their minds is just as valid as ours.

Forget the fact that we invented/came up with god when we were barely smarter than monkeys. Forget our curious and imaginative minds invented a "super parent" to make us feel like we are not alone. We don't like not knowing things and we don't know what happens when we die, so we came up with wishful thinking.

Having faith is choosing to be ignorant, rather than admit we don't know and keep looking.

But boss' version of god is still a dumb one because he thinks he talks to god and god helps him. One day people will realize that we are just another animal on the food chain.

It'd be like the rich good looking popular kids at school thinking they are gods just because they have it better than all the other kids at school.
Why the fuck is religion like alchemy? You trying to decide which power to take in Dungeons&Dragons?
Why the fuck is religion like alchemy? You trying to decide which power to take in Dungeons&Dragons?

Here is a better thought. There were about 996 religions that came and went before Christianity and there are about 4 that came after.

How come Christians are capable of admitting that all those other religions that came before theirs are completely made up, but they beleve their myths whole heartedly?

So if the Greeks were able to make up Zeus and all the other Greek Gods, why is it so hard to believe that humans later made up the Adam & Eve & Noah & Jesus stories?

Also keep in mind it was the Greeks who translated the bible from Old Hebrew to Greek then to English. So you are taking the word of a culture who admittedly believed in Hercules, the Cyclops, Medusa, etc. Are humans really this gullible?

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