If repubs can never come up with specific policy examples of their party helping the...


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
...middle class and poor, why do they continue to support them? Why do republicans continue to be elected?

Trickle down economics has proven to be smoke screen. Bush's tax cuts pitifully created 4.6 jobs per million dollar cut. That's it. In Obama's first 4 years, twice as many jobs were created than in all of Bush's 8. According to the CBO, Obama's stimulus alone created over 2 million jobs that still exist to this day.

CBO: Stimulus Supports 2.9 Million Jobs Today | FDL News Desk

Obama’s Numbers, October Update

Here is a non partisan thorough look at what the stimulus accomplished which is staggering. It literally saved the country from another depression.

Was the Obama Stimulus a Success or a Failure? - NPQ - Nonprofit Quarterly

Here is WHY Obama's stimulus worked:

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

I just don't understand what republicans have to show for. Obama's tax cut for the middle class was the biggest since Reagan. Seriously what has any republican president since Reagan done that has benefitted the country as a whole?

It seems as though all the average joe republicans want to hear are flowery speeches about freedom and warm apple pie. They don't want to hear the truth which is that republicans have nothing to offer.
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...middle class and poor, why do they continue to support them? I just don't understand it. Why do republicans continue to be elected?

Trickle down economics has proven to be smoke screen. Bush's tax cuts pitifully created 4.6 jobs per million dollar cut. That's it. In Obama's first 4 years, twice as many jobs were created than in all of Bush's 8. According to the CBO, Obama's stimulus alone created over 2 million jobs that still exist to this day.

CBO: Stimulus Supports 2.9 Million Jobs Today | FDL News Desk

Obama’s Numbers, October Update

Here is a non partisan thorough look at what the stimulus accomplished which is staggering. It literally saved the country from another depression.

Was the Obama Stimulus a Success or a Failure? - NPQ - Nonprofit Quarterly

Here is WHY Obama's stimulus worked:

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

I just don't understand what republicans have to show for. Obama's tax cut for the middle class was the biggest since Reagan. Seriously what has any republican president since Reagan done that has benefitted the country as a whole?

It seems as though all the average joe republicans want to hear are flowery speeches about freedom and warm apple pie. They don't want to hear the truth which is that republicans have nothing to offer.

Bush's tax cuts pitifully created 4.6 jobs per million dollar cut.

Are you saying Americans got to keep millions more of their own earnings AND jobs were created?

That's awesome!!! Let's do that some more!!!
...middle class and poor, why do they continue to support them? I just don't understand it. Why do republicans continue to be elected?

Trickle down economics has proven to be smoke screen. Bush's tax cuts pitifully created 4.6 jobs per million dollar cut. That's it. In Obama's first 4 years, twice as many jobs were created than in all of Bush's 8. According to the CBO, Obama's stimulus alone created over 2 million jobs that still exist to this day.

CBO: Stimulus Supports 2.9 Million Jobs Today | FDL News Desk

Obama’s Numbers, October Update

Here is a non partisan thorough look at what the stimulus accomplished which is staggering. It literally saved the country from another depression.

Was the Obama Stimulus a Success or a Failure? - NPQ - Nonprofit Quarterly

Here is WHY Obama's stimulus worked:

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

I just don't understand what republicans have to show for. Obama's tax cut for the middle class was the biggest since Reagan. Seriously what has any republican president since Reagan done that has benefitted the country as a whole?

It seems as though all the average joe republicans want to hear are flowery speeches about freedom and warm apple pie. They don't want to hear the truth which is that republicans have nothing to offer.

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

Thanks for the hilarious link. She cracks me up!
...middle class and poor, why do they continue to support them? I just don't understand it. Why do republicans continue to be elected?

Trickle down economics has proven to be smoke screen. Bush's tax cuts pitifully created 4.6 jobs per million dollar cut. That's it. In Obama's first 4 years, twice as many jobs were created than in all of Bush's 8. According to the CBO, Obama's stimulus alone created over 2 million jobs that still exist to this day.

CBO: Stimulus Supports 2.9 Million Jobs Today | FDL News Desk

Obama’s Numbers, October Update

Here is a non partisan thorough look at what the stimulus accomplished which is staggering. It literally saved the country from another depression.

Was the Obama Stimulus a Success or a Failure? - NPQ - Nonprofit Quarterly

Here is WHY Obama's stimulus worked:

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

I just don't understand what republicans have to show for. Obama's tax cut for the middle class was the biggest since Reagan. Seriously what has any republican president since Reagan done that has benefitted the country as a whole?

It seems as though all the average joe republicans want to hear are flowery speeches about freedom and warm apple pie. They don't want to hear the truth which is that republicans have nothing to offer.

Bush's tax cuts pitifully created 4.6 jobs per million dollar cut.

Are you saying Americans got to keep millions more of their own earnings AND jobs were created?

That's awesome!!! Let's do that some more!!!

Umm those millions saved were primarily the rich's money. Also, those cuts greatly contributed to our national debt.
...middle class and poor, why do they continue to support them? I just don't understand it. Why do republicans continue to be elected?

Trickle down economics has proven to be smoke screen. Bush's tax cuts pitifully created 4.6 jobs per million dollar cut. That's it. In Obama's first 4 years, twice as many jobs were created than in all of Bush's 8. According to the CBO, Obama's stimulus alone created over 2 million jobs that still exist to this day.

CBO: Stimulus Supports 2.9 Million Jobs Today | FDL News Desk

Obama’s Numbers, October Update

Here is a non partisan thorough look at what the stimulus accomplished which is staggering. It literally saved the country from another depression.

Was the Obama Stimulus a Success or a Failure? - NPQ - Nonprofit Quarterly

Here is WHY Obama's stimulus worked:

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

I just don't understand what republicans have to show for. Obama's tax cut for the middle class was the biggest since Reagan. Seriously what has any republican president since Reagan done that has benefitted the country as a whole?

It seems as though all the average joe republicans want to hear are flowery speeches about freedom and warm apple pie. They don't want to hear the truth which is that republicans have nothing to offer.

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

Thanks for the hilarious link. She cracks me up!
And yet you can't explain why she is wrong.
The only jobs Obama created were government jobs paid for by confiscated taxpayer funds. Now we have double the useless government drones than we had during the Bush administration. The median income for a typical middle class family dropped 7% since Obama took office.
...middle class and poor, why do they continue to support them? I just don't understand it. Why do republicans continue to be elected?

Trickle down economics has proven to be smoke screen. Bush's tax cuts pitifully created 4.6 jobs per million dollar cut. That's it. In Obama's first 4 years, twice as many jobs were created than in all of Bush's 8. According to the CBO, Obama's stimulus alone created over 2 million jobs that still exist to this day.

CBO: Stimulus Supports 2.9 Million Jobs Today | FDL News Desk

Obama’s Numbers, October Update

Here is a non partisan thorough look at what the stimulus accomplished which is staggering. It literally saved the country from another depression.

Was the Obama Stimulus a Success or a Failure? - NPQ - Nonprofit Quarterly

Here is WHY Obama's stimulus worked:

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

I just don't understand what republicans have to show for. Obama's tax cut for the middle class was the biggest since Reagan. Seriously what has any republican president since Reagan done that has benefitted the country as a whole?

It seems as though all the average joe republicans want to hear are flowery speeches about freedom and warm apple pie. They don't want to hear the truth which is that republicans have nothing to offer.

Trickle Down Economics?


Ya mean how the government confiscates massive amounts of money from the producers and how it trickles down to the the intellectually less fortunate comprising the lowest cultural denomination?

Or the irrational label that Progressive Republicans hung over the natural order of economics, in a deceitful advocacy, fraudulently advanced as a means to influence the aforementioned ignorant?

Both are similar to the deceit that the obama cult has cut taxes, anywhere, for anyone. The assertion is absurd on its face.

The 50% and climbing increases in healthcare; the increase in the cost of fuel, are just two examples of INCREASES on the cost of simply BEING HERE, which cost the middle class two TRILLION+ dollars per year.
The only jobs Obama created were government jobs paid for by confiscated taxpayer funds. Now we have double the useless government drones than we had during the Bush administration. The median income for a typical middle class family dropped 7% since Obama took office.

No 2 million private jobs were created. The proof is in the links. Try reading them.
...middle class and poor, why do they continue to support them? I just don't understand it. Why do republicans continue to be elected?

Trickle down economics has proven to be smoke screen. Bush's tax cuts pitifully created 4.6 jobs per million dollar cut. That's it. In Obama's first 4 years, twice as many jobs were created than in all of Bush's 8. According to the CBO, Obama's stimulus alone created over 2 million jobs that still exist to this day.

CBO: Stimulus Supports 2.9 Million Jobs Today | FDL News Desk

Obama’s Numbers, October Update

Here is a non partisan thorough look at what the stimulus accomplished which is staggering. It literally saved the country from another depression.

Was the Obama Stimulus a Success or a Failure? - NPQ - Nonprofit Quarterly

Here is WHY Obama's stimulus worked:

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

I just don't understand what republicans have to show for. Obama's tax cut for the middle class was the biggest since Reagan. Seriously what has any republican president since Reagan done that has benefitted the country as a whole?

It seems as though all the average joe republicans want to hear are flowery speeches about freedom and warm apple pie. They don't want to hear the truth which is that republicans have nothing to offer.

Trickle Down Economics?


Ya mean how the government confiscates massive amounts of money from the producers and how it trickles down to the the intellectually less fortunate comprising the lowest cultural denomination?

Or the irrational label that Progressive Republicans hung over the natural order of economics, in a deceitful advocacy, fraudulently advanced as a means to influence the aforementioned ignorant?
Try and stay on topic please.
...middle class and poor, why do they continue to support them? I just don't understand it. Why do republicans continue to be elected?

Trickle down economics has proven to be smoke screen. Bush's tax cuts pitifully created 4.6 jobs per million dollar cut. That's it. In Obama's first 4 years, twice as many jobs were created than in all of Bush's 8. According to the CBO, Obama's stimulus alone created over 2 million jobs that still exist to this day.

CBO: Stimulus Supports 2.9 Million Jobs Today | FDL News Desk

Obama’s Numbers, October Update

Here is a non partisan thorough look at what the stimulus accomplished which is staggering. It literally saved the country from another depression.

Was the Obama Stimulus a Success or a Failure? - NPQ - Nonprofit Quarterly

Here is WHY Obama's stimulus worked:

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

I just don't understand what republicans have to show for. Obama's tax cut for the middle class was the biggest since Reagan. Seriously what has any republican president since Reagan done that has benefitted the country as a whole?

It seems as though all the average joe republicans want to hear are flowery speeches about freedom and warm apple pie. They don't want to hear the truth which is that republicans have nothing to offer.

Trickle Down Economics?


Ya mean how the government confiscates massive amounts of money from the producers and how it trickles down to the the intellectually less fortunate comprising the lowest cultural denomination?

Or the irrational label that Progressive Republicans hung over the natural order of economics, in a deceitful advocacy, fraudulently advanced as a means to influence the aforementioned ignorant?

Both are similar to the deceit that the obama cult has cut taxes, anywhere, for anyone. The assertion is absurd on its face.

The 50% and climbing increases in healthcare; the increase in the cost of fuel, are just two examples of INCREASES on the cost of simply BEING HERE, which cost the middle class two TRILLION+ dollars per year.

Please stay on topic

Trickle down economics has proven to be smoke screen. ...

That was the topic. And this was me:

Trickle Down Economics?


Ya mean how the government confiscates massive amounts of money from the producers and how it trickles down to the the intellectually less fortunate comprising the lowest cultural denomination?

Or the irrational label that Progressive Republicans hung over the natural order of economics, in a deceitful advocacy, fraudulently advanced as a means to influence the aforementioned ignorant?

Doesn't get any more ON TOPIC than that.
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The US Economy has suffered chronic stagnation since th obama-cult came to power with US GDP averaging ~ 1% since they came to power. The stimulus was graft on an EPIC scale, as has been the order of magnitude in deficit spending, as the Democrats have simply laundered the money into their campaign coffers.

The obama cult is a criminal syndicate and any objective investigation of ANY aspect of their regime would readily qualify for endless violations of the RICO statutes, were such to include the US Federal Government in their stated jurisdiction.

To even suggest that ANYTHING the obama-cult has done in terms of Federal policy has produced a positive result is absurd on its face. They've borrowed an addition 7 TRILLION DOLLARS in DEBT in less than six years, which is 2/3rds of the SUMMED DEBT ACCRUED BY THE US FEDERAL WHEN obama TOOK OFFICE.

They're THIEVES, huckster and criminals of the highest order.

The good news is, that by January of next year, we'll be watching President Biden make the most profound swing the ideological right in human history... with obama and holder doign their level bests to out "canary" the other.
...middle class and poor, why do they continue to support them? I just don't understand it. Why do republicans continue to be elected?

Trickle down economics has proven to be smoke screen. Bush's tax cuts pitifully created 4.6 jobs per million dollar cut. That's it. In Obama's first 4 years, twice as many jobs were created than in all of Bush's 8. According to the CBO, Obama's stimulus alone created over 2 million jobs that still exist to this day.

CBO: Stimulus Supports 2.9 Million Jobs Today | FDL News Desk

Obama’s Numbers, October Update

Here is a non partisan thorough look at what the stimulus accomplished which is staggering. It literally saved the country from another depression.

Was the Obama Stimulus a Success or a Failure? - NPQ - Nonprofit Quarterly

Here is WHY Obama's stimulus worked:

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

I just don't understand what republicans have to show for. Obama's tax cut for the middle class was the biggest since Reagan. Seriously what has any republican president since Reagan done that has benefitted the country as a whole?

It seems as though all the average joe republicans want to hear are flowery speeches about freedom and warm apple pie. They don't want to hear the truth which is that republicans have nothing to offer.

Bush's tax cuts pitifully created 4.6 jobs per million dollar cut.

Are you saying Americans got to keep millions more of their own earnings AND jobs were created?

That's awesome!!! Let's do that some more!!!

Umm those millions saved were primarily the rich's money. Also, those cuts greatly contributed to our national debt.

Umm those millions saved were primarily the rich's money.

Define the rich. What level of income?
Define primarily, as a percent of total money saved, if you can.
...middle class and poor, why do they continue to support them? I just don't understand it. Why do republicans continue to be elected?

Trickle down economics has proven to be smoke screen. Bush's tax cuts pitifully created 4.6 jobs per million dollar cut. That's it. In Obama's first 4 years, twice as many jobs were created than in all of Bush's 8. According to the CBO, Obama's stimulus alone created over 2 million jobs that still exist to this day.

CBO: Stimulus Supports 2.9 Million Jobs Today | FDL News Desk

Obama’s Numbers, October Update

Here is a non partisan thorough look at what the stimulus accomplished which is staggering. It literally saved the country from another depression.

Was the Obama Stimulus a Success or a Failure? - NPQ - Nonprofit Quarterly

Here is WHY Obama's stimulus worked:

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

I just don't understand what republicans have to show for. Obama's tax cut for the middle class was the biggest since Reagan. Seriously what has any republican president since Reagan done that has benefitted the country as a whole?

It seems as though all the average joe republicans want to hear are flowery speeches about freedom and warm apple pie. They don't want to hear the truth which is that republicans have nothing to offer.

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

Thanks for the hilarious link. She cracks me up!
And yet you can't explain why she is wrong.

Sure I can, if I can stop laughing long enough.
How many errors should I point out?
The exact opposite of the government "helping the middle class and the poor" is the democrat party's extortion game of "global warming" that causes the price of energy to increase which impacts the cost of everything. The cost of energy kept artificially high due to Obama's draconian energy policies causes the middle class to suffer the most at the gas pumps and in the winter with high priced heating oil while the so-called "poor" are generally less impacted because they are subsidized by government programs which are funded, ironically, by confiscated taxes from the middle class. The fake global warming "science" is the cause of the stagnant economy and the Hussein administration knows it. Democrat party policies thrive on unrest and anger.
...middle class and poor, why do they continue to support them? I just don't understand it. Why do republicans continue to be elected?

Trickle down economics has proven to be smoke screen. Bush's tax cuts pitifully created 4.6 jobs per million dollar cut. That's it. In Obama's first 4 years, twice as many jobs were created than in all of Bush's 8. According to the CBO, Obama's stimulus alone created over 2 million jobs that still exist to this day.

CBO: Stimulus Supports 2.9 Million Jobs Today | FDL News Desk

Obama’s Numbers, October Update

Here is a non partisan thorough look at what the stimulus accomplished which is staggering. It literally saved the country from another depression.

Was the Obama Stimulus a Success or a Failure? - NPQ - Nonprofit Quarterly

Here is WHY Obama's stimulus worked:

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

I just don't understand what republicans have to show for. Obama's tax cut for the middle class was the biggest since Reagan. Seriously what has any republican president since Reagan done that has benefitted the country as a whole?

It seems as though all the average joe republicans want to hear are flowery speeches about freedom and warm apple pie. They don't want to hear the truth which is that republicans have nothing to offer.

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

Thanks for the hilarious link. She cracks me up!
And yet you can't explain why she is wrong.

Sure I can, if I can stop laughing long enough.
How many errors should I point out?

As many as you can handle. Quit stalling.
...middle class and poor, why do they continue to support them? I just don't understand it. Why do republicans continue to be elected?

Trickle down economics has proven to be smoke screen. Bush's tax cuts pitifully created 4.6 jobs per million dollar cut. That's it. In Obama's first 4 years, twice as many jobs were created than in all of Bush's 8. According to the CBO, Obama's stimulus alone created over 2 million jobs that still exist to this day.

CBO: Stimulus Supports 2.9 Million Jobs Today | FDL News Desk

Obama’s Numbers, October Update

Here is a non partisan thorough look at what the stimulus accomplished which is staggering. It literally saved the country from another depression.

Was the Obama Stimulus a Success or a Failure? - NPQ - Nonprofit Quarterly

Here is WHY Obama's stimulus worked:

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

I just don't understand what republicans have to show for. Obama's tax cut for the middle class was the biggest since Reagan. Seriously what has any republican president since Reagan done that has benefitted the country as a whole?

It seems as though all the average joe republicans want to hear are flowery speeches about freedom and warm apple pie. They don't want to hear the truth which is that republicans have nothing to offer.

Bush's tax cuts pitifully created 4.6 jobs per million dollar cut.

Are you saying Americans got to keep millions more of their own earnings AND jobs were created?

That's awesome!!! Let's do that some more!!!

Umm those millions saved were primarily the rich's money. Also, those cuts greatly contributed to our national debt.

Umm those millions saved were primarily the rich's money.

Define the rich. What level of income?
Define primarily, as a percent of total money saved, if you can.

So you don't know who his tax cuts were for?
The US Economy has suffered chronic stagnation since th obama-cult came to power with US GDP averaging ~ 1% since they came to power. The stimulus was graft on an EPIC scale, as has been the order of magnitude in deficit spending, as the Democrats have simply laundered the money into their campaign coffers.

The obama cult is a criminal syndicate and any objective investigation of ANY aspect of their regime would readily qualify for endless violations of the RICO statutes, were such to include the US Federal Government in their stated jurisdiction.

To even suggest that ANYTHING the obama-cult has done in terms of Federal policy has produced a positive result is absurd on its face. They've borrowed an addition 7 TRILLION DOLLARS in DEBT in less than six years, which is 2/3rds of the SUMMED DEBT ACCRUED BY THE US FEDERAL WHEN obama TOOK OFFICE.

They're THIEVES, huckster and criminals of the highest order.

The good news is, that by January of next year, we'll be watching President Biden make the most profound swing the ideological right in human history... with obama and holder doign their level bests to out "canary" the other.

Without specific facts, you are just rambling.
The US Economy has suffered chronic stagnation since th obama-cult came to power with US GDP averaging ~ 1% since they came to power. The stimulus was graft on an EPIC scale, as has been the order of magnitude in deficit spending, as the Democrats have simply laundered the money into their campaign coffers.

The obama cult is a criminal syndicate and any objective investigation of ANY aspect of their regime would readily qualify for endless violations of the RICO statutes, were such to include the US Federal Government in their stated jurisdiction.

To even suggest that ANYTHING the obama-cult has done in terms of Federal policy has produced a positive result is absurd on its face. They've borrowed an addition 7 TRILLION DOLLARS in DEBT in less than six years, which is 2/3rds of the SUMMED DEBT ACCRUED BY THE US FEDERAL WHEN obama TOOK OFFICE.

They're THIEVES, huckster and criminals of the highest order.

The good news is, that by January of next year, we'll be watching President Biden make the most profound swing the ideological right in human history... with obama and holder doign their level bests to out "canary" the other.

Without specific facts, you are just rambling.

Your concession, that your purpose in this discussion is to fraudulently advance deceit, as a means to influence the ignorant, is duly noted and summarily accepted.
Republicans are getting elected less and less because their tired two-tier plank that hasn't changed in a generation,

1) deregulate [let polluters run wild & workplace violations go unchecked]

2) shower tax cuts on the already wealthy whilst redistributing taxpayer-wealth to defense contractors for their ill thought-out foreign adventures
The US Economy has suffered chronic stagnation since th obama-cult came to power with US GDP averaging ~ 1% since they came to power. The stimulus was graft on an EPIC scale, as has been the order of magnitude in deficit spending, as the Democrats have simply laundered the money into their campaign coffers.

The obama cult is a criminal syndicate and any objective investigation of ANY aspect of their regime would readily qualify for endless violations of the RICO statutes, were such to include the US Federal Government in their stated jurisdiction.

To even suggest that ANYTHING the obama-cult has done in terms of Federal policy has produced a positive result is absurd on its face. They've borrowed an addition 7 TRILLION DOLLARS in DEBT in less than six years, which is 2/3rds of the SUMMED DEBT ACCRUED BY THE US FEDERAL WHEN obama TOOK OFFICE.

They're THIEVES, huckster and criminals of the highest order.

The good news is, that by January of next year, we'll be watching President Biden make the most profound swing the ideological right in human history... with obama and holder doign their level bests to out "canary" the other.

Without specific facts, you are just rambling.

Your concession, that your purpose in this discussion is to fraudulently advance deceit, as a means to influence the ignorant, is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Oh sure. A lot has been spent under Obama but what he spent it on is what republicans should love: defense and Bush's awful tax cuts.

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