If repubs can never come up with specific policy examples of their party helping the...

...middle class and poor, why do they continue to support them? I just don't understand it. Why do republicans continue to be elected?

Trickle down economics has proven to be smoke screen. Bush's tax cuts pitifully created 4.6 jobs per million dollar cut. That's it. In Obama's first 4 years, twice as many jobs were created than in all of Bush's 8. According to the CBO, Obama's stimulus alone created over 2 million jobs that still exist to this day.

CBO: Stimulus Supports 2.9 Million Jobs Today | FDL News Desk

Obama’s Numbers, October Update

Here is a non partisan thorough look at what the stimulus accomplished which is staggering. It literally saved the country from another depression.

Was the Obama Stimulus a Success or a Failure? - NPQ - Nonprofit Quarterly

Here is WHY Obama's stimulus worked:

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

I just don't understand what republicans have to show for. Obama's tax cut for the middle class was the biggest since Reagan. Seriously what has any republican president since Reagan done that has benefitted the country as a whole?

It seems as though all the average joe republicans want to hear are flowery speeches about freedom and warm apple pie. They don't want to hear the truth which is that republicans have nothing to offer.

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

Thanks for the hilarious link. She cracks me up!
And yet you can't explain why she is wrong.

Sure I can, if I can stop laughing long enough.
How many errors should I point out?

As many as you can handle. Quit stalling.

Here's the best one:

Reductions in the tax rate actually hurts the economy. That's because every dollar in lost tax revenue only creates 59 cents in economic growth.

Creating growth of 59 cents while saving taxpayers $1 hurts the economy? ROFLMAO!!!
Of course for a socialist, more freedom, less money in the hands of the government and more money in the hands of the people is a bad think. So I can understand why she is against it.
...middle class and poor, why do they continue to support them? I just don't understand it. Why do republicans continue to be elected?

Trickle down economics has proven to be smoke screen. Bush's tax cuts pitifully created 4.6 jobs per million dollar cut. That's it. In Obama's first 4 years, twice as many jobs were created than in all of Bush's 8. According to the CBO, Obama's stimulus alone created over 2 million jobs that still exist to this day.

CBO: Stimulus Supports 2.9 Million Jobs Today | FDL News Desk

Obama’s Numbers, October Update

Here is a non partisan thorough look at what the stimulus accomplished which is staggering. It literally saved the country from another depression.

Was the Obama Stimulus a Success or a Failure? - NPQ - Nonprofit Quarterly

Here is WHY Obama's stimulus worked:

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

I just don't understand what republicans have to show for. Obama's tax cut for the middle class was the biggest since Reagan. Seriously what has any republican president since Reagan done that has benefitted the country as a whole?

It seems as though all the average joe republicans want to hear are flowery speeches about freedom and warm apple pie. They don't want to hear the truth which is that republicans have nothing to offer.

Bush's tax cuts pitifully created 4.6 jobs per million dollar cut.

Are you saying Americans got to keep millions more of their own earnings AND jobs were created?

That's awesome!!! Let's do that some more!!!

Umm those millions saved were primarily the rich's money. Also, those cuts greatly contributed to our national debt.

Umm those millions saved were primarily the rich's money.

Define the rich. What level of income?
Define primarily, as a percent of total money saved, if you can.

So you don't know who his tax cuts were for?

He cut taxes for everyone.
Got those definitions yet?
You re
...middle class and poor, why do they continue to support them? I just don't understand it. Why do republicans continue to be elected?

Trickle down economics has proven to be smoke screen. Bush's tax cuts pitifully created 4.6 jobs per million dollar cut. That's it. In Obama's first 4 years, twice as many jobs were created than in all of Bush's 8. According to the CBO, Obama's stimulus alone created over 2 million jobs that still exist to this day.

CBO: Stimulus Supports 2.9 Million Jobs Today | FDL News Desk

Obama’s Numbers, October Update

Here is a non partisan thorough look at what the stimulus accomplished which is staggering. It literally saved the country from another depression.

Was the Obama Stimulus a Success or a Failure? - NPQ - Nonprofit Quarterly

Here is WHY Obama's stimulus worked:

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

I just don't understand what republicans have to show for. Obama's tax cut for the middle class was the biggest since Reagan. Seriously what has any republican president since Reagan done that has benefitted the country as a whole?

It seems as though all the average joe republicans want to hear are flowery speeches about freedom and warm apple pie. They don't want to hear the truth which is that republicans have nothing to offer.

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

Thanks for the hilarious link. She cracks me up!
And yet you can't explain why she is wrong.

Sure I can, if I can stop laughing long enough.
How many errors should I point out?

As many as you can handle. Quit stalling.

Here's the best one:

Reductions in the tax rate actually hurts the economy. That's because every dollar in lost tax revenue only creates 59 cents in economic growth.

Creating growth of 59 cents while saving taxpayers $1 hurts the economy? ROFLMAO!!!
Of course for a socialist, more freedom, less money in the hands of the government and more money in the hands of the people is a bad think. So I can understand why she is against it.

You realize of course that every dollar lost in revenue is one more dollar we are in debt right?
Republicans are getting elected less and less because their tired two-tier plank that hasn't changed in a generation,

1) deregulate [let polluters run wild & workplace violations go unchecked]

2) shower tax cuts on the already wealthy whilst redistributing taxpayer-wealth to defense contractors for their ill thought-out foreign adventures

I know, just awful!
Don't forget, resisting Obama.
That'll probably win back the Senate.
You re
...middle class and poor, why do they continue to support them? I just don't understand it. Why do republicans continue to be elected?

Trickle down economics has proven to be smoke screen. Bush's tax cuts pitifully created 4.6 jobs per million dollar cut. That's it. In Obama's first 4 years, twice as many jobs were created than in all of Bush's 8. According to the CBO, Obama's stimulus alone created over 2 million jobs that still exist to this day.

CBO: Stimulus Supports 2.9 Million Jobs Today | FDL News Desk

Obama’s Numbers, October Update

Here is a non partisan thorough look at what the stimulus accomplished which is staggering. It literally saved the country from another depression.

Was the Obama Stimulus a Success or a Failure? - NPQ - Nonprofit Quarterly

Here is WHY Obama's stimulus worked:

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

I just don't understand what republicans have to show for. Obama's tax cut for the middle class was the biggest since Reagan. Seriously what has any republican president since Reagan done that has benefitted the country as a whole?

It seems as though all the average joe republicans want to hear are flowery speeches about freedom and warm apple pie. They don't want to hear the truth which is that republicans have nothing to offer.

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

Thanks for the hilarious link. She cracks me up!
And yet you can't explain why she is wrong.

Sure I can, if I can stop laughing long enough.
How many errors should I point out?

As many as you can handle. Quit stalling.

Here's the best one:

Reductions in the tax rate actually hurts the economy. That's because every dollar in lost tax revenue only creates 59 cents in economic growth.

Creating growth of 59 cents while saving taxpayers $1 hurts the economy? ROFLMAO!!!
Of course for a socialist, more freedom, less money in the hands of the government and more money in the hands of the people is a bad think. So I can understand why she is against it.

You realize of course that every dollar lost in revenue is one more dollar we are in debt right?

You realize we should cut government spending, to eliminate that debt, right?
You re
...middle class and poor, why do they continue to support them? I just don't understand it. Why do republicans continue to be elected?

Trickle down economics has proven to be smoke screen. Bush's tax cuts pitifully created 4.6 jobs per million dollar cut. That's it. In Obama's first 4 years, twice as many jobs were created than in all of Bush's 8. According to the CBO, Obama's stimulus alone created over 2 million jobs that still exist to this day.

CBO: Stimulus Supports 2.9 Million Jobs Today | FDL News Desk

Obama’s Numbers, October Update

Here is a non partisan thorough look at what the stimulus accomplished which is staggering. It literally saved the country from another depression.

Was the Obama Stimulus a Success or a Failure? - NPQ - Nonprofit Quarterly

Here is WHY Obama's stimulus worked:

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

I just don't understand what republicans have to show for. Obama's tax cut for the middle class was the biggest since Reagan. Seriously what has any republican president since Reagan done that has benefitted the country as a whole?

It seems as though all the average joe republicans want to hear are flowery speeches about freedom and warm apple pie. They don't want to hear the truth which is that republicans have nothing to offer.

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

Thanks for the hilarious link. She cracks me up!
And yet you can't explain why she is wrong.

Sure I can, if I can stop laughing long enough.
How many errors should I point out?

As many as you can handle. Quit stalling.

Here's the best one:

Reductions in the tax rate actually hurts the economy. That's because every dollar in lost tax revenue only creates 59 cents in economic growth.

Creating growth of 59 cents while saving taxpayers $1 hurts the economy? ROFLMAO!!!
Of course for a socialist, more freedom, less money in the hands of the government and more money in the hands of the people is a bad think. So I can understand why she is against it.

You realize of course that every dollar lost in revenue is one more dollar we are in debt right?

You realize we should cut government spending, to eliminate that debt, right?

I do actually. However we also must increase revenue. Right now we are at 16% of the GDP. That is near the historic low.
...middle class and poor, why do they continue to support them? Why do republicans continue to be elected?

Trickle down economics has proven to be smoke screen. Bush's tax cuts pitifully created 4.6 jobs per million dollar cut. That's it. In Obama's first 4 years, twice as many jobs were created than in all of Bush's 8. According to the CBO, Obama's stimulus alone created over 2 million jobs that still exist to this day.

CBO: Stimulus Supports 2.9 Million Jobs Today | FDL News Desk

Obama’s Numbers, October Update

Here is a non partisan thorough look at what the stimulus accomplished which is staggering. It literally saved the country from another depression.

Was the Obama Stimulus a Success or a Failure? - NPQ - Nonprofit Quarterly

Here is WHY Obama's stimulus worked:

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

I just don't understand what republicans have to show for. Obama's tax cut for the middle class was the biggest since Reagan. Seriously what has any republican president since Reagan done that has benefitted the country as a whole?

It seems as though all the average joe republicans want to hear are flowery speeches about freedom and warm apple pie. They don't want to hear the truth which is that republicans have nothing to offer.
Nothing has been proven other than liberal policies which are anti business pr tax, pro big government have scuttled our economy. You can shit can the lib blog crap praising Obama for any alleged job creation.
Oh anyone that claims expanding unemployment benefits stimulates the economy is part of the Chamber Band playing on the Titanic.
I feel the republican party should be the party of efficiency and work. There's no place for libertrianism as it doesn't work in the real world.

The democrats are seriously not the party we want in power!
...middle class and poor, why do they continue to support them? I just don't understand it. Why do republicans continue to be elected?

Trickle down economics has proven to be smoke screen. Bush's tax cuts pitifully created 4.6 jobs per million dollar cut. That's it. In Obama's first 4 years, twice as many jobs were created than in all of Bush's 8. According to the CBO, Obama's stimulus alone created over 2 million jobs that still exist to this day.

CBO: Stimulus Supports 2.9 Million Jobs Today | FDL News Desk

Obama’s Numbers, October Update

Here is a non partisan thorough look at what the stimulus accomplished which is staggering. It literally saved the country from another depression.

Was the Obama Stimulus a Success or a Failure? - NPQ - Nonprofit Quarterly

Here is WHY Obama's stimulus worked:

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

I just don't understand what republicans have to show for. Obama's tax cut for the middle class was the biggest since Reagan. Seriously what has any republican president since Reagan done that has benefitted the country as a whole?

It seems as though all the average joe republicans want to hear are flowery speeches about freedom and warm apple pie. They don't want to hear the truth which is that republicans have nothing to offer.

Bush's tax cuts pitifully created 4.6 jobs per million dollar cut.

Are you saying Americans got to keep millions more of their own earnings AND jobs were created?

That's awesome!!! Let's do that some more!!!

Umm those millions saved were primarily the rich's money. Also, those cuts greatly contributed to our national debt.
No..Too much discretionary spending and an unwillingness to curb increases in non-discretionary spending caused the increases in debt and deficit.
You re
...middle class and poor, why do they continue to support them? I just don't understand it. Why do republicans continue to be elected?

Trickle down economics has proven to be smoke screen. Bush's tax cuts pitifully created 4.6 jobs per million dollar cut. That's it. In Obama's first 4 years, twice as many jobs were created than in all of Bush's 8. According to the CBO, Obama's stimulus alone created over 2 million jobs that still exist to this day.

CBO: Stimulus Supports 2.9 Million Jobs Today | FDL News Desk

Obama’s Numbers, October Update

Here is a non partisan thorough look at what the stimulus accomplished which is staggering. It literally saved the country from another depression.

Was the Obama Stimulus a Success or a Failure? - NPQ - Nonprofit Quarterly

Here is WHY Obama's stimulus worked:

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

I just don't understand what republicans have to show for. Obama's tax cut for the middle class was the biggest since Reagan. Seriously what has any republican president since Reagan done that has benefitted the country as a whole?

It seems as though all the average joe republicans want to hear are flowery speeches about freedom and warm apple pie. They don't want to hear the truth which is that republicans have nothing to offer.

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

Thanks for the hilarious link. She cracks me up!
And yet you can't explain why she is wrong.

Sure I can, if I can stop laughing long enough.
How many errors should I point out?

As many as you can handle. Quit stalling.

Here's the best one:

Reductions in the tax rate actually hurts the economy. That's because every dollar in lost tax revenue only creates 59 cents in economic growth.

Creating growth of 59 cents while saving taxpayers $1 hurts the economy? ROFLMAO!!!
Of course for a socialist, more freedom, less money in the hands of the government and more money in the hands of the people is a bad think. So I can understand why she is against it.

You realize of course that every dollar lost in revenue is one more dollar we are in debt right?

You realize we should cut government spending, to eliminate that debt, right?

I do actually. However we also must increase revenue. Right now we are at 16% of the GDP. That is near the historic low.

You want to increase revenues? Eliminate idiotic regulations and the useless government agencies that write them. Start with Obamacare. Eliminate the Department of Energy. Eliminate the Department of Education.
Get rid of 85% of the EPA. Cut the corporate tax rate to 20% and eliminate stupid corporate welfare and green energy giveaways.
Revenues would sky rocket!
Perhaps Republicans keep getting elected because many people see that all Democratic policies seem to do as keep the poor where they are. Democrats seem very good at pushing policies that give the poor the basics but don't do anything to get them out of poverty the cynical out there might think that is so they can continue to claim to be the party of the poor and maintain that part of their voter base.
...middle class and poor, why do they continue to support them? I just don't understand it. Why do republicans continue to be elected?

Trickle down economics has proven to be smoke screen. Bush's tax cuts pitifully created 4.6 jobs per million dollar cut. That's it. In Obama's first 4 years, twice as many jobs were created than in all of Bush's 8. According to the CBO, Obama's stimulus alone created over 2 million jobs that still exist to this day.

CBO: Stimulus Supports 2.9 Million Jobs Today | FDL News Desk

Obama’s Numbers, October Update

Here is a non partisan thorough look at what the stimulus accomplished which is staggering. It literally saved the country from another depression.

Was the Obama Stimulus a Success or a Failure? - NPQ - Nonprofit Quarterly

Here is WHY Obama's stimulus worked:

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

I just don't understand what republicans have to show for. Obama's tax cut for the middle class was the biggest since Reagan. Seriously what has any republican president since Reagan done that has benefitted the country as a whole?

It seems as though all the average joe republicans want to hear are flowery speeches about freedom and warm apple pie. They don't want to hear the truth which is that republicans have nothing to offer.

Bush's tax cuts pitifully created 4.6 jobs per million dollar cut.

Are you saying Americans got to keep millions more of their own earnings AND jobs were created?

That's awesome!!! Let's do that some more!!!

Umm those millions saved were primarily the rich's money. Also, those cuts greatly contributed to our national debt.
No..Too much discretionary spending and an unwillingness to curb increases in non-discretionary spending caused the increases in debt and deficit.

US Debt by President

Read it. Bush's tax cuts have greatly increased the national debt.
You re
...middle class and poor, why do they continue to support them? I just don't understand it. Why do republicans continue to be elected?

Trickle down economics has proven to be smoke screen. Bush's tax cuts pitifully created 4.6 jobs per million dollar cut. That's it. In Obama's first 4 years, twice as many jobs were created than in all of Bush's 8. According to the CBO, Obama's stimulus alone created over 2 million jobs that still exist to this day.

CBO: Stimulus Supports 2.9 Million Jobs Today | FDL News Desk

Obama’s Numbers, October Update

Here is a non partisan thorough look at what the stimulus accomplished which is staggering. It literally saved the country from another depression.

Was the Obama Stimulus a Success or a Failure? - NPQ - Nonprofit Quarterly

Here is WHY Obama's stimulus worked:

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

I just don't understand what republicans have to show for. Obama's tax cut for the middle class was the biggest since Reagan. Seriously what has any republican president since Reagan done that has benefitted the country as a whole?

It seems as though all the average joe republicans want to hear are flowery speeches about freedom and warm apple pie. They don't want to hear the truth which is that republicans have nothing to offer.

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

Thanks for the hilarious link. She cracks me up!
And yet you can't explain why she is wrong.

Sure I can, if I can stop laughing long enough.
How many errors should I point out?

As many as you can handle. Quit stalling.

Here's the best one:

Reductions in the tax rate actually hurts the economy. That's because every dollar in lost tax revenue only creates 59 cents in economic growth.

Creating growth of 59 cents while saving taxpayers $1 hurts the economy? ROFLMAO!!!
Of course for a socialist, more freedom, less money in the hands of the government and more money in the hands of the people is a bad think. So I can understand why she is against it.

You realize of course that every dollar lost in revenue is one more dollar we are in debt right?

You realize we should cut government spending, to eliminate that debt, right?

I do actually. However we also must increase revenue. Right now we are at 16% of the GDP. That is near the historic low.

You want to increase revenues? Eliminate idiotic regulations and the useless government agencies that write them. Start with Obamacare. Eliminate the Department of Energy. Eliminate the Department of Education.
Get rid of 85% of the EPA. Cut the corporate tax rate to 20% and eliminate stupid corporate welfare and green energy giveaways.
Revenues would sky rocket!

You are arbitrarily throwing out numbers. You have no idea what the cost/benefit analysis of that would be.
"Hope and Change" is in it's 6th year and the radical left calls for Obama to state specific examples of how his party is supporting the middle class and the poor......Just kidding. You gotta laugh that the low information left wing jerks are doing what they always do ....acting like losers.
"Hope and Change" is in it's 6th year and the radical left calls for Obama to state specific examples of how his party is supporting the middle class and the poor......Just kidding. You gotta laugh that the low information left wing jerks are doing what they always do ....acting like losers.

As I said Obama is responsible for the biggest tax cut for the middle class since Reagan. He also pushed to raise the minimum wage.
"Hope and Change" is in it's 6th year and the radical left calls for Obama to state specific examples of how his party is supporting the middle class and the poor......Just kidding. You gotta laugh that the low information left wing jerks are doing what they always do ....acting like losers.

As I said Obama is responsible for the biggest tax cut for the middle class since Reagan. He also pushed to raise the minimum wage.

Both good moves. Too bad he is a racist and makes me sick in other areas. :(
The only jobs Obama created were government jobs paid for by confiscated taxpayer funds. Now we have double the useless government drones than we had during the Bush administration. The median income for a typical middle class family dropped 7% since Obama took office.

No 2 million private jobs were created. The proof is in the links. Try reading them.
Those links are horseshit. In neither link is any information that defines a "job"...
All we have to look at is the aggregate number of people actually classified as "working".
It is 20 million less than 10 years ago. Next, the Obama admin in it's parasitic undying hunger for political points and power decides the BLS figures are making it look bad. So they change the parameters.
People collecting unemployment are considered "working".
tell us some more jokes.
...middle class and poor, why do they continue to support them? I just don't understand it. Why do republicans continue to be elected?

Trickle down economics has proven to be smoke screen. Bush's tax cuts pitifully created 4.6 jobs per million dollar cut. That's it. In Obama's first 4 years, twice as many jobs were created than in all of Bush's 8. According to the CBO, Obama's stimulus alone created over 2 million jobs that still exist to this day.

CBO: Stimulus Supports 2.9 Million Jobs Today | FDL News Desk

Obama’s Numbers, October Update

Here is a non partisan thorough look at what the stimulus accomplished which is staggering. It literally saved the country from another depression.

Was the Obama Stimulus a Success or a Failure? - NPQ - Nonprofit Quarterly

Here is WHY Obama's stimulus worked:

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

I just don't understand what republicans have to show for. Obama's tax cut for the middle class was the biggest since Reagan. Seriously what has any republican president since Reagan done that has benefitted the country as a whole?

It seems as though all the average joe republicans want to hear are flowery speeches about freedom and warm apple pie. They don't want to hear the truth which is that republicans have nothing to offer.

Bush's tax cuts pitifully created 4.6 jobs per million dollar cut.

Are you saying Americans got to keep millions more of their own earnings AND jobs were created?

That's awesome!!! Let's do that some more!!!

Umm those millions saved were primarily the rich's money. Also, those cuts greatly contributed to our national debt.
No..Too much discretionary spending and an unwillingness to curb increases in non-discretionary spending caused the increases in debt and deficit.

US Debt by President

Read it. Bush's tax cuts have greatly increased the national debt.

Yes, Bush was a big spender. Obama is worse.
The only jobs Obama created were government jobs paid for by confiscated taxpayer funds. Now we have double the useless government drones than we had during the Bush administration. The median income for a typical middle class family dropped 7% since Obama took office.

No 2 million private jobs were created. The proof is in the links. Try reading them.
Those links are horseshit. In neither link is any information that defines a "job"...
All we have to look at is the aggregate number of people actually classified as "working".
It is 20 million less than 10 years ago. Next, the Obama admin in it's parasitic undying hunger for political points and power decides the BLS figures are making it look bad. So they change the parameters.
People collecting unemployment are considered "working".
tell us some more jokes.

The economy lost 8 million jobs. Obviously the effects of that are going to be traumatic.
You re
...middle class and poor, why do they continue to support them? I just don't understand it. Why do republicans continue to be elected?

Trickle down economics has proven to be smoke screen. Bush's tax cuts pitifully created 4.6 jobs per million dollar cut. That's it. In Obama's first 4 years, twice as many jobs were created than in all of Bush's 8. According to the CBO, Obama's stimulus alone created over 2 million jobs that still exist to this day.

CBO: Stimulus Supports 2.9 Million Jobs Today | FDL News Desk

Obama’s Numbers, October Update

Here is a non partisan thorough look at what the stimulus accomplished which is staggering. It literally saved the country from another depression.

Was the Obama Stimulus a Success or a Failure? - NPQ - Nonprofit Quarterly

Here is WHY Obama's stimulus worked:

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

I just don't understand what republicans have to show for. Obama's tax cut for the middle class was the biggest since Reagan. Seriously what has any republican president since Reagan done that has benefitted the country as a whole?

It seems as though all the average joe republicans want to hear are flowery speeches about freedom and warm apple pie. They don't want to hear the truth which is that republicans have nothing to offer.

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

Thanks for the hilarious link. She cracks me up!
And yet you can't explain why she is wrong.

Sure I can, if I can stop laughing long enough.
How many errors should I point out?

As many as you can handle. Quit stalling.

Here's the best one:

Reductions in the tax rate actually hurts the economy. That's because every dollar in lost tax revenue only creates 59 cents in economic growth.

Creating growth of 59 cents while saving taxpayers $1 hurts the economy? ROFLMAO!!!
Of course for a socialist, more freedom, less money in the hands of the government and more money in the hands of the people is a bad think. So I can understand why she is against it.

You realize of course that every dollar lost in revenue is one more dollar we are in debt right?

You realize we should cut government spending, to eliminate that debt, right?

I do actually. However we also must increase revenue. Right now we are at 16% of the GDP. That is near the historic low.

You want to increase revenues? Eliminate idiotic regulations and the useless government agencies that write them. Start with Obamacare. Eliminate the Department of Energy. Eliminate the Department of Education.
Get rid of 85% of the EPA. Cut the corporate tax rate to 20% and eliminate stupid corporate welfare and green energy giveaways.
Revenues would sky rocket!

You are arbitrarily throwing out numbers. You have no idea what the cost/benefit analysis of that would be.

I could find the money we'd save. And you'd whine about it.
Obama and
...middle class and poor, why do they continue to support them? I just don't understand it. Why do republicans continue to be elected?

Trickle down economics has proven to be smoke screen. Bush's tax cuts pitifully created 4.6 jobs per million dollar cut. That's it. In Obama's first 4 years, twice as many jobs were created than in all of Bush's 8. According to the CBO, Obama's stimulus alone created over 2 million jobs that still exist to this day.

CBO: Stimulus Supports 2.9 Million Jobs Today | FDL News Desk

Obama’s Numbers, October Update

Here is a non partisan thorough look at what the stimulus accomplished which is staggering. It literally saved the country from another depression.

Was the Obama Stimulus a Success or a Failure? - NPQ - Nonprofit Quarterly

Here is WHY Obama's stimulus worked:

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

I just don't understand what republicans have to show for. Obama's tax cut for the middle class was the biggest since Reagan. Seriously what has any republican president since Reagan done that has benefitted the country as a whole?

It seems as though all the average joe republicans want to hear are flowery speeches about freedom and warm apple pie. They don't want to hear the truth which is that republicans have nothing to offer.

Bush's tax cuts pitifully created 4.6 jobs per million dollar cut.

Are you saying Americans got to keep millions more of their own earnings AND jobs were created?

That's awesome!!! Let's do that some more!!!

Umm those millions saved were primarily the rich's money. Also, those cuts greatly contributed to our national debt.
No..Too much discretionary spending and an unwillingness to curb increases in non-discretionary spending caused the increases in debt and deficit.

US Debt by President

Read it. Bush's tax cuts have greatly increased the national debt.

Yes, Bush was a big spender. Obama is worse.
Obama and Bush have spent at the same rate.

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