If Romney wins..............


conscientia mille testes
Jun 17, 2010
-Those who took members to task for excoriating Obama repeatedly on the economy, will now excoriate Romney in the same fashion, I give it a month.

-Those who here to fore defended or remained silent as to Obama policies, like; Exec. Orders, recess appointments etc. will now trash Romney for doing same.

-Anything under 7.9% unemployment will now become horrible; 7.2, 6.5, 5.4% etc.. The clamor for reductions will start almost immediately, and approx. 150K jobs a month, anything outside of that should be cheered as gravy but it won't be. ( personally I see the UE rate climbing to 10.0% sometime next summer or winter btw)

-Gas prices over $2 or so will now become one more awful as the responsibility shifts to the gop/ pres. as folks who previously held the Pres. cannot really effect gasoline price(s) will perform a 180.

-The Bush tax cuts will now flip back to being all, all for the rich……contrary to a meme used during Bushs term ( forgotten/unremarked upon when Obama signed an extension in 2010), in the face of claims now that they will if allowed to expire, crush the middle class again, in short that stance will perform a triple back flip.

-Any growth under 3, 3.5% GDP will now become simply awful, the new norm is sub 3% growth but the patience with that will disappear quickly.

-And Romney’s first budget will be a whopper, as we have not had one for 3 years and obama has ratcheted spending to 23% of GDP, its going to take time to wind that back ( AND remembering too, there is no 'cloture' hurdle when it comes to striking a budget btw) to the traditional 17-18%....( bush never deserved a pass on that either)

If the senate goes to the gop -

-Filibusters will now become fashionable again and simply constitutional mechanism used to prevent the majority from running over the minority. Remembering that for one complete session there were NO filibusters as the dems had the numbers to evoke cloture absent any gop votes i.e. the Christmas Eve 2009 ObamaCare vote. ( personally I think these 'play' filibusters where in the dems and reps have made deals that only need threaten one, absent having to actually follow thru and hold the floor etc. are BS btw)

If the status of the house stays the same ( in gop hands ) and the senate remains in Dem. hands;

-the talk of a doing nothing congress will disappear though nothing will have changed, democratic intransigence via a dem. senate blocking bills etc. will now be seen as judicious defense of the republic against vile machinations of the gop.

Changes in the media;

-Issues/policies that occurred in the Obama admin. that have been relegated to the deeper pages of the major print media and to 20 second snippets on the networks etc. will make their way forward to front, or page 2-3 and become major leads in the nightly news. The media will now become very interested in issues/policies they have been given short shrift.

-Then of course, the Race card, god knows how that will be cast. But it will.
wow, that's really going out on a limb

the out of power party will complain about the party in power

did not see that coming
It's called the transfer of excuses. It's an American institution, like apple pie or something.
The best part of a Romney win is all the people that hate me for calling Obama out on his civil rights record will love me when I call Romney out for the same thing.
-Those who took members to task for excoriating Obama repeatedly on the economy, will now excoriate Romney in the same fashion, I give it a month.

-Those who here to fore defended or remained silent as to Obama policies, like; Exec. Orders, recess appointments etc. will now trash Romney for doing same.

-Anything under 7.9% unemployment will now become horrible; 7.2, 6.5, 5.4% etc.. The clamor for reductions will start almost immediately, and approx. 150K jobs a month, anything outside of that should be cheered as gravy but it won't be. ( personally I see the UE rate climbing to 10.0% sometime next summer or winter btw)

-Gas prices over $2 or so will now become one more awful as the responsibility shifts to the gop/ pres. as folks who previously held the Pres. cannot really effect gasoline price(s) will perform a 180.

-The Bush tax cuts will now flip back to being all, all for the rich……contrary to a meme used during Bushs term ( forgotten/unremarked upon when Obama signed an extension in 2010), in the face of claims now that they will if allowed to expire, crush the middle class again, in short that stance will perform a triple back flip.

-Any growth under 3, 3.5% GDP will now become simply awful, the new norm is sub 3% growth but the patience with that will disappear quickly.

-And Romney’s first budget will be a whopper, as we have not had one for 3 years and obama has ratcheted spending to 23% of GDP, its going to take time to wind that back ( AND remembering too, there is no 'cloture' hurdle when it comes to striking a budget btw) to the traditional 17-18%....( bush never deserved a pass on that either)

If the senate goes to the gop -

-Filibusters will now become fashionable again and simply constitutional mechanism used to prevent the majority from running over the minority. Remembering that for one complete session there were NO filibusters as the dems had the numbers to evoke cloture absent any gop votes i.e. the Christmas Eve 2009 ObamaCare vote. ( personally I think these 'play' filibusters where in the dems and reps have made deals that only need threaten one, absent having to actually follow thru and hold the floor etc. are BS btw)

If the status of the house stays the same ( in gop hands ) and the senate remains in Dem. hands;

-the talk of a doing nothing congress will disappear though nothing will have changed, democratic intransigence via a dem. senate blocking bills etc. will now be seen as judicious defense of the republic against vile machinations of the gop.

Changes in the media;

-Issues/policies that occurred in the Obama admin. that have been relegated to the deeper pages of the major print media and to 20 second snippets on the networks etc. will make their way forward to front, or page 2-3 and become major leads in the nightly news. The media will now become very interested in issues/policies they have been given short shrift.

-Then of course, the Race card, god knows how that will be cast. But it will.

Bookmarked for Posterity....:lol:
The martian X called and said the choice this time is simple, X noted that he hadn't a clue who Romney even was as every time he saw him he changed. X was confused over Romney's war stance give his vacation in Paris during Nam.

X thought Ryan a cute smiley HS sophomore who used Social Security but then after having read Ayn Rand changed his values. X thinks with a depth of mind like that America better stay away from the fool. http://www.usmessageboard.com/congress/63125-a-martian-votes-on-tuesday.html
All I would hope is that people lose with some dignity and respect. But there's a couple thousand lawyers on retainer with lunches packed so that's not going to happen.
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Same shit different pile...Mitt will be at least as evil but he will bring a surreal Mike Brady element to it all that should prove amusing as hell...Obama is a boring arch villian

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