If Rush or Sean Would Have Said This......

do you really think that either of the national parties wants to claim David Duke or that they espouse any of his racist beliefs?

(besides the fact that your senate majority leader DID say we'd be a better country today if we had elected an avowed racist, that is :) )

YOU were the one who brought David Dukes party affiliation into this debate.

If you are claiming a quote by someone, its YOUR responsability to provide the link you idiot. Im not doing your homework for you. Im stating right here and now, that he never stated word for word what you claim he did.
YOU were the one who brought David Dukes party affiliation into this debate.

If you are claiming a quote by someone, its YOUR responsability to provide the link you idiot. Im not doing your homework for you. Im stating right here and now, that he never stated word for word what you claim he did.

If I had claimed that Lott had stated anything "word for word", I would have placed quotation marks around the words, moron. I am saying that stated that America would be a better country today if we had elected Strom Thurmond president in 1948. Now if you would care to disprove that assertion of mine, you are more than welcome to try.

I'll wait.
if you would provide a link to my statement wherein I called your wife a whore, I would gladly apologize. But...since I never SAID that, I have no intention of apologizing for it.

For those that arent aware: A "bar fine" in the Philippines is the amount a prostitute is paid to have sex for a night (usuallly they spend the night with them in a hotel) with a guy.
First we know he was talking about the Philippines because he mentioned two cities there.
And there is absolutely NO OTHER well known or even maybe rarely used idiom using those two words in the Filipino culture.
Universally, and well known in the Philippines, if you ask someone how much the girls bar fine is, you are asking how much she charges for sex. There is no other explanation for it.

Yellowdog Democrat Posts: 3,329
Rep Points 2279
Rep Power: 26

Originally Posted by LuvRPgrl
You reallly ;have a bad habit of putting words in people mouths. No wonder you think you always win any arguement, hell, you are arguing for both sides.

Post #42 by MAINEMAN:

The Democrats are represented by a lot of small interest groups. NONE of them come close to making a majority

oh, and by the way, what was her bar fine

Now ladies and gentlemen, you will witness a miracle here, someone entering the vacusphere of the spinning zone.

Oh, by the way, you could simply apologize.
If I had claimed that Lott had stated anything "word for word", I would have placed quotation marks around the words, moron. I am saying that stated that America would be a better country today if we had elected Strom Thurmond president in 1948. Now if you would care to disprove that assertion of mine, you are more than welcome to try.

I'll wait.

"DISPROVE" SOMETHING someone said???? Classic.
If I had claimed that Lott had stated anything "word for word", I would have placed quotation marks around the words, moron. I am saying that stated that America would be a better country today if we had elected Strom Thurmond president in 1948. Now if you would care to disprove that assertion of mine, you are more than welcome to try.

I'll wait.

You are always screaming for RSR to provide proof. Just another time you are being a hypocrite. It has been proven numerous times here.

Now, you are the one responsable for providing a T Lott link. Let those who care to, have a link so we can read for ourselves and determine if his statement even resembles your claim.
You are always screaming for RSR to provide proof. Just another time you are being a hypocrite. It has been proven numerous times here.

Now, you are the one responsable for providing a T Lott link. Let those who care to, have a link so we can read for ourselves and determine if his statement even resembles your claim.

actually...I am screaming for RSR to quit cutting and pasting and use his own words.


from that link:

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Incoming Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott issued a written apology Monday evening over his comment that the United States would have avoided "all these problems" if then-segregationist Strom Thurmond had been elected president in 1948.

"A poor choice of words conveyed to some the impression that I embraced the discarded policies of the past," Lott said. "Nothing could be further from the truth, and I apologize to anyone who was offended by my statement."

Lott, R-Mississippi, made the comment Thursday on Capitol Hill during a 100th birthday celebration for Thurmond, who is retiring next month after nearly 48 years in the Senate. The comment was broadcast live on C-SPAN.

"I want to say this about my state: When Strom Thurmond ran for president, we voted for him. We're proud of it. And if the rest of the country had followed our lead, we wouldn't have had all these problems over all these years, either," Lott said at last week's party.

Thurmond ran as the presidential nominee of the breakaway Dixiecrat Party in the 1948 presidential race against Democrat Harry Truman and Republican Thomas Dewey. He carried Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi and his home state of South Carolina, of which he was governor at the time.

During the campaign, he said, "All the laws of Washington and all the bayonets of the Army cannot force the Negro into our homes, our schools, our churches."
Thurmond's party ran under a platform that declared in part, "We stand for the segregation of the races and the racial integrity of each race."

And Trent was PROUD that his state voted for a guy who believed that..... and you want to say that expressing that belief, that if America had all followed the lead of those racist southern states, that we would NOT have had all those problems...that is NOT a racist remark?

What color IS the fucking sky in YOUR world?
"I want to say this about my state: When Strom Thurmond ran for president, we voted for him. We're proud of it. And if the rest of the country had followed our lead, we wouldn't have had all these problems over all these years, either," Lott said at last week's party.

So where is the racism?

Unlike here, where the racism is clear

During a meeting Friday with the Democratic black caucus, Dean praised black Democrats for their work for the party, then questioned Republicans’ ability to rally support from minorities.

“You think the Republican National Committee could get this many people of color in a single room?,” Dean asked to laughter. “Only if they had the hotel staff in here.”
so where is the racism? if America had voted for a guy who stood firmly for the separation of the races, we wouldn't ahve had all those "problems"?
Only to MM

tryin to make a dying old man feel better is racist

calling blacks the hotel staff is not
Only to MM

tryin to make a dying old man feel better is racist

calling blacks the hotel staff is not

like I have said and you have never refuted, his INTENT is not the issue. He could have found a lot of nice things to say about Strom that did not express his belief that America would be better today if we had elected a racist as president.
like I have said and you have never refuted, his INTENT is not the issue. He could have found a lot of nice things to say about Strom that did not express his belief that America would be better today if we had elected a racist as president.

Libs will find racism in any comment made by a Republican

and ignore those made by Dems - even when the racism is clear
Only a liberal moonbat would see racism in Lott's statement and none in Dean's

where have I ever said that there was no racism in dean's statements?

I have never condoned dean's remarks whatsoever.

YOu, on the other hand, HAVE condoned Lott's remarks
where have I ever said that there was no racism in dean's statements?

I have never condoned dean's remarks whatsoever.

YOu, on the other hand, HAVE condoned Lott's remarks

I do not remember seeing you call for him to step down from his position as leader of your party

Must have missed that post
You said that I condoned Dean's remarks. I have never done so.

I said that YOU condoned Lott's remarks. YOu have repeatedly done so.
You said that I condoned Dean's remarks. I have never done so.

I said that YOU condoned Lott's remarks. YOu have repeatedly done so.

Oh I undersatnd your "thought" process

Repubicans make a racist statement (real or not) they have to go

Dems make a REAL racist statement, you do not "condone" the statement but they keep their job

Typical double standard libs are famous for
Oh I undersatnd your "thought" process

Repubicans make a racist statement (real or not) they have to go

Dems make a REAL racist statement, you do not "condone" the statement but they keep their job

Typical double standard libs are famous for

I never called for Lott to resign his senate seat or even his leadership role AND.... I never condoned Dean's remarks....YOU condone Lott's remarks and do not call for any action against him at all, yet YOU demand that a political party that you are not even a member of fire it's national chairman.

your thought process is the one that is convoluted here...certainly not mine.

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